I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

The oringinal police "investigation" had the cops telling him what to say to make it a good shoot. You do know the captain stepped down because of this dont you?

This is obviously being the lcal "investigation". That was a sham. Period. That is why it has gone beyond that. You go get this dont you?

I get that everyone - black, white, hispanic.... or sky blue and fucking shocked pink... has the right to a fair trial... IF there is evidence for such. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... not in the court of Judge Fucking Judy. No one has the right to decide someone else's guilt on a bunch of hysterical, over emotional bullshit in the media.

I know you have said how educated you are and this post makes your point. :confused:

If it were up to the local idiot cops there, he WOULD NEVER HAVE STOOD TRIAL. This is why others had to come in and make sure justice is served. He will stand trial for murder now because that police force, from the captain down to the keystone idiots at the scene are under a microscope for being horrible investigators.

God bless America and God bless any agency that is above those idiot cops in Florida who allowed this shooter to not only not be arrested, but he still has his gun.

Yes, California Girl. The educated one. :tongue:
Oh, I agree with most of what you say, which is why I said "if" in my last post.

Just out of interest, IF it is found that he was told to back off and didn't, would your view change.

Innocent until proven guilty down here...

Then again, you guys do have the perp walk, which is an insidious institution. Down here, people get suppression orders all the time against their name...

Before that 'if' in your last post, you clearly stated that you wanted him to go to prison, you are clearly of the opinion that he is guilty. And yet, the original police investigation did not find enough evidence to charge him.

What Spike Lee et al are doing is the internet equivalent of a perp walk - and the man hasn't even been arrested, yet alone tried or convicted. Y'all seem very keen to hang this guy.... regardless of the evidence.

Face it, you have been influenced by the media to find him guilty. Recognize it and deal with it. I don't claim he is guilty or innocent... only that he is, in law, innocent until proven guilty... and, so far - leaving aside the 'maybes', 'ifs', 'likelys' or hysteria... he remains innocent... and people like Lee have put his life at risk. I, personally, find that appalling.

Right. We need due process, not mob rule.

It's tragic that one person has lost his life. It would be tragic if another did also.

I agree Cali & Grump. FAIR & IMPARTIAL proceedings are the first concern at this point.
Thank you Salt. I note the name & location of Zimmerman's FORMER employer was released days ago.

Why are you thanking him for lying? Look at the twitter feed that Mud posted.... it clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'.... therefore, Spike Lee retweeted it. You do know how twitter works, right?

I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.

You don't need to go to his twitter account. You just need to look at the screen grab that Mudwhilstle provided. It quite clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'... given his following.... you don't think it is a tad irresponsible for him to forward out to all his 'followers' the private address of Zimmerman?
What do you think? Does the caring ACLU loving left want to lynch Zimmerman?

Lynching sounds more like something Zimmerman would apporve of. Dont you think? Remember what he said before he killed that boy. He called him a "fucking coon". Remember? But we are the race baitors. :lol:
The oringinal police "investigation" had the cops telling him what to say to make it a good shoot. You do know the captain stepped down because of this dont you?

This is obviously being the lcal "investigation". That was a sham. Period. That is why it has gone beyond that. You go get this dont you?

I get that everyone - black, white, hispanic.... or sky blue and fucking shocked pink... has the right to a fair trial... IF there is evidence for such. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... not in the court of Judge Fucking Judy. No one has the right to decide someone else's guilt on a bunch of hysterical, over emotional bullshit in the media.

I know you have said how educated you are and this post makes your point. :confused:

If it were up to the local idiot cops there, he WOULD NEVER HAVE STOOD TRIAL. This is why others had to come in and make sure justice is served. He will stand trial for murder now because that police force, from the captain down to the keystone idiots at the scene are under a microscope for being horrible investigators.

God bless America and God bless any agency that is above those idiot cops in Florida who allowed this shooter to not only not be arrested, but he still has his gun.

Yes, California Girl. The educated one. :tongue:

And? If there is no evidence, why should he stand trial? You are assuming that the local LEOs fucked the investigation. I do not make that assumption. I wait for evidence before I convict someone. You don't. That's fine... just have the courage to say so... say 'I support trial by media'.

What is this 'justice' that you desire? Justice is putting people on trial when there is some fucking evidence against them. I've seen no evidence against him. I've seen a bunch of biased and badly reported half truths, partially accurate, and outright lies... that is not evidence.

And.... yea... compared to you... I am most defintely the educated one. I understand due process... I don't make assumptions of guilt... You do. Trial by media... an interesting... and incredibly dangerous way to run a justice system.
Why are you thanking him for lying? Look at the twitter feed that Mud posted.... it clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'.... therefore, Spike Lee retweeted it. You do know how twitter works, right?

I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.

You don't need to go to his twitter account. You just need to look at the screen grab that Mudwhilstle provided. It quite clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'... given his following.... you don't think it is a tad irresponsible for him to forward out to all his 'followers' the private address of Zimmerman?

I used the term DISGUSTING. He is well known; he knew, or should have known, this would reach many people.
I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.

You don't need to go to his twitter account. You just need to look at the screen grab that Mudwhilstle provided. It quite clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'... given his following.... you don't think it is a tad irresponsible for him to forward out to all his 'followers' the private address of Zimmerman?

I used the term DISGUSTING. He is well known; he knew, or should have known, this would reach many people.

AND people like Mudwhistle would further display the information.
Never heard of em. I've been learning about all this actually through mainstream media it seems. Quite surprising for me, but I can't seem to avoid it lately. the bastards.

Spike Lee directed:

Jungle Fever
Get On The Bus
Malcolm X
Do The Right Thing
Summer Of Sam

Jungle Fever. Great movie
Get on the Bus. Eh
Malcolm X. Great movie
Do the Right Thing. Excellent Movie
Crookln. Eh
Summer of Sam. Great Movie. (Leguizamo is a great actor as well.)
Never seen a one.... never going to now.
I get that everyone - black, white, hispanic.... or sky blue and fucking shocked pink... has the right to a fair trial... IF there is evidence for such. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law... not in the court of Judge Fucking Judy. No one has the right to decide someone else's guilt on a bunch of hysterical, over emotional bullshit in the media.

I know you have said how educated you are and this post makes your point. :confused:

If it were up to the local idiot cops there, he WOULD NEVER HAVE STOOD TRIAL. This is why others had to come in and make sure justice is served. He will stand trial for murder now because that police force, from the captain down to the keystone idiots at the scene are under a microscope for being horrible investigators.

God bless America and God bless any agency that is above those idiot cops in Florida who allowed this shooter to not only not be arrested, but he still has his gun.

Yes, California Girl. The educated one. :tongue:

And? If there is no evidence, why should he stand trial? You are assuming that the local LEOs fucked the investigation. I do not make that assumption. I wait for evidence before I convict someone. You don't. That's fine... just have the courage to say so... say 'I support trial by media'.

What is this 'justice' that you desire? Justice is putting people on trial when there is some fucking evidence against them. I've seen no evidence against him. I've seen a bunch of biased and badly reported half truths, partially accurate, and outright lies... that is not evidence.

And.... yea... compared to you... I am most defintely the educated one. I understand due process... I don't make assumptions of guilt... You do. Trial by media... an interesting... and incredibly dangerous way to run a justice system.

Jeb Bush himself said Zimmerman was wrong and did not have grounds to stand behind the "stand your ground" Law. If this is true, (and he fucking wrote that crap), what is holding this guy back from being prosecuted?

Oh and educated one, WHY DID THE CAPTAIN STEP DOWN? Because his investigators fucked up royally and he knows it. If that is not the reason, please give your opinion as to why he stepped down so quickly?

Interesting spelling there. ... "defintely"... Oh my God, the irony of you spelling "defintely" that way while saying how educated you are is probably lost on you. :D

(Sometimes you just have to take your lumps and say, yup...I just got pwned.) Just saying.
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I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.

You don't need to go to his twitter account. You just need to look at the screen grab that Mudwhilstle provided. It quite clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'... given his following.... you don't think it is a tad irresponsible for him to forward out to all his 'followers' the private address of Zimmerman?

I used the term DISGUSTING. He is well known; he knew, or should have known, this would reach many people.

Well yea. That's kind of my point.... he has a lot of followers.... by his actions, he has contributed to putting Zimmerman's life at further risk. As he has not been charged with anything... they are inciting people to hunt this guy down. To me... that is fundamentally wrong. Even if he's guilty... it's not right to incite whackjobs to hunt the man down.
Spike Lee directed:

Jungle Fever
Get On The Bus
Malcolm X
Do The Right Thing
Summer Of Sam

Jungle Fever. Great movie
Get on the Bus. Eh
Malcolm X. Great movie
Do the Right Thing. Excellent Movie
Crookln. Eh
Summer of Sam. Great Movie. (Leguizamo is a great actor as well.)
Never seen a one.... never going to now.

I thank the poster for that list. It reminded me of how great a director Spike Lee really is. I almost forgot.

He screwed the pooch on what he did here though. Dumb move Spike. Dumb move.
I know you have said how educated you are and this post makes your point. :confused:

If it were up to the local idiot cops there, he WOULD NEVER HAVE STOOD TRIAL. This is why others had to come in and make sure justice is served. He will stand trial for murder now because that police force, from the captain down to the keystone idiots at the scene are under a microscope for being horrible investigators.

God bless America and God bless any agency that is above those idiot cops in Florida who allowed this shooter to not only not be arrested, but he still has his gun.

Yes, California Girl. The educated one. :tongue:

And? If there is no evidence, why should he stand trial? You are assuming that the local LEOs fucked the investigation. I do not make that assumption. I wait for evidence before I convict someone. You don't. That's fine... just have the courage to say so... say 'I support trial by media'.

What is this 'justice' that you desire? Justice is putting people on trial when there is some fucking evidence against them. I've seen no evidence against him. I've seen a bunch of biased and badly reported half truths, partially accurate, and outright lies... that is not evidence.

And.... yea... compared to you... I am most defintely the educated one. I understand due process... I don't make assumptions of guilt... You do. Trial by media... an interesting... and incredibly dangerous way to run a justice system.

Jeb Bush himself said Zimmerman was wrong and did not have grounds to stand behind the "stand your ground" Law. If this is true, (and he fucking wrote that crap), what is holding this guy back from being prosecuted?

Oh and educated one, WHY DID THE CAPTAIN STEP DOWN? Because his investigators fucked up royally and he knows it. If that is not the reason, please give your opinion as to why he stepped down so quickly?

Interesting spelling there. ... "defintely"... Oh my God, the irony of you spelling "defintely" that way while saying how educated you are is probably lost on you. :D

(Sometimes you just have to take your lumps and say, yup...I just got pwned.) Just saying.

I don't give a rat's fucking ass what Jeb Bush said. I care only about the due process that this man is entitled to.

No, the irony isn't lost.... my bad. But... because I prefer due process to trial by media... I'm still smarter than you.
And? If there is no evidence, why should he stand trial? You are assuming that the local LEOs fucked the investigation. I do not make that assumption. I wait for evidence before I convict someone. You don't. That's fine... just have the courage to say so... say 'I support trial by media'.

What is this 'justice' that you desire? Justice is putting people on trial when there is some fucking evidence against them. I've seen no evidence against him. I've seen a bunch of biased and badly reported half truths, partially accurate, and outright lies... that is not evidence.

And.... yea... compared to you... I am most defintely the educated one. I understand due process... I don't make assumptions of guilt... You do. Trial by media... an interesting... and incredibly dangerous way to run a justice system.

Jeb Bush himself said Zimmerman was wrong and did not have grounds to stand behind the "stand your ground" Law. If this is true, (and he fucking wrote that crap), what is holding this guy back from being prosecuted?

Oh and educated one, WHY DID THE CAPTAIN STEP DOWN? Because his investigators fucked up royally and he knows it. If that is not the reason, please give your opinion as to why he stepped down so quickly?

Interesting spelling there. ... "defintely"... Oh my God, the irony of you spelling "defintely" that way while saying how educated you are is probably lost on you. :D

(Sometimes you just have to take your lumps and say, yup...I just got pwned.) Just saying.

I don't give a rat's fucking ass what Jeb Bush said. I care only about the due process that this man is entitled to.

No, the irony isn't lost.... my bad. But... because I prefer due process to trial by media... I'm still smarter than you.

Not sure, but shouldn't it be...I'm still smarter than you are? Not really sure, I am still rattled by your spelling of "defintely" and you saying how smart you are in the same sentence. That is just hilarious to me. But I am not educated, (like you are. LOL) so maybe I should not laugh at you?
You don't need to go to his twitter account. You just need to look at the screen grab that Mudwhilstle provided. It quite clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'... given his following.... you don't think it is a tad irresponsible for him to forward out to all his 'followers' the private address of Zimmerman?

I used the term DISGUSTING. He is well known; he knew, or should have known, this would reach many people.

Well yea. That's kind of my point.... he has a lot of followers.... by his actions, he has contributed to putting Zimmerman's life at further risk. As he has not been charged with anything... they are inciting people to hunt this guy down. To me... that is fundamentally wrong. Even if he's guilty... it's not right to incite whackjobs to hunt the man down.

I agree again. As in Afghanistan & Iraq, Americans stand for justice, trial by one, or by groups, doesn't meet the standard(.)
Why are you thanking him for lying? Look at the twitter feed that Mud posted.... it clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'.... therefore, Spike Lee retweeted it. You do know how twitter works, right?

I don't got to "Twitter" unless I have to. Still, someone else may have RE tweeted, and internet sites are filled with the "tweet" now. Luckily, Zimmerman moved almost two weeks ago. Stupid, rotten move; IF Zimmerman is indicted, those who desire justice may be thwarted by all the PRE TRIAL media coverage. Zimmerman's right to fair & impartial proceedings comes FIRST. I looked up Lee's "Twitter" account; one must sign up to see the contents. It should be taken down, or the relevant portions REMOVED.

You don't need to go to his twitter account. You just need to look at the screen grab that Mudwhilstle provided. It quite clearly says 'retweeted by Spike Lee'... given his following.... you don't think it is a tad irresponsible for him to forward out to all his 'followers' the private address of Zimmerman?

He could have deleted it....or hid it.

Instead he retweeted.

Seemed harmless at the moment.

I wonder if he doesn't have anything better to do than act as a overseer to everyone's racism.
I used the term DISGUSTING. He is well known; he knew, or should have known, this would reach many people.

Well yea. That's kind of my point.... he has a lot of followers.... by his actions, he has contributed to putting Zimmerman's life at further risk. As he has not been charged with anything... they are inciting people to hunt this guy down. To me... that is fundamentally wrong. Even if he's guilty... it's not right to incite whackjobs to hunt the man down.

I agree again. As in Afghanistan & Iraq, Americans stand for justice, trial by one, or by groups, doesn't meet the standard(.)

Thing for me...I don't know whether Zimmerman is guilty or innocent. I just don't want trial by media.... and I won't find someone guilty in the court of public opinion.... only in a court of law. Simple concept.


1. That's not a residential address, so you're a liar.

2. Since it's not your real address, you're unwilling to do what you think is no big deal in Zimmerman's case, so you're a hypocrite.

3. Since it's not you're real address, you're a coward.

In summary, you're a lying, hypocritical, cowardly, racist, retard robot.

And that truly pathetic thing is you're not even ashamed of it.

You are truly a fat blob of a failure.


Summit at Copper Square was the first modern high rise condominium built in downtown Phoenix (It's the 22 story yellow, blue and burnt orange high rise at 4th Street and Jackson, you can't miss it!).

Summit at Copper Square, Phoenix, AZ
I see there are lots of city offices nearby. Maybe you should talk to the white employees there the way you talk to whites here.

Especially the cops.


Looks like you're a coward then, huh?
Well yea. That's kind of my point.... he has a lot of followers.... by his actions, he has contributed to putting Zimmerman's life at further risk. As he has not been charged with anything... they are inciting people to hunt this guy down. To me... that is fundamentally wrong. Even if he's guilty... it's not right to incite whackjobs to hunt the man down.

I agree again. As in Afghanistan & Iraq, Americans stand for justice, trial by one, or by groups, doesn't meet the standard(.)

Thing for me...I don't know whether Zimmerman is guilty or innocent. I just don't want trial by media.... and I won't find someone guilty in the court of public opinion.... only in a court of law. Simple concept.

In the age of mass over communication, not that simple anymore. I hope the prosecutor finds good jurors who have heard & read nothing about this case.


1. That's not a residential address, so you're a liar.

2. Since it's not your real address, you're unwilling to do what you think is no big deal in Zimmerman's case, so you're a hypocrite.

3. Since it's not you're real address, you're a coward.

In summary, you're a lying, hypocritical, cowardly, racist, retard robot.

And that truly pathetic thing is you're not even ashamed of it.

Thus, the person to FEAR is Daveman? He searched for Salt's ADDRESS..........
Did Zimmerman give out his own address?

No. A hateful racist bastard publicized it.

Similarly, a hateful racist bastard publicized Salt's address. Of course, he did leave out the condo number. :lol: He's a "tough guy", remember. :rofl:

But he has nothing to fear from me. I'm not even going to send some of "my homies" there, like he "threatened" me with. :lol:
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And? If there is no evidence, why should he stand trial? You are assuming that the local LEOs fucked the investigation. I do not make that assumption. I wait for evidence before I convict someone. You don't. That's fine... just have the courage to say so... say 'I support trial by media'.

What is this 'justice' that you desire? Justice is putting people on trial when there is some fucking evidence against them. I've seen no evidence against him. I've seen a bunch of biased and badly reported half truths, partially accurate, and outright lies... that is not evidence.

And.... yea... compared to you... I am most defintely the educated one. I understand due process... I don't make assumptions of guilt... You do. Trial by media... an interesting... and incredibly dangerous way to run a justice system.

Jeb Bush himself said Zimmerman was wrong and did not have grounds to stand behind the "stand your ground" Law. If this is true, (and he fucking wrote that crap), what is holding this guy back from being prosecuted?

Oh and educated one, WHY DID THE CAPTAIN STEP DOWN? Because his investigators fucked up royally and he knows it. If that is not the reason, please give your opinion as to why he stepped down so quickly?

Interesting spelling there. ... "defintely"... Oh my God, the irony of you spelling "defintely" that way while saying how educated you are is probably lost on you. :D

(Sometimes you just have to take your lumps and say, yup...I just got pwned.) Just saying.

I don't give a rat's fucking ass what Jeb Bush said. I care only about the due process that this man is entitled to.

No, the irony isn't lost.... my bad. But... because I prefer due process to trial by media... I'm still smarter than you.

By the way, way to represent educated people. :D

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