"I don't care!" if trump is a criminal!

Who is she?

Didn't see what she was asked to lie about in the Infowars link or her tweet? What was it? What did Cohen tell her to say, so to promote or change the narrative? What was the narrative, that Cohen wanted changed in august of last year?
Cohan turned on the President because he had no choice.

He has been disbarred. He has to have an income when he gets out of

The Liberals control Hollywood. To garner a decent contract for a TV movie
and maybe the big screen, he needed testimony that Hollywood could
use in a script. Same for a book deal.

He was giving them a script that they could work off of, for the Michael
Cohan Movie.
Cohan turned on the President because he had no choice.

He has been disbarred. He has to have an income when he gets out of

The Liberals control Hollywood. To garner a decent contract for a TV movie
and maybe the big screen, he needed testimony that Hollywood could
use in a script. Same for a book deal.

He was giving them a script that they could work off of, for the Michael
Cohan Movie.

It was also revenge against President Trump, as Trump let him know that he didn't have the right stuff to work in the WH.

That was a Perjury that Cohen committed today, he said he didn't pursue any WH job- that was a lie.

Definitely needs to be prosecuted and additional sentence imposed. The idea of these recidivist perjurer getting out in just 3 years isn't acceptable.
Who is she?

Didn't see what she was asked to lie about in the Infowars link or her tweet? What was it? What did Cohen tell her to say, so to promote or change the narrative? What was the narrative, that Cohen wanted changed in august of last year?

You wouldn't know her, she goes to different parties than Mika and the Politburo.
Who is she?

Didn't see what she was asked to lie about in the Infowars link or her tweet? What was it? What did Cohen tell her to say, so to promote or change the narrative? What was the narrative, that Cohen wanted changed in august of last year?

You wouldn't know her, she goes to different parties than Mika and the Politburo.
About a year late, but welcome to the site Comrade!
i dont recall Trump ever telling the world that he hates black people, latino's and people who are 1/32nd native american
Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?

Cohen was found guilty of paying off a porn star to effect the outcome of an election. Trump was the one directing the commission of the felony, but he hasn't been charged YET. Quit whining. The raid was legal and according to procedure. You just have a sad because it happened.
Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?

Cohen was found guilty of paying off a porn star to effect the outcome of an election. Trump was the one directing the commission of the felony, but he hasn't been charged YET. Quit whining. The raid was legal and according to procedure. You just have a sad because it happened.

That reads more like a possible blackmailing charge against the "Porn star" to me.

That would be an easy case for Trump's lawyers to make.
Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?

Cohen was found guilty of paying off a porn star to effect the outcome of an election. Trump was the one directing the commission of the felony, but he hasn't been charged YET. Quit whining. The raid was legal and according to procedure. You just have a sad because it happened.

That reads more like a possible blackmailing charge against the "Porn star" to me.

That would be an easy case for Trump's lawyers to make.

Stormy Daniels Ordered To Pay Trump $293,000 In Fees In Defamation Lawsuit : NPR
NPR › 2018/12/11 › stormy-daniels-orde...

Dec 11, 2018 · Adult film star Stormy Daniels, who says she had a sexual encounter with Donald Trump more than a decade ago, has been ordered to pay him
Pay close attention: Trump paid off the Bimbo in order to avoid marital strife,

3 weeks before an election and 10 years after the event occurred.

But he didnt lay out $850k to A women he raped as Blow Job Billy did...consent....do you know what that means?
I guess you got lost.

This isn't about Clinton. You lost that battle
Stop fingering yourself to get that WINNING feeling you dumb bitch!
Probably depends on how much that lawyer helped to sell that meth.

How much did Cohen do to "collude" with Russia and under what probable cause was a warrant issued to raid him?

Lets say you sell meth, rather than just use too much.

Lets even say you sell some of that meth to your lawyers' buddies and your lawyer.

So the DEA raids him, but can't find any evidence against you, but find out he is a tax cheat.

You seriously have no issues with the state raiding your lawyer to find dirt on you, but when they can't he still becomes a credible witness against you after being convicted of perjury in an unrelated case?

Why is critical thinking impossible for bed wetters? I submit proof right here that bed wetting liberals have no frontal cortex.

Again, in what case has anyone ever had their LAWYER RAIDED in US criminal history? Under what circumstance has a LAWYER been forced to testify against a former client?

Cohen was found guilty of paying off a porn star to effect the outcome of an election. Trump was the one directing the commission of the felony, but he hasn't been charged YET. Quit whining. The raid was legal and according to procedure. You just have a sad because it happened.

That reads more like a possible blackmailing charge against the "Porn star" to me.

That would be an easy case for Trump's lawyers to make.

Stormy Daniels Ordered To Pay Trump $293,000 In Fees In Defamation Lawsuit : NPR
NPR › 2018/12/11 › stormy-daniels-orde...

View attachment 248101
Dec 11, 2018 · Adult film star Stormy Daniels, who says she had a sexual encounter with Donald Trump more than a decade ago, has been ordered to pay him


I sure called that one!

If he’s found to be lying today all plea deals are off and he goes to prison for many more years.

Stop being a moron.
so you're NOW choosing to believe a convicted liar.


do you believe him when he said he has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?

at this point how does anyone know exactly what to believe?

4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions - effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of “Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,” to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty. This is also the reason why Cohen’s longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, was granted immunity.

that is from lynne patton - a personal friend of cohen on her facebook page. is she lying?

these days liars are people who say shit you don't want to be true.

i don't believe trump "colluded" so its going to take some legitimate evidence to show otherwise, not jihad based missions of fear and constant digging for any shit to stick to the wall.

I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
Too funny....but the libs will believe anything Cohen says today and take it as evidence.
Because the consequences for him lying would be huge.

You just can’t help being a moron, apparently.
do you believe him when he said he has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?

at this point how does anyone know exactly what to believe?

4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions - effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of “Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,” to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty. This is also the reason why Cohen’s longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, was granted immunity.

that is from lynne patton - a personal friend of cohen on her facebook page. is she lying?

these days liars are people who say shit you don't want to be true.

i don't believe trump "colluded" so its going to take some legitimate evidence to show otherwise, not jihad based missions of fear and constant digging for any shit to stick to the wall.

I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
Too funny....but the libs will believe anything Cohen says today and take it as evidence.

Do you believe him when he said he has NO direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe anything he says, GG. What I believe is that I can't believe one way or the other with him.
Is he lying? I don't know. Is he telling the truth? I don't know.
Do you think the check is fake? Are you THAT stupid?
I have no reason to believe Lynne Patton without some sort of evidence.
I have no reason to believe Cohen. All I saw was a haggard and embittered man facing years in prison for being a sleazebag. He's not a Clinton and can't get away with it.

I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
Collusion is a fake term that wingnuts hang everything on because fake terms have fake consequences.

It’s conspiracy, not collusion.
So Trump paid a whore?

Duh, yeah, and then lied about it and tried to cover it up - while breaking campaign finance laws along the way.
Bullshit. She was not paid with campaign funds, jackass.
It doesn't have to be paid from campaign funds. In fact that's the point. It was a campaign contributon that was unreported. It was done in a manner that broke a BUNCH of laws including conspiracy
Dimwitted Iasshole,! IF Trump used campaign funds he would have a problem, using HIS OWN MONEY WHICH HE DID IS COMPLETELY LEGAL!!!! There is NO LIMIT on the amount of your own money you can spend and since Trump can claim he did it to protect his relationship with his wife the ONLY ONE claiming he Didnt was A convicted CONGRESSIONAL LIAR GOING TO JAIL FOR 3 YEARS and would NEVER hold up in court as even today Cohen has another DoJj investigation sent by the committee for LYING as far as wanting to work in the WH when he said he Didnt want to yet his NY SENTINCIING document SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS HE WANTED THAT WH POSITION BADLY.....YOU ABNORMALS ARE SUCH ASSHOLES!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
Wow look at you freaking out!

You know you;re wrong obviously.

Hey dimwit...if he had REPORTED it...it would have been legal, He not only didn't do that, he entered into a conspiracy to have someone else do it in an illegal manner (and still not report it).

It would only be legal if he paid the money himself AND reported it

Now scream some more.

It shows how screwed you know your position is
Trump bought a story. Because the story was never used in his campaign there was no requirement to report it, dumbass.

He didn't put an ad out saying that he's such a virile manly badass that porn stars and playboy bunnies are jumping in the sack with him.
I would never ask you to believe him. So, you think he was lying when he said he has NO has direct evidence that Mr. Trump colluded with Russia?
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

So, then you think that he does have direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, since he said he did not and he has to be lying.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.

so, you are stating that he has direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. That is a startling admission from you.
I don't believe a thing he says. We're talking sleaze of Clintonian proportions.
When did he become a sleaze?
If Trump broke the law, he should be held accountable.

What laws did he break? What will the charges be?
Insurance fraud
Bank fraud
Campaign finance laws
Money laundering
Lying on his written answers to Mueller

That’s just what we found out today. And financial crimes have a 10 year statute of limitations, not 5 years. As for the others, if Mueller indeed has filed a sealed indictment Trump cannot run out the clock.

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