"I Had an Abortion"

a high school biology class states that.

but you are too dumb to know that.

are you a high-school dropout?

no wonder you are so dumb.

Last time I checked, HS Biology classes aren't the law.

The law is that abortion is legal up to the 24th week under Roe v. Wade, and after the 24th week under Doe v. Boland if the doctor determines there's a good reason.

I don't care about the law.
the law can be changed.

Black people have been viewed as property not people by law as well.

It changed.

Murder of the innocent children is allowed now in some instances and is prosecuted in the others - which is an idiocy right there - either the law considers an unborn baby to be a person or not.
It does consider an unborn baby to be a person and murdering that baby is prosecuted.

so this is the bridge.

and barbaric law of allowing abortion on demand will also eventually change.

The change is fermenting from the bottom.

on the executive side ( the providers) it has changed dramatically - to the extent that in order to provide the services one state is now allowing non-physicians to perform it :lol:
and that is leftwing California - it might be leftwing, but physicians there do not want to participate in a murder ( as they do not everywhere else)

and this is progress. slow. but in a right direction.

Murder of the innocent babies will be banned - as it should be.

Don't be ridiculous. There has always been abortion and there will always be abortion.

Its legal and its none of your business - unless - you are the one CHOOSING.
Until the gov't has full control of healthcare

The same reasons why the gov't may choose to deny end of life treatments
against their or their family's wishes...

are the same reasons they can choose an abortion for someone
even against the wishes of the mother
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Someone who defends adults having sex with a 13 year old?

You must not have read all the posts
or he paid you to post

Then again, maybe you guys were meant to be
I didn't know 13 year olds could post on here?
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I just joined this site but after reading all 84 pages of this post.. i think I am in love with JoeB.

Good arguments.


I take it you are a baby killing ghoul and abject liar as well, then?

Have you yet been privy to him defending Gosnell, calling the women who testified "liars" and describing the babies killed post-birth in abortion clinics as "medical waste"?

Have you ever heard him say that there are no coerced abortions, and that abortion is a good "solution" to our "colored" problems?
Someone who defends adults having sex with 13 years old?

You must not have read all the posts
or he paid you to post

Then again, maybe you guys were meant to be
I didn't know 13 year olds could post on here?

I am only talking of this post and his arguments for abortion that I have read in THIS post.

And yes, I am obviously pro-choice.
I don't care

I am just having fun with you
It is actually in this thread

so if you are 13 don't take any candy from him
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Definitely great husband material.

Just the sort you want to take home to mom and expose the younger set to.
Last time I checked, HS Biology classes aren't the law.

The law is that abortion is legal up to the 24th week under Roe v. Wade, and after the 24th week under Doe v. Boland if the doctor determines there's a good reason.

I don't care about the law.
the law can be changed.

Black people have been viewed as property not people by law as well.

It changed.

Murder of the innocent children is allowed now in some instances and is prosecuted in the others - which is an idiocy right there - either the law considers an unborn baby to be a person or not.
It does consider an unborn baby to be a person and murdering that baby is prosecuted.

so this is the bridge.

and barbaric law of allowing abortion on demand will also eventually change.

The change is fermenting from the bottom.

on the executive side ( the providers) it has changed dramatically - to the extent that in order to provide the services one state is now allowing non-physicians to perform it :lol:
and that is leftwing California - it might be leftwing, but physicians there do not want to participate in a murder ( as they do not everywhere else)

and this is progress. slow. but in a right direction.

Murder of the innocent babies will be banned - as it should be.

Don't be ridiculous. There has always been abortion and there will always be abortion.

Its legal and its none of your business - unless - you are the one CHOOSING.

it is you and other pro-murder abortion nazis who are ridiculous.

oh, and I can almost hear the similar conversation in 1860 :lol:

It changed then for the black people and it will change for the unborn children.
a high school biology class states that.

but you are too dumb to know that.

are you a high-school dropout?

no wonder you are so dumb.

Last time I checked, HS Biology classes aren't the law.

The law is that abortion is legal up to the 24th week under Roe v. Wade, and after the 24th week under Doe v. Boland if the doctor determines there's a good reason.

I don't care about the law.
the law can be changed.

Black people have been viewed as property not people by law as well.

It changed.

Murder of the innocent children is allowed now in some instances and is prosecuted in the others - which is an idiocy right there - either the law considers an unborn baby to be a person or not.
It does consider an unborn baby to be a person and murdering that baby is prosecuted.

so this is the bridge.

and barbaric law of allowing abortion on demand will also eventually change.

The change is fermenting from the bottom.

on the executive side ( the providers) it has changed dramatically - to the extent that in order to provide the services one state is now allowing non-physicians to perform it :lol:
and that is leftwing California - it might be leftwing, but physicians there do not want to participate in a murder ( as they do not everywhere else)

and this is progress. slow. but in a right direction.

Murder of the innocent babies will be banned - as it should be.

The question you were asked was "What law states a fetus is a person".

Now I can see where you are easily confused, because you claim a HS biology book said so, but that isn't the law. (Also, I kind of doubt that's in HS biology books, because the veer away from controversial stuff.)

Oh, speaking of Progress, today a judge slapped down the Texas Law... So yeah, that's progress.
Until the gov't has full control of healthcare

The same reasons why the gov't may choose to deny end of life treatments
against their or their family's wishes...

are the same reasons they can choose an abortion for someone
even against the wishes of the mother

actually our proabort nazis which are also gubmint worshipers would be extremely surprised to learn that the moment the gubmint finds it is no more convenient to promote murder agenda - the whole business of the "choice" option will turn 180 degrees :lol:
our demographic is not headed in the right direction.
come 2025 we will be in big trouble - and all the possible gubmint restrictions to get more working bodies would be applied.
what their leftard agenda is now might not be the same agenda in 10 years :D
Last time I checked, HS Biology classes aren't the law.

The law is that abortion is legal up to the 24th week under Roe v. Wade, and after the 24th week under Doe v. Boland if the doctor determines there's a good reason.

I don't care about the law.
the law can be changed.

Black people have been viewed as property not people by law as well.

It changed.

Murder of the innocent children is allowed now in some instances and is prosecuted in the others - which is an idiocy right there - either the law considers an unborn baby to be a person or not.
It does consider an unborn baby to be a person and murdering that baby is prosecuted.

so this is the bridge.

and barbaric law of allowing abortion on demand will also eventually change.

The change is fermenting from the bottom.

on the executive side ( the providers) it has changed dramatically - to the extent that in order to provide the services one state is now allowing non-physicians to perform it :lol:
and that is leftwing California - it might be leftwing, but physicians there do not want to participate in a murder ( as they do not everywhere else)

and this is progress. slow. but in a right direction.

Murder of the innocent babies will be banned - as it should be.

The question you were asked was "What law states a fetus is a person".

Now I can see where you are easily confused, because you claim a HS biology book said so, but that isn't the law. (Also, I kind of doubt that's in HS biology books, because the veer away from controversial stuff.)

Oh, speaking of Progress, today a judge slapped down the Texas Law... So yeah, that's progress.

I have provided you the FEDERAL STATUTE NAME which states that the unborn baby IS a person and murder of that baby is going to be prosecuted.
As it is right now in Florida with a guy who provoked a death of his baby in utero of his girlfriend by tricking her into taking some very specific pills.

And this law is not going away anywhere.
It is a base and the bridge.

No matter how annoying it is to you - but deep inside you know perfectly well that both medicine, science and human nature is against your barbaric clench over will to murder.
Whats wrong with porn?

It involves people enjoying sex, which obviously Koch-er Girl has serious problems with.

Think of her as Piper Laurie's character in Carrie, and you get the image.

do you have problems in sex life? ask your doctor if viagra will help :D

No problems in that department.

I don't spend one minute worried about what kind of sex other people are having like you and Koch-Er Girl do.

Because it really isn't any of my business.

nor is it any of my business if they have abortions or not.

Now, as policy, would it be nice if we had less abortions. Sure. It's not a pleasent procedures, and people who haven't evolved above religious stupidity feel bad about it.

But you don't get there by banning it. Because that never works.
It involves people enjoying sex, which obviously Koch-er Girl has serious problems with.

Think of her as Piper Laurie's character in Carrie, and you get the image.

do you have problems in sex life? ask your doctor if viagra will help :D

No problems in that department.

I don't spend one minute worried about what kind of sex other people are having like you and Koch-Er Girl do.

Because it really isn't any of my business.

nor is it any of my business if they have abortions or not.

Now, as policy, would it be nice if we had less abortions. Sure. It's not a pleasent procedures, and people who haven't evolved above religious stupidity feel bad about it.

But you don't get there by banning it. Because that never works.

looks like you do have problems.

otherwise you won't project on Koshergirl :D

those slips of the tongue, oh the keyboard, are extremely revealing :lol:

looks like you do have problems.

otherwise you won't project on Koshergirl :D

those slips of the tongue, oh the keyboard, are extremely revealing :lol:

Uh, no, I've been arguing with Koch-Er Girl for years here...

So, not really. Of course, it's hilarious to watch her go off on tangents about porn or remembering me saying things I didn't say... because that's always a laugh.

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