I dont give a shit!

I'm not implying anything. I made a direct, clear, and concise statment.

"Anyone who thinks they should not have to be responsible to pay back a loan they agreed to take is thinking dishonorably and unethically. Anyone who decides not to pay back a loan they agreed to take is acting dishonorably and unethically."

Does the presidents plan call for people to not pay back their loans? If it does then yes I'm saying his plan is unethical and dishonarable.

The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

Right up until the 20 years is up... and then all is forgiven. Are you missing that point sky?

Well that part is unethical. So no I AM saying that this portion is unethical and anyone who agrees that you shouldn't have to pay back what you agreed to borrow has a dishonorable opinion.
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Obama is out there promising billions in perks and relief...while the government is still waiting on a budget so we can pay our bills and buy what we need to run the damned place.

I ordered filters for my equipment back in July and still haven't gotten them. Usually it takes a couple of weeks. Now we have to wait till November 23rd to see if we can buy anything.

Take this into account while that asshole is out on his bus tours campaigning.

Get a clue. We don't have any more money people and he's talking like we've got money for every special interest he came think of to patronize.
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The college students are not the one who came up with the plan so they are not to blame for it. Perhaps it can be seen as unethical to accept forgiveness of a debt that other people will then be required to pay to the lender, but even there most people would accept the deal so I'm not really blaming them for that either.

I AM blaming a government/President who thinks it is okay to forcibly take money from one citizen who ethically and honorably earned it and give it to another citizen, for any reason, who didn't earn it. Most especially when the deal is a plan that he will be long gone and his role in it will probably be forgotten when the taxpayer has to pony up the money for forgiven college loan debts.

In my world of ethics, those who cannot repay debts shouldn't be knowingly acquiring debts. And those who do acquire debts should expect to pay them as a matter of honor.

If that makes me a snob or appears to make me look like I am 'better than everybody else' so be it. I'm not likely to change that point of view.

You are a snob, a haughty one. You think you're better than everyone else. You think anyone who supports the President is unethical, and dishonorable.

You act like those of us who support the President neither work, pay taxes or pay back loans.

You brag about paying back loans as if you're the only one who has.

The President's plan is now law. Congress approved it. Get over it.

More than $1 trillion in student debt - exceeding all credit card debt - is a dark cloud over the economy, especially with youth unemployment in double digits.

Tuition at public universities and community colleges is more than 8% higher than last year and has nearly quadrupled in the last 30 years.

Yeah, bash youth, that makes sense.
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Will somebody who has not pledged to not respond to Sky's posts directly please ask her to provide quotations to back up her accusations?
The college students are not the one who came up with the plan so they are not to blame for it. Perhaps it can be seen as unethical to accept forgiveness of a debt that other people will then be required to pay to the lender, but even there most people would accept the deal so I'm not really blaming them for that either.

I AM blaming a government/President who thinks it is okay to forcibly take money from one citizen who ethically and honorably earned it and give it to another citizen, for any reason, who didn't earn it. Most especially when the deal is a plan that he will be long gone and his role in it will probably be forgotten when the taxpayer has to pony up the money for forgiven college loan debts.

In my world of ethics, those who cannot repay debts shouldn't be knowingly acquiring debts. And those who do acquire debts should expect to pay them as a matter of honor.

If that makes me a snob or appears to make me look like I am 'better than everybody else' so be it. I'm not likely to change that point of view.

You are a snob, a haughty one. You think you're better than everyone else.

You think anyone who supports the President is unethical, and dishonorable.

You act like those of us who support the President neither work, pay taxes or pay back loans.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FopyRHHlt3M]Laugh harder - YouTube[/ame]
Truth is, education is MUCH more expensive than it was when I was a student. It's not surprising recent graduates are shocked by the loan repayment. Quite a number of them are not finding the jobs they thought their education had qualified them for.

They're working in retail at minimum wage.

The idea that the college graduates are complaining because they are so spoiled is ridiculous.

Too many posters watching Fox News.

Combining the spiraling cost of education with the usurious interest rates, late fees and finance charges, the people administering these debts should be ashamed of themselves. Just another way the poor take it up the ass.

Those with college degrees are poor? Not generally. But yes I agree with the finiancial services rip off part.

No. Those who wish to attend college, but start from a place of lower middle class or poverty are the ones most damaged by these issues.

And getting a degree does not equal making money. So essentially, there is no difference between the "poor college student" and the recent graduate.

The issues I alluded to just make things that much worse.
Who is saying that? I'm not. Yet, YOU and FOX imply that anyone who agrees with the President's plan is unethical and dishonorably. I'm not saying college grads should not have to pay back their loans.

Under the President's plan the grads pay back their loans.

And... that is what they are saying too. They want their educations for free. They want their loans forgiven. They don't want to pay for something they wanted and took out a loan for.

So again... FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit if they drown in dept till the day the die.

No, they don't want free education. They want to have jobs so they can pay off their debt.

They want some acknowledgement of their challenge at this time in economic history.


Yes, they want something... and they want a free education, have you not been listening to the ows asses?

Wanting your loans forgiven... poof disappeared...is wanting what you bought, you signed for, for free.

No where does it say you are 100% absolutely guaranteed a job. Now or ever. Nor does that cover the idiots who get their very expensive education and want to be lazy bums surfing.

No i am not hateful of this generation. I want them to live up to their responsibilities as adults. Not spoiled instant gratification give me everything for free brats.
The college students are not the one who came up with the plan so they are not to blame for it. Perhaps it can be seen as unethical to accept forgiveness of a debt that other people will then be required to pay to the lender, but even there most people would accept the deal so I'm not really blaming them for that either.

I AM blaming a government/President who thinks it is okay to forcibly take money from one citizen who ethically and honorably earned it and give it to another citizen, for any reason, who didn't earn it. Most especially when the deal is a plan that he will be long gone and his role in it will probably be forgotten when the taxpayer has to pony up the money for forgiven college loan debts.

In my world of ethics, those who cannot repay debts shouldn't be knowingly acquiring debts. And those who do acquire debts should expect to pay them as a matter of honor.

If that makes me a snob or appears to make me look like I am 'better than everybody else' so be it. I'm not likely to change that point of view.

You are a snob, a haughty one. You think you're better than everyone else.

You think anyone who supports the President is unethical, and dishonorable.

You act like those of us who support the President neither work, pay taxes or pay back loans.
I know Foxfyre doesn't think I'm unethical and dishonorable. I also know that Foxfyre doesn't think I don't work, don't pay, taxes, and don't pay debts.

Yet, I am mostly in favor of what Obama did in this matter.

Are you short-circuiting yet?
Will somebody who has not pledged to not respond to Sky's posts directly please ask her to provide quotations to back up her accusations?
Oh pa-leeeeze, Foxy!

Reality is not relevant; only her perceptions are.

(She provided a quote of yours and you neither said it nor did you imply it.)
The grads still pay off their loans on the President's plan.

Right up until the 20 years is up... and then all is forgiven. Are you missing that point sky?

Well that part is unethical. So no I AM saying that this portion is unethical and anyone who agrees that you shouldn't have to pay back what you agreed to borrow has a dishonorable opinion.

It's one thing to pay back what you borrowed. It's another to pay two to four times the amount you borrowed for education and see that as "ethical." GTH already discussed the reasons loans are forgiven for those in government.
The college students are not the one who came up with the plan so they are not to blame for it. Perhaps it can be seen as unethical to accept forgiveness of a debt that other people will then be required to pay to the lender, but even there most people would accept the deal so I'm not really blaming them for that either.

I AM blaming a government/President who thinks it is okay to forcibly take money from one citizen who ethically and honorably earned it and give it to another citizen, for any reason, who didn't earn it. Most especially when the deal is a plan that he will be long gone and his role in it will probably be forgotten when the taxpayer has to pony up the money for forgiven college loan debts.

In my world of ethics, those who cannot repay debts shouldn't be knowingly acquiring debts. And those who do acquire debts should expect to pay them as a matter of honor.

If that makes me a snob or appears to make me look like I am 'better than everybody else' so be it. I'm not likely to change that point of view.

You are a snob, a haughty one. You think you're better than everyone else. You think anyone who supports the President is unethical, and dishonorable.

You act like those of us who support the President neither work, pay taxes or pay back loans.

You brag about paying back loans as if you're the only one who has.

The President's plan is now law. Congress approved it. Get over it.

More than $1 trillion in student debt - exceeding all credit card debt - is a dark cloud over the economy, especially with youth unemployment in double digits.

Tuition at public universities and community colleges is more than 8% higher than last year and has nearly quadrupled in the last 30 years.

Yeah, bash youth, that makes sense.
Did Foxy refuse your advances or something?

Your insane anger toward what you think she is is creepy. Really creepy.
Still we snobs of the world still need verification of our snobbery don't you think? And if I have ever even implied that I am better than somebody else, I should have some evidence of that don't you think?
The college students are not the one who came up with the plan so they are not to blame for it. Perhaps it can be seen as unethical to accept forgiveness of a debt that other people will then be required to pay to the lender, but even there most people would accept the deal so I'm not really blaming them for that either.

I AM blaming a government/President who thinks it is okay to forcibly take money from one citizen who ethically and honorably earned it and give it to another citizen, for any reason, who didn't earn it. Most especially when the deal is a plan that he will be long gone and his role in it will probably be forgotten when the taxpayer has to pony up the money for forgiven college loan debts.

In my world of ethics, those who cannot repay debts shouldn't be knowingly acquiring debts. And those who do acquire debts should expect to pay them as a matter of honor.

If that makes me a snob or appears to make me look like I am 'better than everybody else' so be it. I'm not likely to change that point of view.

You are a snob, a haughty one. You think you're better than everyone else.

You think anyone who supports the President is unethical, and dishonorable.

You act like those of us who support the President neither work, pay taxes or pay back loans.
I know Foxfyre doesn't think I'm unethical and dishonorable. I also know that Foxfyre doesn't think I don't work, don't pay, taxes, and don't pay debts.

Yet, I am mostly in favor of what Obama did in this matter.

Are you short-circuiting yet?

So am I. I favor the President's plan.

Why are you on my case?
Will somebody who has not pledged to not respond to Sky's posts directly please ask her to provide quotations to back up her accusations?
Oh pa-leeeeze, Foxy!

Reality is not relevant; only her perceptions are.

My opinion is my opinion. YOU don't have to like it.

YOU said she and others said something she and others did not say. That is not an opinion, it's a blatant lie.
Still we snobs of the world still need verification of our snobbery don't you think? And if I have ever even implied that I am better than somebody else, I should have some evidence of that don't you think?

You are too good to even talk to me you snob. Because I disagree with your politics, you won't accept my friend offer.
You are a snob, a haughty one. You think you're better than everyone else.

You think anyone who supports the President is unethical, and dishonorable.

You act like those of us who support the President neither work, pay taxes or pay back loans.
I know Foxfyre doesn't think I'm unethical and dishonorable. I also know that Foxfyre doesn't think I don't work, don't pay, taxes, and don't pay debts.

Yet, I am mostly in favor of what Obama did in this matter.

Are you short-circuiting yet?

So am I. I favor the President's plan.

Why are you on my case?

Why are you calling me dishonorable and unethical for agreeing with Obama on this?

I'm correcting your lies.

If you don't like that, then don't lie.

Or suck it up and accept the consequences of YOUR actions. Or, continue to whine about those consequences, like OWS does.

Right up until the 20 years is up... and then all is forgiven. Are you missing that point sky?

Well that part is unethical. So no I AM saying that this portion is unethical and anyone who agrees that you shouldn't have to pay back what you agreed to borrow has a dishonorable opinion.

It's one thing to pay back what you borrowed. It's another to pay two to four times the amount you borrowed for education and see that as "ethical." GTH already discussed the reasons loans are forgiven for those in government.

I'll tell you what bothers me. The same folks who want to bash today's college grads don't give a shit about the on-line college fraud problem.

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