I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

I guess race relations just took a step back about 30 years.
If I were Zimmerman, my lawyer would be contacting Spikey and suing his ass, as well as every single person involved with the 'wanted' poster, and every other fucker who put my life at risk. Then I'd be suing Holder, the DoJ, the police, the city, and everyone else I could think of.

Why would you be suing everybody. Spike Lee maybe, but the rest? It's not their fault this wannabe Rambo KILLED somebody. Let's not forget that aspect of this. Maybe if this douche (and he is a douche no matter what way you look at it) hadn't wanted to be a wannabe cop, none of this would have come down.

I thought you conservatives liked to hold people accountable for their actions. This is the fallout of his stupid act. While this doesn't make Lee look any good, I'm having problems feeling sympathy for the guy....

So, once somebody is accused of a crime their rights are gone???

It doesn't matter what side you're on, you can't decide if you're gonna follow the law in this case and not in that case.

What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially the right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...
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1. That's not a residential address, so you're a liar.

2. Since it's not your real address, you're unwilling to do what you think is no big deal in Zimmerman's case, so you're a hypocrite.

3. Since it's not you're real address, you're a coward.

In summary, you're a lying, hypocritical, cowardly, racist, retard robot.

And that truly pathetic thing is you're not even ashamed of it.

Thus, the person to FEAR is Daveman? He searched for Salt's ADDRESS..........

I knew he would.
Why would you be suing everybody. Spike Lee maybe, but the rest? It's not their fault this wannabe Rambo KILLED somebody. Let's not forget that aspect of this. Maybe if this douche (and he is a douche no matter what way you look at it) hadn't wanted to be a wannabe cop, none of this would have come down.

I thought you conservatives liked to hold people accountable for their actions. This is the fallout of his stupid act. While this doesn't make Lee look any good, I'm having problems feeling sympathy for the guy....

So, once somebody is accused of a crime their rights are gone???

It doesn't matter what side you're on, you can't decide if you're gonna follow the law in this case and not in that case.

What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially he right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

I see no difference here with what we used to see around the turn of the 20th century. Roaming bands of whites looking to bring justice upon a black man that hasn't been convicted. Watch "To Kill A Mockingbird".
If I were Zimmerman, my lawyer would be contacting Spikey and suing his ass, as well as every single person involved with the 'wanted' poster, and every other fucker who put my life at risk. Then I'd be suing Holder, the DoJ, the police, the city, and everyone else I could think of.
In other words, Zimmerman just hit the winning ticket in the favorite game of the litigious left: "Jackpot Justice"!
DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT be giving out addresses or phone numbers on the open board. Nuff said?
So, once somebody is accused of a crime their rights are gone???

It doesn't matter what side you're on, you can't decide if you're gonna follow the law in this case and not in that case.

What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially he right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

I see no difference here with what we used to see around the turn of the 20th century. Roaming bands of whites looking to bring justice upon a black man that hasn't been convicted. Watch "To Kill A Mockingbird".

I have the book, somewhere. TODAY, the "roaming bands" are featured on TV; the "MSM" isn't disclosing Zimmerman's home address, only far right internet sites by the way.
What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially he right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

I see no difference here with what we used to see around the turn of the 20th century. Roaming bands of whites looking to bring justice upon a black man that hasn't been convicted. Watch "To Kill A Mockingbird".

I have the book, somewhere. TODAY, the "roaming bands" are featured on TV; the "MSM" isn't disclosing Zimmerman's home address, only far right internet sites by the way.

They know they would be liable for a massive lawsuit.

It's too late.....once Lee tweeted it, the address became public domain.
Why would you be suing everybody. Spike Lee maybe, but the rest? It's not their fault this wannabe Rambo KILLED somebody. Let's not forget that aspect of this. Maybe if this douche (and he is a douche no matter what way you look at it) hadn't wanted to be a wannabe cop, none of this would have come down.

I thought you conservatives liked to hold people accountable for their actions. This is the fallout of his stupid act. While this doesn't make Lee look any good, I'm having problems feeling sympathy for the guy....

So, once somebody is accused of a crime their rights are gone???

It doesn't matter what side you're on, you can't decide if you're gonna follow the law in this case and not in that case.

What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially the right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

So, trial by media is something you support. Interesting.... and seriously disappointing... given that you are quite a rational human being. So far, there is not one shred of actual evidence of Zimmerman having committed a crime.... I'm curious why he should go to prison.
Oops, it seems that Spike Lee didn't tweet any address. Two tweets containing the address were sent to Lee. From the OP's Link:

Two messages were posted to Lee’s official Twitter account, one Friday and one Saturday, with a street address and the words “EVERYBODY REPOST THIS.” Both messages were still visible on Lee’s account Sunday morning. Lee has tweeted numerous times about Martin’s death.

Damn, right-wingers are dumb.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com

Was this conspiracy to commit murder?

"Long-time immigrant rights activist Jorge-Mario Cabrera is used to being called to task for his views. But when radio hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou recently gave out his cellphone number on the air in a campaign against the California Dream Act, he found himself unprepared for the barrage of hate-filled phone calls that followed."

Groups want 'John and Ken' show pulled after phone-number stunt - Los Angeles Times

Should anything happen to Zimmerman, and if the Department of Injustice suddenly discovers rectitude, then I would hope they pursue the same path taken against the Metzgers....

"Metzger, Son Are Sued Over Killing by Skinheads
Tom Metzger of Fallbrook, head of the White Aryan Resistance, was sued Friday in Portland, Ore., federal court by the uncle of an Ethiopian who was beaten to death last year by skinheads, young neo-Nazis who favor shaved heads, steel-toed boots and military-style clothing.

Also named as a defendant is Metzger's White Aryan Resistance, a white power organization reported to have a following of more than 2,000. The suit seeks unspecified "compensatory and punitive damages."

It is similar to a lawsuit pressed by the law center three years ago against the Ku Klux Klan, in which a jury returned a $7-million verdict that crushed an entire arm of the Klan financially.

The lawsuit charges that agents of Tom and John Metzger, who heads the Aryan Youth Movement, moved into a skinhead apartment in Portland and encouraged the skinheads to commit violent acts against blacks and others to promote white supremacy."
Metzger, Son Are Sued Over Killing by Skinheads - Los Angeles Times
So, once somebody is accused of a crime their rights are gone???

It doesn't matter what side you're on, you can't decide if you're gonna follow the law in this case and not in that case.

What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially the right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

So, trial by media is something you support. Interesting.... and seriously disappointing... given that you are quite a rational human being. So far, there is not one shred of actual evidence of Zimmerman having committed a crime.... I'm curious why he should go to prison.

We will know after the Grand Jury convenes...............Zimmerman does admit killing Trayvon Martin, this isn't a case of jay walking.
What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially he right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

I see no difference here with what we used to see around the turn of the 20th century. Roaming bands of whites looking to bring justice upon a black man that hasn't been convicted. Watch "To Kill A Mockingbird".

I have the book, somewhere. TODAY, the "roaming bands" are featured on TV; the "MSM" isn't disclosing Zimmerman's home address, only far right internet sites by the way.

Every single outlet, and every single individual that passes that address on to others, is putting his life at risk. If I were him, I'd be suing the living fucking daylights out of each and every one... including going after Twitter itself. They are responsible for their content, much like USMB is responsible for this board's content.

You publish that guy's address here.... and see what happens.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com

Was this conspiracy to commit murder?

"Long-time immigrant rights activist Jorge-Mario Cabrera is used to being called to task for his views. But when radio hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou recently gave out his cellphone number on the air in a campaign against the California Dream Act, he found himself unprepared for the barrage of hate-filled phone calls that followed."

Groups want 'John and Ken' show pulled after phone-number stunt - Los Angeles Times

Should anything happen to Zimmerman, and if the Department of Injustice suddenly discovers rectitude, then I would hope they pursue the same path taken against the Metzgers....

"Metzger, Son Are Sued Over Killing by Skinheads
Tom Metzger of Fallbrook, head of the White Aryan Resistance, was sued Friday in Portland, Ore., federal court by the uncle of an Ethiopian who was beaten to death last year by skinheads, young neo-Nazis who favor shaved heads, steel-toed boots and military-style clothing.

Also named as a defendant is Metzger's White Aryan Resistance, a white power organization reported to have a following of more than 2,000. The suit seeks unspecified "compensatory and punitive damages."

It is similar to a lawsuit pressed by the law center three years ago against the Ku Klux Klan, in which a jury returned a $7-million verdict that crushed an entire arm of the Klan financially.

The lawsuit charges that agents of Tom and John Metzger, who heads the Aryan Youth Movement, moved into a skinhead apartment in Portland and encouraged the skinheads to commit violent acts against blacks and others to promote white supremacy."
Metzger, Son Are Sued Over Killing by Skinheads - Los Angeles Times

Key words:

"moved into a skinhead apartment"

Sheriff Joe Arpiao tried to claim giving out his address was a crime. Study how that turned out for Sheriff Joe.
What rights have been violated?
I don't know of any law Lee has broken. He's a douche for doing what he did, and he may have broken some law (but I don't know what it is).

It's interesting how people are frothing at the mouth about this (especially the right). It's a nice diversion to the real story here - a vigilante kills a kid walking down the street because he 'looked suspicious'. Whatever Lee is, this Zimmerman is a complete fucking loon and deserves to go to prison for a long time...

So, trial by media is something you support. Interesting.... and seriously disappointing... given that you are quite a rational human being. So far, there is not one shred of actual evidence of Zimmerman having committed a crime.... I'm curious why he should go to prison.

We will know after the Grand Jury convenes...............Zimmerman does admit killing Trayvon Martin, this isn't a case of jay walking.

He's already been cleared by a police investigation... you do realize that one requires evidence to present to a Grand Jury, right? We all know that Zimmerman killed Trayvon - and I am not defending him... I am defending the process. I do not support trial by media. It is dangerous... and it can get people killed.

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