I Have A Legit Question To Leftists

Why do you call us crybabies/whiners when all you do is attack us for believing,.. rather knowing this election was stolen when we're not even bothering you? It seems like to the point of obsession with trying to troll us to me. With the except few of Coyote, Slade3200, and maybe some other people on here.
Conservatives are liars and demagogues – this thread is further proof of that.

The claim the election was ‘stolen’ is a lie.

To confront conservatives and their lies is perfectly appropriate and warranted – particularly when conservatives attack our democratic institutions and seek to suppress the right to vote.
You don't even care that the system being set up in some states allows politicians to meddle in elections in ways that verge on outright theft. You'll see it in the next election as millions of democratic votes get arbitrarily called fraudulent and thrown in the fire. It will be a fascist wet dream to get away with stealing an election right out in the open.
Like the democrats did last November?
"Democracy" means never challenging Democrat shenanigans

No,.. democracy to these idiots means I have a say and you don't and I don't care how much evidence you have because I'm not listening la, la, la, la, la!!!! (I think the progressive ones are the newer ones and not so obnoxious and controlling as the ones in this thread are.)

No. For the Big Lie to work one has to accept that democrats pulled off a miraculously uncharacteristic feat of organization across hundreds of precincts in several states with republican elections supervisors and there is not one republican smart enough to say exactly how it was done. Accepting the Big Lie is saying you got masterfully conned out of an election victory by people you are always calling stupid and watched like a hawk.
No. For the Big Lie to work one has to accept that democrats pulled off a miraculously uncharacteristic feat of organization across hundreds of precincts in several states with republican elections supervisors and there is not one republican smart enough to say exactly how it was done. Accepting the Big Lie is saying you got masterfully conned out of an election victory by people you are always calling stupid and watched like a hawk.

So, in other words this is you.

No. For the Big Lie to work one has to accept that democrats pulled off a miraculously uncharacteristic feat of organization across hundreds of precincts in several states with republican elections supervisors and there is not one republican smart enough to say exactly how it was done. Accepting the Big Lie is saying you got masterfully conned out of an election victory by people you are always calling stupid and watched like a hawk.
I absolutely saw what you did in Detroit.
So, in other words this is you.

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No that's you and the rest of the Big Liars. I looked at all the stuff Guilani and the !Kraken! came up with and fucked themselves out of continued careers because it was crap. They could not say under oath there were any large scale election rigging at all. Even so it was all so frivolous they probably will never practice law again.
If you were fighting for democracy you would have accepted your savior's loss and moved on. Not make a constant laughingstock out of our democratic process by "believing" the election was stolen without one verifiable fact to back it up And you just keep repeating it. Limbaugh used to say that if you repeat something often enough to the right group of people, it becomes truth for them. You people remind me of baby birds, with their mouths wide open to receive Mom's regurgitated leftovers
Yes! Trump-supporting Republicans are fighting for democratic elections. Don't try to tell me that evidence and testimony by Republicans have been refuted. Cowardly judges and justices have not allowed evidence to even be presented. If witnesses are allowed to testify and evidence presented that people claim to show that the election was stolen. And if these are refuted, then I will accept President Trump's defeat, not before.
Yes! Trump-supporting Republicans are fighting for democratic elections. Don't try to tell me that evidence and testimony by Republicans have been refuted. Cowardly judges and justices have not allowed evidence to even be presented. If witnesses are allowed to testify and evidence presented that people claim to show that the election was stolen. And if these are refuted, then I will accept President Trump's defeat, not before.
Refuted? Trump's legal team had no evidence they were willing to bring under penalty of perjury. What's a judge supposed to do when they will not directly say there is any kind of wrongdoing or put anything into evidence or present sworn witnesses?
Refuted? Trump's legal team had no evidence they were willing to bring under penalty of perjury. What's a judge supposed to do when they will not directly say there is any kind of wrongdoing or put anything into evidence or present sworn witnesses?
The judges only said;" you do not have standing". That is their excuse for not listening to evidence. If they listened to evidence, they would actually have to rule whether or not it is true. They did not.
The judges only said;" you do not have standing". That is their excuse for not listening to evidence.
They were judge shopping by filing lawsuits all over the damn place hoping one of them would kamakaze their career for Trump. Judgements of legal standing can be appealed. Why didn't they? They were given ample opportunity at the beginning to come up with something. It was only later when they started getting laughed out of court because it was clear they sought the appearance of legitimacy for their baseless claims. Thankfully even Trump appointed judges wanted to not be impeached.
The truth is that you guys can't be reasoned with. You've quickly turned into a party of conspiracy theorists.

- Michelle Obama is a man.
- Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
- "Pizza" is Democrat code for sex with children.
- Sandy Hook was fake.
- David Hogg is a crisis actor.
- The 2020 election was stolen.
- Jewish space lasers started the wildfires.
- Covid is no worse than the flu.
- The covid vaccine kills you.

You guys are so detached with reality, that it's just easier to laugh at you and watch you struggle with reality.

Biden is your president. Sucks for you guys huh?

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