I forgot what the liberal action was to the Benghazi lie. Did they admit that it was a lie?

Do liberals believe Benghazi claims were a lie?

  • Yes, they know it is a lie.

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No, they do not believe it was a lie.

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • They believe it was both a spontaneous attack and a planned terror attack even though it contradicts

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.
Imagine if Trump committed the kind of lies Obama did with Benghazi. It would be shit storm enormous, by the left/MSM.

I would guess some on the left find lying acceptable for D pols, but entirely unacceptable for an R pol. They are blind to the obvious hypocrisy, because they get all their news from the DNC.
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I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.
Soros ordered Obama and Hillary to destabilize the Middle East, hence their operation to arm Jihadists through the Benghazi Consulate
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Actually, the problem was Stevens himself. He heard the situation in Benghazi was deteriorating, he chose to go take a meeting there anyway because he thought the Libyans loved him personally.

He could have taken the meeting in Tripoli (where he was based) where the situation hadn't deteriorated at that point.

Now, I think there IS a valid to be made of Obama and Clinton here, and that is that they got us involved in Libya's civil war, and we backed the wrong side. But most of us were happy to see Qadafi go because he had been a thorn in our sides since the 1970's and the Zionists who really run both parties wanted him gone.
Soros ordered Obama and Hillary to destabilize the Middle East, hence their operation to arm Jihadists through the Benghazi Consulate

So Bush didn't destabilize the middle east by toppling Saddam? That would seem to have been a much bigger deal.

Keep pretending there is a major difference between the two parties when it comes to middle east policy...

Bernard Henri Levy started the Libya civil war (French Jew) . Yes Stevens wanted to stay. Not Clintons or Obamas fault.
Soros ordered Obama and Hillary to destabilize the Middle East, hence their operation to arm Jihadists through the Benghazi Consulate

So Bush didn't destabilize the middle east by toppling Saddam? That would seem to have been a much bigger deal.

Keep pretending there is a major difference between the two parties when it comes to middle east policy...

When Bush left, Iraq was a stable place where women voted in fair elections; Obama destroyed Iraq - and Syria and Libya
I am still not sure what their collective answer is. I suspect what the reaction may very well be. Hence, the reason I am still confused.

Sort of like how they liked Comey, then they hated Comey, and now they like him again. Especially after Colbert told them how they are suppose to react to Comey.

Oh, did you all see that James Comey all of a sudden became the hottest sex symbol in Washington?

James Comey Is The Sex Symbol America Needs Right Now

Anyway, lets do a poll.
There was no lie. You should already know that after 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi.

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
The snowflakes I heard simply lampooned how much "RUBES" mentioned Benghazi...nothing at all of substance.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
No one can tell if you are saying it was a spontaneous attack as the liars on the left claimed (obama and hillary.)


If you are saying it was an organized terror attack said AFTER they called it a spontaneous attack due to a video.

So, stupid fuck. Try answering this question. (Watch this everyone)

Was it a spontaneous attack caused by some video or not?

If anyone else wants to refresh their memories of the double talking lying democrats, lets look at the general timeline. Once again.
Benghazi Timeline - FactCheck.org
What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:

  • There were no protesters at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, even though Obama and others repeatedly said the attackers joined an angry mob that had formed in opposition to the anti-Muslim film that had triggered protests in Egypt and elsewhere. The State Department disclosed this fact Oct. 9 — nearly a month after the attack.
  • Libya President Mohamed Magariaf insisted on Sept. 16 — five days after the attack — that it was a planned terrorist attack, but administration officials continued for days later to say there was no evidence of a planned attack.
  • Magariaf also said the idea that the attack was a “spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” This, too, was on Sept. 16. Yet, Obama and others continued to describe the incident in exactly those terms — including during the president’s Sept. 18 appearance on the “Late Show With David Letterman.”
  • Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, was the first administration official to call it “a terrorist attack” during a Sept. 19 congressional hearing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the same on Sept. 20. Even so, Obama declined opportunities to call it a terrorist attack when asked at a town hall meeting on Sept. 20 and during a taping of “The View” on Sept. 24.
Sept.12: Obama Labels Attack ‘Act of Terror,’ Not ‘Terrorism’

Sept. 12: Clinton issues a statement confirming that four U.S. officials, not one, had been killed. She calls it a “violent attack.”

Sept. 13: ‘Clearly Planned’ or ‘Spontaneous’ Attack?

Sept. 13: Clinton meets with Ali Suleiman Aujali — the Libyan ambassador to the U.S. — at a State Department event to mark the end of Ramadan. Ambassador Aujali apologizes to Clinton for what he called “this terrorist attack which took place against the American consulate in Libya.” Clinton, in her remarks, does not refer to it as a terrorist attack. She condemns the anti-Muslim video, but adds that there is “never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

Sept. 14: White House Says No Evidence of Planned Attack

Sept. 14: A State Department public information official writes in an email: “t is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest which escalated into violence. It is our opinion that in our messaging, we want to distinguish, not conflate, the events in other countries with this well-planned attack by militant extremists.” (The email was released Oct. 31, 2015, by the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and was contained in the Benghazi committee report issued June 28, 2016. The name of the person who sent the email and the person or persons who received the email were redacted. However, the person who wrote the email is identified in the committee report as a “public information officer from the Embassy in Tripoli,” and the email says it reflects “our view at Embassy Tripoli.” It also says, “I have discussed this with [name redacted] and he shares PAS’s view.” PAS stands for Public Affairs Section.)

Sept. 15-16: Susan Rice Contradicts Libyan President

Sept. 15: Obama discusses the Benghazi attack in his weekly address. He makes no mention of terror, terrorists or extremists. He does talk about the anti-Muslim film and “every angry mob” that it inspired in pockets of the Middle East.

Sept. 17: State Defends Rice and ‘Initial Assessment’

Sept. 17: Nuland, the State Department spokeswoman, is asked about Rice’s comments on “Face the Nation” and four other Sunday talk shows. Nuland says, “The comments that Ambassador Rice made accurately reflect our government’s initial assessment.” Nuland uses the phrase “initial assessment” three times when discussing Rice’s comments.

Sept. 18: Obama Says ‘Extremists’ Used Video As ‘Excuse’

Sept. 18: Obama is asked about the Benghazi attack on “The Late Show with David Letterman.” The president says, “Here’s what happened,” and begins discussing the impact of the anti-Muslim video. He then says, “Extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the consulate in Libya.” He also says, “As offensive as this video was and, obviously, we’ve denounced it and the United States government had nothing to do with it. That’s never an excuse for violence.”


Do you all think this blindboo dickbreath has any ability to answer the question? Watch his double talk everyone. It is creepy and funny. Oh, trust me. He will do it. He has no choice.

Either that or be will avoid it.

Well, blindboo. Was it a spontaneous attack caused by a video or an organized planned terrorist attack?

Like I said...watch this.
I think benghazi was a massive fuck up...Republicans didn't give the funding needed to guard the place and the Obama admin was stupid to allow chris anywhere near the place.

Our Ambassadors set their own itineraries. Ambassador Stevens entered Libya through Benghazi and had many contacts there. He thought he and his party were safe travelling back to his port of entry.

The lies all came from the Republican's and their Right Wing Echo Chamber. Such as:

President Obama didn't care, went home and went to bed cause he had to jet off to Las Vegas the next day for a fundraiser.

Sec. Clinton didn't care either, went home too.

Watched as the battle rages for 7 hours.

Stand Down Order.

Republican Candidate for President politicized the event within hours of the riots in Cairo by attacking the President. Americans used to come together and rally behind the President when we are attacked. Republicans showed their new true colors that day. Party over Country, always.
No one can tell if you are saying it was a spontaneous attack as the liars on the left claimed (obama and hillary.)


If you are saying it was an organized terror attack said AFTER they called it a spontaneous attack due to a video.

So, stupid fuck. Try answering this question. (Watch this everyone)

Was it a spontaneous attack caused by some video or not?

If anyone else wants to refresh their memories of the double talking lying democrats, lets look at the general timeline. Once again.
Benghazi Timeline - FactCheck.org
What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:

  • There were no protesters at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, even though Obama and others repeatedly said the attackers joined an angry mob that had formed in opposition to the anti-Muslim film that had triggered protests in Egypt and elsewhere. The State Department disclosed this fact Oct. 9 — nearly a month after the attack.
  • Libya President Mohamed Magariaf insisted on Sept. 16 — five days after the attack — that it was a planned terrorist attack, but administration officials continued for days later to say there was no evidence of a planned attack.
  • Magariaf also said the idea that the attack was a “spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” This, too, was on Sept. 16. Yet, Obama and others continued to describe the incident in exactly those terms — including during the president’s Sept. 18 appearance on the “Late Show With David Letterman.”
  • Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, was the first administration official to call it “a terrorist attack” during a Sept. 19 congressional hearing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the same on Sept. 20. Even so, Obama declined opportunities to call it a terrorist attack when asked at a town hall meeting on Sept. 20 and during a taping of “The View” on Sept. 24.
Sept.12: Obama Labels Attack ‘Act of Terror,’ Not ‘Terrorism’

Sept. 12: Clinton issues a statement confirming that four U.S. officials, not one, had been killed. She calls it a “violent attack.”

Sept. 13: ‘Clearly Planned’ or ‘Spontaneous’ Attack?

Sept. 13: Clinton meets with Ali Suleiman Aujali — the Libyan ambassador to the U.S. — at a State Department event to mark the end of Ramadan. Ambassador Aujali apologizes to Clinton for what he called “this terrorist attack which took place against the American consulate in Libya.” Clinton, in her remarks, does not refer to it as a terrorist attack. She condemns the anti-Muslim video, but adds that there is “never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

Sept. 14: White House Says No Evidence of Planned Attack

Sept. 14: A State Department public information official writes in an email: “t is becoming increasingly clear that the series of events in Benghazi was much more terrorist attack than a protest which escalated into violence. It is our opinion that in our messaging, we want to distinguish, not conflate, the events in other countries with this well-planned attack by militant extremists.” (The email was released Oct. 31, 2015, by the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and was contained in the Benghazi committee report issued June 28, 2016. The name of the person who sent the email and the person or persons who received the email were redacted. However, the person who wrote the email is identified in the committee report as a “public information officer from the Embassy in Tripoli,” and the email says it reflects “our view at Embassy Tripoli.” It also says, “I have discussed this with [name redacted] and he shares PAS’s view.” PAS stands for Public Affairs Section.)

Sept. 15-16: Susan Rice Contradicts Libyan President

Sept. 15: Obama discusses the Benghazi attack in his weekly address. He makes no mention of terror, terrorists or extremists. He does talk about the anti-Muslim film and “every angry mob” that it inspired in pockets of the Middle East.

Sept. 17: State Defends Rice and ‘Initial Assessment’

Sept. 17: Nuland, the State Department spokeswoman, is asked about Rice’s comments on “Face the Nation” and four other Sunday talk shows. Nuland says, “The comments that Ambassador Rice made accurately reflect our government’s initial assessment.” Nuland uses the phrase “initial assessment” three times when discussing Rice’s comments.

Sept. 18: Obama Says ‘Extremists’ Used Video As ‘Excuse’

Sept. 18: Obama is asked about the Benghazi attack on “The Late Show with David Letterman.” The president says, “Here’s what happened,” and begins discussing the impact of the anti-Muslim video. He then says, “Extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the consulate in Libya.” He also says, “As offensive as this video was and, obviously, we’ve denounced it and the United States government had nothing to do with it. That’s never an excuse for violence.”


Do you all think this blindboo dickbreath has any ability to answer the question? Watch his double talk everyone. It is creepy and funny. Oh, trust me. He will do it. He has no choice.

Either that or be will avoid it.

Well, blindboo. Was it a spontaneous attack caused by a video or an organized planned terrorist attack?

Like I said...watch this.
Now you're simply lying as you've already been shown...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
So, stupid fuck. Try answering this question. (Watch this everyone)

The only spontaneous event they assumed was a copycat protest at the Consulate Building in Benghazi.

"...what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video.""

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode.

"We’ll await the results of the investigation."

Why is it that you still believe the lies your propaganda masters told you?
If it weren't for James Comey sweeping Clinton and Obama crimes under the rug, Holder, Lynch, Lerner, Rice, Clinton, and Koskinen would probably be behind bars.

Comey made it possible for Obama & Clinton to engage in scandal after scandal with impunity.

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