I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Having read the Florida statute in question Zimmerman has no standing on immunity under it if he pursued this kid in any manner.
Also saw 2nd Amendment groups, NRA advocates from Florida and gun enthusiasts from Florida on TV last night calling for a swift investigation as they also stated that under their interpretation of the statutue that defense is not valid if Zimmerman pursued the kid.
Most importantly, it is the Florida crime lab, slowed drasticallyby the massive amount of narcotics case backlog testing, that slowed this investigation FROM THE START. Also, the autopsy report has to be tendered before the grand jury can convene and hear testimony on this case.
NONE of that the police have ANY control over as the crime lab is state level and grand jury is district attorney's office. Very troubling that the attorney representing the family KNOWS ALL OF THIS yet still came out with his publicity circus with claims that nothing was being done.
And that is for one reason only, HIS interests only.
Sad but this goes on too much these days and race and color has nothing to do with it.
Except for that pesky little racial epitaph he used and also the "they always get away" phrase he uttered. Quite obvious and quite damning at the same time. His time is coming.

If it would have been another black that shot this kid then the racial epitaph could not be used as evidence.
But if someone else of another race uses it it can.
Equal protection under the law gets thrown under the bus again all the in the name of PC.
And I vividly remember a case here in Atlanta where a gay guy was killed and was called a faggot. Where was the NAACP and you screaming for justice for that poor soul and where were you asking for a hate crime charge against that shooter?
Okey dokey.
Another fact that was released through leaks, and I am admitting this is not evidence yet as it is hearsay, the kid was shot once in the chest.
But I do not care where the kid was shot as the statute clearly states there is not an immunity charge defense if someone follows someone.
Additionally, I have been told that Zimmerman had wanted to be a police officer and had taken some community college courses and may have applied for POST training.
I hate to sound like I am stereotyping Zimmerman but it has always been my experience with dealing with guys like him that want to be cops and somehow got washed out they make the worst security guards and should not be carrying a damn gun. They get a real thrill and rush playing copper and get all giddy when out on the "job".
They get all fired up over nothing in most cases and should be locked in a rubber room with a decoder ring, a fake detective badge and a box of cracker jacks.
This case will be indicted first presentation to the grand jury felony murder and I bet there will be a jury charge of volunatary and involuntary manslaughter to the jury if it goes to trial.
Who knows but if it shakes out like I think it will Zimmerman takes a 2nd degree or involuntary manslaughter charge plea. A lot depends on the statement he gave.
I guarantee the statement Zimmerman gave to police is what will sink his ass.
Off to work. Boring day as I am working an employee theft ring case this week.
Yes Marc, white folk steal as much as any folk. :lol:
Who says crime do not pay!?


One can almost stop reading after that word. However, I knew about the potential-cop and wanna-be cop status of Zimmerman. On the gay guy story and NAACP's lack of involvement, I'd have to take your word. With that said, NAACP did not come into existence to fight for gays. Doesn't mean they disagree with them or won't support them. There are organizations out there for every minority group that brings attention to their issues...let them do that. I'm not saying the various organizations have to disagree or not work together.
And I vividly remember a case here in Atlanta where a gay guy was killed and was called a faggot. Where was the NAACP and you screaming for justice for that poor soul and where were you asking for a hate crime charge against that shooter?

Uh, you do realize that it's call the N-A-A-C-P, right? Not the N-A-A-F-P. You really are coming unhinged over this.
Ya think there's any probable cause for this being a racially motivated murder now?

Strong possibility. Probably, maybe, could be, leaning that way, has to be.

None of that means a damn thing in criminal court. And I thank the Constitution for that.

Now we would not ever want a "rush to judgment" would we?

Federal civil rights violation standards are pretty tough to prove. The tape helps proves race was a motivating factor.

I think he was racially motivated to follow this kid but I do not believe he followed him with the intention to kill him. I think he was likely on a power trip. Bu it happened so quickly after Zimmerman got out of the car I suspect Zimmerman likely pulled out his gun intending to hold the kid at gunpoint until cops arrived and the sight of it threw the kid into an understandable panic and he started screaming for help, threw his Skittles at him, maybe tried hitting or shoving and fighting to get away. The fact the teenager had time to scream for help for half a minute or so says Zimmerman didn't get out and immediately kill him. The girlfriend who was on the phone with the kid heard him ask Zimmerman why he was following him and heard Zimmerman demand to know what the kid was doing -and then he screamed for help and the phone was disconnected. On 911 calls you can hear him screaming for help for several seconds more before the gunshot.

This kid had no idea who Zimmerman was but knew he wasn't a cop. As far as he was concerned he was a big white guy up to no good who had been following him for no reason who pulled a gun on him and intended to kill him. Once he started fighting and screaming for his life -Zimmerman made the wrong decision about how to control the situation and fired. Now he belongs in prison for the senseless killing during a stupid situation he needlessly created. I think the fitting crime would be voluntary manslaughter, not premeditated murder. I don't know if the racial motivation for the shooting itself exists or not -up to a jury, but I think it exists for following him. Maybe the law says if a racial motive exists at one part it does for the entire time -I don't know. I really do think he probably intended to hold him for cops but he was a kid already scared of this white guy following him for no reason and undoubtedly thought Zimmerman was going to kill him when he pulled the gun. Zimmerman was not prepared for the reaction and is now pretending he is the victim with the right to stand his ground under FL law and shoot him. But THIS kind of situation where he is actually the aggressor does not apply. But if the teen had had a gun, HE is the one who would have been justified to shoot after Zimmerman pulled the gun under that law. Because he is the one who was going about his business when accosted by Zimmerman -NOT the other way around. At every point, it is the teen who is the victim and Zimmerman the aggressor. Zimmerman needlessly created the entire situation and NEEDLESSLY used the threat of lethal violence against the kid -and then did use it. Stand your ground law does not apply to his actions-but i think definitely would have if the teen had killed him.
I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.

An hispanic JEW shoots a black attacker, whites blamed.

Zimmerman might have had a lot of baggage, but he still shot an animal in self-defense.

Nope. Zimmerman blamed. No evidence so far that Zimmerman life was in danger.
I'm thinking this guy's obviously been carrying around a lot of baggage long before the shooting ever happened. A sad story all the way around.

An hispanic JEW shoots a black attacker, whites blamed.

Zimmerman might have had a lot of baggage, but he still shot an animal in self-defense.

Nope. Zimmerman blamed. No evidence so far that Zimmerman life was in danger.

Nor any evidence the killing was deemed important in Seminole county, UNTIL there was public outcry.
And I vividly remember a case here in Atlanta where a gay guy was killed and was called a faggot. Where was the NAACP and you screaming for justice for that poor soul and where were you asking for a hate crime charge against that shooter?

Uh, you do realize that it's call the N-A-A-C-P, right? Not the N-A-A-F-P. You really are coming unhinged over this.

Not what Dr. King stated.
But I do know that you are right and that many in the current NAACP care nothing about the rights of anyone but themselves.
To them civil rights are for colored folk only and you are to be commended for pointing out that fact.
Of course you are too young and naive to even know that NAACP has championed and fought for equal rights for all for many years.
Julian Bond, ever heard of him?; at the LAST NAACP CONVENTION held a public forum on equal rights for gays and lesbians. Bond "gay rights are another component of civil rights."
But we will not take him seriously and believe you instead.
All I ever do is post the facts. You are the one coming unglued telling me to "shut the fuck up.'
Grow up and learn some history.
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And I vividly remember a case here in Atlanta where a gay guy was killed and was called a faggot. Where was the NAACP and you screaming for justice for that poor soul and where were you asking for a hate crime charge against that shooter?

Uh, you do realize that it's call the N-A-A-C-P, right? Not the N-A-A-F-P. You really are coming unhinged over this.

Not what Dr. King stated.
But I do know that you are right and that many in the current NAACP care nothing about the rights of anyone but themselves.
To them civil rights are for colored folk only and you are to be commended for pointing out that fact.
Of course you are too young and naive to even know that NAACP has championed and fought for equal rights for all for many years.
Julian Bond, ever heard of him?; at the LAST NAACP CONVENTION held a public forum on equal rights for gays and lesbians. Bond "gay rights are another component of civil rights."
But we will not take him seriously and believe you instead.
All I ever do is post the facts. You are the one coming unglued telling me to "shut the fuck up.'
Grow up and learn some history.

Bond is correct, in my opinion.
Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?
Uh, you do realize that it's call the N-A-A-C-P, right? Not the N-A-A-F-P. You really are coming unhinged over this.

Not what Dr. King stated.
But I do know that you are right and that many in the current NAACP care nothing about the rights of anyone but themselves.
To them civil rights are for colored folk only and you are to be commended for pointing out that fact.
Of course you are too young and naive to even know that NAACP has championed and fought for equal rights for all for many years.
Julian Bond, ever heard of him?; at the LAST NAACP CONVENTION held a public forum on equal rights for gays and lesbians. Bond "gay rights are another component of civil rights."
But we will not take him seriously and believe you instead.
All I ever do is post the facts. You are the one coming unglued telling me to "shut the fuck up.'
Grow up and learn some history.

Bond is correct, in my opinion.

Julian Bond was a Georgia politician for many years and when Reginald Eaves was Atlanta public safety commissioner I met him a few times. I remember seeing him campaigning outside the Fox theatre when he ran against John Lewis for Congress. "Dawg, how about some $$ to help with my campaign". I told him I wasn't even in his district. "I need your contribution more than your vote." He had a great sense of humor! He lost to Lewis in a scorched earth campaign as Lewis made accusations against Julian for drug use and other indiscretions. Bond was known to label Lewis "Buckwheat" many times as the inside war in Atlanta black politics, like any politics, was fierce. However, Bond walked the walk when it came to civil rights. Did not agree with a lot of his other liberal politics but I liked the guy.
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Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

Now I am not defending MarcATL and tend to agree with you on the main points but the LAST TIME there was any form of a lynch mob forming and delivering it would be the black folk on the wrong end of the rope.
Coming from my background and 34 years on the streets in the real world I can understand why he may be getting uptight and wants action.
Disagree with MarcATL but understand fully his concerns.
Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

Now I am not defending MarcATL and tend to agree with you on the main points but the LAST TIME there was any form of a lynch mob forming and delivering it would be the black folk on the wrong end of the rope.
Coming from my background and 34 years on the streets in the real world I can understand why he may be getting uptight and wants action.
Disagree with MarcATL but understand fully his concerns.

I understood white racists as well as MarcATL, but understanding is just that.

Two wrongs don't...
I think the guy is guilty of murder.
Whether or not he is tried for and convicted of murder depends on several factors, mainly the applicable law and the available evidence.

It also sounded like the kid was whipping the shit out of a wannabe super cop.
And therein could lie the tale. If Zimmerman can convincingly assert that Martin assaulted him, then according to the Florida law Zimmerman had a right to use deadly force to defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman's conduct up to that point was excessive and probably unlawful does not override the Stand Your Ground ruling.

Zimmerman was told to stop by a 911 operator, he did not.
Actually he was not "told to stop." He was advised that the Sanford PD "did not need him to do that" (follow Martin). That is not an instruction. It is information -- a request at most, leaving a wide open option.

Zimmerman instigated this and he should be held accountable for his part.
I agree. Zimmerman did indeed instigate the incident. But if he can make the case that his part was limited to exceeding his authority as a civilian the most he could be charged with is disorderly conduct and maybe harassment.

The police know these things which is why Zimmerman hasn't been arrested.
I think the guy is guilty of murder.
Whether or not he is tried for and convicted of murder depends on several factors, mainly the applicable law and the available evidence.

It also sounded like the kid was whipping the shit out of a wannabe super cop.
And therein could lie the tale. If Zimmerman can convincingly assert that Martin assaulted him, then according to the Florida law Zimmerman had a right to use deadly force to defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman's conduct up to that point was excessive and probably unlawful does not override the Stand Your Ground ruling.

Zimmerman was told to stop by a 911 operator, he did not.
Actually he was not "told to stop." He was advised that the Sanford PD "did not need him to do that" (follow Martin). That is not an instruction. It is information -- a request at most, leaving a wide open option.

Zimmerman instigated this and he should be held accountable for his part.
I agree. Zimmerman did indeed instigate the incident. But if he can make the case that his part was limited to exceeding his authority as a civilian the most he could be charged with is disorderly conduct and maybe harassment.

The police know these things which is why Zimmerman hasn't been arrested.

Very good and this is most likely the case.
Why does MarcATL want a lynch mob before all evidence is in? Is his mind affected by some kind of mental illness? This is a serious question. MarcATL and a few other people have become completely unhinged over a tragedy that is not theirs.

What is it about lonely shut-ins with internet service that makes them so angry and irrational?

Now I am not defending MarcATL and tend to agree with you on the main points but the LAST TIME there was any form of a lynch mob forming and delivering it would be the black folk on the wrong end of the rope.
Coming from my background and 34 years on the streets in the real world I can understand why he may be getting uptight and wants action.
Disagree with MarcATL but understand fully his concerns.
Isn't it funny to note who's ALWAYS screaming and going on about "the new lynch mobs" or just "lynch mobs" nowadays? Hint: It ain't black folks.

Up is down, down is up, Good is bad in radical RW Bizarro Wurld.
This commercial break brought to you by George Lynch brand Lynch Mobs. "When you got that wicked sensation...."

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I think the guy is guilty of murder.
Whether or not he is tried for and convicted of murder depends on several factors, mainly the applicable law and the available evidence.

It also sounded like the kid was whipping the shit out of a wannabe super cop.
And therein could lie the tale. If Zimmerman can convincingly assert that Martin assaulted him, then according to the Florida law Zimmerman had a right to use deadly force to defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman's conduct up to that point was excessive and probably unlawful does not override the Stand Your Ground ruling.

Zimmerman was told to stop by a 911 operator, he did not.
Actually he was not "told to stop." He was advised that the Sanford PD "did not need him to do that" (follow Martin). That is not an instruction. It is information -- a request at most, leaving a wide open option.

Zimmerman instigated this and he should be held accountable for his part.
I agree. Zimmerman did indeed instigate the incident. But if he can make the case that his part was limited to exceeding his authority as a civilian the most he could be charged with is disorderly conduct and maybe harassment.

The police know these things which is why Zimmerman hasn't been arrested.

Exceeding his authority as a civilian? He shot & killed a another person.
I think the guy is guilty of murder.
Whether or not he is tried for and convicted of murder depends on several factors, mainly the applicable law and the available evidence.

And therein could lie the tale. If Zimmerman can convincingly assert that Martin assaulted him, then according to the Florida law Zimmerman had a right to use deadly force to defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman's conduct up to that point was excessive and probably unlawful does not override the Stand Your Ground ruling.

Actually he was not "told to stop." He was advised that the Sanford PD "did not need him to do that" (follow Martin). That is not an instruction. It is information -- a request at most, leaving a wide open option.

Zimmerman instigated this and he should be held accountable for his part.
I agree. Zimmerman did indeed instigate the incident. But if he can make the case that his part was limited to exceeding his authority as a civilian the most he could be charged with is disorderly conduct and maybe harassment.

The police know these things which is why Zimmerman hasn't been arrested.

Exceeding his authority as a civilian? He shot & killed a another person.
Civilians can do that in certain circumstances, you know.
Whether or not he is tried for and convicted of murder depends on several factors, mainly the applicable law and the available evidence.

And therein could lie the tale. If Zimmerman can convincingly assert that Martin assaulted him, then according to the Florida law Zimmerman had a right to use deadly force to defend himself. The fact that Zimmerman's conduct up to that point was excessive and probably unlawful does not override the Stand Your Ground ruling.

Actually he was not "told to stop." He was advised that the Sanford PD "did not need him to do that" (follow Martin). That is not an instruction. It is information -- a request at most, leaving a wide open option.

I agree. Zimmerman did indeed instigate the incident. But if he can make the case that his part was limited to exceeding his authority as a civilian the most he could be charged with is disorderly conduct and maybe harassment.

The police know these things which is why Zimmerman hasn't been arrested.

Exceeding his authority as a civilian? He shot & killed a another person.
Civilians can do that in certain circumstances, you know.

Well yes, but killing another human being is usually not described as "exceeding the authority of a civilian".
This person is truly con fronted.


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