I have a baby bird alone and weak in front of my door

I hope you know I was kidding about chewing worms, Dalia. I got that from an earlier post suggesting you feed it chewed worms.
Yes, I was advised to cut the worms in small pieces it is not better:eek:

Dalia, its very possible that bird is sick, possibly internal injuries from a fall and is on its last legs if visibly weak. It could very well be dead by morning. Don't feel sad or blame yourself if it isn't alive when you get up tomorrow. If you can't institute what the video showed using a plastic bag and really want, I'd call or take it to a vet in the morning or at least try the baby food thing ASAP. If that doesn't work, try the dog food that Marion suggested. A bird that doesn't want to eat is telling you it is dying. If by some miracle the bird beats the 90% odds and lives, it'll let you know when it has had enough of the food and is ready for regular bird food. Good luck. Hope it works out. Let us know.
This morning I found at my door a little baby bird that was facing the wall and he was not moving.:(
I thought he was dead, but he moved a little bit.
I left the front door open and he came slowly to face the wall again.
I phoned my mother for advice because the poor little thing had been sick.
My mother said first give her a name she chose Fanny and after trying to give her water and breadcrumbs but she did not want to eat.
She stays face to the wall, I told her Fanny I'm going to take care of you so I took a piece of wet cotton-swab and I put it against her beak she took the water and she to drink.:)
I think she is gaining strength, and I put next to her crumbs of bread, she will not go Inside my home she is between two doors, I do not want to put it out because there are cats.

Do you have any advice to give me for the sake of this baby bird ?
Can you post a pic of the bird? What they can eat depends on the kind of bird. Food that is good for on bird is poison to another. Also, the age is important. Expect that it will die, but maybe not.
Here's Fanny,
View attachment 200765
I gave her dog food but she accepted the food only on the cotton-swab with water.
I put it in this little box for now, and I gave her water repeatedly mix with food.

The very short beak would indicate a seed eater.
I dont know how long you're supposed to feed em the high protein diet of worms before switching to berries,seeds and nuts.
I do not know, but I think it's a baby but how much longer do I have to give him dog food?

That I couldnt tell you.
If it's an insect eater no need to change their diet.
If it's a seed,grain and berry eater you need to move from a worm diet to a grain,seed and berry diet

Go suck ass, jackass. You know less about birds than you do about conservatives and politics.

How many have you raised and let go, cocksucker? None? That's just about the amount I figured.

STFU. Listen, bitch, if you have no knowledge on the subject, just STFU,k?

It ain't hard. I STFU on things I don't know about all the time.

Tell me exactly what in the fuck could possibly make you think you're an exception, motherfucker!

I have done this, and it's a very delicate situation

Vulgar, idiot, twit. Try following that video. Talk to an animal vet. You don't know shit about anything and fly off the handle out of control like the worst liberals over everything. Maybe you need lithium.

You know what? I don't need to, faggot. Because I'm from the actual world, and I have done this before, dumbass.

How many Mockingbirds have you raised , smartass? None?

That's right, STFU then.

I successfully raised a Mockingbird...with pictures..of me in my Star Trek shirt.

What's your claim to fame again? How many birds have you raised?

Did the mockingbird sing?

They can do all kinds of things. Around here, they give hawks hell. :abgg2q.jpg:

You ever seen a hawk, with a redfish in its talon, getting beat the fuck out of by Mockingbirds?

Well I have. Many times. At least 4-5
Last edited:
Go suck ass, jackass. You know less about birds than you do about conservatives and politics.

How many have you raised and let go, cocksucker? None? That's just about the amount I figured.

STFU. Listen, bitch, if you have no knowledge on the subject, just STFU,k?

It ain't hard. I STFU on things I don't know about all the time.

Tell me exactly what in the fuck could possibly make you think you're an exception, motherfucker!

I have done this, and it's a very delicate situation

Vulgar, idiot, twit. Try following that video. Talk to an animal vet. You don't know shit about anything and fly off the handle out of control like the worst liberals over everything. Maybe you need lithium.

You know what? I don't need to, faggot. Because I'm from the actual world, and I have done this before, dumbass.

How many Mockingbirds have you raised , smartass? None?

That's right, STFU then.

I successfully raised a Mockingbird...with pictures..of me in my Star Trek shirt.

What's your claim to fame again? How many birds have you raised?

Did the mockingbird sing?

They can do all kinds of things. Around here, they give hawks hell. :abgg2q.jpg:

You ever seen a hawk, with a redfish in its talon, getting beat the fuck out of by Mockingbirds?

Well I have.
Good for you.
Now... would you like to explain how that has any relevance in this thread?
Go suck ass, jackass. You know less about birds than you do about conservatives and politics.

How many have you raised and let go, cocksucker? None? That's just about the amount I figured.

STFU. Listen, bitch, if you have no knowledge on the subject, just STFU,k?

It ain't hard. I STFU on things I don't know about all the time.

Tell me exactly what in the fuck could possibly make you think you're an exception, motherfucker!

I have done this, and it's a very delicate situation

Vulgar, idiot, twit. Try following that video. Talk to an animal vet. You don't know shit about anything and fly off the handle out of control like the worst liberals over everything. Maybe you need lithium.

You know what? I don't need to, faggot. Because I'm from the actual world, and I have done this before, dumbass.

How many Mockingbirds have you raised , smartass? None?

That's right, STFU then.

I successfully raised a Mockingbird...with pictures..of me in my Star Trek shirt.

What's your claim to fame again? How many birds have you raised?

Did the mockingbird sing?

They can do all kinds of things. Around here, they give hawks hell. :abgg2q.jpg:

You ever seen a hawk, with a redfish in its talon, getting beat the fuck out of by Mockingbirds?

Well I have. Many times. At least 4-5

How many have you raised and let go, cocksucker? None? That's just about the amount I figured.

STFU. Listen, bitch, if you have no knowledge on the subject, just STFU,k?

It ain't hard. I STFU on things I don't know about all the time.

Tell me exactly what in the fuck could possibly make you think you're an exception, motherfucker!

I have done this, and it's a very delicate situation

Vulgar, idiot, twit. Try following that video. Talk to an animal vet. You don't know shit about anything and fly off the handle out of control like the worst liberals over everything. Maybe you need lithium.

You know what? I don't need to, faggot. Because I'm from the actual world, and I have done this before, dumbass.

How many Mockingbirds have you raised , smartass? None?

That's right, STFU then.

I successfully raised a Mockingbird...with pictures..of me in my Star Trek shirt.

What's your claim to fame again? How many birds have you raised?

Did the mockingbird sing?

They can do all kinds of things. Around here, they give hawks hell. :abgg2q.jpg:

You ever seen a hawk, with a redfish in its talon, getting beat the fuck out of by Mockingbirds?

Well I have.
Good for you.
Now... would you like to explain how that has any relevance in this thread?

Your relevant contribution=-?
Just chew up some worms and spit them in the bird's mouth. And when someone says "ooo, you have worm breath" just be proud you are providing a free healthcare option for the bird, NOT people. God forbid.

Honestly just call the SPCA or an animal sanctuary nearby if there are any.

You're in a badly mood pretty cranky? What is going on ? we have SPCA here we are not cavemen

Again, don't read such things into what you see online. It's text, it generally doesn't carry emotion with it as voice inflection does.
You are behind your computer you type what you think, writing is a form of truth. read my poems at the forum Still vritual is writing.
I feel what I want to feel just like you
This morning I found at my door a little baby bird that was facing the wall and he was not moving.:(
I thought he was dead, but he moved a little bit.
I left the front door open and he came slowly to face the wall again.
I phoned my mother for advice because the poor little thing had been sick.
My mother said first give her a name she chose Fanny and after trying to give her water and breadcrumbs but she did not want to eat.
She stays face to the wall, I told her Fanny I'm going to take care of you so I took a piece of wet cotton-swab and I put it against her beak she took the water and she to drink.:)
I think she is gaining strength, and I put next to her crumbs of bread, she will not go Inside my home she is between two doors, I do not want to put it out because there are cats.

Do you have any advice to give me for the sake of this baby bird ?
Can you post a pic of the bird? What they can eat depends on the kind of bird. Food that is good for on bird is poison to another. Also, the age is important. Expect that it will die, but maybe not.
Here's Fanny,
View attachment 200765
I gave her dog food but she accepted the food only on the cotton-swab with water.
I put it in this little box for now, and I gave her water repeatedly mix with food.

The very short beak would indicate a seed eater.
I dont know how long you're supposed to feed em the high protein diet of worms before switching to berries,seeds and nuts.
I do not know, but I think it's a baby but how much longer do I have to give him dog food?

That I couldnt tell you.
If it's an insect eater no need to change their diet.
If it's a seed,grain and berry eater you need to move from a worm diet to a grain,seed and berry diet
I will inform myself tomorrow morning, she starts to make noise, she sings a little my Fanny, I go to near her
This morning I found at my door a little baby bird that was facing the wall and he was not moving.:(
I thought he was dead, but he moved a little bit.
I left the front door open and he came slowly to face the wall again.
I phoned my mother for advice because the poor little thing had been sick.
My mother said first give her a name she chose Fanny and after trying to give her water and breadcrumbs but she did not want to eat.
She stays face to the wall, I told her Fanny I'm going to take care of you so I took a piece of wet cotton-swab and I put it against her beak she took the water and she to drink.:)
I think she is gaining strength, and I put next to her crumbs of bread, she will not go Inside my home she is between two doors, I do not want to put it out because there are cats.

Do you have any advice to give me for the sake of this baby bird ?
Can you post a pic of the bird? What they can eat depends on the kind of bird. Food that is good for on bird is poison to another. Also, the age is important. Expect that it will die, but maybe not.
Here's Fanny,
View attachment 200765
I gave her dog food but she accepted the food only on the cotton-swab with water.
I put it in this little box for now, and I gave her water repeatedly mix with food.
It's a European starling

Hope this helps:

What Do European Starlings Eat

BioKIDS - Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Sturnus vulgaris, European starling: INFORMATION
Thank you, it's a very beautiful bird ... do you think I can keep this kind of bird at home?
We can't in America, but you can. Theres a picture on this website of an adult.

While peering into a terrarium in small room that housed live exhibits, I was startled by a flurry of words that seemed to come from a bird. But there was no parrot in sight, only a glossy, pert Starling that occupied a huge cage across the room. Walking towards him, I was greeted by a cheerful “Hello”. It turns out that European Starlings are in the same family (Sturnidae) as that famous mimic the Indian Hill Myna, and are very adept at learning words and sounds. A number of other relatives are popular in zoos and private collections; two of my favorites are the Glossy Starling and the Violet-Backed Starling

European Starlings as Pets
Is it Monday already where you are Dalia?

How is the little bird?
She survived this morning she sings a little but only when I go away from her.:badgrin:
I did not sleep much, her box next to me and I gave her food to drink during the night, in the light of the night lamp, she looked at me and she had a tear.:(
Lord, I cried it's so hard, I'm doing my best.
I will stay with her today
Tell me what to buy for Fanny, I'm going to buy dog food, berries, right?

And I will contact the animal shelter ..
Hello, after several calls to know what to do with Fanny I spoke with an association of the protection of wild animals and Fanny is a black swift a protected species. after the visualization of the photo i send to the association


So the gentleman told me that for this bird not to give him water or food, but it did that i told him i did not know either about the bird

Now someone is going to get Fanny back, I'm giving a donation because I'm very happy that Fanny has survived and that the association are going to take care of her.

Thank you for your help, and sometime during the day someone will come and get my precious Fanny

Link : black swift

Common swift - Wikipedia
Here, update

The association did not come, moreover his fools said not to feed the bird no water, no food well it does not work like that:mad:
because she was dying today, I spent the night yesterday and today soaking her food in the water and make her drink fresh bottled water, I'm tired now

I'm going to spend another night by her side and the little creature seems to be attached to me

So it's not over tomorrow morning I'm going to have to take her to a other association that will take hour to get there

But what matters is how much has survived, I did really manage for someone who did not know anything about bird:)
Here, update

The association did not come, moreover his fools said not to feed the bird no water, no food well it does not work like that:mad:
because she was dying today, I spent the night yesterday and today soaking her food in the water and make her drink fresh bottled water, I'm tired now

I'm going to spend another night by her side and the little creature seems to be attached to me

So it's not over tomorrow morning I'm going to have to take her to a other association that will take hour to get there

But what matters is how much has survived, I did really manage for someone who did not know anything about bird:)
Thanks for the update. I don't know why they'd say that, but if they won't come IMMEDIATELY, the bird has to be fed. A FLYING bird has to eat a LOT, or it will starve. Do what you can, and thank you for looking out for one of His little ones
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's knowledge.
Feeding Behavior
Forages only while flying. Flight is rapid and often very high; bird scoops insects out of the air with its wide bill. May forage singly or in small flocks.

Feed it bugs if it will eat them. No grain, no bread, no dog food. Pick up some little crickets at a pet store if you can. It's either a youngster who went down and couldn't get back to its nest, or it ran into a window or something and is injured. I think if it was injured, it would have died already..so chances are it's just a baby who went down and can't fly well enough to go back up.

This sounds weird but have you tried tossing it into the air???? It might be too weak now, but sometimes those young ones go down and just don't know how to get back into the air.

Black Swift

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