I hate to say but part of me would like an Obama win

Wasn't that the GOP's strategy from the day of Obama's inauguration?

yeah right, then how the hell did we get ObamaCare shoved down our throats? the dept ceiling raised, etc etc
It's always a right wing conspiracy with you people, nothing is ever a Democrats fault

I think the debt is BOTH Party's fault.

Because borrowing money is always easier than either raising taxes or cutting programs that someone likes.

And the only reason why we had to get ObamaCare "shoved" down our throats is that Republicans turned against their own idea when the black guy proposed it.

No maybe because they realized it was a bad idea and a bad idea it really is. I agree with you on the debt it is both parties fault. But pointing fingers and blaming the other party will not fix it. At least the republican party is talking about fixing it. Of course Obama talked about fixing it as well and we can see he did no such thing.
All indicators point to another recession. Income is down and durable goods dropped 13%. Growth has continued to slow every quarter and the last was revised down to barely over 1 percent. There is a part of me that wants Romney to win so we can start to recover. However, to be honest there is a part of me that kind of hopes Obama will win so that once and for all we can prove liberalism is a complete failure. Sure I know that after another 4 years of liberal policies this country will be near the bottom but sometimes you have to hit bottom to get it through thick skulls. Of course the mainstream media will continue to blame republicans and that may still work with some idiots but I have to believe another four years of Obama would kill the Democrat party for good and save the country.

The only problem with your brilliant plan is that Obama, just as been the case for the past 4 years, would not be able to just freely implement his policies. There will still be obstruction and bickering with everything that is attempted, which will result in half-assed measures being implemented that are watered down versions of what liberals truly want to see implemented. (ie. Healthcare legislation, handling of the bush tax cuts)

So you'll never see true "liberal policies" have a chance to be implemented and thus you'll never truly be able to say you know whether or not they work.

He had two years with an all democrat majority in congress. He could have accomplished anything he wanted to do. Every president has to deal with this because we are a representative republic.
Oh Please, Obama will keep dog piling the debt. And he understands what the problems are.

The debt isn't our biggest problem.

The decline of the Middle Class is. If we had a robust middle class, the debt would attend to itself.

And yet Obama’s policies to build the economy through the middle have failed. It also has failed in Europe as well. So another 4 years of rebuilding the economy from the middle will fail again. I don’t know where the belief comes from if you keep trying something that fails over and over again that maybe one day it might work comes from.

I take it from your assertions, what we need is another big tax break for the very richest among us. You a tricke down kind of guy.

To bad that "trickle down" is a full blown bull shit idea that benefits only the very richest.

My proof of that? Bush sold the same bull shit that if only we would cut taxes on the richest
(he even called them the job creators) that we would ALL benefit greatly.

How did that work out for us?

All you have to do is look at what happened by the end of his Presidency to know that idea was complete bull shit. Sold by the lobbyists for the ultra rich for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Are you a wanna be ultra rich person? Or do you believe in fairy tales? Or do you just like being lied to? Which is it?
That is your opinion but Romney has run a successful business and that is more than Obama has ever, ever done. He has been a complete disaster in everything he has done. His biggest accomplishments are either a result of another presidents policies or a delusional attempt to make something look better by skewing reality. How can another four years of that save the country? How can another four years of it is Bush’s fault save the country. Problem is no one holds Obama accountable and when you are not accountable you never change.

First, I dispute that Romney has really been "successful" in business. He was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. And he left enough wreckage in his path - AmPad, GS Steel, KB Toys - to make me wonder how good of a manager he is.

Second- Being a good businessman and a successful politician are really two separate skill sets. Herbert Hoover was considered a brilliant businessman, but probably one of our worst presidents, ever.

Third- when you use hyperbole like Obama "has been a complete disaster in everything he has done", it's really hard to take you seriously. I think Obama has made a lot of mistakes, and he's done a lot of good things. I think the problems that are hitting us now were decades in the making. And most of the Industrialized World is in the same mess we are. Or worse.

Fourth- How about holding Republicans accountable? They could have worked for the good of the country, which is what grown ups are supposed to do. They instead blocked the guy at every turn. We have a long way to go, but we'd be a lot further if both parties put the good of the country above politics.
The debt isn't our biggest problem.

The decline of the Middle Class is. If we had a robust middle class, the debt would attend to itself.

And yet Obama’s policies to build the economy through the middle have failed. It also has failed in Europe as well. So another 4 years of rebuilding the economy from the middle will fail again. I don’t know where the belief comes from if you keep trying something that fails over and over again that maybe one day it might work comes from.

I take it from your assertions, what we need is another big tax break for the very richest among us. You a tricke down kind of guy.

To bad that "trickle down" is a full blown bull shit idea that benefits only the very richest.

My proof of that? Bush sold the same bull shit that if only we would cut taxes on the richest
(he even called them the job creators) that we would ALL benefit greatly.

How did that work out for us?

All you have to do is look at what happened by the end of his Presidency to know that idea was complete bull shit. Sold by the lobbyists for the ultra rich for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Are you a wanna be ultra rich person? Or do you believe in fairy tales? Or do you just like being lied to? Which is it?

I guess we need more of that Obamanomics they are working so wonderfully..
why should those in the 8% unemployment bitch
Oh Please, Obama will keep dog piling the debt. And he understands what the problems are.

The debt isn't our biggest problem.

The decline of the Middle Class is. If we had a robust middle class, the debt would attend to itself.

And yet Obama’s policies to build the economy through the middle have failed. It also has failed in Europe as well. So another 4 years of rebuilding the economy from the middle will fail again. I don’t know where the belief comes from if you keep trying something that fails over and over again that maybe one day it might work comes from.

We've had 30 years of trying to "build it from the top"... and that has never worked.

Everyone knows if you build something, you start at a foundation, and a foundation is a middle class that is well-compensated and has an investment in the result.
All indicators point to another recession. Income is down and durable goods dropped 13%. Growth has continued to slow every quarter and the last was revised down to barely over 1 percent. There is a part of me that wants Romney to win so we can start to recover. However, to be honest there is a part of me that kind of hopes Obama will win so that once and for all we can prove liberalism is a complete failure. Sure I know that after another 4 years of liberal policies this country will be near the bottom but sometimes you have to hit bottom to get it through thick skulls. Of course the mainstream media will continue to blame republicans and that may still work with some idiots but I have to believe another four years of Obama would kill the Democrat party for good and save the country.

The only problem with your brilliant plan is that Obama, just as been the case for the past 4 years, would not be able to just freely implement his policies. There will still be obstruction and bickering with everything that is attempted, which will result in half-assed measures being implemented that are watered down versions of what liberals truly want to see implemented. (ie. Healthcare legislation, handling of the bush tax cuts)

So you'll never see true "liberal policies" have a chance to be implemented and thus you'll never truly be able to say you know whether or not they work.

He had two years with an all democrat majority in congress. He could have accomplished anything he wanted to do. Every president has to deal with this because we are a representative republic.

Fuking horse shit. YOU need to look up the term filibuster. How is it that the Rethugs have used a record number of filibusters to block any and all legislation that Obama proposes but in your warped world that is all Obamas fault. And in terms of Obama having control of Congress. The filibuster works very well for the minority party. If Mittens wins, you will find out how successful the filibuster can be in blocking legislation.
Whatever your reasons, dummies............we'd appreciate the vote for Obama. And, vote intelligently down ticket as well. Thanks.
And yet Obama’s policies to build the economy through the middle have failed. It also has failed in Europe as well. So another 4 years of rebuilding the economy from the middle will fail again. I don’t know where the belief comes from if you keep trying something that fails over and over again that maybe one day it might work comes from.

I take it from your assertions, what we need is another big tax break for the very richest among us. You a tricke down kind of guy.

To bad that "trickle down" is a full blown bull shit idea that benefits only the very richest.

My proof of that? Bush sold the same bull shit that if only we would cut taxes on the richest
(he even called them the job creators) that we would ALL benefit greatly.

How did that work out for us?

All you have to do is look at what happened by the end of his Presidency to know that idea was complete bull shit. Sold by the lobbyists for the ultra rich for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Are you a wanna be ultra rich person? Or do you believe in fairy tales? Or do you just like being lied to? Which is it?

I guess we need more of that Obamanomics they are working so wonderfully..
why should those in the 8% unemployment bitch

We don't know how his policies would have worked. Most were shot down by the rethugs with their filibusters.

But we know for fact that cutting taxes for the very richest don't do jack shit except benefit the ultra wealthy.

And here in Ohio, you aren't working it is your own fault. Plenty of jobs available. Come on out if you want to work.
The debt isn't our biggest problem.

The decline of the Middle Class is. If we had a robust middle class, the debt would attend to itself.

And yet Obama’s policies to build the economy through the middle have failed. It also has failed in Europe as well. So another 4 years of rebuilding the economy from the middle will fail again. I don’t know where the belief comes from if you keep trying something that fails over and over again that maybe one day it might work comes from.

I take it from your assertions, what we need is another big tax break for the very richest among us. You a tricke down kind of guy.

To bad that "trickle down" is a full blown bull shit idea that benefits only the very richest.

My proof of that? Bush sold the same bull shit that if only we would cut taxes on the richest
(he even called them the job creators) that we would ALL benefit greatly.

How did that work out for us?

All you have to do is look at what happened by the end of his Presidency to know that idea was complete bull shit. Sold by the lobbyists for the ultra rich for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Are you a wanna be ultra rich person? Or do you believe in fairy tales? Or do you just like being lied to? Which is it?

It was actually working until the housing bubble burst. The problem is it is not just the taxes. It is also the regulations that kill jobs. I can never understand how Democrats can claim that they are for the little guy when the policies they put in usually kill the little guy and eliminate the competition for big business. A good example of this is the medallion policy for taxi cabs. Taxi cabs used to have the big companies, little companies and individual taxi drivers owning their own car. Well this was not good for the super rich cab company so they had their democrat friends start the medallion program. This program requires each taxi car to purchase a million dollar medallion to put on the car. This was said to be done for safety reason when in reality it was to destroy all the small businesses and individual taxi drivers. This works in the favor of both the democrats and the super rich. It is easier to control an industry when there is one big company rather than many small companies to deal with. Is it any wonder why over 70% of the richest people are Democrats? Democrats raise taxes but then give a bunch of loop wholes so the rich can higher democrat attorneys to help them hide their money. Then they turn around and say we are going to tax the rich even more. We are going to raise their taxes up to 100% then we will pick which companies we want to have tax breaks to stay in business.
I take it from your assertions, what we need is another big tax break for the very richest among us. You a tricke down kind of guy.

To bad that "trickle down" is a full blown bull shit idea that benefits only the very richest.

My proof of that? Bush sold the same bull shit that if only we would cut taxes on the richest
(he even called them the job creators) that we would ALL benefit greatly.

How did that work out for us?

All you have to do is look at what happened by the end of his Presidency to know that idea was complete bull shit. Sold by the lobbyists for the ultra rich for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Are you a wanna be ultra rich person? Or do you believe in fairy tales? Or do you just like being lied to? Which is it?

I guess we need more of that Obamanomics they are working so wonderfully..
why should those in the 8% unemployment bitch

We don't know how his policies would have worked. Most were shot down by the rethugs with their filibusters.

But we know for fact that cutting taxes for the very richest don't do jack shit except benefit the ultra wealthy.

And here in Ohio, you aren't working it is your own fault. Plenty of jobs available. Come on out if you want to work.

awww, so Obama only got to spend us into 5 trillions of more dept in his first four years, GROW GOVERNMENT with his ObamaCare which we haven't even BEGUN to have PAY FOR..
those damn evil Republicans doing the peoples bidding when they were elected in 2010 by putting the spending brakes on the idiot President and his comrades in arms..
I do have this for you all:eusa_boohoo:
Whatever your reasons, dummies............we'd appreciate the vote for Obama. And, vote intelligently down ticket as well. Thanks.

Are you referring to the pattern of electing a president from one party and giving Congress to the other?

There aren't many Republicans I could vote "for", but I definitely would like to see a solid opposition in the Senate and House. Hopefully enough to gut PPACA and keep things tied up in gridlock as long as possible.
That is your opinion but Romney has run a successful business and that is more than Obama has ever, ever done. He has been a complete disaster in everything he has done. His biggest accomplishments are either a result of another presidents policies or a delusional attempt to make something look better by skewing reality. How can another four years of that save the country? How can another four years of it is Bush’s fault save the country. Problem is no one holds Obama accountable and when you are not accountable you never change.

First, I dispute that Romney has really been "successful" in business. He was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. And he left enough wreckage in his path - AmPad, GS Steel, KB Toys - to make me wonder how good of a manager he is.

Second- Being a good businessman and a successful politician are really two separate skill sets. Herbert Hoover was considered a brilliant businessman, but probably one of our worst presidents, ever.

Third- when you use hyperbole like Obama "has been a complete disaster in everything he has done", it's really hard to take you seriously. I think Obama has made a lot of mistakes, and he's done a lot of good things. I think the problems that are hitting us now were decades in the making. And most of the Industrialized World is in the same mess we are. Or worse.

Fourth- How about holding Republicans accountable? They could have worked for the good of the country, which is what grown ups are supposed to do. They instead blocked the guy at every turn. We have a long way to go, but we'd be a lot further if both parties put the good of the country above politics.

First name what he has done that is good? Second, Obama had democrat majorities in both congresses his first two years. He could have done good things and the democrats could have stayed in power. They didn’t because they took something that was unpopular and forced it even though most people didn’t want it. They should have abandoned health care and went with the economy, debt, and tax reform. They didn’t and they lost power. That means the president had to start working with Republicans not the other way around. Every president has to deal with this as it is part of being in a representative republic and not an empire. The fact that Obama has no skills as a negotiator nor leader is a problem for Obama and the country. Do you honestly think his lacking of those skills will make things better the next four years?
Wasn't that the GOP's strategy from the day of Obama's inauguration?

yeah right, then how the hell did we get ObamaCare shoved down our throats? the dept ceiling raised, etc etc
It's always a right wing conspiracy with you people, nothing is ever a Democrats fault

I think the debt is BOTH Party's fault.

Because borrowing money is always easier than either raising taxes or cutting programs that someone likes.

And the only reason why we had to get ObamaCare "shoved" down our throats is that Republicans turned against their own idea when the black guy proposed it.

Then why wasn't it passed when the white guy was in for 8 years?

That's ok, keep up the racist comments. See where it gets ya.
It was actually working until the housing bubble burst. The problem is it is not just the taxes. It is also the regulations that kill jobs.....

Guy, turn off Limbaugh and go read a fucking book. Seriously.
The debt isn't our biggest problem.

The decline of the Middle Class is. If we had a robust middle class, the debt would attend to itself.

And yet Obama’s policies to build the economy through the middle have failed. It also has failed in Europe as well. So another 4 years of rebuilding the economy from the middle will fail again. I don’t know where the belief comes from if you keep trying something that fails over and over again that maybe one day it might work comes from.

We've had 30 years of trying to "build it from the top"... and that has never worked.

Everyone knows if you build something, you start at a foundation, and a foundation is a middle class that is well-compensated and has an investment in the result.

That has been tried and failed. The way you succeed is to remove the big government from every facet and let the free market succeed. Government regulations are killing everything. As far as the tax code, I have no problem with a fair flat rate. Remove the loop wholes and set a flat tax rate that everyone pays the same percent period. That is what is fair. Rich will pay more because the make more period.
All indicators point to another recession. Income is down and durable goods dropped 13%. Growth has continued to slow every quarter and the last was revised down to barely over 1 percent. There is a part of me that wants Romney to win so we can start to recover. However, to be honest there is a part of me that kind of hopes Obama will win so that once and for all we can prove liberalism is a complete failure. Sure I know that after another 4 years of liberal policies this country will be near the bottom but sometimes you have to hit bottom to get it through thick skulls. Of course the mainstream media will continue to blame republicans and that may still work with some idiots but I have to believe another four years of Obama would kill the Democrat party for good and save the country.

I have seen the results of economic policies rooted in redistribution and anti-small business. America cannot take another 4 years.
The only problem with your brilliant plan is that Obama, just as been the case for the past 4 years, would not be able to just freely implement his policies. There will still be obstruction and bickering with everything that is attempted, which will result in half-assed measures being implemented that are watered down versions of what liberals truly want to see implemented. (ie. Healthcare legislation, handling of the bush tax cuts)

So you'll never see true "liberal policies" have a chance to be implemented and thus you'll never truly be able to say you know whether or not they work.

He had two years with an all democrat majority in congress. He could have accomplished anything he wanted to do. Every president has to deal with this because we are a representative republic.

Fuking horse shit. YOU need to look up the term filibuster. How is it that the Rethugs have used a record number of filibusters to block any and all legislation that Obama proposes but in your warped world that is all Obamas fault. And in terms of Obama having control of Congress. The filibuster works very well for the minority party. If Mittens wins, you will find out how successful the filibuster can be in blocking legislation.

Republicans did not have the numbers to filibuster in either house until Kennedy passed away.
I take it from your assertions, what we need is another big tax break for the very richest among us. You a tricke down kind of guy.

To bad that "trickle down" is a full blown bull shit idea that benefits only the very richest.

My proof of that? Bush sold the same bull shit that if only we would cut taxes on the richest
(he even called them the job creators) that we would ALL benefit greatly.

How did that work out for us?

All you have to do is look at what happened by the end of his Presidency to know that idea was complete bull shit. Sold by the lobbyists for the ultra rich for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Are you a wanna be ultra rich person? Or do you believe in fairy tales? Or do you just like being lied to? Which is it?

I guess we need more of that Obamanomics they are working so wonderfully..
why should those in the 8% unemployment bitch

We don't know how his policies would have worked. Most were shot down by the rethugs with their filibusters.

But we know for fact that cutting taxes for the very richest don't do jack shit except benefit the ultra wealthy.

And here in Ohio, you aren't working it is your own fault. Plenty of jobs available. Come on out if you want to work.

Did you just start paying attention to politics the past 2 years? By the way, Romney is not talking about lowering actual taxes. The actual taxes paid would go up but the rates would go down. He wants to eliminate loop wholes and reduce the overall rates. I do not agree with him of the rate not be flat though. I think the rate should be a flat rate and that would be fair.
That has been tried and failed. The way you succeed is to remove the big government from every facet and let the free market succeed. Government regulations are killing everything. As far as the tax code, I have no problem with a fair flat rate. Remove the loop wholes and set a flat tax rate that everyone pays the same percent period. That is what is fair. Rich will pay more because the make more period.

Again.. turn off Limbaugh and read a fucking book...

You seem to have a level of stupidity that I can't cure.

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