I Don't Consider Myself A Trump Supporter Anymore

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I've always been upfront about this - I am an unapologetic NeverTrumper. I accept Biden is the president, and yet, he never fails to be an out of touch moron to me (FYI: I don't worship elected officials). Yet I believe he is a better alternative to the magaturd movement in this country in every single way. But 'Let's Go Brandon' is kinda clever and funny, I don't care who you are. :auiqs.jpg:

Yup. That's supposed to be how justice goes in this country.

100% agreed. :113:

I'm as regular as they come.
Biden brought us highest gas prices, supply chain problems, war in Ukraine, high interest rates, and a coming housing crisis. You would rather vote for an out of touch moron like Biden than a guy who brought us the best economy of our lifetimes because of his tweets? You're an idiot.
Biden brought us highest gas prices, supply chain problems, war in Ukraine, high interest rates, and a coming housing crisis. You would rather vote for an out of touch moron like Biden than a guy who brought us the best economy of our lifetimes because of his tweets? You're an idiot.

Somewhat agree with that but I don't think he's dumb,... I just think he has a difference of opinion than us. I mean can't we just learn to agree to disagree peacefully?
You're a Bidenturd...fuck off.

I don't like Biden either but again is the constant name calling necessary? WWJD? I know that I'm guilty of not always following that rule either but it still doesn't mean that I get a free pass as I shouldn't.
Somewhat agree with that but I don't think he's dumb,... I just think he has a difference of opinion than us. I mean can't we just learn to agree to disagree peacefully?

Amen to that, but unfortunately we'll probably see pigs fly before we see that happen on USMB. :lol:
Amen to that, but unfortunately we'll probably see pigs fly before we see that happen on USMB. :lol:

I know but still, isn't it a legit question? I mean if a meat eater and a vegan can befriend each other then why not?
lol at people who think there is such a thing as a humble New Yawker. Trump now is no different than he was before, it's just a media spin coming from the RNC establishment and other candidates' PR hacks working towards the primaries in 2024. Go ahead and shit on him, then watch 30%-45% of moderates and indies vote third party or stay home. The GOP get truly slaughtered if he decides to sit it out.
I know but still, isn't it a legit question? I mean if a meat eater and a vegan can befriend each other then why not?

Yes, it's definitely a legit question. I agree with you. There's nothing that makes me want to leave a thread quicker than when it devolves into the usual boring, predictable, "libtard!"..."magatard!" back and forth, back and forth, ad nauseam.
Yes, it's definitely a legit question. I agree with you. There's nothing that makes me want to leave a thread quicker than when it devolves into the usual boring, predictable, "libtard!"..."magatard!" back and forth, back and forth, ad nauseam.

I can just picture when my future children start arguing with one another and how I'll respond. "Knock it off!! You're acting like adults." 🙄
Biden brought us highest gas prices, supply chain problems, war in Ukraine, high interest rates, and a coming housing crisis. You would rather vote for an out of touch moron like Biden than a guy who brought us the best economy of our lifetimes because of his tweets? You're an idiot.
Trump didn't deliver the best economy of our lifetime, you complete fucking dolt. Peruse the jobless numbers post pandemic. Trump posted the worst unemployment numbers since Herbert Hoover.

So, present some real PROOF, moron. I'll be happy to burn your stupid magaturd logic right to the ground.
I don't like Biden either but again is the constant name calling necessary? WWJD? I know that I'm guilty of not always following that rule either but it still doesn't mean that I get a free pass as I shouldn't.
Just throwing their own shit back in their faces.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him if I absolutely had to, but this whole entire trading card thing pushed me over the edge and DeSantis is still is my top pick for the next president of the United States as he always has been, it's just that I'm really starting to despise Trump's ego. Humility is a really important factor to have for me.

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I have lived in Florida since 1969 and DeSantis is the best Governor this state has had in that time frame. Now Florida has a new moniker The Free State of Florida to go along with The Sunshine State and the Gunshine State]/i]. The rules are different here because we have a Governor who will fight for the citizen of this state. Plus this Governor believes in real science not authoritarian bullshit science. Kids in this state were going to school rather than being isolated at home learning nothing like other states. People were largely able to avoid wearing masks which ware basically worthless anyhow.

Now I feel Trump was a damn good President but unfortunately he has an enormous ego and all the obnoxiousness of your typical New Yorker. He also has to fight everybody who disagrees with him or criticizes him. That means he spends a lot of time punching down. It is easy to tire of Trump. He often acts more like a bully than a President.

Over the years the Democratic Party left me behind as today they really don’t like white people like me and see all white people as racists.That allegation is of course ridiculous as if most whites were as racist as Democrats insist, Obama would have never been elected once let alone two times.

When the Democratic Party started to push Marxist socialism I decided to jump ship. I have no desire to live in a Cuba, or a Venezuela. I like cuddly capitalism.

The only alternative was to become a Republican. Unfortunately most Republicans are RINOs or are wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. They play the nice guys with white hats but are just as corrupt as the Democrats if not more so.

But then along came Trump. He was the fighter Republicans had been praying for. He beat the odds when he ran against and defeated Hillary Clinton. He was too independent for the Swamp and for the four years he was in office everybody was trying to get rid of him before he manage to drain the Swamp or derail the Swamp’s gravy train.

One important thing we did learn from Trump’s time in office is just how corrupt our FBI and DOJ really are. Our intelligence agencies also lie a lot but that is what intelligence agencies do.

Unfortunately Trump‘s grandstanding and bigger than life personality grows old over time. Of course I will vote for him in 2024 if he is the Republican candidate for President as it will be a cold day in Hell before I vote for another Democrat for any office higher than dog catcher.

I hope DeSantis will be the Republican candidate. He is a lean and mean fighter who gets things done without all the rough edges Trump has. He can fit in the role of President without any altering of his personality. He will be the President this nation can be proud of.
Just throwing their own shit back in their faces.

Umm,.. I like you and respect you dearly and everything,... But you insulted Tumblin Tumbleweed first. Yes I believe that Biden is an idiot, but just because somebody has a difference of opinion than ours, would Jesus want us verbally attacking one another? Serious question.
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