I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

No, it's more like are you kidding me? The inference in whether or not they were running and/or walking is very important in the case, and I see you chose running as in "chased" in your words when speaking on the subject, but are you certain about that ? If not, then was your speak in order to give an implication to the scene that you wanted to give, yet you can't truly prove walking or running maybe ?

What evidence do you have that Zimmerman was giving chase ? Please give me a link so I can review it, because you may be right, but I must listen to the evidence you have, in which I have not had as of yet..

If I were walking as a watchmen of a neighborhood, in slow pursuit of a suspicious person, and all in order to keep an eye on that person until the cops got there, well that is a big difference when that is stated, instead of when running or chasing is stated (i.e. as in chased), thus suggesting that Trayvon had been implicated by Zimmerman already to have committed a crime as to be found in Zimmerman's mind, and because of this, Trayvon is then found scared and running away, while Zimmerman is chasing him all because of ?? So the watchmen (Zimmerman) would be giving chase if that were the case, but was that actually what took place (or) is this the senario or case in which you are hoping for is what I am asking you ?

If he (Zimmerman) was "chasing" Trayvon against the 9-11 operators command to stop pursuing Trayvon, and he didnot, then yes Zimmerman has some more explaining to do big time.
First of all, the 911 operator didn't command Zimmerman to do anything. When 911 asked Zimmerman if he was following the suspect, Zimmerman answered, "Yeah". Then, 911 said, "OK. We don't need you to do that."

Secondly, there is no legal obligation to follow the suggestions or even orders of 911 operators as to what to do at a scene or in a situation.

911 operator in response to Zimmerman stated he was in pursuit:
"You do not have to do that"
That is in NO way a command to stop.
In fact, 911 operators have no authority to make such commands anyway.
Can you believe how uninformed these folks are and how they do not even read the transcript before they post innuendo?
It is amazing.

And disgusting. Our press is being beyond their usual bias, they are being irresponsible.

And, when the riots start, the reporters on scene will be telling the audience how tragic it all is and asking, 'how could this happen????????'
I thank God that kid had a chance to defend himself against an armed attack. Zimmerman got into a fight with a kid 100 pounds lighter than himself and lost it looks like. Then he pulled the ultimate pussy move and shot and killed him.


I think it was described as losing....fearing for his life. He didn't know if this unknown assailant was trying to kill him.

The unknown is really scary numb-nuts.

Who approached who? (Remember the actual phone call the kid was on when it all physically started)? Who continued to stalk who? Who was armed? Who called who a "coon"? Who is dead?

Approaching someone shouldn't be an excuse for a whipping.

Zimmerman belonged there and he wanted to know who the kid was.

If you think he deserves to get beat up for that then your principles are in the toilet.
Who approached who? (Remember the actual phone call the kid was on when it all physically started)? Who continued to stalk who? Who was armed? Who called who a "coon"? Who is dead?

So let me get this right..... If I approach someone and ask them what they are doing out late at night they have every right to attack me, beat me to the ground and I have no right to self defense? That is in fact what you are saying, if that is what happened.

If you approach me with a gun, I will defend myself. If you approach me with a fist, I will defend myself.

You are turning this into self defense for Zimmerman? Oh dear God. He was armed trying to fight a kid 100 pounds lighter than he was. Zimmerman should have been scared? If so, why did he get out of the fucking truck? Why did he not wait for the cops like he was instructed to do.

I will put you in his mindset. He called him a coon, then approached him armed. Did he want to talk about recipes at that point? Common sense has to set in here. IT HAS TO.

And here you are making assumptions with out any evidence to back it up. IF Zimmerman had drawn his weapon there would have been no fight most likely. What most likely occurred as evidenced by eye witness testimony and statements from Zimmerman is he approached the kid, ask him what he was doing and the kid attacked him, beating him to the ground and then probably did not stop. You see Zimmerman did not resort to his gun first he first called out for help.

I weigh 280 pounds and a 140 pound kid could easily beat me to the ground. I am out of shape, fat and in poor physical condition. Size is nearly irrelevant.

I can tell you that the fact the federal Government is taking no action against the new Black Panthers, the fact that they are taking no civil rights action against Spike Lee sends a clear racist message.
Smooth move.

Liberals are now advocating murder; a conservative has all the evidence & has rendered findings. The 4th Circuit SA can go home I gather...........................

So Liberals did not support and create and post videos demanding the death of Rush Limbaugh? Liberals did not create a "wanted dead or alive " poster of Zimmerman, followed by a liberal ensuring everyone knew his address? None of that happened? All with absolutely no action by the Government and no call for action by the Government?

You all demanded the Federal Government over rule the local authority and mount a criminal and civil rights investigation with absolutely no evidence a crime was committed and the statement from the local authorities that IN FACT no crime did occur.

But you make excuses and defend the absolute silence and failure to take action on open, obvious criminal activity. Claiming things like "golly it was just 10 guys that advocated murdering him. And it was only one guy that gave everyone his address. You Peach have made excuse after excuse to defend them.

Mudwhistle also posted his address; Lee skipped the Million Hoodie March for a pro basketball game. I am NOT defending Lee, I still do not know if he is responsible for the invasion of privacy. I will condemn the release as it could make FAIR & IMPARTIAL proceedings more difficult. GOT THAT: CONDEMNED by all who share the information.
Liberals are now advocating murder; a conservative has all the evidence & has rendered findings. The 4th Circuit SA can go home I gather...........................

So Liberals did not support and create and post videos demanding the death of Rush Limbaugh? Liberals did not create a "wanted dead or alive " poster of Zimmerman, followed by a liberal ensuring everyone knew his address? None of that happened? All with absolutely no action by the Government and no call for action by the Government?

You all demanded the Federal Government over rule the local authority and mount a criminal and civil rights investigation with absolutely no evidence a crime was committed and the statement from the local authorities that IN FACT no crime did occur.

But you make excuses and defend the absolute silence and failure to take action on open, obvious criminal activity. Claiming things like "golly it was just 10 guys that advocated murdering him. And it was only one guy that gave everyone his address. You Peach have made excuse after excuse to defend them.

Liberals did not create a wanted dead or alive poster. 10 idiots who call themselves the New black panther party did. I am a liberal and I nave NOTHING to do with them. Nothing.

You saying this is like me saying republicans shot that kid. it wasn't, it was Zimmerman. He has a lot of defenders on the right (see your post above) but he also has a few from the right saying he was wrong. (Although, I dont see too many in here on the right saying this). I am sure there are a few level headed actual non hack right wingers in here.

Provide evidence that he called the Kid a coon. Provide evidence he approached the kid weapon drawn, provide evidence he instigated the fight. It is neither illegal nor inappropriate to approach someone that does not seem to fit where they are and ask them why they are there.
By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.
Except there is ZERO investigation on the new Black Panthers. NONE, zippo , nadda. Getting the drift yet? You are demanding someone be prosecuted when there is not even any evidence yet a crime WAS committed but giving a pass to an open public crime. Go figure. Just like you claim Spike Lee committed no crime.

There is ZERO investigation on Zimmerman either. And if those Florida Keystone idiots had it their way, there never would have been one.

Fuck the New Black Panthers. If they end up in jail, good. Maybe they will stop this shit.
Fuck Zimmerman for killing that unarmed child. Maybe Florida will stop this shit.

As far as the highlighted part. I fucking called this. I said what spike lee did was wrong and it would make fucking idiots on the right think we all think the way he does on this.

Show me where I said spike lee committed no crime. I said he was wrong wrong wrong.

I am fucking calling you out dude. Man up.

JHC, this is so predictable. It really is.

You said he was wrong but then go on page after page defending him. Claiming he broke no laws. As for Zimmerman there are several investigations occurring, one a criminal Federal and State investigation and the other a Federal Civil Rights investigation. All ANNOUNCED to the PUBLIC.

What there is none of is any announcement or any evidence that anyone is going to investigate anything on the New Black Panthers or Spike Lee.

SO you man up, did Spike Lee incite to murder by knowingly sending to the world the address of a man that the public is clamoring for his blood?

Please see the highlighted area. Please link me to where I said Spike lee broke no laws. If you cant, will you plesae come back here and apologize.

(People, I called this. I said he was wrong and it would make the weak minded of the right actually believe we think like he does here).
There is ZERO investigation on Zimmerman either. And if those Florida Keystone idiots had it their way, there never would have been one.

Fuck the New Black Panthers. If they end up in jail, good. Maybe they will stop this shit.
Fuck Zimmerman for killing that unarmed child. Maybe Florida will stop this shit.

As far as the highlighted part. I fucking called this. I said what spike lee did was wrong and it would make fucking idiots on the right think we all think the way he does on this.

Show me where I said spike lee committed no crime. I said he was wrong wrong wrong.

I am fucking calling you out dude. Man up.

JHC, this is so predictable. It really is.

You said he was wrong but then go on page after page defending him. Claiming he broke no laws. As for Zimmerman there are several investigations occurring, one a criminal Federal and State investigation and the other a Federal Civil Rights investigation. All ANNOUNCED to the PUBLIC.

What there is none of is any announcement or any evidence that anyone is going to investigate anything on the New Black Panthers or Spike Lee.

SO you man up, did Spike Lee incite to murder by knowingly sending to the world the address of a man that the public is clamoring for his blood?

Please see the highlighted area. Please link me to where I said Spike lee broke no laws. If you cant, will you plesae come back here and apologize.

(People, I called this. I said he was wrong and it would make the weak minded of the right actually believe we think like he does here).

I repeat man up did Spike Lee incite to murder? Or as you have claimed did nothing more then be an idiot? Should the Justice Department investigate him for violating Zimmerman's Civil Rights? Yes or No.
By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.


Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.
You said he was wrong but then go on page after page defending him. Claiming he broke no laws. As for Zimmerman there are several investigations occurring, one a criminal Federal and State investigation and the other a Federal Civil Rights investigation. All ANNOUNCED to the PUBLIC.

What there is none of is any announcement or any evidence that anyone is going to investigate anything on the New Black Panthers or Spike Lee.

SO you man up, did Spike Lee incite to murder by knowingly sending to the world the address of a man that the public is clamoring for his blood?

Please see the highlighted area. Please link me to where I said Spike lee broke no laws. If you cant, will you plesae come back here and apologize.

(People, I called this. I said he was wrong and it would make the weak minded of the right actually believe we think like he does here).

I repeat man up did Spike Lee incite to murder? Or as you have claimed did nothing more then be an idiot? Should the Justice Department investigate him for violating Zimmerman's Civil Rights? Yes or No.

Unfortunately nothing can be done until he gets killed or beating by somebody, and if they do an investigation and discover he has a twitter account and got his address from Spike Lee then charges could be brought against him. As it is now it's a civil case, not a criminal case.
By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.

Zimmerman had the ability to draw, if he had not already done so, and shoot Trayvon Martin, square in the chest. He recovered quickly from being "beaten senseless."
By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.


Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.

Provide evidence your claim is factual.
You said he was wrong but then go on page after page defending him. Claiming he broke no laws. As for Zimmerman there are several investigations occurring, one a criminal Federal and State investigation and the other a Federal Civil Rights investigation. All ANNOUNCED to the PUBLIC.

What there is none of is any announcement or any evidence that anyone is going to investigate anything on the New Black Panthers or Spike Lee.

SO you man up, did Spike Lee incite to murder by knowingly sending to the world the address of a man that the public is clamoring for his blood?

Please see the highlighted area. Please link me to where I said Spike lee broke no laws. If you cant, will you plesae come back here and apologize.

(People, I called this. I said he was wrong and it would make the weak minded of the right actually believe we think like he does here).

I repeat man up did Spike Lee incite to murder? Or as you have claimed did nothing more then be an idiot? Should the Justice Department investigate him for violating Zimmerman's Civil Rights? Yes or No.

I dont know the law well enough to say yes or no or have an opinion actually. My gut says he was wrong. Illegal, I dont know. If they go after him and find him guilty, fuck him. If they go after those morons, the New black panther party, and prosecute them, GOOD.

I know the law well enough to to have an opinion on Zimmerman though. I think he killed that unarmed boy and should be thrown under the jail.

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.
I've given no opinion on the shooting because I don't have all the facts.

That doesn't stop some people, apparently.

You mean like the "investigator" who let him just go home with his gun? (Oh and because of that move, the captain had to step down by the way).

If it were up to those cops, we would NEVER even be thinking about getting facts, since they told him what to say to make this a good shoot.

Again, Jeb Bush..the fucking idiot who wrote that piece of crap "stand your ground" said Zimmerman cant use that as a defense. The guy who wrote it says so. That has to mean something to Zimmerman supporters.
And yet, oddly, you know almost nothing about the case, Your Honor.

So put down the hangin' rope and let the wheels of justice turn.

Or you're nothing better than a vigilante yourself.
By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.


Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.

I've heard nothing to support that assertion.

Seemed to me that Zimmerman was told he didn't need to follow the kid. He was not ordered. Zimmerman still took it upon himself to follow the kid and he got beat up for it.

There is no evidence that says Zimmerman called him a coon. That is a rumor. Zimmerman has black family members. Why would he call the kid a coon?
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Please see the highlighted area. Please link me to where I said Spike lee broke no laws. If you cant, will you plesae come back here and apologize.

(People, I called this. I said he was wrong and it would make the weak minded of the right actually believe we think like he does here).

I repeat man up did Spike Lee incite to murder? Or as you have claimed did nothing more then be an idiot? Should the Justice Department investigate him for violating Zimmerman's Civil Rights? Yes or No.

I dont know the law well enough to say yes or no or have an opinion actually. My gut says he was wrong. Illegal, I dont know. If they go after him and find him guilty, fuck him. If they go after those morons, the New black panther party, and prosecute them, GOOD.

I know the law well enough to to have an opinion on Zimmerman though. I think he killed that unarmed boy and should be thrown under the jail.


No. I do not agree. Currently there is ZERO evidence Zimmerman did anything more then defend himself.
By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.


Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.

Provide evidence your claim is factual.

You honestly dont know he called him a "coon"?

Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.

Provide evidence your claim is factual.

You honestly dont know he called him a "coon"?

By Zoom's standards anyone who asks me who I am on post (Ft Campbell) deserves to be beat senseless.


Are you really trying to say, Zimmerman went up to that kid and calmly asked him for credentials? (you know, like you would be at Ft. Campbell).

He called him a coon, then approached him after hunting him and chasing him down. Tell me that is the same as asking you for identification on base. he was instructed to wait for the proper authorities but he didnt. Is that ok with you? He approached an unarmed kid, called him a racial epithet and shot and killed him. In what world is this ok? Oh yeah, in Florida and in here it seems.

Wow. I thought you were a little better than this.

I've heard nothing to support that assertion.

Seemed to me that Zimmerman was told he didn't need to follow the kid. He was not ordered. Zimmerman still took it upon himself to follow the kid and he got beat up for it. There is no evidence that says Zimmerman called him a coon. That is a rumor. Zimmerman has black family members. Why would he call the kid a coon?

It would appear he did not "approve" of those he did not know in "his jurisdiction". A wannabe cop it also appears.

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