"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.
Which proved....NOTHING.....CHECK from personal account, NOTHING to tie it to campaign.....another lose post!

It's corroboration. Perhaps the signatories can shed some light on them while under oath.
Only in DEATHRATS minds...proof?
Congressman Jordan PWNS the clueless Clinton stooge Cohen.

Cohen is a Clinton stooge? When did Cohen work for Clinton?

Who is Cohen lawyer Davis a CLINTON 25 year associate!....Love how stupid Deranged is!

Clinton never went to jail no matter how Republicans tried.

And no matter how they lied. I would want the best. Wouldn’t you?

Oh wait, no, you want Trump, clearly not the best.

when she owned the DOJ and FBI, why would she? hmmmm that was stupid.
Obviously Cohen was told he would get a lighter sentence if his testimony leads to Trump's impeachment. It won't.

Probably not, no. On the other hand his three years would massively expand if he lies at this point, with all the evidence Mueller and the SDNY has. So while he has no incentive to lie he has buckets of incentive not to.
They want him to say Trump committed crimes (whether it's true or not).

Regardless what "they want", if he makes shit up it puts him up shit's creek. And that's a way bigger incentive than "what they want". "What they want" doesn't result in added jail time.

I'm thinkin' maybe that's why they invented jail time. And negotiating it for rat info.
So a bitter 4 felony convicted criminal on his way to prison bad mouths his ex boss.

Yep, sounds like grounds for impeachment to me. ... :rolleyes:

His"boss" was directly involved in one of those felonies, dope.
Directly involved? No. Cohen simply lied/misinformed as to how long he worked on the possible joint venture building project in Russia. Read the plea deal. And, by the way, he needn’t have lied, as doing business in Russia is not against the law.
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union
In total there are almost 3,000 American companies in Russia, and the U.S. is also the leader in terms of foreign companies in Special Economic Zones, with 11 projects.

American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About?
Aug 03, 2016 · American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About? Kenneth Rapoza ... Boeing and the Ural Federal University for joint research and developmentprojects.

I'm talking about the payment and campaign finance violation, dope.
Talking about Blow Job Clinton.....LOLOLOL
you have something bad to say about BJ's?
Apparently YOU need to do more!
Apparently YOU need to do more!


How Michael Cohen broke campaign finance law

He's convicted of it, dope.
Wrong ...tax fraud and lying to congresd
Wish you wouldn't talk about Melenia that way
Talking about Blow Job Clinton.....LOLOLOL
you have something bad to say about BJ's?
Apparently YOU need to do more!
Apparently YOU need to do more!


How Michael Cohen broke campaign finance law

Translation: Poisoning the Well. Or in emotionia, :lalala:

"A poor workman blames his tools".
This is the exact reason why the powerful and connected are rarely held accountable for their actions. People don’t care as long as they agree with their politics. Fucking fools.
So a bitter 4 felony convicted criminal on his way to prison bad mouths his ex boss.

Yep, sounds like grounds for impeachment to me. ... :rolleyes:

His"boss" was directly involved in one of those felonies, dope.
Directly involved? No. Cohen simply lied/misinformed as to how long he worked on the possible joint venture building project in Russia. Read the plea deal. And, by the way, he needn’t have lied, as doing business in Russia is not against the law.
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union
In total there are almost 3,000 American companies in Russia, and the U.S. is also the leader in terms of foreign companies in Special Economic Zones, with 11 projects.

American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About?
Aug 03, 2016 · American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About? Kenneth Rapoza ... Boeing and the Ural Federal University for joint research and developmentprojects.

I'm talking about the payment and campaign finance violation, dope.
Stormy Daniels Ordered to Pay Trump $293000 in Legal Fees
The New York Times

Dec 11, 2018 · A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the pornographic film actress Stormy Daniels to pay President Trump about $293,000 in legal fees
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Insurance fraud
Bank fraud
Campaign finance laws
Money laundering
Lying on his written answers to Mueller

That’s just what we found out today. And financial crimes have a 10 year statute of limitations, not 5 years. As for the others, if Mueller indeed has filed a sealed indictment Trump cannot run out the clock.

Just let us know when we can start getting comfortable with the thought of a President Pence and HIS appointment for Ginsburg's seat!
Pence was chosen as VP because of Manifort’s influence. He basically picked him and convinced Trump to choose him. We’ll find out why. Pence also, as head of the transition team, knew about Flynn’s treason yet did nothing, and lied about it to FoxNews and everyone else.

I’m not worried about Pence. Mueller has all the receipts.
Talking about Blow Job Clinton.....LOLOLOL
you have something bad to say about BJ's?
Apparently YOU need to do more!
Apparently YOU need to do more!


How Michael Cohen broke campaign finance law

Translation: Poisoning the Well. Or in emotionia, :lalala:

"A poor workman blames his tools".

Pog YOU are a tool, a useless one....ROTFLMFAO
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Insurance fraud
Bank fraud
Campaign finance laws
Money laundering
Lying on his written answers to Mueller

That’s just what we found out today. And financial crimes have a 10 year statute of limitations, not 5 years. As for the others, if Mueller indeed has filed a sealed indictment Trump cannot run out the clock.
In the various post mortems I've been reading, it sounds like Cohen didn't provide anything directly actionable, but did plant enough of a seed that further investigations based on his testimony may end up yielding something that could stick legally.

He provided documents and names of other potential witnesses. He revealed quite a lot.
And they didn't check those people....more lies
And they didn't check those people....more lies

The "check" comes in the form of future sworn testimony. Good luck with that, comrade.
We are on the road to impeachment!

Probably, but not removal.
Good. Because Republicans are going to get slam dunked during the next election. Working to keep a criminal in office. Clinton lied about getting a BJ. Trump lied about criminal activity. A BJ is not criminal activity.
You have to admit though, it is hilarious that Republicans insist that Clinton’s BJ was way worse than trumps criminal activity.
But LYING to a court got him disbarred
trump can't go to court ,,,will tell so many lies they might execute him
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.
But there is no proof that the check is actually a reimbursement check that's just his word against Trump's
Obviously Cohen was told he would get a lighter sentence if his testimony leads to Trump's impeachment. It won't.

Probably not, no. On the other hand his three years would massively expand if he lies at this point, with all the evidence Mueller and the SDNY has. So while he has no incentive to lie he has buckets of incentive not to.
They want him to say Trump committed crimes (whether it's true or not).

Regardless what "they want", if he makes shit up it puts him up shit's creek. And that's a way bigger incentive than "what they want". "What they want" doesn't result in added jail time.

I'm thinkin' maybe that's why they invented jail time. And negotiating it for rat info.
and yet he lied. how fking stupid can one ex-lawyer be? did you want a job in the WH.....No. too fking funny. There are so many people who will testify against that one right there. How fking stupid can one man be? I tell you.
So a bitter 4 felony convicted criminal on his way to prison bad mouths his ex boss.

Yep, sounds like grounds for impeachment to me. ... :rolleyes:

His"boss" was directly involved in one of those felonies, dope.
Directly involved? No. Cohen simply lied/misinformed as to how long he worked on the possible joint venture building project in Russia. Read the plea deal. And, by the way, he needn’t have lied, as doing business in Russia is not against the law.
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union
In total there are almost 3,000 American companies in Russia, and the U.S. is also the leader in terms of foreign companies in Special Economic Zones, with 11 projects.

American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About?
Aug 03, 2016 · American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About? Kenneth Rapoza ... Boeing and the Ural Federal University for joint research and developmentprojects.

I'm talking about the payment and campaign finance violation, dope.
that was a rule 35 add. go look up rule 35. he pleaded guilty for a lighter sentence on campaign finance claim, that wasn't illegal. Rule 35.

Rule 35. Correcting or Reducing a Sentence

"(b) Reducing a Sentence for Substantial Assistance.

(1) In General. Upon the government's motion made within one year of sentencing, the court may reduce a sentence if the defendant, after sentencing, provided substantial assistance in investigating or prosecuting another person.

(2) Later Motion. Upon the government's motion made more than one year after sentencing, the court may reduce a sentence if the defendant's substantial assistance involved:

(A) information not known to the defendant until one year or more after sentencing;

(B) information provided by the defendant to the government within one year of sentencing, but which did not become useful to the government until more than one year after sentencing; or

(C) information the usefulness of which could not reasonably have been anticipated by the defendant until more than one year after sentencing and which was promptly provided to the government after its usefulness was reasonably apparent to the defendant."
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.
Which proved....NOTHING.....CHECK from personal account, NOTHING to tie it to campaign.....another lose post!

It's corroboration. Perhaps the signatories can shed some light on them while under oath.
No, it is a BS statement from a convicted LIAR....ROTFLMFAO

We'll find out in future testimony.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Insurance fraud
Bank fraud
Campaign finance laws
Money laundering
Lying on his written answers to Mueller

That’s just what we found out today. And financial crimes have a 10 year statute of limitations, not 5 years. As for the others, if Mueller indeed has filed a sealed indictment Trump cannot run out the clock.
In the various post mortems I've been reading, it sounds like Cohen didn't provide anything directly actionable, but did plant enough of a seed that further investigations based on his testimony may end up yielding something that could stick legally.
Bingo! that is actually all the Democrats wanted just a reason to do more investigating
Obviously Cohen was told he would get a lighter sentence if his testimony leads to Trump's impeachment. It won't.

Probably not, no. On the other hand his three years would massively expand if he lies at this point, with all the evidence Mueller and the SDNY has. So while he has no incentive to lie he has buckets of incentive not to.
Cohen can get his sentence reduced IF HE IS HELPFUL TO THE PROSECUTION. Lying to them and Congress will hurt, not help the prosecution.

Wingnuts here either have their head in the sand or, like Meister, are just too damn stupid.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.
But there is no proof that the check is actually a reimbursement check that's just his word against Trump's

There's also no proof it's a "retainer for services". Which is why they can't show a retainer agreement. There isn't one.

Now if you're putting out a steady stream of $35000 checks, eleven or whatever it is, that's going to raise questions about what that''s for. At the very minimum with IRS. If that's a retainer fee, fine, show the contract. If not --- what is it?

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