"I Had an Abortion"

Your right
anyone who believes sex with a minor is wrong both, legally and morally
will have a hard to defend that one.

do you really want to be remembered as a poster justifying sex with a minor?

A 17 year old is a minor. An 18 year old is a legal adult. Is it wrong for an 18 year old to have sex with a 17 year old?
IMO it is not. I guess it is for you, though?
in the conversation leading up to my statement
it was on sex between a 13 year old and a 30 year old
I guess for you, though, it is not wrong
When you were defending Polanski's act
and he was in his in 40's, so sorry, the age was wrong on my part.

As for some other act of extortion between a 13 year year old and 30 yer old...
just as in many cases of being"hustled" or swindled,
the "victim" was trying to get 'something to for nothing'

Really, how did this 13yr put an adult male in such a compromising
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When you were defending Polanski's act
and he was in his in 40's, so sorry, the age was wrong on my part.

As for some act between a 13 year year old and extortion...
just as in many cases of being"hustled" or swindled,
the "victim" was trying to get 'something to for nothing'

Really, how did this 13yr put an adult male in such a compromising

You mean other than her mother driving her over for a nude photoshoot?

the mother should be charged with endangering a minor
and Polanski is still guilty of rape
Really blaming a child victim

Oh that's right, if he would had only had sex with her
before her first breath of life

in the extreme left world- that would not count

You must be confused, this one was breathing
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the mother should be charged with endangering a minor
and Polanski is still guilty of rape

Only because we define "rape" as a consenting teen having sex.

And even that varies from state to state.

You know, as a "Libertarian", you should know that bad law is your best argument.

The prosecutor, the probation officer, the state psychologist all concluded that Polanski wasn't a threat, he was just a guy who made a bad decision. There wasn't a line of women or girls who came out and said, "Hey, that happened to me!"

But a judge decided he was going to nail one of them there celebrities to the wall.
if you go back to my definition
I do say "adults".

there is no state that defines sex between a 13 year old and a 40 year old as legal.

Again, you will not win anyone over with your argument.
Really, there must be some better 'victim" the extreme left can defend
than a 40 year old who has sex with a 13 year old.

Stay with Clinton, a 50 year old married man who has sex with 22 year underlings
on gov't property and gov't time. At least there, you could argue that she seduced
the poor guy
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if you go back to my definition
I do say "adults".

there is no state that defines sex between a 13 year old and a 40 year old as legal.

Again, you will not win anyone over with your argument.
Really, there must be some better 'victim" the extreme left can defend
than a 40 year old who has sex with a 13 year old.

Yawn, guy, a lot of shit ain't legal. And people ignore stupid laws all the time.

If we locked up everyone who had sex with a teen below the age of consent, we'd have no room in the prisons for the pot smokers we are locking up now.
David no
perhaps the poor children that were killed

But that is all conjecture, since no one has proof. Too bad, the gov't could not have caught him
alive so he could have been tried on the crimes you accuse him of doing.

But back to the argument, at hand

An argument to justify a 13 year old having sex with a 40 year old
is not going to be supported by most, on both sides of the house.

Keep up the good fight
David no
perhaps the poor children that were killed

But that is all conjecture, since no one has proof. Too bad, the gov't could not have caught him
alive so he could have been tried on the crimes you accuse him of doing.

But back to the argument, at hand

An argument to justify a 13 year old having sex with a 40 year old
is not going to be supported by most, on both sides of the house.

Keep up the good fight

So essentially, your defense is that we never proved what Koresh did because he committed suicide and killed all the victims in a mass suicide?

Really? Is this what your are claiming, Spanky?

Whew... good think Koresh wasn't a Hollywood Liberal, then.
I don't care about the law.
the law can be changed.

Black people have been viewed as property not people by law as well.

It changed.

Murder of the innocent children is allowed now in some instances and is prosecuted in the others - which is an idiocy right there - either the law considers an unborn baby to be a person or not.
It does consider an unborn baby to be a person and murdering that baby is prosecuted.

so this is the bridge.

and barbaric law of allowing abortion on demand will also eventually change.

The change is fermenting from the bottom.

on the executive side ( the providers) it has changed dramatically - to the extent that in order to provide the services one state is now allowing non-physicians to perform it :lol:
and that is leftwing California - it might be leftwing, but physicians there do not want to participate in a murder ( as they do not everywhere else)

and this is progress. slow. but in a right direction.

Murder of the innocent babies will be banned - as it should be.

The question you were asked was "What law states a fetus is a person".

Now I can see where you are easily confused, because you claim a HS biology book said so, but that isn't the law. (Also, I kind of doubt that's in HS biology books, because the veer away from controversial stuff.)

Oh, speaking of Progress, today a judge slapped down the Texas Law... So yeah, that's progress.

I have provided you the FEDERAL STATUTE NAME which states that the unborn baby IS a person and murder of that baby is going to be prosecuted.
As it is right now in Florida with a guy who provoked a death of his baby in utero of his girlfriend by tricking her into taking some very specific pills.

And this law is not going away anywhere.
It is a base and the bridge.

No matter how annoying it is to you - but deep inside you know perfectly well that both medicine, science and human nature is against your barbaric clench over will to murder.

No, you’ve only provided evidence of your ignorance, where you and others on the right confuse criminal law with civil law.

If you’re serious about ending the practice of abortion, then start doing something about it; quit wasting time trying to ‘ban’ abortion.
I just joined this site but after reading all 84 pages of this post.. i think I am in love with JoeB.

Good arguments.


I take it you are a baby killing ghoul and abject liar as well, then?

Have you yet been privy to him defending Gosnell, calling the women who testified "liars" and describing the babies killed post-birth in abortion clinics as "medical waste"?

Have you ever heard him say that there are no coerced abortions, and that abortion is a good "solution" to our "colored" problems?

For the record, the only one of those statements is kind of true is that I referred to aborted fetuses as "Medical Waste", which is how it's normally classified.

I have provided you the FEDERAL STATUTE NAME which states that the unborn baby IS a person and murder of that baby is going to be prosecuted.
As it is right now in Florida with a guy who provoked a death of his baby in utero of his girlfriend by tricking her into taking some very specific pills.

And this law is not going away anywhere.
It is a base and the bridge.

No matter how annoying it is to you - but deep inside you know perfectly well that both medicine, science and human nature is against your barbaric clench over will to murder.

Again, the minute you "bridge" that into trying to prosecute a woman for ending an unwanted pregnancy is the day those laws are done.

Reality- women have had abortions since Roman times.

They will always be able to get them.

Particularly now that you can simply take a pill.
David no
perhaps the poor children that were killed

But that is all conjecture, since no one has proof. Too bad, the gov't could not have caught him
alive so he could have been tried on the crimes you accuse him of doing.

But back to the argument, at hand

An argument to justify a 13 year old having sex with a 40 year old
is not going to be supported by most, on both sides of the house.

Keep up the good fight

So essentially, your defense is that we never proved what Koresh did because he committed suicide and killed all the victims in a mass suicide?

Really? Is this what your are claiming, Spanky?

Whew... good think Koresh wasn't a Hollywood Liberal, then.


I was saying your poor attempt with an ad hominem
was moot since I would want both people in question to pay for their crimes

Where you apparently feel a a 40 year old having sex with a 13 year old should be forgiven

good luck with that...
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I was saying your poor attempt with an ad hominem
was moot since I would want both people in question to pay for their crimes

Where you apparently feel a a 40 year old having sex with a 13 year old should be forgiven

good luck with that...

Again, that now 50 year old woman thinks it is no big deal.

Can't see why I should be upset about it.

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