"I Had an Abortion"

No doubt it took her a long time to heal

I suggest you bring your idea to the next DNC meeting
It might work

At the last convention, they booed God
so anything is possible
Truth is hard for left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUJE9YfsbNQ]Democrats BOO GOD At Convention - YouTube[/ame]

I could care less who the person is

I will state for the record that any 40 year old person having sex with a 13 year old is wrong

You choose to argue different

good luck with that....
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You mean they didn't want language about Jerusalem and religion shoved into their platform, and they didn't have a fair vote on the matter.

Nothing about booing God, they booed the procedure, which is exactly what they should have done.

You live in your own reality, don't you?
Whatever helps you sleep at night
besides, you hate religion anyway

Like the results of failed leftist programs
Be proud!

I do hate religion. But let's not mischaracterized what happened there.

The Chair tried to impose the kind of religious pandering that has already infected the GOP, and the delegates rejected it.

And frankly, the only "Failed" programs I see is the one where you guys turned prosperity and peace into despair and war....
Fetal homicide laws do not apply to abortion.

Try again.

Your questions states
Prove a fetus is a legal person

In Conner's case, a fetus, they were a legal person
I answered the question

We are talking about all fetus's, not just one fetus.

What makes one fetus (Lacy Peterson's fetus was considered a legal person) a legal person and another fetus not a legal person?

I have provided you the FEDERAL STATUTE NAME which states that the unborn baby IS a person and murder of that baby is going to be prosecuted.
As it is right now in Florida with a guy who provoked a death of his baby in utero of his girlfriend by tricking her into taking some very specific pills.

And this law is not going away anywhere.
It is a base and the bridge.

No matter how annoying it is to you - but deep inside you know perfectly well that both medicine, science and human nature is against your barbaric clench over will to murder.

Again, the minute you "bridge" that into trying to prosecute a woman for ending an unwanted pregnancy is the day those laws are done.

Reality- women have had abortions since Roman times.

They will always be able to get them.

Particularly now that you can simply take a pill.

no, they won't. and a woman will be prosecuted. as she should be.
especially in the times when preventing the pregnancy is easiest than ever.
Murder of the innocents - and that is what abortion is - and everybody, including abortion nazis know that - should be prosecuted and will be.
Just takes time.
Killing a black man was not a crime not a very long time ago.
Killing a woman and a child was not a crime before that.

It changed. And so will change the approach to murder of children in utero.
David no
perhaps the poor children that were killed

But that is all conjecture, since no one has proof. Too bad, the gov't could not have caught him
alive so he could have been tried on the crimes you accuse him of doing.

But back to the argument, at hand

An argument to justify a 13 year old having sex with a 40 year old
is not going to be supported by most, on both sides of the house.

Keep up the good fight

So essentially, your defense is that we never proved what Koresh did because he committed suicide and killed all the victims in a mass suicide?

Really? Is this what your are claiming, Spanky?

Whew... good think Koresh wasn't a Hollywood Liberal, then.


I was saying your poor attempt with an ad hominem
was moot since I would want both people in question to pay for their crimes

Where you apparently feel a a 40 year old having sex with a 13 year old should be forgiven

good luck with that...

Joe hates religion...but loves porn and abortion.

These are the subjects that populate his fantasy life.
Your questions states
Prove a fetus is a legal person

In Conner's case, a fetus, they were a legal person
I answered the question

We are talking about all fetus's, not just one fetus.

What makes one fetus (Lacy Peterson's fetus was considered a legal person) a legal person and another fetus not a legal person?

I think that charging someone for murdering a person that a birth certificate was never issued for is silly, but this is politics, not reason.

The problem is of course, that no one has sympathy for guys who assault or murder pregnant women.

So the camel's nose is under the tent.

no, they won't. and a woman will be prosecuted. as she should be.
especially in the times when preventing the pregnancy is easiest than ever.
Murder of the innocents - and that is what abortion is - and everybody, including abortion nazis know that - should be prosecuted and will be.
Just takes time.
Killing a black man was not a crime not a very long time ago.
Killing a woman and a child was not a crime before that.

It changed. And so will change the approach to murder of children in utero.

YOu religious idiots are never going to get your way on this. I'm just so sorry.

Here's the thing. Do you know how many women were arrested for HAVING abortions prior to Roe v. Wade? Come on, take a guess.

All of TWO. One in 1911, one in 1922.

In fact, even the people who performed them were RARELY prosecuted.

To educate yourself, read up on a lady named Ruth Barnett. She performed 40,000 Abortions in the Portland Area from 1913 to 1969. She spent only a few years in jail, and went right back to performing abortions until she was too old to do them.

And mind you, this was BEFORE it had been legal and accepted for 40 years.

no, they won't. and a woman will be prosecuted. as she should be.
especially in the times when preventing the pregnancy is easiest than ever.
Murder of the innocents - and that is what abortion is - and everybody, including abortion nazis know that - should be prosecuted and will be.
Just takes time.
Killing a black man was not a crime not a very long time ago.
Killing a woman and a child was not a crime before that.

It changed. And so will change the approach to murder of children in utero.

YOu religious idiots are never going to get your way on this. I'm just so sorry.

Here's the thing. Do you know how many women were arrested for HAVING abortions prior to Roe v. Wade? Come on, take a guess.

All of TWO. One in 1911, one in 1922.

In fact, even the people who performed them were RARELY prosecuted.

To educate yourself, read up on a lady named Ruth Barnett. She performed 40,000 Abortions in the Portland Area from 1913 to 1969. She spent only a few years in jail, and went right back to performing abortions until she was too old to do them.

And mind you, this was BEFORE it had been legal and accepted for 40 years.

you, moron, where did I ever connected murder of the baby to religion? I even asked someone from my side not to mention it as the religious aspect of the issue is absolutly separate one.

But the murderous liars like yourself think only about their own prejudicies and obsessions.

I get it - you have no problem with a 40 yo raping a 13 yo child and murdering the baby in utero - for your convenience.

What does RELIGION have to do with it?

Abortion IS a murder. Got it?

having sex with a 13 year old is RAPE. Comprende?

oh, and if you think that your vulgar freudism is going to impress me - you might want to think again.
Even if your ally - that cowardly bitch gracie is going to neg me for revealing your secret drives :lol:

I don't care that only 2 women were arrested. I think they all should, but even marginalizing the act and the ones who do it would be sufficient to curb it substantially.
You want to murder your baby in utero?
well, then you will have to take the risk as all the murders do - that would at least be fair.

And yes, it is going to be prosecuted. Per my own prediction - starting circa 2030.
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Why do liberals confuse sex with killing babies?

great question.

I find it wildly amusing as it clearly indicates which ones are really short on a supply side, since all they can talk on the topic of murder is sex :rolleyes:

you, moron, where did I ever connected murder of the baby to religion? I even asked someone from my side not to mention it as the religious aspect of the issue is absolutly separate one.

But the murderous liars like yourself think only about their own prejudicies and obsessions.

I get it - you have no problem with a 40 yo raping a 13 yo child and murdering the baby in utero - for your convenience.

No, I have no problem with someone walking away from a sham conviction because a judge wanted to get a celebrity scalp.

What does RELIGION have to do with it?

You mean other than you trying to impose your religion on other people?

Abortion IS a murder. Got it?

That's a RELIGIOUS opinion, not a scientific or legal one. It's also one most people don't agree with.

having sex with a 13 year old is RAPE. Comprende?

Then there are a lot of 13 year old rapists out there. Reality check, this is really a modern thing. as recently as a century ago. you were of marriageable age at puberty...

oh, and if you think that your vulgar freudism is going to impress me - you might want to think again.
Even if your ally - that cowardly bitch gracie is going to neg me for revealing your secret drives :lol:

Oh, not trying to impress anything.. I've long ago trying to shrink anti-abortion types Most of you are just religious nuts with sexual fixations....

I don't care that only 2 women were arrested. I think they all should, but even marginalizing the act and the ones who do it would be sufficient to curb it substantially.

But you miss the point. You can't have a law and then not enforce it. Prostitution, Drug abuse, guns in "Gun Free Zones", Prohibition. They all kind of show the folly of having a law that most people don't follow because they never really agreed to it.

You want to murder your baby in utero?
well, then you will have to take the risk as all the murders do - that would at least be fair.

And yes, it is going to be prosecuted. Per my own prediction - starting circa 2030.

Actually, byt 2030, the REpublican Party will be a forgotten memory, and people will wonder why they were able to fool so many stupid people.
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