I don't not know how to feel about this. Obama moves troops to Russian border

On one hand I agree with Trump's goal of normalizing relations with Russia and allying with Russia to fight terrorism. On the other hand, Obama is setting up Trump pretty for negotiations with Russia.

With NATO forces in the Baltics and Northern Norway, and NATO anti-ballistic missile systems in Poland, Trump can negotiate and end to Russia's nuclear missile buildup, a bilateral reduction in nuclear missiles, an end to Russian support for Ukrainian separatists, a demilitarized Eastern Europe & Western Russia and possibly Russia to pressure North Korea to end it's nuclear program.

The art of the deal starts with negotiating from a position of strength.

This just seems to be destabilizing the situation.

But as I said, I'm not sure how to feel about this.

We will all have to wait and see how it comes out.

I still think it's more politically motivated.

Anxious, right where the power structure wants you.

It doesn't matter. The Deep State has effectively taken the War making power out of the hands of congress, and it seems like the average citizen either doesn't know, or doesn't care.

If they did, it wouldn't matter if they thought we should go to war with Russia or not. They would be outraged by the very suggestion that ANY president would consider such a move.
Barry may be fantasizing about starting a war and somehow remaining president....he's a dreamer. :lol:
The Question is 'WHY is Barry doing it?'

Is it because Russia prevented him from helping overthrow Assad?

Is it because Russia decimated the Syrian terrorists/rebels he armed/trained/was helping?

Is it because of his false claim that Russia 'hacked the election'?

Is it because he did nothing to stop Crimea being annexed and he caught hell for it?

Is it because his failures reminded people of his failed response to Romney about Russia, proving to people now Romney was right?

Is it because Putin made it seem as if he was the 'adult in the room' when he refused to retaliate after Barry kicked out Russian Ambassadors?

Or is it just to leave a pile of fecal matter for Trump to have to deal with when he steps into the WH?
This is nothing compared to the mountain of "midnight litigation" his agencies are going to hit us with on their way out. The EPA for instance is threatening Alaska with withholding highway funds because wood burning stoves are creating "unacceptable air pollution". They're also going to try to ban fracking through various "environmental damage" lies. None of it will last past the first few hours of the Trump administration...it's all just Barry stealing the "w" keys off the WH keyboards like Willy and Hilly did.
Barry may be fantasizing about starting a war and somehow remaining president....he's a dreamer. :lol:
Okay, so he starts hostilities . . .

and then what?

His term ends January 20th. You can't impeach someone that isn't in office.

There have already been rumors that Obama's intelligence people are connected with that assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.

Then there is this. . .

Erdoğan says Istanbul nightclub attack sought to create chaos in Turkey
Erdoğan says Istanbul nightclub attack sought to create chaos in Turkey - POLITICS
Erdoğan said the fight against terrorism, and “the powers behind them,” will continue with determination.

Turkey is well aware who built ISIS, why? Because they helped. And now in his last days, Obama is pushing Turkey even further into the arms of Russia?

WTF?! :dunno:
Barry may be fantasizing about starting a war and somehow remaining president....he's a dreamer. :lol:
Okay, so he starts hostilities . . .

and then what?

His term ends January 20th. You can't impeach someone that isn't in office.

There have already been rumors that Obama's intelligence people are connected with that assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.

Then there is this. . .

Erdoğan says Istanbul nightclub attack sought to create chaos in Turkey
Erdoğan says Istanbul nightclub attack sought to create chaos in Turkey - POLITICS
Erdoğan said the fight against terrorism, and “the powers behind them,” will continue with determination.

Turkey is well aware who built ISIS, why? Because they helped. And now in his last days, Obama is pushing Turkey even further into the arms of Russia?

WTF?! :dunno:

Nothing will come from any of it.....the boy is just trying to rat-fuck Trump in his usual little girl neener neener style. He's probably having nightmares about having to actually do something to earn a living.
Relax folks. All Obama is doing is helping Russia secure their borders and stop the flow of illegals.
US and NATO troops are already deployed to this region and country. We operating facilities. Any further deployments are reinforcements.
The last time this specific area was in the news was when Russian jets were launched to make simulated runs on a US Navy destroyer.
Russia has been building its forces in this area for some time. Any deployment of any additional US or NATO forces is a response to Russian increases in its own forces to the area.

I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.

Why do you agree that Russia is a "bad actor?"

What proof do you have that they are a threat to US national security?

I don't think they are.

They are a bad actor as far as aggression to their neighbors.

I just don't know if we want to go to war over it.

Russia has not been aggressive with any neighbor with the exception of rescuing the Crimeans at their request after the US backed coup in western Ukraine.

On the other hand we in the west having been backing terrorists in the ME throwing the whole region into chaos.
obama just wants to leave office in total chaos. A war on one hand, hundreds of bogus lawsuits on the other and blame Trump for all of it.
The Question is 'WHY is Barry doing it?'

Is it because Russia prevented him from helping overthrow Assad?

Is it because Russia decimated the Syrian terrorists/rebels he armed/trained/was helping?

Is it because of his false claim that Russia 'hacked the election'?

Is it because he did nothing to stop Crimea being annexed and he caught hell for it?

Is it because his failures reminded people of his failed response to Romney about Russia, proving to people now Romney was right?

Is it because Putin made it seem as if he was the 'adult in the room' when he refused to retaliate after Barry kicked out Russian Ambassadors?

Or is it just to leave a pile of fecal matter for Trump to have to deal with when he steps into the WH?

Romney is a tool, he was never right about Russia.
US and NATO troops are already deployed to this region and country. We operating facilities. Any further deployments are reinforcements.
The last time this specific area was in the news was when Russian jets were launched to make simulated runs on a US Navy destroyer.
Russia has been building its forces in this area for some time. Any deployment of any additional US or NATO forces is a response to Russian increases in its own forces to the area.

I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.

Why do you agree that Russia is a "bad actor?"

What proof do you have that they are a threat to US national security?

I don't think they are.

They are a bad actor as far as aggression to their neighbors.

I just don't know if we want to go to war over it.

Russia has not been aggressive with any neighbor with the exception of rescuing the Crimeans at their request after the US backed coup in western Ukraine.

On the other hand we in the west having been backing terrorists in the ME throwing the whole region into chaos.
Oooookay, Comrade.
US and NATO troops are already deployed to this region and country. We operating facilities. Any further deployments are reinforcements.
The last time this specific area was in the news was when Russian jets were launched to make simulated runs on a US Navy destroyer.
Russia has been building its forces in this area for some time. Any deployment of any additional US or NATO forces is a response to Russian increases in its own forces to the area.

I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.

Why do you agree that Russia is a "bad actor?"

What proof do you have that they are a threat to US national security?

I don't think they are.

They are a bad actor as far as aggression to their neighbors.

I just don't know if we want to go to war over it.

Russia has not been aggressive with any neighbor with the exception of rescuing the Crimeans at their request after the US backed coup in western Ukraine.

On the other hand we in the west having been backing terrorists in the ME throwing the whole region into chaos.
Oooookay, Comrade.

I'm correct. Since Obama took office he and other western leaders forced Mubarak to step down, backed the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood.

Took out Gaddafi and turned the country over to various terror cells. Still trying to depose Assad. Allowing Saudi Arabia to bomb the shit out of Yemen.

Made no move as ISIS waltzed into Iraq. And backed the Ukrainian coup and handed Kiev to nazi lovers.

What's Putin done?

I fear there is more politics than necessity in this move.

What do other people think? I just really don't know how I feel about this one. Just fear it was politically motivated.

Correct. It is the democratic strategists trying to smear the GOP by goading them to war. The idea is to paint Trump out as "more of a pussy than mom-jeans Obama". It's a set up to force Trump to become aggressive with the Russians or be seen as a wimp. In the end, the DNC is betting they'll get more middle votes in 2018 from this stunt than if they just dropped the LGBT cult parasite. They're betting wrong. Again.

It's yet another of their "hail Mary!" passes. The sick thing is that Obama knows Russia & China themselves or via proxies are drooling at the prospect of the US looking aggressive in Europe and "starting shit again". So this is an act of treachery on Obama's behalf. I knew he was capable of this type of thing. I just wondered how far he'd take it. But then again, he's the guy who had an education czar attempting to teach new "peg boys" how to do anal fisting in schools. Once you're capable of that, really what limits do you have?

But then again they're in quite the pickle. Word has it that the LGBT cult is quite aggressive and doesn't give up its hosts willingly without a vicious fight. Better to kill some innocent Europeans than stop wanting to make ass sex the new Western cultural icon.

You know how I like to back up and get the broad picture, then boil it down to its essence.
I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.

Why do you agree that Russia is a "bad actor?"

What proof do you have that they are a threat to US national security?

I don't think they are.

They are a bad actor as far as aggression to their neighbors.

I just don't know if we want to go to war over it.

Russia has not been aggressive with any neighbor with the exception of rescuing the Crimeans at their request after the US backed coup in western Ukraine.

On the other hand we in the west having been backing terrorists in the ME throwing the whole region into chaos.
Oooookay, Comrade.

I'm correct. Since Obama took office he and other western leaders forced Mubarak to step down, backed the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood.

Took out Gaddafi and turned the country over to various terror cells. Still trying to depose Assad. Allowing Saudi Arabia to bomb the shit out of Yemen.

Made no move as ISIS waltzed into Iraq. And backed the Ukrainian coup and handed Kiev to nazi lovers.

What's Putin done?
There are some Russian propaganda points you left out. Perhaps you should study your instructions better comrade.
I agree that Russia is a bad actor.

Should we be doing this NOW before a new president comes in?

That seems very irresponsible and politically motivated.

Why do you agree that Russia is a "bad actor?"

What proof do you have that they are a threat to US national security?

I don't think they are.

They are a bad actor as far as aggression to their neighbors.

I just don't know if we want to go to war over it.

Russia has not been aggressive with any neighbor with the exception of rescuing the Crimeans at their request after the US backed coup in western Ukraine.

On the other hand we in the west having been backing terrorists in the ME throwing the whole region into chaos.
Oooookay, Comrade.

I'm correct. Since Obama took office he and other western leaders forced Mubarak to step down, backed the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood.

Took out Gaddafi and turned the country over to various terror cells. Still trying to depose Assad. Allowing Saudi Arabia to bomb the shit out of Yemen.

Made no move as ISIS waltzed into Iraq. And backed the Ukrainian coup and handed Kiev to nazi lovers.

What's Putin done?
Reagan would have been proud of him..
Obabble is acting like a naughty little dog peeing all over the furniture.

Only 15 days, 22 hours and 8 minute until NOBAMA!

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