I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

That is not an acceptable excuse. We don't let people get away with incitement to commit murder in this country... even if it's 'not that simple anymore'. What Lee and others did, what the NBPs did with the 'wanted dead or alive' poster.... that is incitement. And, if I was Zimmerman.... I'd get myself a fucking good lawyer and go after each and every one of them. It is absolutely not acceptable for people to behave like this. We are a nation of laws, not opinions.

I bet the NBP gets lots of law enforcement attention; Lee needs to remedy his error or face the music. Zimmerman made a statement today, still hiding & speaking through his father.

I am betting they get no attention. Holder does not care what black groups do, his Civil Rights division is ON RECORD for saying they don't care. Obama is supporting the vilification of a Hispanic and no one on the left gives a rats ass.

And hate to break it to you but there still is ZERO evidence a crime was committed.

pssst. The dead, unarmed kid who was stalked and attacked is kind of evidence, no?
That is not an acceptable excuse. We don't let people get away with incitement to commit murder in this country... even if it's 'not that simple anymore'. What Lee and others did, what the NBPs did with the 'wanted dead or alive' poster.... that is incitement. And, if I was Zimmerman.... I'd get myself a fucking good lawyer and go after each and every one of them. It is absolutely not acceptable for people to behave like this. We are a nation of laws, not opinions.

I bet the NBP gets lots of law enforcement attention; Lee needs to remedy his error or face the music. Zimmerman made a statement today, still hiding & speaking through his father.

I am betting they get no attention. Holder does not care what black groups do, his Civil Rights division is ON RECORD for saying they don't care. Obama is supporting the vilification of a Hispanic and no one on the left gives a rats ass.

And hate to break it to you but there still is ZERO evidence a crime was committed.

The 4th Circuit prosecutor has the option of not going forward I believe. She just got the case recently however.
Agreed. That being said, it's also perfectly legal.

My, my, the "right to privacy" sure seems to evaporate whenever it's convenient, doesn't it?

Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?
Did Martin run away or walk away, and did Zimmerman run after him or walk to keep up with him, in order to keep survielance on him until the cops got there ??? Did Martin Run, and did Zimmerman give chase (i.e. as in run also) ?

Are you kidding me? There's no difference between the two in any relevant manner to this case. Zimmerman pursued Martin, and Martin was trying to evade Zimmerman. Walked, ran, skipped, did the hokie-pokie, it's still a matter of pursuit and attempted evasion.
No, it's more like are you kidding me? The inference in whether or not they were running and/or walking is very important in the case, and I see you chose running as in "chased" in your words when speaking on the subject, but are you certain about that ? If not, then was your speak in order to give an implication to the scene that you wanted to give, yet you can't truly prove walking or running maybe ?

What evidence do you have that Zimmerman was giving chase ? Please give me a link so I can review it, because you may be right, but I must listen to the evidence you have, in which I have not had as of yet..

If I were walking as a watchmen of a neighborhood, in slow pursuit of a suspicious person, and all in order to keep an eye on that person until the cops got there, well that is a big difference when that is stated, instead of when running or chasing is stated (i.e. as in chased), thus suggesting that Trayvon had been implicated by Zimmerman already to have committed a crime as to be found in Zimmerman's mind, and because of this, Trayvon is then found scared and running away, while Zimmerman is chasing him all because of ?? So the watchmen (Zimmerman) would be giving chase if that were the case, but was that actually what took place (or) is this the senario or case in which you are hoping for is what I am asking you ?

If he (Zimmerman) was "chasing" Trayvon against the 9-11 operators command to stop pursuing Trayvon, and he didnot, then yes Zimmerman has some more explaining to do big time.
First of all, the 911 operator didn't command Zimmerman to do anything. When 911 asked Zimmerman if he was following the suspect, Zimmerman answered, "Yeah". Then, 911 said, "OK. We don't need you to do that."

Secondly, there is no legal obligation to follow the suggestions or even orders of 911 operators as to what to do at a scene or in a situation.
I represent no one but myself.... cuz I'm not a liberal. You do 'group think'... I don't. Idiot.

Ah, so thats how YOU spell represent. :clap2: Remember, because you said you represent smart people, yet now you are saying you are only representing "no one but myself". I am confused, but that makes sense since I am not the educated one here. You are. Right? :confused:

(Just stop, you look like a fool here. Again.)

The only fools here are all you pieces of shit defending incite to murder.

If you want, I can go back and show you where I said Spike Lee was wrong and him doing this would make idiots on the right think we agree with what he did and we are of the same mindset.

I hope you are picking up what I am putting down. ?
I bet the NBP gets lots of law enforcement attention; Lee needs to remedy his error or face the music. Zimmerman made a statement today, still hiding & speaking through his father.

I am betting they get no attention. Holder does not care what black groups do, his Civil Rights division is ON RECORD for saying they don't care. Obama is supporting the vilification of a Hispanic and no one on the left gives a rats ass.

And hate to break it to you but there still is ZERO evidence a crime was committed.

pssst. The dead, unarmed kid who was stalked and attacked is kind of evidence, no?

Does not justify what Spike Lee is doing :mad:
My, my, the "right to privacy" sure seems to evaporate whenever it's convenient, doesn't it?

Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.
I am betting they get no attention. Holder does not care what black groups do, his Civil Rights division is ON RECORD for saying they don't care. Obama is supporting the vilification of a Hispanic and no one on the left gives a rats ass.

And hate to break it to you but there still is ZERO evidence a crime was committed.

pssst. The dead, unarmed kid who was stalked and attacked is kind of evidence, no?

Does not justify what Spike Lee is doing :mad:

Agreed. Spike Lee was wrong. I said that. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

This does not take away from the fact that Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid and killed him.
I bet the NBP gets lots of law enforcement attention; Lee needs to remedy his error or face the music. Zimmerman made a statement today, still hiding & speaking through his father.

I am betting they get no attention. Holder does not care what black groups do, his Civil Rights division is ON RECORD for saying they don't care. Obama is supporting the vilification of a Hispanic and no one on the left gives a rats ass.

And hate to break it to you but there still is ZERO evidence a crime was committed.

pssst. The dead, unarmed kid who was stalked and attacked is kind of evidence, no?

There is evidence the "kid" attacked Zimmerman, there is evidence that Zimmerman acted in self defense. There is NO evidence otherwise, at least none even the Fed has released.

But back to the point. You support mob violence, you support incitement to murder. And you have the balls to call someone pointing it out stupid.
There are two witnesses that disagree with him. And he did not come forward yesterday.....he came forward last month.

You're an idiot. All the witnesses police talked to supported Zimmerman's account.

Even if they were fighting and Martin was on top at one time or another, that isn't evidence that Martin attacked first.

Getting hit on the back of the head is evidence of who started the fight. The fact that the fucking African hadn't continued directly on his way is also evidence.
Thing for me...I don't know whether Zimmerman is guilty or innocent. I just don't want trial by media.... and I won't find someone guilty in the court of public opinion.... only in a court of law. Simple concept.

In the age of mass over communication, not that simple anymore. I hope the prosecutor finds good jurors who have heard & read nothing about this case.

If you created and posted a poster that said "wanted dead or alive" for Obama or any Federal State or local official, what do yo think would happen? Liberals haven't a clue about right and wrong, any excuse will do when one of theirs crosses the line. Putting a contract out to kill someone is not only a State crime but when committed over State lines it is a Federal offense. The New Black Panthers did JUST that.

Tweeting a man's address in such a situation is incitement to murder. Also a State and Federal Crime. Not to mention a violation of the person's CIVIL RIGHTS. But you don't care cause lefties did it, so it is excusable. You are a piece of work.

I think I understand what you are trying to say here, but Zimmerman is not the president of the United states. You do know this dont you?

Oh and Spike Lee was wrong doing this. The New Black Panthers (all 10 of them) are fucking idiots. They did this to make you say their name so they win, I guess. Rational people know this and wont get upset by such a small insignificant few morons.
Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.

There is no evidence of stalking or of attacking. In fact there is ample evidence Zimmerman was attacked. And I have seen at least one thread on this board with a link to a story where an eye witness SAW the attack.

Even without a witness, Zimmerman was bloody on his face and back of his head and had been on his back on the ground. All actual evidence HE was attacked. Further he stated he was attacked and called out for help.

But lets ignore reality and keep making shit up.
I am betting they get no attention. Holder does not care what black groups do, his Civil Rights division is ON RECORD for saying they don't care. Obama is supporting the vilification of a Hispanic and no one on the left gives a rats ass.

And hate to break it to you but there still is ZERO evidence a crime was committed.

pssst. The dead, unarmed kid who was stalked and attacked is kind of evidence, no?

There is evidence the "kid" attacked Zimmerman, there is evidence that Zimmerman acted in self defense. There is NO evidence otherwise, at least none even the Fed has released.

Really? What is the evidence? You mean that same 911 call that told Zimmerman not to follow the young man, but he did anyway? That evidence? The evidence that the kid was getting some skittles and ice tea and then was followed by a self-appointed vigilante? That evidence...
Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.
I've given no opinion on the shooting because I don't have all the facts.

That doesn't stop some people, apparently.
pssst. The dead, unarmed kid who was stalked and attacked is kind of evidence, no?

Does not justify what Spike Lee is doing :mad:

Agreed. Spike Lee was wrong. I said that. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

This does not take away from the fact that Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid and killed him.

Sorry.. didnt see that.

I do hope justice is served... I dont like what Zimmerman did either. I think he should have stopped following him when he was told to.

I may have confronted Zimmerman if he was following me as well.

Sad case, but I want to wait to see the results of investigation.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.
I've given no opinion on the shooting because I don't have all the facts.

That doesn't stop some people, apparently.

You mean like the "investigator" who let him just go home with his gun? (Oh and because of that move, the captain had to step down by the way).

If it were up to those cops, we would NEVER even be thinking about getting facts, since they told him what to say to make this a good shoot.

Again, Jeb Bush..the fucking idiot who wrote that piece of crap "stand your ground" said Zimmerman cant use that as a defense. The guy who wrote it says so. That has to mean something to Zimmerman supporters.
In the age of mass over communication, not that simple anymore. I hope the prosecutor finds good jurors who have heard & read nothing about this case.

If you created and posted a poster that said "wanted dead or alive" for Obama or any Federal State or local official, what do yo think would happen? Liberals haven't a clue about right and wrong, any excuse will do when one of theirs crosses the line. Putting a contract out to kill someone is not only a State crime but when committed over State lines it is a Federal offense. The New Black Panthers did JUST that.

Tweeting a man's address in such a situation is incitement to murder. Also a State and Federal Crime. Not to mention a violation of the person's CIVIL RIGHTS. But you don't care cause lefties did it, so it is excusable. You are a piece of work.

I think I understand what you are trying to say here, but Zimmerman is not the president of the United states. You do know this dont you?

Oh and Spike Lee was wrong doing this. The New Black Panthers (all 10 of them) are fucking idiots. They did this to make you say their name so they win, I guess. Rational people know this and wont get upset by such a small insignificant few morons.

LOOK THEY BROKE the law. A very serious crime. They are inciting murder, they are putting a contract openly, publicly on a private citizen. What part of that do you fail to UNDERSTAND? If some white group put out a "wanted dead or alive" poster on someone the Feds would be ALL over it. The Justice department would be making charges and demanding arrests. And so the fuck would you. BUT it is just some black group so we can ignore them.... right?

We now have 2 incidents of Liberals advocating in the public square for murder. One on Zimmerman and one on Rush Limbaugh. And not a single peep from the Justice Department and OPEN support from the left. As well as supporting comments from the President.

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