"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

Cohen has been put in a shitty place.

Were John Gotti's lawyers raided by federal agents?

How about Al Capone's?

Can anyone tell me who has EVER had their lawyer's house RAIDED by US agents in order to get evidence against someone who was under investigation?

Even the soviets didn't do that shit.

Why is that overlooked here?

If you were on trial or just being investigated and the prosecutors RAIDED your lawyer's office, you'd think a judge would lose his shit over that sort of thing...


If a lawyer participates in crimes, he is a criminal. It's not that complicated.

Do you even know what he was found guilty of? Mostly tax evasion for his own personal Taxi company that had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign. The only thing he was found guilty of that had anything remotely to do with Trump was he was found guilty of “falsely indicating” a loan was obtained for a “retainer”. That’s it.

Do you know Trump and Jay Sekulow conspired with Cohen to lie to congress?

False. Another baseless claim by Cohen. Thought we were talking about actual convictions here. Nice try to deflect.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Insurance fraud
Bank fraud
Campaign finance laws
Money laundering
Lying on his written answers to Mueller

That’s just what we found out today. And financial crimes have a 10 year statute of limitations, not 5 years. As for the others, if Mueller indeed has filed a sealed indictment Trump cannot run out the clock.

Just let us know when we can start getting comfortable with the thought of a President Pence and HIS appointment for Ginsburg's seat!
Pay close attention: Trump paid off the Bimbo in order to avoid marital strife,

3 weeks before an election and 10 years after the event occurred.

But he didnt lay out $850k to A women he raped as Blow Job Billy did...consent....do you know what that means?

Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Clinton, here is a clue for ewe. Bill Clinton has not been in office for over 18years. Ewe can surely do better, can't ewe?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
When did he become a sleaze?
That's like asking when you became an asshole. Who knows? Who cares? You're an asshole now.
Pay close attention: Trump paid off the Bimbo in order to avoid marital strife,

3 weeks before an election and 10 years after the event occurred.

But he didnt lay out $850k to A women he raped as Blow Job Billy did...consent....do you know what that means?

Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Clinton, here is a clue for ewe. Bill Clinton has not been in office for over 18years. Ewe can surely do better, can't ewe?
Just goes to show everyone just how LONG YOU ducking Death RATE have been hypocrites.... Never mind the baby killing and the racism you spew!
Pay close attention: Trump paid off the Bimbo in order to avoid marital strife,

3 weeks before an election and 10 years after the event occurred.

But he didnt lay out $850k to A women he raped as Blow Job Billy did...consent....do you know what that means?

Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Clinton, here is a clue for ewe. Bill Clinton has not been in office for over 18years. Ewe can surely do better, can't ewe?
Just goes to show everyone just how LONG YOU ducking Death RATE have been hypocrites.... Never mind the baby killing and the racism you spew!

Do ewe know who is POTUS?
Pay close attention: Trump paid off the Bimbo in order to avoid marital strife,

3 weeks before an election and 10 years after the event occurred.

But he didnt lay out $850k to A women he raped as Blow Job Billy did...consent....do you know what that means?

Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Clinton, here is a clue for ewe. Bill Clinton has not been in office for over 18years. Ewe can surely do better, can't ewe?
Just goes to show everyone just how LONG YOU ducking Death RATE have been hypocrites.... Never mind the baby killing and the racism you spew!

Do ewe know who is POTUS?
Do you know how to spell...ABNORMAL?
3 weeks before an election and 10 years after the event occurred.

But he didnt lay out $850k to A women he raped as Blow Job Billy did...consent....do you know what that means?

Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Clinton, here is a clue for ewe. Bill Clinton has not been in office for over 18years. Ewe can surely do better, can't ewe?
Just goes to show everyone just how LONG YOU ducking Death RATE have been hypocrites.... Never mind the baby killing and the racism you spew!

Do ewe know who is POTUS?
Do you know how to spell...ABNORMAL?
The Purge!
Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?

Cohen was found guilty of paying off a porn star to effect the outcome of an election. Trump was the one directing the commission of the felony, but he hasn't been charged YET. Quit whining. The raid was legal and according to procedure. You just have a sad because it happened.

That reads more like a possible blackmailing charge against the "Porn star" to me.

That would be an easy case for Trump's lawyers to make.

Then why haven't they made that charge?
Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?

Cohen was found guilty of paying off a porn star to effect the outcome of an election. Trump was the one directing the commission of the felony, but he hasn't been charged YET. Quit whining. The raid was legal and according to procedure. You just have a sad because it happened.

That reads more like a possible blackmailing charge against the "Porn star" to me.

That would be an easy case for Trump's lawyers to make.

Stormy Daniels Ordered To Pay Trump $293,000 In Fees In Defamation Lawsuit : NPR
NPR › 2018/12/11 › stormy-daniels-orde...

View attachment 248101
Dec 11, 2018 · Adult film star Stormy Daniels, who says she had a sexual encounter with Donald Trump more than a decade ago, has been ordered to pay him


I sure called that one!


No. You claimed blackmail. The fine was for defamation. Two totally different things.
Cohen has been put in a shitty place.

Were John Gotti's lawyers raided by federal agents?

How about Al Capone's?

Can anyone tell me who has EVER had their lawyer's house RAIDED by US agents in order to get evidence against someone who was under investigation?

Even the soviets didn't do that shit.

Why is that overlooked here?

If you were on trial or just being investigated and the prosecutors RAIDED your lawyer's office, you'd think a judge would lose his shit over that sort of thing...


If a lawyer participates in crimes, he is a criminal. It's not that complicated.

Do you even know what he was found guilty of? Mostly tax evasion for his own personal Taxi company that had nothing to do with Trump or the campaign. The only thing he was found guilty of that had anything remotely to do with Trump was he was found guilty of “falsely indicating” a loan was obtained for a “retainer”. That’s it.

Do you know Trump and Jay Sekulow conspired with Cohen to lie to congress?

False. Another baseless claim by Cohen. Thought we were talking about actual convictions here. Nice try to deflect.

Well, no. Neither of us designated convictions only. Trump's part in deciding which lies Cohen told to congress hasn't been publicly explored--------yet.
Most Democrats are going to be the laughingstock of America after the Cohen testimony.
Guilty guilty guilty of everything including lying but yet he's the star Witness

Evidently not, eh? Of course he's the "star witness". Who but a liar would be in the position of observing Rump for ten years?

Your title is most informative. You must be drowning in not-care by now.
Obviously Cohen was told he would get a lighter sentence if his testimony leads to Trump's impeachment. It won't.

Probably not, no. On the other hand his three years would massively expand if he lies at this point, with all the evidence Mueller and the SDNY has. So while he has no incentive to lie he has buckets of incentive not to.
North Korea is learning it has to negotiate with someone that won't cave like Obama, Bush, Clinton and others have. They will be back to the table. Watch.
Jesus, imagine if homosexual douchebag Brock Obama or Parkinson's patient Crooked Hillary tried to engage with North Korea. LOL North Korea would be sending rockets to the USA as they should if the electorate was that stupid to vote for pieces of shit who hate White American taxpayers.
Jesus, imagine if homosexual douchebag Brock Obama or Parkinson's patient Crooked Hillary tried to engage with North Korea. LOL North Korea would be sending rockets to the USA as they should if the electorate was that stupid to vote for pieces of shit who hate White American taxpayers.

So instead we sent a retard I tRumPutin! Didn't work out so well.
North Korea is learning it has to negotiate with someone that won't cave like Obama, Bush, Clinton and others have. They will be back to the table. Watch.

Are you kidding? Trump canceled our maneuvers with nothing in return.
TDS victim Aldo, President Trump is going to end the Korean War you mentally incompetent retard!
TDS victim Aldo, President Trump is going to end the Korean War you mentally incompetent retard!

Lol, like he just did? Oh ya Noko us not a nuclear threat anymore, Mexico is going to pay for a border wall, ewe will have better healthcare at a cheaper price than before and he will wipe out the debt in 8 years. Yup it is official ewe are an Orange sperm burping retard!

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