I don't want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable

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It is kinda scary if you hang out on really proTrump sites in the internet. You are correct, a percentage of Trumpsters really want him as a dictator. The same people think they are great American constitutionalist. I think Trump has done some sort of mind meld or something.
Here's how I look at it: This is the result of decades of conditioning, beginning with the day Limbaugh went national. Then Limbaugh's copycats started. Then Fox. Now the internet. All building on itself in size and intensity.

So these people were saturated in misinformation, abject rage and consuming paranoia. They were waiting, hoping for a savior to deliver them from this perceived evil. And it would take someone shameless enough, needy enough and dishonest enough to play the part of savior.

He showed up.

This is about FAR more than politics for them. This is LITERALLY good vs. evil. Biblical, apocalyptic stuff, and they've sold their soul to him. Of all fucking people.
Here's how I look at it: This is the result of decades of conditioning, beginning with the day Limbaugh went national. Then Limbaugh's copycats started. Then Fox. Now the internet. All building on itself in size and intensity.

So these people were saturated in misinformation, abject rage and consuming paranoia. They were waiting, hoping for a savior to deliver them from this perceived evil. And it would take someone shameless enough, needy enough and dishonest enough to play the part of savior.

He showed up.

This is about FAR more than politics for them. This is LITERALLY good vs. evil, apocalyptic stuff, and they've sold their soul to him. Of all fucking people.
Yea, Trump got the Evangelical vote. How the hell did that happen?
I am NO fan of Trump and I believe he broke the law and should be found guilty but I understand his supporters being upset at so many others who have violated our laws getting a free pass.

Now it's a little more complicated than that. Some got a free pass because the Trump administration didn't bother to follow up with charges.

One of the easiest examples would be James Clapper. Trump allowed the Statute of Limitations run out under his watch. So while that was a failure, it was Trump's failure.

I also believe Biden and Pence should be charged. Not to the extent that Trump is, IF the things reported are correct. Biden and Pence both badly mishandled classified information but I've seen no evidence they showed it to anyone. I suppose it's possible though.

Again, a competent administration would have addressed Biden's mishandling during it's administration.

Trump campaigned on charging Hillary and yes I believe there was plenty to charge her with but again, Trump dropped the ball. So while I understand a dislike for the double standards, it was Trump that failed at prosecuting others.
Not even close. And herein lies the problem with the fence sitters.
You enable Trump just as much as his supporters do. ^Shrug^.

If you don't see the difference, then you're part of the problem.
Woke Democrats and progressives (that word is comically incorrect in this case) are the root of all our problems. And since the whole damn party is made of woke progressives, the whole damn party sucks.
LOL....Leftist circle jerk thread. :laughing0301:

What are you going to do when DeSantis wins the nomination?

I don't think Trump will make it past the Super Tuesday primary.
LOL. I was wondering who the first member of Alt-Right Nation would be to poke their head in here and use this term. We have to live through approximately 10+ of these from the right wing EVERY DAY! :auiqs.jpg:

I disagree completely. In fact, I'll bet you that he'll have the Republican field largely cleared by Super Tuesday. :)
Not even close. And herein lies the problem with the fence sitters.
You enable Trump just as much as his supporters do. ^Shrug^.

If you don't see the difference, then you're part of the problem.
you dont think its close because you are a diehard democrat....and can you prove i enabled trump?....i have stated many times here the guy is an asshole, if that is enabling him,you had better look up its meaning....and people like you,diehards,are a big part of the problem ..........
Accountable for WHAT? Should Joe and son be held accountable?

Again back to my original point. I believe the Hunter mess in Ukraine is as sleazy as anything Trump pulled but the time to have addressed that was under Trump. He did nothing.

Trump never wanted to actually be president, he just wanted to be called Mr President.

You expect Joe to file charges against Hunter that Trump never bothered filing?
you dont think its close because you are a diehard democrat....and can you prove i enabled trump?....i have stated many times here the guy is an asshole, if that is enabling him,you had better look up its meaning....and people like you,diehards,are a big part of the problem ..........
Again...this is the problem with riding the middle (and I never labeled you a Trump supporter. I've seen your posts).
But there is a difference here between left and right. And if you don't see a difference..you're an enabler.
That's true, and it's because he is only a result of a larger problem. The problem is much bigger, it's sociological, and THAT will take a LONG time to fix.
Not that long. Most of them are older voters. That's a problem that sorts itself out eventually.
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