I Don't Think Many Of You Know What "Confronted" Means

He could have said coons and he could have also said Goons. when you become excited maybe out of breath you speech doesn't always sound like what you really said.

Regardless......sticks and stones.

Words are not legit reasons to try to kill someone or beat them senseless.

I'm just saying that if they are trying to make it a racial thing they need something better because that audio is not clear enough to say one way or another.

At this point, you are actually saying he DID NOT go after that kid because he was black? There was a witness to all this and he was a white kid with a dog. Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?

Seriously, it is racial. Sometimes you just have to say yup, it was.

He said "they always get away". Right before he approached that kid (after stalking and chasing him) he called him a coon.

Are you serious?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F1mT3zOmSI]GEORGE ZIMMERMAN UN-EDITED 911 TAPE - SAYS "FUCKING COONS" *Graphic Language - YouTube[/ame]

My bad, he said "fucking" coons. I dont want to misrepresent this fine gentleman.

Does this make any difference in your mind?

He also said "they always get away". Who are they and what exactly was that kid doing wrong?

Again, any differnce?

That's your supposed evidence? I don't hear it and in fact they way they played it sounds like garbage to me. Further the source states for the record some claim to hear it and some claim not to hear it. I don't hear it.

As for the other part? he thought he was following a crook, he meant crooks when he said "they". There is nothing racial about it.

In Zimmerman's mind the kid was a crook. And I doubt it had to do with skin color. Or rather there is no evidence it had anything to do with skin color.

Of course you dont hear it. Of course.

My bad, he said "fucking" coons. I dont want to misrepresent this fine gentleman.

Does this make any difference in your mind?

He also said "they always get away". Who are they and what exactly was that kid doing wrong?

Again, any differnce?

That's your supposed evidence? I don't hear it and in fact they way they played it sounds like garbage to me. Further the source states for the record some claim to hear it and some claim not to hear it. I don't hear it.

As for the other part? he thought he was following a crook, he meant crooks when he said "they". There is nothing racial about it.

In Zimmerman's mind the kid was a crook. And I doubt it had to do with skin color. Or rather there is no evidence it had anything to do with skin color.

Of course you dont hear it. Of course.
and of course you do.. Would you have heard it, if it wasn't pointed out to you?
I'm just saying that if they are trying to make it a racial thing they need something better because that audio is not clear enough to say one way or another.

Dragging hate crime into this can obscure the KILLING. Sad to see.

I see you are being "impartial" again.

RGS; there WAS a killing; I believe the focus should be: self defense or a crime; even involuntary manslaughter is a possibility. I don't see 1st degree but the SA and Grand Jury might.
Regardless......sticks and stones.

Words are not legit reasons to try to kill someone or beat them senseless.

I'm just saying that if they are trying to make it a racial thing they need something better because that audio is not clear enough to say one way or another.

At this point, you are actually saying he DID NOT go after that kid because he was black? There was a witness to all this and he was a white kid with a dog. Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?

Seriously, it is racial. Sometimes you just have to say yup, it was.

He said "they always get away". Right before he approached that kid (after stalking and chasing him) he called him a coon.

Are you serious?

You have a garbled unintelligible tape that no one can agree on the word used. You have a man who has blacks in his immediate family from what I understand. Someone that has never committed a crime, never been accused of racism. Someone that mistakenly thought he was following a crook.

All he did as far as the evidence shows is approach the person and then get assaulted, and hit in the face and back of the head as well as knocked off his feet. he called for help BEFORE he resorted to his weapon. He shot the person in the front, which indicates the person was NOT running away. This all bolsters Zimmerman's claims it does not support the claim he stalked him, that he drew his weapon before a fight or that He initiated the fight.

You want it to be racial and so hear what you WANT to hear. That part of the tape is useless in a court of law.
Regardless......sticks and stones.

Words are not legit reasons to try to kill someone or beat them senseless.

I'm just saying that if they are trying to make it a racial thing they need something better because that audio is not clear enough to say one way or another.

At this point, you are actually saying he DID NOT go after that kid because he was black? There was a witness to all this and he was a white kid with a dog. Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?

Seriously, it is racial. Sometimes you just have to say yup, it was.

He said "they always get away". Right before he approached that kid (after stalking and chasing him) he called him a coon.

Are you serious?

Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?
It was reported that Martin had jumped the fence. However you are saying Zimmerman went after Martin because he was black without any proof. As for me do not put words in my post that I never said. I don't know one way or the other.

Spike Lee wants to become a vigilante. He retweeted George Zimmerman's home address to the world.

Somebody correct me, but isn't this conspiracy to commit murder if somebody kills him as a result of everyone in the world knowing where he lives???

If I was Zimmerman I'd have my lawyer suing the SOB right now.

Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address | TheBlaze.com
Spike Lee is a racist ...
Should anything happen to Zimmerman, and if the Department of Injustice suddenly discovers rectitude, then I would hope they pursue the same path taken against the Metzgers....
Assuming there’s evidence Lee encouraged a person or persons to commit a violent act against Zimmerman. Tweeting the address alone wouldn’t constitute such an act, particularly if the address is already known to the public prior to the tweet.

There would need to be evidence Zimmerman’s would-be attacker got the address from Lee only and that Lee knew the would-be attacker intended to harm Zimmerman.

A wrongful death civil suit would require similar evidence.
Should anything happen to Zimmerman, and if the Department of Injustice suddenly discovers rectitude, then I would hope they pursue the same path taken against the Metzgers....
Assuming there’s evidence Lee encouraged a person or persons to commit a violent act against Zimmerman. Tweeting the address alone wouldn’t constitute such an act, particularly if the address is already known to the public prior to the tweet.

There would need to be evidence Zimmerman’s would-be attacker got the address from Lee only and that Lee knew the would-be attacker intended to harm Zimmerman.

A wrongful death civil suit would require similar evidence.

In the court of liberal opinion Sarah Palin was found guilty.
I seem to remember you saying you lived in a house.

A condo is not a house.

I thought you just posted that it wasn't a "residential building"?
I said "neighborhood". Do try to keep up, dumbfuck racist.

You exact words:

1. That's not a residential address, so you're a liar.

2. Since it's not your real address, you're unwilling to do what you think is no big deal in Zimmerman's case, so you're a hypocrite.

3. Since it's not you're real address, you're a coward.

In summary, you're a lying, hypocritical, cowardly, racist, retard robot.

And that truly pathetic thing is you're not even ashamed of it.

You lie.
My, my, the "right to privacy" sure seems to evaporate whenever it's convenient, doesn't it?

Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.

Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

What right was violated? Spike Lee is not the government and addresses are publicly available information.
Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.

I would note I don't agree with what Spike Lee did. I think it creates an environment where violence is more likely to occur. It's just that he didn't do anything illegal.
Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

You are correct. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated. He should be in jail in my opinion, but you are correct.

Its funny how you seem to be upset about Zimmerman's civil rights being violated, but are fine with him stalking, attacking and shooting an unarmed kid.

The right are funny people.

There is no evidence of stalking or of attacking. In fact there is ample evidence Zimmerman was attacked. And I have seen at least one thread on this board with a link to a story where an eye witness SAW the attack.

Even without a witness, Zimmerman was bloody on his face and back of his head and had been on his back on the ground. All actual evidence HE was attacked. Further he stated he was attacked and called out for help.

But lets ignore reality and keep making shit up.

No evidence of stalking? We have the 911 tapes where Zimmerman is following the kid and being told to by the dispatcher to stay back. We've also got the reports of the girl was on the phone with Trayvon saying he was being followed.
I'm just saying that if they are trying to make it a racial thing they need something better because that audio is not clear enough to say one way or another.

At this point, you are actually saying he DID NOT go after that kid because he was black? There was a witness to all this and he was a white kid with a dog. Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?

Seriously, it is racial. Sometimes you just have to say yup, it was.

He said "they always get away". Right before he approached that kid (after stalking and chasing him) he called him a coon.

Are you serious?

Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?
It was reported that Martin had jumped the fence. However you are saying Zimmerman went after Martin because he was black without any proof. As for me do not put words in my post that I never said. I don't know one way or the other.

Without any proof? He used a racial slur to describe the kid on the 911 tape.
At this point, you are actually saying he DID NOT go after that kid because he was black? There was a witness to all this and he was a white kid with a dog. Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?

Seriously, it is racial. Sometimes you just have to say yup, it was.

He said "they always get away". Right before he approached that kid (after stalking and chasing him) he called him a coon.

Are you serious?

Why didnt Zimmerman think that kid belonged there?
It was reported that Martin had jumped the fence. However you are saying Zimmerman went after Martin because he was black without any proof. As for me do not put words in my post that I never said. I don't know one way or the other.

Without any proof? He used a racial slur to describe the kid on the 911 tape.

I heard that audio, it would never be used in any court of law. The only way you would know what you were looking for is because it was pointed out. You can make anything sound like you want it too sound.
There is a difference between saying it would be admissible in court and claiming there is no proof at all.
There is a difference between saying it would be admissible in court and claiming there is no proof at all.

There isn't any proof that Zimmerman stopped Martin because he was black.

So, trial by media is something you support. Interesting.... and seriously disappointing... given that you are quite a rational human being. So far, there is not one shred of actual evidence of Zimmerman having committed a crime.... I'm curious why he should go to prison.

No, I do not support trial by media....
There is not one shred of evidence? I disagree...there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to go on so far - and yes, the law you can convict somebody on circumstantial evidence - happens all the time. The 9-11 call, the call the victim made to his girlfriend, his past behaviour....

So, you saying there is not a shred of evidence is untrue...

He will get charged with something...eventually...

Why is he getting charged? If it is because the race baiters want revenge, I not for it. If it is for justice then let's proceed.
Last I checked, Spike Lee isn't the government.

Meaningless. Zimmerman's right to privacy was abrogated.

He certainly has grounds to sue Lee for a violation of his civil rights.

Or is that different? Somehow?

What right was violated? Spike Lee is not the government and addresses are publicly available information.

Intent could be applied, if Lee posted the tweet knowing that people would go find and harm Mr. Zimmerman it could be considered depraved indifference, it would be tough to prove however...

Besides, Lee would hire attorneys that none of us could afford. So he'd probably get off, like Simpson did.

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