"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

Nobody lies more than Trump ya dunce. Cohen has receipts!

Which merely show that he worked for Trump and Trump paid his bills. Unless there is direct evidence, they are useless.
Which merely show that he worked for Trump and Trump paid his bills. Unless there is direct evidence, they are useless
Turnip logic.
Yes. Specifically the "bill" that Cohen was convicted of paying at Trump's request. That makes trump a felon as well, dope.
Obviously Cohen was told he would get a lighter sentence if his testimony leads to Trump's impeachment. It won't.

Probably not, no. On the other hand his three years would massively expand if he lies at this point, with all the evidence Mueller and the SDNY has. So while he has no incentive to lie he has buckets of incentive not to.
They want him to say Trump committed crimes (whether it's true or not).
Nah, it is the left that has been throwing that out. Pay more attention-
Mueller Is Telling Us: He’s Got Trump on Collusion 2018
Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018? 2017
Trump, GOP try to flip the script on Russia collusion - CNNPolitics 2017
Trump collusion with Russia. What we know so far 2017
Let’s Say Trump Is Actually Innocent. He’s Still Profoundly Incompetent and Destructive. 2019

Much, much more on search
trump collusion at DuckDuckGo

I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
Collusion is a fake term that wingnuts hang everything on because fake terms have fake consequences.

It’s conspiracy, not collusion.
He will say what ever he needs to say to avoid the consequences of his actions. He is after all an attorney, and like seasoned beltway politicians when their lips are moving their lying.

he has already faced the consequences of his actions. he is going to jail. Nothing he says today has any impact on that whatsoever.
Nothing he says today has any impact on that whatsoever.


If he's caught lying again, will that affect his sentence?

Exactly. Mueller has already shown his willingness to charge for lying to congress. Further lying would almost certainly mean more time.
Cohen suckering Congress into having this circus show is all part of making his upcoming book and movie deal more lucrative. And those stupid Democrats fell for it. Suckers!
And no telling how much more he was offered for his appearance by those ‘publishers’.
Would depend upon the actual judge in his case....
Michael Cohen case is being heard by Judge Kimba Wood — aka the 'Love Judge'
The judge hearing the legal fight between federal investigators and the President Trump lawyer who inked a hush agreement with a porn star knows her way around Playboy Playmates and a steamy scandal.

Judge Kimba Wood, the brilliant legal mind who has served in Manhattan Federal Court since 1988 and was once nominated for the U.S. Attorney General post, briefly worked at a Playboy casino in 1966.

But her flirtation with Hugh Hefner's bunny biz pales in comparison to an extramarital affair she allegedly had in the 1990s that became tabloid fodder.

Wood was dubbed the "Love Judge" in 1995 when the soon-to-be ex-wife of a multimillionaire Wall Street financier found his diary, which was filled with passionate prose about his trysts with the jurist.

Moneyman Frank Richardson gushed about the time he spent with Wood, describing her as "absolutely wonderful, very intelligent, a complete woman and able to give love wonderfully and freely."

The illicit romance began in the spring of that year with dinners at ritzy restaurants and weekend getaways at Wood's country home. At the time, Kimba was married to a Time magazine columnist but the two were about to divorce.

Richardson — who was worth an estimated $157 million at the time — wrote in superlatives about the judge, even describing one fireside rendezvous at the country home as "beautiful an eight hours as I have spent in my life."

He and Wood married in 1999.

Legal eagles have also praised Wood, who graduated from Harvard Law School and earned a master's degree from the London School of Economics.

While a student in England, she worked for a week at a Playboy casino, training as a croupier. But she quit because she thought the gig was silly.

Even before the affair, Wood has made headlines as a tough judge presiding over cases involving high-profile defendants, including "Junk Bond King" Michael Milken.

In 1993 President Bill Clinton nominated her to become the first female Attorney General. But she withdrew from the nomination after the White House learned she had hired an undocumented immigrant as a baby-sitter.

Wood, who was Clinton's second choice for AG post, didn't break the law employing the nanny and in fact paid the woman's taxes. But the White House asked her to withdraw because her situation was similar to Clinton's first AG nomination, Zoe Baird.

Seems a connection with no other than the Clinton’s.
He will say what ever he needs to say to avoid the consequences of his actions. He is after all an attorney, and like seasoned beltway politicians when their lips are moving their lying.

he has already faced the consequences of his actions. he is going to jail. Nothing he says today has any impact on that whatsoever.
Nothing he says today has any impact on that whatsoever.


If he's caught lying again, will that affect his sentence?
That Cohen outright admitted to coordinating his opening remarks with Cummings, Adam Schiff and other congressional DemonRATS

Bullshit. Anyone testifying before Congress talks to them ahead of time to lay out the parameters of what was going to be discussed...especially considering the fact that investigations are ongoing and could not be brought up in open hearings.

There was no scripting or anything of the sort. Shame on Jordan for making that accusation. He knows better.

Maybe he ought to go back to allowing high school kids to be sexually assaulted
Prove he didn't coordinate with the DEATHRATS...I can wait....ROTFLMFSO....Fucking believes ANYTHING that would be against the POTUS....Anti-American prick
Cohen testimony was ‘bombshell that didn’t explode.

Obvious staged, fake Bullshit.

Cohen admitted he “collude” with the Rats before the show.

Also like to point out that Cohen isn’t going to jail for violating campaign finance laws but for “defrauding on his taxes.” --- Something the media conveniently leaves out!
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Campaign-finance laws are about “a thing of value“.
When Trump squashed the information about his intimacies with porn stars and playboy bunnies by paying them and threatening them then he’s keeping information away from the American people that could change the outcome of the election. A thing of value.
And he did it to change the election. And then he created shell companies to secretly pay them so they couldn’t trace the money back to Donald Trump.
Keeping this information from the American people is a felony. Because it changed the outcome of an election. And that’s only the most obvious one. There’s all the ethical stuff too, that they barely looked at.

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Campaign finance law infringements are a painless wrist slap for candidates. Duhhh!

Except Cohen has been convicted of it, dope.
He's named Trump as a co conspirator. He provided the reimbursement checks as evidence.
Which proved....NOTHING.....CHECK from personal account, NOTHING to tie it to campaign.....another lose post!
In case you forgot what happened in 2016, please watch this video, we won't need candles or cults in 2020

Lots of "poorly educated" and naive people voted for Trump in 2016.......NOW, after 2 2fucking years of screw-ups some......except for those who have joined the Trump Cult, like you.......realized what a MISTAKE they made........Check out how "well" your orange clown is doing in MI, PA, WI, etc....

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high

Yeah, big mistake.

U.S. consumer confidence jumps as current views hit 18-year high


Trump cult members will bestow upon their cult leader all of the good economic news.......Yet, such morons fail to see how our economy was improving since 2011-2012.........Besides, if your ONLY gauge of "happiness" is "consumer confidence" you're a fucking idiot.

Perception is everything. Besides, according to economists, we were entering a recession at the end of 2016.


Show us the recession, dope.
Cohen has been put in a shitty place.

Were John Gotti's lawyers raided by federal agents?

How about Al Capone's?

Can anyone tell me who has EVER had their lawyer's house RAIDED by US agents in order to get evidence against someone who was under investigation?

Even the soviets didn't do that shit.

Why is that overlooked here?

If you were on trial or just being investigated and the prosecutors RAIDED your lawyer's office, you'd think a judge would lose his shit over that sort of thing...


If a lawyer participates in crimes, he is a criminal. It's not that complicated.

Do you even know what he was found guilty of? Mostly tax evasion for his own personal Taxi company that had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign. The only thing he was found guilty of that had anything remotely to do with Trump was he was found guilty of “falsely indicating” a loan was obtained for a “retainer”. That’s it.

Do you even know what he was found guilty of? Mostly tax evasion for his own personal Taxi company that had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign. The only thing he was found guilty of that had anything remotely to do with Trump was he was found guilty of “falsely indicating” a loan was obtained for a “retainer”. That’s it.

^Completely clueless.

Live: Michael Cohen pleads guilty to 8 counts - CNNPolitics
these jerks have nothing except bashing the messenger and the hell with the evidence,,,,,that's how republicans roll
You know, I suspect he did and I really don't care. I agree with you, he's lying.
Oh well

Do you realize that it is illegal?

Do you still not care?
Shame on her for being a gold digging bitch to boot!
Wish you wouldn't talk about Melenia that way
Talking about Blow Job Clinton.....LOLOLOL
you have something bad to say about BJ's?
Apparently YOU need to do more!
Apparently YOU need to do more!


How Michael Cohen broke campaign finance law
Do you realize that it is illegal?

Do you still not care?
Shame on her for being a gold digging bitch to boot!
Wish you wouldn't talk about Melenia that way
Talking about Blow Job Clinton.....LOLOLOL
you have something bad to say about BJ's?
Apparently YOU need to do more!
Apparently YOU need to do more!


How Michael Cohen broke campaign finance law
So a bitter 4 felony convicted criminal on his way to prison bad mouths his ex boss.

Yep, sounds like grounds for impeachment to me. ... :rolleyes:

His"boss" was directly involved in one of those felonies, dope.
Directly involved? No. Cohen simply lied/misinformed as to how long he worked on the possible joint venture building project in Russia. Read the plea deal. And, by the way, he needn’t have lied, as doing business in Russia is not against the law.
AMERICAN COMPANIES OPERATING IN RUSSIA | Association of Accredited Public Policy Advocates to the European Union
In total there are almost 3,000 American companies in Russia, and the U.S. is also the leader in terms of foreign companies in Special Economic Zones, with 11 projects.

American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About?
Aug 03, 2016 · American Companies Thriving In Russia: Is There Something To Be Ashamed About? Kenneth Rapoza ... Boeing and the Ural Federal University for joint research and developmentprojects.

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