I don't want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable

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What Libs fail to consider is that once their leaders get rid of their conservative political opponents, they are next on the chopping block.

Trotsky loved getting rid of the czar, until his fellow lib administered "justice" to him with an ice pick to the head.

Similarly, with German liberal Ernst Rohm, who brought "justice" to freedom lovers in Germany for years before the libs in charge of Germany during the 1930's drew out their long knives for him.
Do you REALLY think that Trump tried to overthrow the Country?
If you really did then you need Treatment Bado!
Yes. He really did try that. Pretty well documented in print and video at this point.
And I think the inevitable indictments for that will bear that out.
Again back to my original point. I believe the Hunter mess in Ukraine is as sleazy as anything Trump pulled but the time to have addressed that was under Trump. He did nothing.

Trump never wanted to actually be president, he just wanted to be called Mr President.

You expect Joe to file charges against Hunter that Trump never bothered filing?
If that is true than it tells you what Republican voters keep getting screwed over for and he was elected ecause of it.
Woke Democrats and progressives (that word is comically incorrect in this case) are the root of all our problems. And since the whole damn party is made of woke progressives, the whole damn party sucks.
Are you trying to beat DuhSantis' record for using the word, woke in one comment?
Good luck.
LOL....Leftist circle jerk thread. :laughing0301:

What are you going to do when DeSantis wins the nomination?

I don't think Trump will make it past the Super Tuesday primary.
Have you even heard DeSantis speak publicly? It's not great. He has all the charisma of an ironing board and shit policies that play to a deplorable base but not much else. Even Florida business owners are starting to sour on him since he went hard after immigrants and now we have no one to pick our fruit.
Again...this is the problem with riding the middle (and I never labeled you a Trump supporter. I've seen your posts).
But there is a difference here between left and right. And if you don't see a difference..you're an enabler.
yet you called me a trump enabler....and yea i know the difference between left and right....the die hards on both sides have the same mantra...."if you dont like what we like,if you dont believe what we believe....fuck you".....i know were the problem lies....
If that is true than it tells you what Republican voters keep getting screwed over for and he was elected ecause of it.

Did Republican voters get screwed over here? Sure, twice. Both are the fault of Trump though. Pick better.
Did Republican voters get screwed over here? Sure, twice. Both are the fault of Trump though. Pick better.
Trump was the first Republican president who we now know was not a globalist Since Reagan. And before that Ike. All of them not perfect.

tramp held accountable, that will the day!
/——-/ Held accountable for keeping Hildabeast out of office?
yet you called me a trump enabler....and yea i know the difference between left and right....the die hards on both sides have the same mantra...."if you dont like what we like,if you dont believe what we believe....fuck you".....i know were the problem lies....
If you're not with them, you're against them.

been putting up with it for 8 years.
Did Republican voters get screwed over here? Sure, twice. Both are the fault of Trump though. Pick better.
There is no opportunity to pick better, if you think your only choices are the Uniparty. It’s all by design, but many Americans have yet to comprehend this.
Just a normal tourist day in Trump reality, I get it.
With the numerous problems this country has, a bunch of unarmed whackos walking around in the Capitol is very low on the list.
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