I feel bad for Monica

Throwing Monica under the bus was for the greater good.

She threw herself under the bus. You don't suck and tell unless you want attention.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Who did she tell? A coworker.

How many young women keep their sexual indiscretions totally secret and have no confidante at all?

Nearly 20 years later she is still paying for what is a fairly common error made by young women while the middle-aged lech who took advantage of her basks in glory and is on track to again taking up residence in the White House.
Let's not forget the Junkyard Dog was (still is?) a serial philanderer.

Recall, it was loving, enabling wife Hildebeast who appointed one of her gal pals to the position of trying to manage/control Bimbo Eruptions during Slick's first presidential campaign. Which strikes me as a bit ironic/humorous as eventually it was a Presidential Eruption that left a stain on a blue dress that eventually proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that William Jefferson Clinton lied to the entire world about his Oval Office blowjobs administered by Ms. Lewinsky.

I say they were a perfectly matched pair of lowlifes.
She takes full responsibility for her actions, folks.

That's good. She made mistakes. She has had consequences. She takes responsibility.

That doesn't make it right that the lech is treated like a great man.
And she is bringing it forth again for.....what? Attention? Well, she got it. Same attention as she had before. She's a ho.
I don't really care about Monica. I mean I feel bad that she is still paying for her mistake. That was a consensual arrangement. AND what was hysterical about the whole deal was the Republican Newt Gringrich. He was carrying on an affair at the same time.

If your're looking for a former Democratic president with a sexual history to be damned then Grover Cleveland is your man. He was a little rapey.

Newt didn't organize a campaign to trash her as a crazed stalker, just sayin'.
How would you like to never be able to live down the stupid affair you had when you were 22?

... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

Clinton continues to be the symbol of those who claim to care about women, rape victims, sexual harassment victims, etc., but who don't care nearly as much about vulnerable women as they want the world to believe.

Great post. The Clinton's are and have been dysfunctional for many years. If you've never see the Clinton Chronicles (chronicling their days in Arkansas; the abuse several women endured at the hands of Slick; and the mysterious deaths of close "friends" who stood in their way) then you really should.

I have nothing against Monica. She was young and starstruck and a perfect target for a predator like Clinton.

(For even more information concerning the depth of the Clinton's depravity - read "Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien).
How would you like to never be able to live down the stupid affair you had when you were 22?

... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

Clinton continues to be the symbol of those who claim to care about women, rape victims, sexual harassment victims, etc., but who don't care nearly as much about vulnerable women as they want the world to believe.

She made her bed now she has to sleep in it.

No sympathy for her whatsoever

Throwing Monica under the bus was for the greater good.

She threw herself under the bus. You don't suck and tell unless you want attention.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Who did she tell? A coworker.

How many young women keep their sexual indiscretions totally secret and have no confidante at all?

Nearly 20 years later she is still paying for what is a fairly common error made by young women while the middle-aged lech who took advantage of her basks in glory and is on track to again taking up residence in the White House.

There is some you can talk about, and there is some you don't. I won't go into details, but in my twenties I had relations with my brother's best friend. This guy is an honorary member of my family, and my brother would have been pissed. Therefore him and I never told anyone. Even now, eight years later and you especially never tell a co worker, even more so in DC. If you are a woman you should know this by 13.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
You don't think I don't know what it's like to have a bad reputation? I am a single mom. I wasn't even with my son's father when he was born. That doesn't happen in my family, plus society isn't very objective either.
I have no one to blame but myself. I don't think I was taken advantage of. Monica needs to own her mistakes and move on.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.
That's a matter of opinion. How can the American people expect honesty from a leader who can't even be honest with his own wife.
How would you like to never be able to live down the stupid affair you had when you were 22?

... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

Clinton continues to be the symbol of those who claim to care about women, rape victims, sexual harassment victims, etc., but who don't care nearly as much about vulnerable women as they want the world to believe.

Well, yeah, it was a tragedy that Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars sniffing her panties.
I feel bad for her too but she does need to take responsibility for her own actions and I haven't seen her doing this.

And, there's really no reason for her not to move on. She just needs to decide what will define her and, IMO, women are fools if they let men do that for them.

Does she not have any other talent? Ability? Education?

Look at it from the man's pov.

He also paid a price but he used his own abilities to move on. She needs to learn from that and do the same for herself. Going national now, all these years later, is only going to hurt her own future.

lol, all of a sudden people need to take responsibility for their own actions? that's pretty much what we've been telling you libs all along. its about time the bottom feeders sponging off the government take a little responsibility for their own lives
Monica is not an injured innocent.

She is smart to clear it out now.

The affair will have no impact except negligible on the campaign.
How would you like to never be able to live down the stupid affair you had when you were 22?

... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

Clinton continues to be the symbol of those who claim to care about women, rape victims, sexual harassment victims, etc., but who don't care nearly as much about vulnerable women as they want the world to believe.

Well, yeah, it was a tragedy that Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars sniffing her panties.

Clinton could have just told the truth ad saved the tax payer $70 million. as usual you libs put the blame on the wrong party.
How would you like to never be able to live down the stupid affair you had when you were 22?

... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

Clinton continues to be the symbol of those who claim to care about women, rape victims, sexual harassment victims, etc., but who don't care nearly as much about vulnerable women as they want the world to believe.

1. she was a consenting adult
2. she went to D.C. to "get [her] presidential knee pads" (her words)
3. your ire should be directed at the pigs linda tripp and lucianne goldberg for publicizing the confidences of a young woman.
4. not quite sure how a relationship with a consenting adult constitutes being a sexual predator.
You don't think I don't know what it's like to have a bad reputation? I am a single mom. I wasn't even with my son's father when he was born. That doesn't happen in my family, plus society isn't very objective either.
I have no one to blame but myself. I don't think I was taken advantage of. Monica needs to own her mistakes and move on.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Nevertheless, shouldn't the most powerful man in America be "man" (married man) enough to keep his zipper in the up position and be respectful of young women (even if they aren't necessarily worthy of respect)? Clinton needs to "own" his half of the incident and should have been man enough to admit his error in judgment instead of outright lying to the American people. As stupid and irresponsible as a horny 22 intern might be the much greater responsibility falls on a mature man who was elected to the highest seat in the nation by the American people. He should have had enough self-restraint to keep his small head from doing all the "thinking."
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How would you like to never be able to live down the stupid affair you had when you were 22?

... while the sexual predator Bill Clinton is feted as one of the best leaders this country has ever had.

Clinton continues to be the symbol of those who claim to care about women, rape victims, sexual harassment victims, etc., but who don't care nearly as much about vulnerable women as they want the world to believe.

I don't see why the affair was anybody's business but Hillary's in the first place.

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