"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

Cohen suckering Congress into having this circus show is all part of making his upcoming book and movie deal more lucrative. And those stupid Democrats fell for it. Suckers!
To be fair, cohen was lying for trump.
This time he isnt.

I don’t understand it. Lawyers are payed to lie for clients. It’s already known and been hashed out in the media. What’s the point of this deal here today?
To take the wind out of Trump's sail with the NoKo talks in Viet Nam.

Mm, in the end it’s results. I could see this working if he was producing stuff, but all he is doing is rehashing crap that’s been in the news for years. It’s not helping anyone’s case. Just a huge waste of time. I may have to go back to watching supernatural or something.
He's looking at the movie and book deal he's been offered and the Democrats are aiding his persuit.
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Insurance fraud
Bank fraud
Campaign finance laws
Money laundering
Lying on his written answers to Mueller

That’s just what we found out today. And financial crimes have a 10 year statute of limitations, not 5 years. As for the others, if Mueller indeed has filed a sealed indictment Trump cannot run out the clock.
In the various post mortems I've been reading, it sounds like Cohen didn't provide anything directly actionable, but did plant enough of a seed that further investigations based on his testimony may end up yielding something that could stick legally.
Hillary used public funds to pay a little army of thugs (the Bimbo Eruption squad) to keep Bill's victims silent. Which is worse?
Yet Republicans on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, in their frantic effort to discredit Mr. Cohen, went after him while steadfastly ignoring the actual evidence he produced. They tried to impugn his character, but were unable to impugn the documents he provided. Nor did a single Republican offer a character defense of Mr. Trump. It turns out that was too much, even for them.

In that sense, what Republicans didn’t say reveals the truth about what happened at the hearing on Wednesday as much as what they did say. Republicans showed no interest, for example, in pursuing fresh allegations made by Mr. Cohen that Mr. Trump knew that WikiLeaks planned to release hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee in the summer of 2016.

In a sane world, the fact that the president’s former lawyer produced evidence that the president knowingly and deceptively committed a federal crime — hush money payments that violated campaign finance laws — is something that even members of the president’s own party would find disquieting. But not today’s Republican Party.

Instead, in the most transparent and ham-handed way, they saw no evil and heard no evil, unless it involved Mr. Cohen. Republicans on the committee tried to destroy the credibility of his testimony, not because they believe that his testimony is false, but because they fear it is true.

By now Republicans must know, deep in their hearts, that Mr. Cohen’s portrayal of Mr. Trump as a “racist,” “a con man” and “a cheat” is spot on. So it is the truth they fear, and it is the truth — the fundamental reality of the world as it actually is — that they feel compelled to destroy. This is the central organizing principle of the Republican Party now. More than tax cuts. More than trade wars. More even than building a wall on our southern border. Republicans are dedicated to annihilating truth in order to defend Mr. Trump and they will go after anyone, from Mr. Cohen to Robert Mueller, who is a threat to him.
Real funny ,,,Proves just what lowlifes republicans truly are Fk the message Kill the messenger
Shame on her for being a gold digging bitch to boot!

He did? He says he didn't.

Oh well..what's another lie...paying whores, Mexico paying for the wall, NK will denuclearize....

Is this the type of presidency you envisioned when you voted for him?

Let me guess; you don't care about any of that right?
You know, I suspect he did and I really don't care. I agree with you, he's lying.
Oh well

Is there any lie he can tell to your face you will care about? Ever? Or is it just Trump or death at this point?
When it affects citizens I will care. Same standard I held for every other president or politician who lied....ie, all of them.
Most Democrats are going to be the laughingstock of America after the Cohen testimony.
Guilty guilty guilty of everything including lying but yet he's the star Witness
I've talked to Republicans who thought the way the Republicans were slamming Cohen was less than helpful.
DemonRATS on the committee pretty much all disgraced themselves! Who didn’t expect that to happen? That Cohen got caught in several more examples of outright perjury by Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and other Republicans on the committee? Again, I could have told you that was going to be the case on Wednesday. That Cohen outright admitted to coordinating his opening remarks with Cummings, Adam Schiff and other congressional DemonRATS? Knock me over with a feather. That Cohen’s own lawyer, Lanny Davis, sat there throughout the hearing looking like the consigliere for a mob outfit? Well, hey, he has worked for the Clintons for 25 years now.

Perhaps the most remarkable, unexpected takeaway from the hearing is the fact that no one is talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s performance in it this morning. From the news coverage, you wouldn’t even know she was on this committee, but she was there, and she actually was one of the more restrained DemonRATS at the hearing, doing a fine job of reading her script that was prepared by her uniformly-paid staff and avoiding going off on tangents irrelevant to the hearing’s purpose. Good for her.

At the end of the day, what had this DC Swamp circus hearing accomplished? Not a damn thing. Even some of the Trump-hating talking heads at CNN were tsk-tsking about what a bald-faced liar Cohen is, and the New York Times was accusing the DemonRATS of “overreaching”. In this anti-Trump fake news world, when the DemonRATS and their star witness have lost CNN and the New York Times, it’s an epic fail.
Most Democrats are going to be the laughingstock of America after the Cohen testimony.
Guilty guilty guilty of everything including lying but yet he's the star Witness
I've talked to Republicans who thought the way the Republicans were slamming Cohen was less than helpful.
Slammed Cohen but NOT the evidence ,,The republican way
DemonRATS on the committee pretty much all disgraced themselves! Who didn’t expect that to happen? That Cohen got caught in several more examples of outright perjury by Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and other Republicans on the committee? Again, I could have told you that was going to be the case on Wednesday. That Cohen outright admitted to coordinating his opening remarks with Cummings, Adam Schiff and other congressional DemonRATS? Knock me over with a feather. That Cohen’s own lawyer, Lanny Davis, sat there throughout the hearing looking like the consigliere for a mob outfit? Well, hey, he has worked for the Clintons for 25 years now.

Perhaps the most remarkable, unexpected takeaway from the hearing is the fact that no one is talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s performance in it this morning. From the news coverage, you wouldn’t even know she was on this committee, but she was there, and she actually was one of the more restrained DemonRATS at the hearing, doing a fine job of reading her script that was prepared by her uniformly-paid staff and avoiding going off on tangents irrelevant to the hearing’s purpose. Good for her.

At the end of the day, what had this DC Swamp circus hearing accomplished? Not a damn thing. Even some of the Trump-hating talking heads at CNN were tsk-tsking about what a bald-faced liar Cohen is, and the New York Times was accusing the DemonRATS of “overreaching”. In this anti-Trump fake news world, when the DemonRATS and their star witness have lost CNN and the New York Times, it’s an epic fail.

New respect for Cortez
That Cohen outright admitted to coordinating his opening remarks with Cummings, Adam Schiff and other congressional DemonRATS

Bullshit. Anyone testifying before Congress talks to them ahead of time to lay out the parameters of what was going to be discussed...especially considering the fact that investigations are ongoing and could not be brought up in open hearings.

There was no scripting or anything of the sort. Shame on Jordan for making that accusation. He knows better.

Maybe he ought to go back to allowing high school kids to be sexually assaulted
To be fair, cohen was lying for trump.
This time he isnt.

I don’t understand it. Lawyers are payed to lie for clients. It’s already known and been hashed out in the media. What’s the point of this deal here today?
To take the wind out of Trump's sail with the NoKo talks in Viet Nam.

To take the wind out of Trump's sail with the NoKo talks in Viet Nam.

There was wind?

Trump leaves North Korea summit without nuclear deal


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