I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013) | Federation for American Immigration Reform

This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings
  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

FAIR is owned and controlled by neo nazis. That ain't propaganda... just fact that I have put in more than ten threads here this month alone.
There are many more sources that say the same thing........including states..........

You still sticking to the children born here gonna sue if deported under DACA


GAO estimates that costs to incarcerate criminal aliens in federal prisons and SCAAP reimbursements to states and localities ranged from about $1.5 billion to $1.6 billion annually from fiscal years 2005 through 2009; DOJ plans to update its SCAAP methodology for reimbursing states and localities in 2011 to help ensure that it is current and relevant.

To determine the types of offenses for which criminal aliens were arrested, we obtained the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrest histories of about 203,000 criminal aliens incarcerated in state prisons and local jails from July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2008, and 48,000 criminal aliens incarcerated in federal prisons as of December 27, 2008, for a total of 251,000 criminal aliens. Due to the large volume of arrests and offenses, we selected a random sample of 1,000 criminal aliens and analyzed their arrest records to estimate the number and types of offenses in our study population of approximately 249,000.6 There were nearly 1.7 million arrest records relating to nearly 3 million offenses for these 249,000 criminal aliens.
Just one sample of the GAO reports............quarter million aliens in 4 years going to jail .....

I guess in the liberal world that is free.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

I expected Trump to cave and be a typical Republican. That's why I didn't vote for him, I never bought into his bullshit. Then he got elected and actually stood his ground and I regretted not voting for him. But sadly, now he appears to be melting into the typical GOP bullshit of appease the leftists.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

I expected Trump to cave and be a typical Republican. That's why I didn't vote for him, I never bought into his bullshit. Then he got elected and actually stood his ground and I regretted not voting for him. But sadly, now he appears to be melting into the typical GOP bullshit of appease the leftists.
I wrote in Walker and have no regrets. Having said that I was willing to support Trump after his win but all signs point to my gut instinct being right all along. I endured months of being called a leftist or a sellout pre election but I may get the last laugh. Sadly that is not satisfying.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

I expected Trump to cave and be a typical Republican. That's why I didn't vote for him, I never bought into his bullshit. Then he got elected and actually stood his ground and I regretted not voting for him. But sadly, now he appears to be melting into the typical GOP bullshit of appease the leftists.

He does its adios in 2020 and I would not be shocked if he lost the primary. There has to be someone out there who wont buckle to the assholes

Area of the walls proposed.......Mexico on the right......Area of high migration as homes in Mexico line up almost on the wall. This project is now getting underway
Same area............drug tunnels from the Cartels in Mexico

Mexican authorities busted 2 more cross-border tunnels possibly built by the Sinaloa cartel

In October, authorities working on an anonymous tip found a tunnel west of the city's airport, seizing 5 tons of marijuana inside it. The entrance on the Tijuana side was inside an ice store, and it emerged in a store on the US side just a few hundred yards away.

That tunnel was the 13th large-scale tunnel discovered in operation on the California-Mexico border since 2013, and over the last five years, 75 such tunnels have been found crossing the border, primarily in California and Arizona.

Tijuana, and the Garita de Otay area in particular, is a hotspot for cross-border tunnels for several reasons. The promixity of buildings and infrastructure on both sides of the border facilitates clandestine construction, and heavy industrial activity in both areas helps conceal such convert building.

And yes........before you say it...........happened under Obama's term..............But is another example of why we need to shore this area up.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013) | Federation for American Immigration Reform

This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings
  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

FAIR is owned and controlled by neo nazis. That ain't propaganda... just fact that I have put in more than ten threads here this month alone.
There are many more sources that say the same thing........including states..........

You still sticking to the children born here gonna sue if deported under DACA


You have a hard time with your reading skills and your knowledge of the law.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners are citizens. They don't have squat to do with DACA. Fact is, DREAMERS are just as subject to deportation as there parents. Citizens face no such legal disability.

So, yes, I stand by what I've said. DACA is about children who were brought into the U.S. as children. They are not citizens. IF Congress passes a law allowing DREAMERS to become citizens, just like the children born IN the United States, DREAMERS could avail themselves of the courts.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013) | Federation for American Immigration Reform

This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings
  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

FAIR is owned and controlled by neo nazis. That ain't propaganda... just fact that I have put in more than ten threads here this month alone.
There are many more sources that say the same thing........including states..........

You still sticking to the children born here gonna sue if deported under DACA


You have a hard time with your reading skills and your knowledge of the law.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners are citizens. They don't have squat to do with DACA. Fact is, DREAMERS are just as subject to deportation as there parents. Citizens face no such legal disability.

So, yes, I stand by what I've said. DACA is about children who were brought into the U.S. as children. They are not citizens. IF Congress passes a law allowing DREAMERS to become citizens, just like the children born IN the United States, DREAMERS could avail themselves of the courts.
Your original post said born here..........unless you went back to change your post of stupidity.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

You're just now realizing that?
On this issue, yes. I am not afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome so I take it issue by issue rather than wetting myself daily as many of you do.

I don't "wet" myself. I'm a strict constructionist that is opposed to the nutty wall idea. I voted for Trump over the Right to keep and bear Arms. IF there had been anyone out there who understood the immigration issue, I'd have reconsidered that vote.

On the wall, it must be noted that Trump never identified with the Republican Party. So, I expected him to cave. He hasn't let me down.

First it was we'll make Mexico pay for the wall... Then it became a "virtual wall," then we'd soak the taxpayers and magically make Mexico pay for it. Now, it's the wall will wait while the Dumpster wines and dines Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer over the DREAMERS.

The wall idea was screwed to begin with. The spate of legal challenges over the government building on private property and the possibility that the American children of undocumented foreigners could file lawsuits claiming that our immigration laws split families up and are, accordingly, cruel and unusual punishment... among other suits would choke that idea until after the 2020 elections when the Dems will regain control.
The savings from illegals not getting into the system will pay for it..............In spades........which was the intent of Mexico paying for it......

Those costs are high already.

In regards to lawsuits.............Against the Govt.........If they are not citizens then I guess they can try that in a International court..............As they are not entitled to that right here.

With all those ellipsis, your post don't make a Hell of a lot of sense. The children born in the U.S. to undocumented foreigners are citizens. They have standing to sue when they are an affected party.

Aside from that, virtually every non-partisan study concludes that foreigners pay more in taxes than they get in government aid and services.
The children born in the U.S. to undocumented foreigners are citizens. They have standing to sue when they are an affected party.

I think he's willing to compromise a bit to get the wall funded. But regardless, what was the alternative? Would folks be happier if Hillary Clinton was in there? She would have opened the Border Floodgates. She would have continued all of Hussein's awful Immigration policies.

So, we should be very happy we got Trump instead. He's trying his best to clean up our Immigration mess. He is making a genuine effort. So i'm good with him. When in doubt, just think of the alternative. You'll feel much better.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

I hope not, and there is still a chance that he won't. If he does, then he's lost my support.
You're just now realizing that?
On this issue, yes. I am not afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome so I take it issue by issue rather than wetting myself daily as many of you do.

I don't "wet" myself. I'm a strict constructionist that is opposed to the nutty wall idea. I voted for Trump over the Right to keep and bear Arms. IF there had been anyone out there who understood the immigration issue, I'd have reconsidered that vote.

On the wall, it must be noted that Trump never identified with the Republican Party. So, I expected him to cave. He hasn't let me down.

First it was we'll make Mexico pay for the wall... Then it became a "virtual wall," then we'd soak the taxpayers and magically make Mexico pay for it. Now, it's the wall will wait while the Dumpster wines and dines Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer over the DREAMERS.

The wall idea was screwed to begin with. The spate of legal challenges over the government building on private property and the possibility that the American children of undocumented foreigners could file lawsuits claiming that our immigration laws split families up and are, accordingly, cruel and unusual punishment... among other suits would choke that idea until after the 2020 elections when the Dems will regain control.
The savings from illegals not getting into the system will pay for it..............In spades........which was the intent of Mexico paying for it......

Those costs are high already.

In regards to lawsuits.............Against the Govt.........If they are not citizens then I guess they can try that in a International court..............As they are not entitled to that right here.

With all those ellipsis, your post don't make a Hell of a lot of sense. The children born in the U.S. to undocumented foreigners are citizens. They have standing to sue when they are an affected party.

Aside from that, virtually every non-partisan study concludes that foreigners pay more in taxes than they get in government aid and services.
The children born in the U.S. to undocumented foreigners are citizens. They have standing to sue when they are an affected party.


What a fucking moron you are. I've made that point twice and what I said had NOTHING to do with DACA. It was a statement related to the silly wall.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013) | Federation for American Immigration Reform

This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings
  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

FAIR is owned and controlled by neo nazis. That ain't propaganda... just fact that I have put in more than ten threads here this month alone.
There are many more sources that say the same thing........including states..........

You still sticking to the children born here gonna sue if deported under DACA


You have a hard time with your reading skills and your knowledge of the law.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners are citizens. They don't have squat to do with DACA. Fact is, DREAMERS are just as subject to deportation as there parents. Citizens face no such legal disability.

So, yes, I stand by what I've said. DACA is about children who were brought into the U.S. as children. They are not citizens. IF Congress passes a law allowing DREAMERS to become citizens, just like the children born IN the United States, DREAMERS could avail themselves of the courts.
Your original post said born here..........unless you went back to change your post of stupidity.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners have standing to sue the federal government over immigration issues. They can potentially sue and say that the laws that separate families are cruel and unusual punishment as per the Eighth Amendment. I WILL NOT BACK DOWN FROM WHAT I SAID.
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013) | Federation for American Immigration Reform

This report estimates the annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion; nearly $29 billion at the federal level and $84 billion at the state and local level. The study also estimates tax collections from illegal alien workers, both those in the above-ground economy and those in the underground economy. Those receipts do not come close to the level of expenditures and, in any case, are misleading as an offset because over time unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers would replace illegal alien workers.

Key Findings
  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.

FAIR is owned and controlled by neo nazis. That ain't propaganda... just fact that I have put in more than ten threads here this month alone.
There are many more sources that say the same thing........including states..........

You still sticking to the children born here gonna sue if deported under DACA


You have a hard time with your reading skills and your knowledge of the law.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners are citizens. They don't have squat to do with DACA. Fact is, DREAMERS are just as subject to deportation as there parents. Citizens face no such legal disability.

So, yes, I stand by what I've said. DACA is about children who were brought into the U.S. as children. They are not citizens. IF Congress passes a law allowing DREAMERS to become citizens, just like the children born IN the United States, DREAMERS could avail themselves of the courts.
Your original post said born here..........unless you went back to change your post of stupidity.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners have standing to sue the federal government over immigration issues. They can potentially sue and say that the laws that separate families are cruel and unusual punishment as per the Eighth Amendment. I WILL NOT BACK DOWN FROM WHAT I SAID.
And I can say unicorns are flying out of your ears. I could even sue you for it.
Means nothing
FAIR is owned and controlled by neo nazis. That ain't propaganda... just fact that I have put in more than ten threads here this month alone.
There are many more sources that say the same thing........including states..........

You still sticking to the children born here gonna sue if deported under DACA


You have a hard time with your reading skills and your knowledge of the law.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners are citizens. They don't have squat to do with DACA. Fact is, DREAMERS are just as subject to deportation as there parents. Citizens face no such legal disability.

So, yes, I stand by what I've said. DACA is about children who were brought into the U.S. as children. They are not citizens. IF Congress passes a law allowing DREAMERS to become citizens, just like the children born IN the United States, DREAMERS could avail themselves of the courts.
Your original post said born here..........unless you went back to change your post of stupidity.

Children born in the United States whose parents are undocumented foreigners have standing to sue the federal government over immigration issues. They can potentially sue and say that the laws that separate families are cruel and unusual punishment as per the Eighth Amendment. I WILL NOT BACK DOWN FROM WHAT I SAID.
And I can say unicorns are flying out of your ears. I could even sue you for it.
Means nothing

Everybody wants to be a critic. But, do you think that the first time the social liberals went to court and tried to over-turn segregation that it happened on the first try? Second?

You want to criticize me, but you don't know much about law or history. Worse, with your smart ass response, let's face it: you think I'm on the left. That is what is wrong. You are on the left of me But, in a Bernie Sanders, Hitlery Clinton or Joe Biden Administration, I could see the immigration extremists getting their asses kicked into the dark ages.
Get ready for amnesty! Mitch McConnell is only too happy to let Trump lead on this, and make a deal with Democrats. Then the Republicans don't have to take the blame in 2018, and Trump's retard army will support him no matter what.

The only losers? You wingnut conservatives who got duped by the con man.
I didn't get duped. You Hillary panty-sniffers crack me up!
You're getting amnesty. Do you actually believe Republicans like McConnell and Ryan give a shit if a million DACA kids are allowed to stay here? Or even bring in their relatives?

Hell, Trump uses them at Mar a Lago, and Republicans are always eager to exploit cheap labor.

But they sure know how to push your bigoted buttons, don't they?

You'll wake up some day.
Get ready for amnesty! Mitch McConnell is only too happy to let Trump lead on this, and make a deal with Democrats. Then the Republicans don't have to take the blame in 2018, and Trump's retard army will support him no matter what.

The only losers? You wingnut conservatives who got duped by the con man.
I didn't get duped. You Hillary panty-sniffers crack me up!
You're getting amnesty. Do you actually believe Republicans like McConnell and Ryan give a shit if a million DACA kids are allowed to stay here? Or even bring in their relatives?

Hell, Trump uses them at Mar a Lago, and Republicans are always eager to exploit cheap labor.

But they sure know how to push your bigoted buttons, don't they?

You'll wake up some day.
Keep sniffin', moron.
I've already posted on this board that the dreamers already here - due to the previous administrations immigration policies - should be given a path to citizenship. No grandfathering. Set a date. If they don't meet citizenship requirements by said date - deport.
And don't be crying about immigration reform. Laws are already in place. They just need to be enforced.

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