I dont give a shit!

Your perceptions have nothing to do with reality.

Your opinion is your opinion. You're entitled to it, and I am entitled to mine.
Perceptions are not always reality.

That makes you out of touch with reality.

It makes me out of touch with YOU. Rather than examine my argument about the President's plan you'd rather trip off on some comment I made about Fox.

Too bad for you.
You continuously act as though YOU are the ONLY one who is ethical and honorable. YOU are the only one works for a living, repays debt and so on. You are annoying. You're haughty.

Your perceptions have nothing to do with reality.

I have agreed with Sky not to respond to her directly on threads and she wouldn't respond to mine either and would leave me alone--I am trying to respect that agreement which she has never kept--but in fairness to her, in her own warped sense of reality, she probably does see my posts exactly that way. When she has repeatedly been requested to show evidence of my saying the things she accuses me of, she never can do it. Because I didn't say them.

When she has challenged me to show evidence of her saying something, and I then do that, she says that okay, she must have said it, but she didn't mean it.

How do you have a rational conversation with somebody like that?
Wow! So, you agreed not to address her posts directly, yet she discusses yours?


Just wow.

That is seriously aggressive of her.
She implies it. She implies that anyone who agrees with the President's plan must be dishonorable and wanting "special priveleges".

Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically.

If you lent me $100.00 I would find it unethical to not pay you back.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

And... that is what they are saying too. They want their educations for free. They want their loans forgiven. They don't want to pay for something they wanted and took out a loan for.

So again... FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit if they drown in dept till the day the die.
She implies it. She implies that anyone who agrees with the President's plan must be dishonorable and wanting "special priveleges".

Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically.

If you lent me $100.00 I would find it unethical to not pay you back.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.
Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically.

If you lent me $100.00 I would find it unethical to not pay you back.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.
Your opinion is your opinion. You're entitled to it, and I am entitled to mine.
Perceptions are not always reality.

That makes you out of touch with reality.

It makes me out of touch with YOU. Rather than examine my argument about the President's plan you'd rather trip off on some comment I made about Fox.

Too bad for you.
Then, maybe you shouldn't have lied.

It's called taking responsibility for your own actions.

But, whine some more about the consequences of your actions.

It is a thread about OWS, so that fits.
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.

Combining the spiraling cost of education with the usurious interest rates, late fees and finance charges, the people administering these debts should be ashamed of themselves. Just another way the poor take it up the ass.

Those with college degrees are poor? Not generally. But yes I agree with the finiancial services rip off part.
Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically.

If you lent me $100.00 I would find it unethical to not pay you back.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

And... that is what they are saying too. They want their educations for free. They want their loans forgiven. They don't want to pay for something they wanted and took out a loan for.

So again... FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit if they drown in dept till the day the die.

No, they don't want free education. They want to have jobs so they can pay off their debt.

They want some acknowledgement of their challenge at this time in economic history.

Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

So then how am I implying that his plan is dishonorable or unethical?
Perceptions are not always reality.

That makes you out of touch with reality.

It makes me out of touch with YOU. Rather than examine my argument about the President's plan you'd rather trip off on some comment I made about Fox.

Too bad for you.
Then, maybe you shouldn't have lied.

It's called taking responsibility for your own actions.

But, whine some more about the consequences of your actions.

It is a thread about OWS, so that fits.

I expressed my opinion. You don't like it. What else is new?
I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

So then how am I implying that his plan is dishonorable or unethical?
Well, I certainly never knew you implied that about me.

I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

So then how am I implying that his plan is dishonorable or unethical?

YOU aren't. Fox, Sy and Si are. Under current law, former students are allowed to cap repayments of federal loans at 15 percent of discretionary income. Last year, Congress approved legislation that would reduce the amount to 10 percent in 2014.

Obama is using his executive authority to create a separate provision that would offer the same program in 2012.

They bash the President, college students and me.

The President is moving in the right direction, but as usual, it's only a half measure.
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It makes me out of touch with YOU. Rather than examine my argument about the President's plan you'd rather trip off on some comment I made about Fox.

Too bad for you.
Then, maybe you shouldn't have lied.

It's called taking responsibility for your own actions.

But, whine some more about the consequences of your actions.

It is a thread about OWS, so that fits.

I expressed my opinion. You don't like it. What else is new?
No, you lied.

You said Foxfyre, and others, said something she and others did not say.

You lied.

Then you went on to say that Foxfyre thinks what you said she thinks.

She doesn't.

You lied again.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

Right up until the 20 years is up... and then all is forgiven. Are you missing that point sky?
The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

So then how am I implying that his plan is dishonorable or unethical?

YOU aren't. Fox, Sy and Si are. Under current law, former students are allowed to cap repayments of federal loans at 15 percent of discretionary income. Last year, Congress approved legislation that would reduce the amount to 10 percent in 2014.

Obama is using his executive authority to create a separate provision that would offer the same program in 2012.

They bash the President, college students and me.
So, I am telling myself that I am dishonorable and unethical, huh?

(In case you didn't catch it, I think Obama's plan on this is pretty pragmatic.)

Damn, you have reached new levels of your insanity.
The college students are not the one who came up with the plan so they are not to blame for it. Perhaps it can be seen as unethical to accept forgiveness of a debt that other people will then be required to pay to the lender, but even there most people would accept the deal so I'm not really blaming them for that either.

I AM blaming a government/President who thinks it is okay to forcibly take money from one citizen who ethically and honorably earned it and give it to another citizen, for any reason, who didn't earn it. Most especially when the deal is a plan that he will be long gone and his role in it will probably be forgotten when the taxpayer has to pony up the money for forgiven college loan debts.

In my world of ethics, those who cannot repay debts shouldn't be knowingly acquiring debts. And those who do acquire debts should expect to pay them as a matter of honor.

If that makes me a snob or appears to make me look like I am 'better than everybody else' so be it. I'm not likely to change that point of view.
She implies it. She implies that anyone who agrees with the President's plan must be dishonorable and wanting "special priveleges".

Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically.

If you lent me $100.00 I would find it unethical to not pay you back.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

So then how am I implying that his plan is dishonorable or unethical?

YOU aren't. Fox, Sy and Si are. Under current law, former students are allowed to cap repayments of federal loans at 15 percent of discretionary income. Last year, Congress approved legislation that would reduce the amount to 10 percent in 2014.

Obama is using his executive authority to create a separate provision that would offer the same program in 2012.

They bash the President, college students and me.

Re-read the post I re-quoted above this most recent one I quoted. You did claim that I was implying that.

I don't see what they are doing as bashing college students. I see them bashing people who feel they should not be responsible for the personal economic decisions they made. Not all students are looking to have someone else pay off their own personal debts ;).

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