"I Had an Abortion"

We are talking about all fetus's, not just one fetus.

The point is that law does allow at times
for fetuses to be considered, legally, people.

But not when applied to abortion, which is the point I have been making all along.

How about botched abortions

Dr. Kermit Gosnell was sentenced on Wednesday to life in prison without parole for the murder of a baby born alive in a botched abortion, who prosecutors said would have survived if the doctor had not “snipped” its neck with scissors.

Based on what you are saying
his mistake must have been letting it breath
a human being or a baby inside the woman's body is a legal person and one can be prosecuted for killing that baby, even if they did not killed the mother - as Ariel castro was.

so that baby is not "someone" - she is a defined person

PROVE a fetus is a legal person then!!!

I am still waiting!

November 12, 2004 - Peterson is found guilty of 1st degree murder for Laci's death and 2nd degree murder for son Conner's death.

She was still pregnant with Conner at the time of her murder

Also wrong.

Her murder.

Not that of a fetus.

In the context of criminal law, the illegal act was carried out against the pregnant woman, the charge concerning the fetus stems from that illegal act.

With regard to abortion, however, there is no outside violent act against the pregnant woman, as prior to viability and birth, her rights are paramount. See: Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992).
Actually under that law, if he say stabbed her then she lived but the "fetus" did not
he could still be charged

Cal. Penal Code § 187 (a) defines murder as the unlawful killing of a human being or a fetus with malice aforethought.
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He cannot.

As no such law exists.

yes, it does. the one which Lacy petersen husband was charged with


You confuse civil law (substantive due process) concerning privacy rights, with criminal law (procedural due process) concerning murder – they are not the same.

no, it is right.

it is a base for the inevitable change.

if the same person is considered person in one instance - and not a person in the other - that is a conflict.

and that conflict will be resolved.

the same conflict exists in some in the medical world - and they are TALKING about it - it is the start to the change.
and it is long overdue
Actually under that law, if he say stabbed her then she lived but the "fetus" did not
he could still be charged

of course.

ariel castro was charged with murder of the baby he forced to be aborted, although the woman is alive

the florida man who tricked his girlfriend into taking some pills which killed the baby - is charged with murder and could face life in prison.
PROVE a fetus is a legal person then!!!

I am still waiting!

November 12, 2004 - Peterson is found guilty of 1st degree murder for Laci's death and 2nd degree murder for son Conner's death.

She was still pregnant with Conner at the time of her murder

Also wrong.

Her murder.

Not that of a fetus.

In the context of criminal law, the illegal act was carried out against the pregnant woman, the charge concerning the fetus stems from that illegal act.

With regard to abortion, however, there is no outside violent act against the pregnant woman, as prior to viability and birth, her rights are paramount. See: Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992).

He was charged with TWO MURDERS - her and the unborn baby

Scott Lee Peterson (born October 24, 1972) is a man convicted of murdering his wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn son in Modesto, California in 2002.
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It is interesting to see the radical left work so hard
to dehumanize something

Must be guilt

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Not until it is born and has taken a breath.

since the baby is conceived - she is a person by law.

if you attempt to induce an abortion even at few weeks of gestational age - you will face criminal charges - and rightfully so:

Baby Dies After Man Allegedly Tricks Girlfriend Into Taking an Abortion Pill | Video | TheBlaze.com

Welden could face life behind bars without parole if he is found guilty of murder under the “Protection of Unborn Children Act,” a federal statute.

here you go - a federal LAW :D

He is in trouble because he caused an abortion without his girlfriends permission. That's assault, and bodily harm. It isn't murder, because no one was murdered.

it is a murder of an innocent baby and he is charged with murder, not with bodily harm( you wish ), dumbo.

read the link
When the 13 year old's m other is pimping her out, no, I don't think that's a big deal.

The mother def had a screw loose and should have been shot for allowing her 13 year old to be alone with Polanski. I mean really, wtf?? That aside -- a 43 year old man drugged and sexually assaulted and sodomized a 13 year old child. No matter how that 13 year old 'feels' about it, he raped her (she even says this in interviews as an adult.)

And not one peep from you about the complete and total wrongness of what he did.


Here's the thing. This was not the girl's first time having sex.

Too young? Absolutely. But it was really a different time.

So if she had been a virgin it would have been rape but because she'd had sex before, it was no big deal? What kind of fruit loop logic is that?? Wow.

wtF??? He raped her. You refuse to condemn him for it you just keep making excuses for what he did.

it is a murder of an innocent baby and he is charged with murder, not with bodily harm( you wish ), dumbo.

read the link

The Blaze is a conservative website that deals in right wing bullshit, and not proper legal terms.

He is being charged because he caused the girlfriend to miscarry - he forced her to abort the pregnancy without her consent.

Those laws do NOT apply to women who make a decision to abort.
The mother def had a screw loose and should have been shot for allowing her 13 year old to be alone with Polanski. I mean really, wtf?? That aside -- a 43 year old man drugged and sexually assaulted and sodomized a 13 year old child. No matter how that 13 year old 'feels' about it, he raped her (she even says this in interviews as an adult.)

And not one peep from you about the complete and total wrongness of what he did.


Here's the thing. This was not the girl's first time having sex.

Too young? Absolutely. But it was really a different time.

So if she had been a virgin it would have been rape but because she'd had sex before, it was no big deal? What kind of fruit loop logic is that?? Wow.

wtF??? He raped her. You refuse to condemn him for it you just keep making excuses for what he did.


Of course not, but lets be honest. The girl was 13, she had experience in taking drugs and getting drunk, and she had been sexually active for some time. She was a 13 year old whore. No offense, but lets call her what she was.
so 8 months then

Again- what the woman and her doctor thinks is appropriate...

no, it is NOT.

at 8 months whatever woman thinks is IRRELEVANT - the doctor is OBLIGED by the Hippocratic oath to deliver the baby - via usual birth or c-section

Okay, you keep telling yourself that. Real world, Doctors do what they and the patient consider appropriate.

I'll bet you are one of these nutters who cheered when Dr. Tiller was murdered in his church.
Again- what the woman and her doctor thinks is appropriate...

no, it is NOT.

at 8 months whatever woman thinks is IRRELEVANT - the doctor is OBLIGED by the Hippocratic oath to deliver the baby - via usual birth or c-section

What woman would have an elective abortion at 8 months?

Possibly one who found that the fetus was going to have some horrible abnormality like Brittle Bone Syndrome that got missed on an earlier visit because her doctor got her degree in some Eastern European country.


Show us the law where it states that a fetus is a person.

a high school biology class states that.

but you are too dumb to know that.

are you a high-school dropout?

no wonder you are so dumb.

Last time I checked, HS Biology classes aren't the law.

The law is that abortion is legal up to the 24th week under Roe v. Wade, and after the 24th week under Doe v. Boland if the doctor determines there's a good reason.

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