I get why people don't like Trump, but the hate's really over the top...

Trump is just a symbol. Democommiecrats really hate the rest of us.

I do hate the idea of a waitress not being able to afford to go see a doctor to get the lump in her breast checked because others haven't made their first billion yet.

where in the USA is a waitress refused medical care? and how is that tied to Bill Gates or Oprah making billions?

Another American dies after not being able to afford prescription insulin - NationofChange

How two friends died when they couldn't pay for health care

As Drug Costs Soar, People Delay Or Skip Cancer Treatments

you claimed that the waitress was denied treatment, not that big pharma is raping all of us. I agree 100% that big pharma needs to be brought under control and forced to reduce prices, we also need to reduce drug patent times and get generics into the market sooner.

So, let me ask again, where in the USA is a waitress denied medical treatment i.e. refused entry to a hospital, clinic, or emergency care facility.

What has the democrat controlled house done to control big pharma? answer: nothing because big pharma funds their campaigns.

The Democrats have done squat. I condemn them over and over for that. I will never vote for one that supports the continued mess.

There are thousands and thousands who can not afford insurance. Yes she can go to a ER for emergency treatment only for the hospital to attach her wages which just gets her by now.

who cannot afford medicaid? it costs nothing and is available to low income people. sorry, but your claim of americans dying for lack of medical care is BS. Even people in our country illegally get medical care, and at no cost to them. Those of us who have coverage pay for the ones that don't or won't. That has always been the case.
If America being the best triggers you, that explains why you want Socialism.

And yes, I like winning.

Having the most expensive health care system in the world with far too many not being able to afford it is not the best in the world.

It's also only a matter of time before we join the other first world countries in addressing that.

you need to ask a brit, canadian, or swede how they like government run medicine. They don't.

Yes they do. Is it perfect? No, but no one is being forced into bankruptcy over medical bills.

NO one in the USA is being forced into bankruptcy only due to medical bills. There may be medical bills in some bankruptcy filings, but there are also credit cards, car payments, mortgages, etc. Can you post one bankruptcy filing that included ONLY medical bills? I'll wait.

I know many brits and canadians personally and have relatives that live in Sweden. They all hate their national medical systems. Long waits, crappy treatment, and they still have to pay out of pocket.

Medicare for all would be the pre-Trump VA for all. AND YOUR taxes would go up significantly.

Your anecdotal claims don't hold much sway.

Medical Bills: The Leading Cause of Bankruptcy in the United States - Apex EDI

that cite is an insurance company trying to get your business. Of course, they are going to claim that if you don't take their policy you will die of bankruptcy.

got anything valid?
he lied under oath, that was his crime that got him impeached.

he and Newt worked together quite well and got things done, I give them both credit for that, much like Reagan and and O'Neill got things done across party lines, Where is the Newt or O'Neill in the dem party today?
Takes 2 to tango red Bidens good friend Graham is stabbing him in the back That's politics now

Biden is guilty of bribing a foreign government with US money in order to protect his son who was engaging in a corrupt operation with a foreign company. funny that the kids of Romney, Pelosi, and Kerry also had high paying seats on the board of the Ukrainian gas company. Can you explain why that company would hire them if not to gain influence in the US government?
Two posts in a row and you got em both exactly backwards

What Biden did would have actually put his son in jeapordy because the corrupt prosecutor was investigating nothing. Getting an actual prosecutor installed would have been bad for Hunter IF there was anything illegal going on. There wasn’t

and try telling a Canadian that there national healthcare is going to be ended.. they’ll choke your ass
Why do Canadians come here for medical care

Rand Paul went to Canada for surgery.

That noted.....we have a great medical system.......for those who can afford it.

that was because he wanted that particular doctor, not because the canadian system is great, and he paid out of pocket for the treatment.
I do hate the idea of a waitress not being able to afford to go see a doctor to get the lump in her breast checked because others haven't made their first billion yet.

where in the USA is a waitress refused medical care? and how is that tied to Bill Gates or Oprah making billions?

Another American dies after not being able to afford prescription insulin - NationofChange

How two friends died when they couldn't pay for health care

As Drug Costs Soar, People Delay Or Skip Cancer Treatments

you claimed that the waitress was denied treatment, not that big pharma is raping all of us. I agree 100% that big pharma needs to be brought under control and forced to reduce prices, we also need to reduce drug patent times and get generics into the market sooner.

So, let me ask again, where in the USA is a waitress denied medical treatment i.e. refused entry to a hospital, clinic, or emergency care facility.

What has the democrat controlled house done to control big pharma? answer: nothing because big pharma funds their campaigns.

The Democrats have done squat. I condemn them over and over for that. I will never vote for one that supports the continued mess.

There are thousands and thousands who can not afford insurance. Yes she can go to a ER for emergency treatment only for the hospital to attach her wages which just gets her by now.

who cannot afford medicaid? it costs nothing and is available to low income people. sorry, but your claim of americans dying for lack of medical care is BS. Even people in our country illegally get medical care, and at no cost to them. Those of us who have coverage pay for the ones that don't or won't. That has always been the case.

People get emergency care. Try and see a doctor at his office though. That is another story.

BUT I will bring this up again. I did earlier today but it was ignored.

You are arguing we pay anyway. With that being the case why would you be against a system where many not paying in now but getting service have to contribute?

you claimed that the waitress was denied treatment, not that big pharma is raping all of us. I agree 100% that big pharma needs to be brought under control and forced to reduce prices, we also need to reduce drug patent times and get generics into the market sooner.

So, let me ask again, where in the USA is a waitress denied medical treatment i.e. refused entry to a hospital, clinic, or emergency care facility.

What has the democrat controlled house done to control big pharma? answer: nothing because big pharma funds their campaigns.

The Democrats have done squat. I condemn them over and over for that. I will never vote for one that supports the continued mess.

There are thousands and thousands who can not afford insurance. Yes she can go to a ER for emergency treatment only for the hospital to attach her wages which just gets her by now.

who cannot afford medicaid? it costs nothing and is available to low income people. sorry, but your claim of americans dying for lack of medical care is BS. Even people in our country illegally get medical care, and at no cost to them. Those of us who have coverage pay for the ones that don't or won't. That has always been the case.

People get emergency care. Try and see a doctor at his office though. That is another story.

BUT I will bring this up again. I did earlier today but it was ignored.

You are arguing we pay anyway. With that being the case why would you be against a system where many not paying in now but getting service have to contribute?

because it won't work that way. never does. congress is never going to put a tax on the 50% that pay no taxes today. You and I will be paying either way, but paying more if the government is running it.

you claimed that the waitress was denied treatment, not that big pharma is raping all of us. I agree 100% that big pharma needs to be brought under control and forced to reduce prices, we also need to reduce drug patent times and get generics into the market sooner.

So, let me ask again, where in the USA is a waitress denied medical treatment i.e. refused entry to a hospital, clinic, or emergency care facility.

What has the democrat controlled house done to control big pharma? answer: nothing because big pharma funds their campaigns.

The Democrats have done squat. I condemn them over and over for that. I will never vote for one that supports the continued mess.

There are thousands and thousands who can not afford insurance. Yes she can go to a ER for emergency treatment only for the hospital to attach her wages which just gets her by now.

who cannot afford medicaid? it costs nothing and is available to low income people. sorry, but your claim of americans dying for lack of medical care is BS. Even people in our country illegally get medical care, and at no cost to them. Those of us who have coverage pay for the ones that don't or won't. That has always been the case.

People get emergency care. Try and see a doctor at his office though. That is another story.

BUT I will bring this up again. I did earlier today but it was ignored.

You are arguing we pay anyway. With that being the case why would you be against a system where many not paying in now but getting service have to contribute?

because it won't work that way. never does. congress is never going to put a tax on the 50% that pay no taxes today. You and I will be paying either way, but paying more if the government is running it.

We have a thread going that notes that Sanders plan would tax anyone making over appx 25k.

I'm perfectly willing to pay. I pay now. Any decent country should want to make sure that all can see a doctor when they are sick.
you claimed that the waitress was denied treatment, not that big pharma is raping all of us. I agree 100% that big pharma needs to be brought under control and forced to reduce prices, we also need to reduce drug patent times and get generics into the market sooner.

So, let me ask again, where in the USA is a waitress denied medical treatment i.e. refused entry to a hospital, clinic, or emergency care facility.

What has the democrat controlled house done to control big pharma? answer: nothing because big pharma funds their campaigns.

The Democrats have done squat. I condemn them over and over for that. I will never vote for one that supports the continued mess.

There are thousands and thousands who can not afford insurance. Yes she can go to a ER for emergency treatment only for the hospital to attach her wages which just gets her by now.

who cannot afford medicaid? it costs nothing and is available to low income people. sorry, but your claim of americans dying for lack of medical care is BS. Even people in our country illegally get medical care, and at no cost to them. Those of us who have coverage pay for the ones that don't or won't. That has always been the case.

People get emergency care. Try and see a doctor at his office though. That is another story.

BUT I will bring this up again. I did earlier today but it was ignored.

You are arguing we pay anyway. With that being the case why would you be against a system where many not paying in now but getting service have to contribute?

because it won't work that way. never does. congress is never going to put a tax on the 50% that pay no taxes today. You and I will be paying either way, but paying more if the government is running it.

We have a thread going that notes that Sanders plan would tax anyone making over appx 25k.

I'm perfectly willing to pay. I pay now. Any decent country should want to make sure that all can see a doctor when they are sick.

No one in the USA today (legally or illegally) is being denied medical care when sick. to claim otherwise is simply wrong. Yes, free medical care may be inconvenient, but its FREE.

would you prefer the british system where you have to wait months for an MRI or routine dental work?
Picture this for a moment....instead of attacking and resisting Trump right out of the gate...lets say Pelosi took an adult course of action and used the right amount of finesse and placed the right amount of complements and praise towards Trump to get him to work with her...

Trump is not a full on republican and could have been worked with....she could have gotten a fix for DACA....a trade deal the unions would love....a healthcare fix without dismantling Obamacare completely....

But she chose to resist without cause....she blew it...Pelosi could have gone down in history as the greatest speaker in history...the first dem to get the GOP president to work with her not against her...but look at what a mess she has created instead....what a shame....
If you go on a game show and someone gives you a million dollars, no one considers that a profit.

Zackly. Profit is generated by enterprises that are specifically designed to make profit, for its own sake. OTOH if you're taking donations for a particular cause, the point is the cause, not profit generation.

Kinda surprising that some here don't seem to know how capitalism works.

Bravo on taking money..... you just further compromised any “moral” standing when talking about Trump. Namely, his racism and sexism were only an issue when he was not writing checks to your side but they became an issue when he went against your side’s agenda.

Holy SHIT did you go to Clueless University majoring in Density?

I don't have a fucking "side's agenda" Dumbass, nor do I have a "side" he ever wrote checks to, ever. But the fact remains MONEY IS FUCKING MONEY. If a fucking police department confiscates $50,000 from a drug bust does that make the police druggies? If the IRS shuts down the KKK by presenting them with an enormous tax bill does whatever IRS recovers from that bill make the IRS "the Klan"? MONEY HAS NO IDEOLOGY.

Don't sit here and insult people's intelligence with this shit.

You continue to shit yourself like a toddler in the toy store throwing a tantrum. Take the money..... just shelve your outrage over alleged sexism and racism from Trump.

Number one --- where is that? Quote it.

Number two are you actually sitting on the internets claiming that it's impossible for a racist or a sexist to donate money to something?

And number three, suppose a racist/sexist did donate money --- in what way would that prevent the donee from noting or continuing to note that racism/sexism? Ever hear of "balls"?

I am saying anyone who has issues with racism and sexism, takes money from from the so-called racist without issue but then takes issue with the donor’s sexism and racism AFTER the donor changes political parties, then they are full of shit.

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