I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

You're delusional. Have you seen the reports and figures on what it would cost in eminent domain purchases alone to build the wall? It's astronomical.

Do you think these large farms and cattle landowners are going to say "Here ya go - take my land for a fair market price" without a fight? There will be court cases that will last for years.

But continue along in your reality-free bubble. You're doing just fine.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land
Damn, there's no end to your stupid.
So if you were a landowner on the border, you would rather have criminal aliens trespassing on your property, raping your daughters, and stealing your food and personal property?
These landowners will welcome the wall.
Then why are they fighting it?

I'm the stupid one?
Yes. You are.
Why are they fighting it, dumbass?
Nobody is fighting it, dicklick. Well, maybe a fuckin' golf course. Thanks for citing the Chicago Tribune - one of the most leftist, communist piece of shit rags in the country. All fake news.
You're clearly a retard who is a waste of time. Welcome to my ignore list.
This project is now getting underway
You're delusional. Have you seen the reports and figures on what it would cost in eminent domain purchases alone to build the wall? It's astronomical.

Do you think these large farms and cattle landowners are going to say "Here ya go - take my land for a fair market price" without a fight? There will be court cases that will last for years.

But continue along in your reality-free bubble. You're doing just fine.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land
I posted articles on this and they are aware that legal battles on this will happen.
Which will take years.
This project is now getting underway
You're delusional. Have you seen the reports and figures on what it would cost in eminent domain purchases alone to build the wall? It's astronomical.

Do you think these large farms and cattle landowners are going to say "Here ya go - take my land for a fair market price" without a fight? There will be court cases that will last for years.

But continue along in your reality-free bubble. You're doing just fine.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land
I posted articles on this and they are aware that legal battles on this will happen.
Which will take years.
Legal battles usually do.
This project is now getting underway
You're delusional. Have you seen the reports and figures on what it would cost in eminent domain purchases alone to build the wall? It's astronomical.

Do you think these large farms and cattle landowners are going to say "Here ya go - take my land for a fair market price" without a fight? There will be court cases that will last for years.

But continue along in your reality-free bubble. You're doing just fine.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land
I posted articles on this and they are aware that legal battles on this will happen.
Which will take years.
Legal battles usually do.
But Trumpy has his sheep followers believing he's going to build a wall.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
This project is now getting underway
You're delusional. Have you seen the reports and figures on what it would cost in eminent domain purchases alone to build the wall? It's astronomical.

Do you think these large farms and cattle landowners are going to say "Here ya go - take my land for a fair market price" without a fight? There will be court cases that will last for years.

But continue along in your reality-free bubble. You're doing just fine.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land
I posted articles on this and they are aware that legal battles on this will happen.
Which will take years.
Legal battles usually do.
But Trumpy has his sheep followers believing he's going to build a wall.
They are building 15 miles now........only 1200 miles after..........but a lot of that is in the dessert......
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

I have little doubt that, before all is said and done, Trump will completely betray all those who voted for him based on his campaign promises and rhetoric.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
You're delusional. Have you seen the reports and figures on what it would cost in eminent domain purchases alone to build the wall? It's astronomical.

Do you think these large farms and cattle landowners are going to say "Here ya go - take my land for a fair market price" without a fight? There will be court cases that will last for years.

But continue along in your reality-free bubble. You're doing just fine.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land
I posted articles on this and they are aware that legal battles on this will happen.
Which will take years.
Legal battles usually do.
But Trumpy has his sheep followers believing he's going to build a wall.
They are building 15 miles now........only 1200 miles after..........but a lot of that is in the dessert......
That's nice. When is Mexico going to cut us a check? About the time that Donald cuts his for Hurricane Harvey?

The Freedom Caucus isn't going to vote for wall funding. It increases the debt - their #1 issue.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
Doesn't matter if you Facebook or not. The Russians plant the disinformation, extreme Right-Wing media like Alex Jones and Not-Too-Bright-Bart amplify it, then FoxNews picks it up, making it mainstream.

You wingnuts have had years to come up with any evidence in Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, or any of the other bogus accusations you make. You have jack squat.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
Doesn't matter if you Facebook or not. The Russians plant the disinformation, extreme Right-Wing media like Alex Jones and Not-Too-Bright-Bart amplify it, then FoxNews picks it up, making it mainstream.

You wingnuts have had years to come up with any evidence in Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, or any of the other bogus accusations you make. You have jack squat.
The evidence was there but the cover up was effective. It is what it is. The bitch got off. Happens. Just look at OJ.
I don't "wet" myself. I'm a strict constructionist that is opposed to the nutty wall idea. I voted for Trump over the Right to keep and bear Arms. IF there had been anyone out there who understood the immigration issue, I'd have reconsidered that vote.

On the wall, it must be noted that Trump never identified with the Republican Party. So, I expected him to cave. He hasn't let me down.

First it was we'll make Mexico pay for the wall... Then it became a "virtual wall," then we'd soak the taxpayers and magically make Mexico pay for it. Now, it's the wall will wait while the Dumpster wines and dines Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer over the DREAMERS.

The wall idea was screwed to begin with. The spate of legal challenges over the government building on private property and the possibility that the American children of undocumented foreigners could file lawsuits claiming that our immigration laws split families up and are, accordingly, cruel and unusual punishment... among other suits would choke that idea until after the 2020 elections when the Dems will regain control.
The savings from illegals not getting into the system will pay for it..............In spades........which was the intent of Mexico paying for it......

Those costs are high already.

In regards to lawsuits.............Against the Govt.........If they are not citizens then I guess they can try that in a International court..............As they are not entitled to that right here.

With all those ellipsis, your post don't make a Hell of a lot of sense. The children born in the U.S. to undocumented foreigners are citizens. They have standing to sue when they are an affected party.

Aside from that, virtually every non-partisan study concludes that foreigners pay more in taxes than they get in government aid and services.
The children born in the U.S. to undocumented foreigners are citizens. They have standing to sue when they are an affected party.


What a fucking moron you are. I've made that point twice and what I said had NOTHING to do with DACA. It was a statement related to the silly wall.
BS............We were talking about DACA.............the issue was DACA..........and then you changed it by saying it would basically deport someone born here..........deport to where.......they are citizens.......I showed your words and your post........

You said BORN HERE.....then asked if we'd deport them........who the hell is the Moron here.

You're an idiot. I talked about SEVERAL things related to Donald Trump including, but not limited to DACA. You are the fucking moron. Let me refer you to post #191 and relive my words:

"First it was we'll make Mexico pay for the wall... Then it became a "virtual wall," then we'd soak the taxpayers and magically make Mexico pay for it. Now, it's the wall will wait while the Dumpster wines and dines Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer over the DREAMERS.

The wall idea was screwed to begin with. The spate of legal challenges over the government building on private property and the possibility that the American children of undocumented foreigners could file lawsuits claiming that our immigration laws split families up and are, accordingly, cruel and unusual punishment... among other suits would choke that idea until after the 2020 elections when the Dems will regain control.

It's not my fault you can't read. I talked about the wall, the virtual wall, the Mexico will pay for it wall lie, the DREAMERS and THEN I discussed American born children of undocumented foreigners... and DREAMERS in one paragraph are NOT the freaking American born children of the next paragraph, you dumb fucking moron.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
Even if Hillary had committed a crime, you would still have to be an Idiot to vote for Trump.
Lol you dumbasses shouldn't have had any confidence in him to begin with. What the fuck were you thinking? We have a child as president.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
Doesn't matter if you Facebook or not. The Russians plant the disinformation, extreme Right-Wing media like Alex Jones and Not-Too-Bright-Bart amplify it, then FoxNews picks it up, making it mainstream.

You wingnuts have had years to come up with any evidence in Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, or any of the other bogus accusations you make. You have jack squat.
The evidence was there but the cover up was effective. It is what it is. The bitch got off. Happens. Just look at OJ.
See? You're determined to hold onto your ignorance, despite no evidence of any crimes committed.
Better a child than a criminal old hag
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
Doesn't matter if you Facebook or not. The Russians plant the disinformation, extreme Right-Wing media like Alex Jones and Not-Too-Bright-Bart amplify it, then FoxNews picks it up, making it mainstream.

You wingnuts have had years to come up with any evidence in Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, or any of the other bogus accusations you make. You have jack squat.
The evidence was there but the cover up was effective. It is what it is. The bitch got off. Happens. Just look at OJ.
See? You're determined to hold onto your ignorance, despite no evidence of any crimes committed.

That's all I heard
^^^ There's your answer Billy000. Russians targeted them for misinformation, telling them Hillary was a criminal. This has been proven over the past week with all the Facebook news. They have complicated algorithms that let these Russians target certain types for disinformation.

And even though there is zero evidence that she has committed any crimes at all, these low information so-called "conservatives" believe every word of the lies. They want to believe it so badly.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
Doesn't matter if you Facebook or not. The Russians plant the disinformation, extreme Right-Wing media like Alex Jones and Not-Too-Bright-Bart amplify it, then FoxNews picks it up, making it mainstream.

You wingnuts have had years to come up with any evidence in Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, or any of the other bogus accusations you make. You have jack squat.
The evidence was there but the cover up was effective. It is what it is. The bitch got off. Happens. Just look at OJ.
See? You're determined to hold onto your ignorance, despite no evidence of any crimes committed.

That's all I heard
Of course. You want desperately to believe she's guilty. Of something! Right-Wing media would never lie to you!
I posted articles on this and they are aware that legal battles on this will happen.
Which will take years.
Legal battles usually do.
But Trumpy has his sheep followers believing he's going to build a wall.
They are building 15 miles now........only 1200 miles after..........but a lot of that is in the dessert......
That's nice. When is Mexico going to cut us a check? About the time that Donald cuts his for Hurricane Harvey?

The Freedom Caucus isn't going to vote for wall funding. It increases the debt - their #1 issue.

When we secure the border the wall or more enforcement of Illegals will pay for it..............of course you will not look at that side of the equation..........

Lowering the debt is also my concern............and I only think we need walls in areas of HIGH POPULATION just across the border. San Diego area being one.........................the open deserts don't really need a 30 foot wall............just surveillance and manpower to back it up.

I'm far more interested in increased manpower, and detention centers than I am with the Wall. His plan of 15,000 new border agents and ICE personnel will be more effective in the long run anyway...............

No Wall without manpower to back it up.............is going to work.
1. I don't Facebook. Never have.
2. Hillary was called a crook LONG before the last election cycle.
3. Go play in the street, tool.
Doesn't matter if you Facebook or not. The Russians plant the disinformation, extreme Right-Wing media like Alex Jones and Not-Too-Bright-Bart amplify it, then FoxNews picks it up, making it mainstream.

You wingnuts have had years to come up with any evidence in Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, or any of the other bogus accusations you make. You have jack squat.
The evidence was there but the cover up was effective. It is what it is. The bitch got off. Happens. Just look at OJ.
See? You're determined to hold onto your ignorance, despite no evidence of any crimes committed.

That's all I heard
Of course. You want desperately to believe she's guilty. Of something! Right-Wing media would never lie to you!
I don't need any Media to tell me what to believe...............

She violated protocol on classified documents................PERIOD.........I've signed those papers and for a fraction of what she did I'd be under the jail in Kansas for doing so.

She was under a court order to disclose all of her emails.............she openly ADMITTED destroying emails under that order.........which is a felony should she ever get to a REAL COURT ROOM............and NOT A BS Congressional Hearing to say.............see we are doing something................

Put in front of a real jury and real trial and her ass is grass.

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