I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means


Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

[B]Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???[/B]

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

[url=http://www.theblaze.com/stories/spike-lee-retweets-george-zimmermans-home-address/]Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com[/url][/quote]

no. you stand corrected and naked in your ignorance before the whole world wide web.

If you were Zimmerman? You'd have to leave the house to be Zimmerman.[/QUOTE]

Actually, he stands correct, not corrected. Mud was right. Spike Lee did retweet the address. It says so on the original twitter. Even Salty the Racist admits that.[/QUOTE]

I prefer S. Jones the Racist, thank you.
The police undertaking the original investigation didn't find evidence to counter his account. All you have is what the media tell you.... and that is trial by media. If you don't support trial by media... why do you want him to go to prison?

Then again, maybe the police did a shitty job...they only have his account of what happened...took it for granted and carried on. Now they will get a proper investigation.

I want him to go to prison because all indications so far are is that he is a douche. He has cost a young man his life because he wanted to be big man on Campus. If they release the emergency call tape, and the despatcher did indeed tell him to back off, then he should go inside for a long time. Looks like he instigated, then accelerated, and concluded the whole incident.

If it didn't turn out that way, then we'll see what happens. I only want him to go inside IF that did happen.

All the rest if supposition, and I'm allowed to suppose, just like you do....

I tend not to find people guilty on a 'maybe'. I like solid evidence. You claim you do not support trial by media... and yet you are the one who wants the man in prison. So far, there is no evidence to find him guilty.... so, again, why have you found him guilty? Because the media tells you so.

In this country (and, granted, it may be different in Australia)... but here, we are innocent until proven guilty. That is our due process.

He doesn't have to prove he's innocent.... the police have to find evidence that counters his account. Again, where is that evidence?

I don't 'suppose'.... nor do I find him guilty.... I will reserve judgment until I know ALL the relevant facts. That, my friend, is logic.

Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

[B]Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???[/B]

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

[url=http://www.theblaze.com/stories/spike-lee-retweets-george-zimmermans-home-address/]Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com[/url][/quote]

no. you stand corrected and naked in your ignorance before the whole world wide web.

If you were Zimmerman? You'd have to leave the house to be Zimmerman.[/QUOTE]

Actually, he stands correct, not corrected. Mud was right. Spike Lee did retweet the address. It says so on the original twitter. Even Salty the Racist admits that.[/QUOTE]

[B]Quest)[/B] Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

[B]Reply)[/B] no. you stand corrected and naked in your ignorance before the whole world wide web.

[B]Idiocy)[/B] Actually, he stands correct, not corrected. Mud was right. Spike Lee did retweet the address. It says so on the original twitter.
The police undertaking the original investigation didn't find evidence to counter his account. All you have is what the media tell you.... and that is trial by media. If you don't support trial by media... why do you want him to go to prison?

Then again, maybe the police did a shitty job...they only have his account of what happened...took it for granted and carried on. Now they will get a proper investigation.

I want him to go to prison because all indications so far are is that he is a douche. He has cost a young man his life because he wanted to be big man on Campus. If they release the emergency call tape, and the despatcher did indeed tell him to back off, then he should go inside for a long time. Looks like he instigated, then accelerated, and concluded the whole incident.

If it didn't turn out that way, then we'll see what happens. I only want him to go inside IF that did happen.

All the rest if supposition, and I'm allowed to suppose, just like you do....

I tend not to find people guilty on a 'maybe'. I like solid evidence. You claim you do not support trial by media... and yet you are the one who wants the man in prison. So far, there is no evidence to find him guilty.... so, again, why have you found him guilty? Because the media tells you so.

In this country (and, granted, it may be different in Australia)... but here, we are innocent until proven guilty. That is our due process.

He doesn't have to prove he's innocent.... the police have to find evidence that counters his account. Again, where is that evidence?

I don't 'suppose'.... nor do I find him guilty.... I will reserve judgment until I know ALL the relevant facts. That, my friend, is logic.

The Grand Jury will review what is presented; that is the proper course for the investigation into the killing. (I think DOJ should keep out of it until the Grand Jury is done; IF Zimmerman is indicted, where in Florida he can be tried is a mystery, there is so much pre trial publicity. I THINK Bundy went to trial in Miami for the FSU murders, and Orlando for the Lake City murder.)
This is a hammer I'd love to nail.


Then again, maybe the police did a shitty job...they only have his account of what happened...took it for granted and carried on. Now they will get a proper investigation.

I want him to go to prison because all indications so far are is that he is a douche. He has cost a young man his life because he wanted to be big man on Campus. If they release the emergency call tape, and the despatcher did indeed tell him to back off, then he should go inside for a long time. Looks like he instigated, then accelerated, and concluded the whole incident.

If it didn't turn out that way, then we'll see what happens. I only want him to go inside IF that did happen.

All the rest if supposition, and I'm allowed to suppose, just like you do....

I tend not to find people guilty on a 'maybe'. I like solid evidence. You claim you do not support trial by media... and yet you are the one who wants the man in prison. So far, there is no evidence to find him guilty.... so, again, why have you found him guilty? Because the media tells you so.

In this country (and, granted, it may be different in Australia)... but here, we are innocent until proven guilty. That is our due process.

He doesn't have to prove he's innocent.... the police have to find evidence that counters his account. Again, where is that evidence?

I don't 'suppose'.... nor do I find him guilty.... I will reserve judgment until I know ALL the relevant facts. That, my friend, is logic.

Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.
I am all for Zimmerman being thrown under the jail for killing this unarmed kid. What spike lee did was wrong and it will make the Zimmerman supporters (the people on the right) spout all people who want justice here are just like Spike lee or the new black panther party (all 10 of those guys).

Spike Lee, dumb move. Zimmerman, if there is justice in this world, you will experience OZ.
I tend not to find people guilty on a 'maybe'. I like solid evidence. You claim you do not support trial by media... and yet you are the one who wants the man in prison. So far, there is no evidence to find him guilty.... so, again, why have you found him guilty? Because the media tells you so.

In this country (and, granted, it may be different in Australia)... but here, we are innocent until proven guilty. That is our due process.

He doesn't have to prove he's innocent.... the police have to find evidence that counters his account. Again, where is that evidence?

I don't 'suppose'.... nor do I find him guilty.... I will reserve judgment until I know ALL the relevant facts. That, my friend, is logic.

Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

The oringinal police "investigation" had the cops telling him what to say to make it a good shoot. You do know the captain stepped down because of this dont you?

This is obviously the local "investigation" was a sham. Period. That is why it has gone beyond that. You go get this dont you?
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I tend not to find people guilty on a 'maybe'. I like solid evidence. You claim you do not support trial by media... and yet you are the one who wants the man in prison. So far, there is no evidence to find him guilty.... so, again, why have you found him guilty? Because the media tells you so.

In this country (and, granted, it may be different in Australia)... but here, we are innocent until proven guilty. That is our due process.

He doesn't have to prove he's innocent.... the police have to find evidence that counters his account. Again, where is that evidence?

I don't 'suppose'.... nor do I find him guilty.... I will reserve judgment until I know ALL the relevant facts. That, my friend, is logic.

Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

Right. We need due process, not mob rule.

It's tragic that one person has lost his life. It would be tragic if another did also.
I am all for Zimmerman being thrown under the jail for killing this unarmed kid. What spike lee did was wrong and it will make the Zimmerman supporters (the people on the right) spout all people who want justice here are just like Spike lee or the new black panther party (all 10 of those guys).

Spike Lee, dumb move. Zimmerman, if there is justice in this world, you will experience OZ.

The Dorthy OZ or the Schillinger/Adebisi OZ?
"The Blaze" started this; GODLIKE productions is calling for Lee's head now............:mad:
Never heard of em. I've been learning about all this actually through mainstream media it seems. Quite surprising for me, but I can't seem to avoid it lately. the bastards.

Spike Lee directed:

Jungle Fever
Get On The Bus
Malcolm X
Do The Right Thing
Summer Of Sam

Jungle Fever. Great movie
Get on the Bus. Eh
Malcolm X. Great movie
Do the Right Thing. Excellent Movie
Crookln. Eh
Summer of Sam. Great Movie. (Leguizamo is a great actor as well.)
I am all for Zimmerman being thrown under the jail for killing this unarmed kid. What spike lee did was wrong and it will make the Zimmerman supporters (the people on the right) spout all people who want justice here are just like Spike lee or the new black panther party (all 10 of those guys).

Spike Lee, dumb move. Zimmerman, if there is justice in this world, you will experience OZ.

The Dorthy OZ or the Schillinger/Adebisi OZ?

Thats Schillin ger. :) (If you watched, you get it.)
I tend not to find people guilty on a 'maybe'. I like solid evidence. You claim you do not support trial by media... and yet you are the one who wants the man in prison. So far, there is no evidence to find him guilty.... so, again, why have you found him guilty? Because the media tells you so.

In this country (and, granted, it may be different in Australia)... but here, we are innocent until proven guilty. That is our due process.

He doesn't have to prove he's innocent.... the police have to find evidence that counters his account. Again, where is that evidence?

I don't 'suppose'.... nor do I find him guilty.... I will reserve judgment until I know ALL the relevant facts. That, my friend, is logic.

Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

I'm only 'influenced' by the media if what they say is correct, after all they are the only ones reporting on it. It's not like you and I can go down there and interview the police captain or zimmerman, right? Sometimes they are right sometimes not. I do not like what Lee did either...the guy is an idiot...

Wanting a guy to go to jail IF he is responsible is not mob rule, nor do I endorse such actions...
Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

The oringinal police "investigation" had the cops telling him what to say to make it a good shoot. You do know the captain stepped down because of this dont you?

This is obviously being the lcal "investigation". That was a sham. Period. That is why it has gone beyond that. You go get this dont you?

I get that everyone - black, white, hispanic.... or sky blue and fucking shocked pink... has the right to a fair trial... IF there is evidence for such. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... not in the court of Judge Fucking Judy. No one has the right to decide someone else's guilt on a bunch of hysterical, over emotional bullshit in the media.
Oops, it seems that Spike Lee didn't tweet any address. Two tweets containing the address were sent to Lee. From the OP's Link:

Two messages were posted to Lee’s official Twitter account, one Friday and one Saturday, with a street address and the words “EVERYBODY REPOST THIS.” Both messages were still visible on Lee’s account Sunday morning. Lee has tweeted numerous times about Martin’s death.

Damn, right-wingers are dumb.

Thank you Salt. I note the name & location of Zimmerman's FORMER employer was released days ago.

Why are you thanking him for lying? Look at the twitter feed that Mud posted.... it clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'.... therefore, Spike Lee retweeted it. You do know how twitter works, right?

I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.
Thank you Salt. I note the name & location of Zimmerman's FORMER employer was released days ago.

Why are you thanking him for lying? Look at the twitter feed that Mud posted.... it clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'.... therefore, Spike Lee retweeted it. You do know how twitter works, right?

I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.

I followed the link provided at the article in the op.

I'm looking at his account right now.
Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

I'm only 'influenced' by the media if what they say is correct, after all they are the only ones reporting on it. It's not like you and I can go down there and interview the police captain or zimmerman, right? Sometimes they are right sometimes not. I do not like what Lee did either...the guy is an idiot...

Wanting a guy to go to jail IF he is responsible is not mob rule, nor do I endorse such actions...

The whole point of due process is to examine ALL the evidence, presented from BOTH sides... in order to establish guilt - beyond a reasonable doubt. I have no interest in interviewing anyone.... nor do I have any interest in reading half assed media reports that present some of the facts, with whatever agenda suits them.

What you support is mob rule... you just said so when you said he should be in prison. He hasn't been charged, tried or found guilty... and you are happy to condemn him to prison anyway. What is that if not trial by media? It's nothing more than mob rule. I find that ridiculous... and, honestly, I expected better from you.

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