I don't want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable

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And I've said many times that the GOP dropped the ball on the entire IRS mess. All you have is lashing out. I condemned that entire mess many times.

The GOP had their hearings and then did............................nothing.
This is always the case. All talk all the time, then the Democrats always have their way with them.
We don't fear climate change.......you communist dupe.........we know that the climate changes all on its own......you shitheads are the ones who want to lie about man made climate in order to increase your money and power....while undermining the United States for your Chinese paymasters.........

You guys want to ban cars, stoves, gas appliances, limit growth, limit where we live, limit how many children we have, destroy agriculture and murder cattle......

All to appease your chinese masters and your gree god......
You spend too much time immersed in alt-right media. Everything above is a talking point I've seen on the fringe media. All based in fear. For a reason you just aren't courageous enough to come out and actually state. Climate change has been studied for decades. While we can debate whether or not man actually is the root cause of it, man most certainly makes it worse. Now, some things, like electric cars and solar will come about through evolution, some others (like gas stoves), will eventually fade away as better alternatives are created. Now, I don't get the rush to ban them right now, especially since I cannot yet buy my Mr Fusion energy converter. :)
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LOL. I like this article.
Again, they just will not give this man up. No matter how far he drags them down into the pit of despair. No matter how much he costs them.

Trump and his followers are spiritual kin. This is why he continues to defy predictions of his impending demise, and it's why people continue to underestimate him.

Trump and his supporters believe that they are being victimized somehow. Despite coming from wealth, Trump has always hated the East Coast urban elites as much as the blue collar mechanic plumber in Brooklyn or the farmer in Missouri. It comes from his days of having to grow his family's business out of Queens and not getting the attention and respect he felt he deserved from Manhattanites. That sense of grudge was on display in his epic losing fight with the NFL when he was a USFL owner and de facto league marketer/promoter. That league folded, just like his casinos did.

Trump is a natural rage machine, a natural grievance collector, and his supporters identify with that. The rest of the GOP knows Trump is a clown, that he's full of shit and psychologically too unstable to be anywhere near nuclear codes, but they know they need bark-at-the-moon conservatives to win elections. They've been using them to win elections for years.

The reason why Trump is so successful and his GOP challengers are not is because whereas conservative rage is merely a performative act for most people in the R party, it's not for Donald Trump. He genuinely shares the same kinds of grievances that the voters do. They both believe that intellectual elites and white collar bureaucrats are soulless scum that are ruining their lives. That's why they forgive him even when he deviates from the script and occasionally says things like the GOP shouldn't totally ban abortion -- they think it's Trump just going off script. No other candidate gets away with it but him, because they still identify with him and his grudges and perceived injury.
The GOP had the DOJ under Trump. Trump had the DOJ. He did nothing.

As I noted earlier, he allowed the Statute of Limitations run out on Clapper. He simply was not up to what it took to be president.

He had a DOJ under the control of the democrats........what he should have done was fire the entire leadership of those organizations....but he didn't realize how corrupt they were, and how the democrats were in control.....

The FBI director, Comey, stated the first thing he did was to perjury trap General Flynn.............day one.......

The democrats have been filling the ranks of these agencies for decades........

To say Trump should have done something is just fucking stupid........he didn't understand the problem.....and you condemning him, rather than spending your time going after the actual problem........the democrats turning our agencies into their Stasi, is just stupid.
As part of "the rest" I'll take a stab at it.....CC is the biggest hoax foisted upon the world since religion.

Indeed, look at the parallels, it's become more of a religion to the leftists and for the same reason....Control.

Much like the Pope that sits on his throne in Rome your CC religion "pope" John Kerry jets around the world meeting with the "archbishops" of the CC religion.

And what comes out of it besides contrails crisscrossing the planet?.....More gloom-n-doom and calls for controls on the populous.....Except for the Chi-Coms of course.
What "control"? That's not an answer. I can say the same thing about right wingers who take over school boards, town councils, judicial seats, and state legislatures. Then they gerrymander, suppress, and denigrate...all in the name of control.

:auiqs.jpg:I totally forgot about contrails.
You spend too much time immersed in alt-right media. Everything above is a talking point I've seen on the fringe media. All based in fear. For a reason you just aren't courageous enough to come out and actually state. Climate change has been studied for decades. While we can debate whether or not man actually is the root cause of it, man most certainly makes it worse. Now, some things, like electric cars solar will come about through evolution, some others (like gas stoves), will eventually fade away as better alternatives are created. Now, I don't get the rush to ban them right now, especially since I cannot yet buy my Mr Fusion energy converter. :)

You were just shown that the temperature data is corrupt.......and as instructed by your communist pay masters, you deny it and lie.

Electric cars are worse than gas powered cars......but your Chinese pay masters are in control of the rare earth mineral mines so you are doing what they tell you......push electric cars.......child slave labor in the mines is good for you and your pay masters......
He had a DOJ under the control of the democrats........

That's not how it works. The GOP has the House but yet the charges have been filed and will be prosecuted. But you know that's not how it works but you can not provide a valid argument for Trump's failures.

what he should have done was fire the entire leadership of those organizations....but he didn't realize how corrupt they were, and how the democrats were in control.....

The FBI director, Comey, stated the first thing he did was to perjury trap General Flynn.............day one.......

The democrats have been filling the ranks of these agencies for decades........

To say Trump should have done something is just fucking stupid........he didn't understand the problem.....and you condemning him, rather than spending your time going after the actual problem........the democrats turning our agencies into their Stasi, is just stupid.

So your argument is Trump wasn't up to the task of being president.

He had a DOJ under the control of the democrats........what he should have done was fire the entire leadership of those organizations....but he didn't realize how corrupt they were, and how the democrats were in control.....

The FBI director, Comey, stated the first thing he did was to perjury trap General Flynn.............day one.......

The democrats have been filling the ranks of these agencies for decades........

To say Trump should have done something is just fucking stupid........he didn't understand the problem.....and you condemning him, rather than spending your time going after the actual problem........the democrats turning our agencies into their Stasi, is just stupid.
If you do not lie, you cannot fall into a perjury trap. I do miss the days the Repubs at least pretended to be the party of morals and ethics. Trump doing nothing is just another example of the Repubs being too incompetent, impotent or stupid to do anything with all that rage when they had a chance.
The People say otherwise.

Hell win the primary. Then the general. Then he'll be coming for all his corrupt enemies

You don't want to make him angry 😂
Republicans like all the rinos running against trump. And they know trump needs to go away. But trump supporters and insurrectionists control the party. That’s why Ron desanthis is trying to show he too will fight the left.

The other republicans are showing they will govern. They will be serious. So none of you like them.

So Joe wins again.

If trump wins it sucks for republicans they won’t have an incumbent running in 2028
You were just shown that the temperature data is corrupt.......and as instructed by your communist pay masters, you deny it and lie.

Electric cars are worse than gas powered cars......but your Chinese pay masters are in control of the rare earth mineral mines so you are doing what they tell you......push electric cars.......child slave labor in the mines is good for you and your pay masters......
Again, what you put in your OP is opinion. I dismissed it as invalid. NOAA has been around a long time. They're scientists. They don't have a political agenda. Again, you are too immersed in the ways of the Alt-Right.
You would do well to actually pull your head out of it.
That's not how it works. The GOP has the House but yet the charges have been filed and will be prosecuted. But you know that's not how it works but you can not provide a valid argument for Trump's failures.

So your argument is Trump wasn't up to the task of being president.


No........when the obama had control of the DOJ, they didn't investigate their minions......that you pretend they would is just how dumb you are....

We now have actual proof obama and hilary conspired together and used the FBI, State Dept. and DOJ to attack Trump..........and that the FBI is not investigating biden taking bribes from foreign countries....

You are the problem, not Trump.
Republicans like all the rinos running against trump. And they know trump needs to go away. But trump supporters and insurrectionists control the party. That’s why Ron desanthis is trying to show he too will fight the left.

The other republicans are showing they will govern. They will be serious. So none of you like them.

So Joe wins again.

If trump wins it sucks for republicans they won’t have an incumbent running in 2028

Dipshit....I am a Desantis supporter....you idiot.....

You are one of the fools allowing the democrats to destroy this country by pushing the lie that both parties are the problem....
No........when the obama had control of the DOJ, they didn't investigate their minions......that you pretend they would is just how dumb you are....

I never said anything of the sort. Stop flailing about.

We now have actual proof obama and hilary conspired together and used the FBI, State Dept. and DOJ to attack Trump..........and that the FBI is not investigating biden taking bribes from foreign countries....

You are the problem, not Trump.

We knew all of this under Trump and he did nothing.
You spend too much time immersed in alt-right media. Everything above is a talking point I've seen on the fringe media. All based in fear. For a reason you just aren't courageous enough to come out and actually state. Climate change has been studied for decades. While we can debate whether or not man actually is the root cause of it, man most certainly makes it worse. Now, some things, like electric cars and solar will come about through evolution, some others (like gas stoves), will eventually fade away as better alternatives are created. Now, I don't get the rush to ban them right now, especially since I cannot yet buy my Mr Fusion energy converter. :)

There is no better alterative than cooking with gas other than using wood/charcoal for an open flame
And after speaking with dozens of Trump supporters from 2015 onward, I'm convinced that this is one of the big reasons. Talk to enough of them and a pattern starts to emerge. "This country is going to shit". "Gays, queers, trannies, "woke", immigrants, blacks, hispanics, gangs, they bring drugs, they're violent, they're welfare queens". And Trump picked up on this. He doesn't hold any solid views on any of these issues. He sees their weaknesses and he just plays to their bigotry. They want a strongman, they want a single driving force that will return them to the misty-eyed version of America they remember growing up as children.

The guy is an absolute cancer. And we just can't seem to cut him out.

Support for "multiple genders" is FALLING in all categories: among young people, among minorities.

You're losing.

he is only a result of a larger problem. The problem is much bigger, it's sociological, and THAT will take a LONG time to fix.
Here's how I look at it: This is the result of decades of conditioning, beginning with.......................................
See post #21 by Mac'58. It is an insightful view into the phenomena that led America to this experiment with Trump (and Bannon). Bannon ID'd the slice
of the demographic (the "alt-Right") that could be susceptible to demagogue-flavored messaging. It got the nascent Trump campaign some traction....so they followed
the scent, found the seam, and away they went into full on MAGA-nutjobbery. Exploiting all the fears about 'others' about 'nationalism' about xenophobia,
about immigrants. All those seams in America's fabric have existed for a long long time but responsible leaders sought to find the commonality between Americans
rather than the differences. But now with the internet, cable news, and malevolent conmen like Trump and Bannon, and others.......those differences, those divisions could be widened, the differences highlighted, and exploited.
Thus we get a game show host, an entertainer and grifter as our POTUS. IMHO
I also believe Biden and Pence should be charged.
The distinctions that make a difference are: Neither Biden or Pence failed to fully comply with a subpoena demanding the return of documents.
Neither Biden or Pence lied about having such documents when their existence was brought to their attention.
And therein lies this game, this indictment. All the charges in the indictment reference only the documents that were found AFTER the
subpoena had been served. And Trump failed to fully comply. And after Trump and/or his lawyers had lied about the existence of one or more documents.
Therein lies the difference. Therein lies the indictment.
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I understand in Trump reality...nevermind. Watch the video or just stop saying stuff that is obviously not true.
I did and my point still stands.

If you get all your news from corporate media you think Trump is Hitler and his supporters are brown shirts. So, naturally you think 1/6 is the worst EVER. It’s all propaganda. Don’t fall for it.
The distinctions that make a difference are: Neither Biden or Pence failed to fully comply with a subpoena demanding the return of documents.

I clearly noted that the charges are likely not the same. It was still highly illegal.

Neither Biden or Pence lied about having such documents when their existence was brought to their attention.
And therein lies this game, this indictment. All the charges in the indictment reference only the documents that were found AFTER the
subpoena had been served. And Trump failed to fully comply. And after Trump and/or his lawyers had lied about the existence of one or more documents.
Therein lies the difference. Therein lies the indictment.

It was still illegal for them to have them.
I did and my point still stands.

If you get all your news from corporate media you think Trump is Hitler and his supporters are brown shirts. So, naturally you think 1/6 is the worst EVER. It’s all propaganda. Don’t fall for it.
You have watched the films with MAGAts busting windows, throwing fire extinguishers, flag poles, bear spray etc, The fact is the MAGAts stormed the Capitol and delayed the peaceful transfer of power. Simply a fact. And I am sure you fancy yourself a great Constitutionalist.
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