I have a question for the whole forum

You do realize thats just a lot of Repub crappola ? And they have simps believing it
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
You do realize thats just a lot of Repub crappola ? And they have simps believing it
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
I don't recall Trump ever saying he was going to spend money on infrastructure and wouldn't pay for it.
You do realize thats just a lot of Repub crappola ? And they have simps believing it
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
I don't recall Trump ever saying he was going to spend money on infrastructure and wouldn't pay for it.
Oh?? then while you were closely listening where was the trillion coming from??? I must have missed it
You do realize thats just a lot of Repub crappola ? And they have simps believing it
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
I don't recall Trump ever saying he was going to spend money on infrastructure and wouldn't pay for it.
Oh?? then while you were closely listening where was the trillion coming from??? I must have missed it
Well lets see......We take in nearly 4 trillion dollars a year and this is likely (like every spending budget in D.C.) a ten year plan.....you do the math. However, show Me where Trump said he wasn't going to pay for infrastructure.
You do realize thats just a lot of Repub crappola ? And they have simps believing it
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
I don't recall Trump ever saying he was going to spend money on infrastructure and wouldn't pay for it.
Oh?? then while you were closely listening where was the trillion coming from??? I must have missed it
Private investment you didn't listen well
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
Obama still hasn't paid for the fiasco of Obamacare, much less fixed it. Obviously our government has become dysfunctional. Not just because of the Republicans, but because both the Democrats and Republicans have moved to extremes. So much so that most Americans trust neither.

Unfortunately, their only option is to vote out incumbent parties as they did in in several past elections.

Add to this, there is a huge difference between a President who had his shot with 8 years in office and a President-elect. President-elect Obama promised a lot too. Do you recall how many of his promises were carried out?

The Obameter Pledge-o-Meter
Promise Kept


Promise Broken
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You do realize thats just a lot of Repub crappola ? And they have simps believing it
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
I don't recall Trump ever saying he was going to spend money on infrastructure and wouldn't pay for it.
Oh?? then while you were closely listening where was the trillion coming from??? I must have missed it
Well lets see......We take in nearly 4 trillion dollars a year and this is likely (like every spending budget in D.C.) a ten year plan.....you do the math. However, show Me where Trump said he wasn't going to pay for infrastructure.
He never said how and that 10 year plan was said to be a farce
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
Obama still hasn't paid for the fiasco of Obamacare, much less fixed it. Obviously our government has become dysfunctional. Not just because of the Republicans, but because both the Democrats and Republicans have moved to extremes. So much so that most Americans trust neither.

Unfortunately, their only option is to vote out incumbent parties as they did in in several past elections.

Add to this, there is a huge difference between a President who had his shot with 8 years in office and a President-elect. President-elect Obama promised a lot too. Do you recall how many of his promises were carried out?

The Obameter Pledge-o-Meter
Promise Kept


Promise Broken
Try to be honest divine,,,,,Your republicans were against anything Obama and dems wanted From the start of his presidency Since you couldn't answer the trillion $$ question try this one How many times did repubs fillibuster obama ? He did a fantastic job considering all the scum were against anything he wanted
Which is totally not like Trump...who has decades long track record of failures and corruption in business and personal life.

But now that he has actual responsibility to America everything will be different.

What the hell are you blubbering about lib? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe a multi billionaire is a failure? Good God stop huffing glue.

Do you honestly believe that the greatest nation on earth, ran by all them despicable politicians since it's inception, is a failure?

Look dummy, $20 trillion dollars in debt, that's what failure looks like. A raided social security trust fund, $100 trillion in unfunded promised benefits. Crumbling infrastructure. Pollution spewing inner city cesspools, that's what failure looks like. Unsecured borders, thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted by illegals each year that's what failure looks like.

Apparently you wanted me to smack you silly, enjoy.


You first shoot your foot off and then think you can stand on something when it comes to fiscal issues?


That red stuff is what YOU voted for. That blue stuff is what I voted for.

Do you even realize that the chart you posted has no information detailing what it is supposed to represent? Strikes Me as fantasy.

More of the fake news the left is so outraged over, unless the fake news benefits them, then it's okay.
These 'professional' politicians have a decades long track record of failure and corruption

Which is totally not like Trump...who has decades long track record of failures, corruption deceit and amorality in business and personal life.

But now that he has actual responsibility to America everything is different, sure.
How did he win then!
He won because of an unwarranted hate for Clinton and those carried away with a TV performer, a huckster


My opinion is that the working middle class got tired of being ignored by the two parties and voted for a voice, however I think it will be for not.

I think Clinton was a horrible choice for President and the Democrats some how thought people would vote for her because of who she was. Had her last name not been Bush or Clinton, she would have won.
What the hell are you blubbering about lib? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe a multi billionaire is a failure? Good God stop huffing glue.

Do you honestly believe that the greatest nation on earth, ran by all them despicable politicians since it's inception, is a failure?

Look dummy, $20 trillion dollars in debt, that's what failure looks like. A raided social security trust fund, $100 trillion in unfunded promised benefits. Crumbling infrastructure. Pollution spewing inner city cesspools, that's what failure looks like. Unsecured borders, thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted by illegals each year that's what failure looks like.

Apparently you wanted me to smack you silly, enjoy.


You first shoot your foot off and then think you can stand on something when it comes to fiscal issues?


That red stuff is what YOU voted for. That blue stuff is what I voted for.

Do you even realize that the chart you posted has no information detailing what it is supposed to represent? Strikes Me as fantasy.

More of the fake news the left is so outraged over, unless the fake news benefits them, then it's okay.

What fucking fake news?

Do you have some other estimates for what big tax cuts and trillion dollar stimulus will do to debt?

Can you drop your intellectual laziness for just one second and actually make a POSITIVE case based on SOMETHING?
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
Obama still hasn't paid for the fiasco of Obamacare, much less fixed it. Obviously our government has become dysfunctional. Not just because of the Republicans, but because both the Democrats and Republicans have moved to extremes. So much so that most Americans trust neither.

Unfortunately, their only option is to vote out incumbent parties as they did in in several past elections.

Add to this, there is a huge difference between a President who had his shot with 8 years in office and a President-elect. President-elect Obama promised a lot too. Do you recall how many of his promises were carried out?

The Obameter Pledge-o-Meter
Promise Kept


Promise Broken

That's a remarkably good record for a president.
Which is totally not like Trump...who has decades long track record of failures and corruption in business and personal life.

But now that he has actual responsibility to America everything will be different.

What the hell are you blubbering about lib? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe a multi billionaire is a failure? Good God stop huffing glue.

Do you honestly believe that the greatest nation on earth, ran by all them despicable politicians since it's inception, is a failure?

Look dummy, $20 trillion dollars in debt, that's what failure looks like. A raided social security trust fund, $100 trillion in unfunded promised benefits. Crumbling infrastructure. Pollution spewing inner city cesspools, that's what failure looks like. Unsecured borders, thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted by illegals each year that's what failure looks like.

Apparently you wanted me to smack you silly, enjoy.


You first shoot your foot off and then think you can stand on something when it comes to fiscal issues?


That red stuff is what YOU voted for. That blue stuff is what I voted for.

Do you even realize that the chart you posted has no information detailing what it is supposed to represent? Strikes Me as fantasy.

It is DEBT growth estimate as a percent of our GDP.

In case you don't understand - more % on the Y-axis of this graph means more debt.

In case you don't understand that either - Trump's policies add up to huge additional debt over current law and what Clinton was proposing.
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.
He is both qualified and has an electoral mandate from the people.

Since he couldn't even beat Hillary Clinton, no, the PEOPLE did not give Trump a mandate. Also, 'mandate' is just a nonsensical word people throw around to no good purpose.

The Democrats in the Senate will shove any semblance of a mandate right up Trump's butt.
Yes, but it nicely balances all the Democrat crappola you and others are shitting out here.
How 's this for crappola Divine?
in Feb. of 2015, Obama proposed spending about $450 billion on infrastructure, and outlined how it would be paid for. Republicans sniffed, blabbered something about it being too expensive, then ignored it. Then Trump comes along and says he wants to spend ONE TRILLION on infrastructure, WITHOUT paying for it. Should take the Republicans about an hour or so to approve it while they blabber something about Obama not caring about infrastructure. not you perhaps but those that represent you are scum
I don't recall Trump ever saying he was going to spend money on infrastructure and wouldn't pay for it.
Oh?? then while you were closely listening where was the trillion coming from??? I must have missed it
Well lets see......We take in nearly 4 trillion dollars a year and this is likely (like every spending budget in D.C.) a ten year plan.....you do the math. However, show Me where Trump said he wasn't going to pay for infrastructure.
He never said how and that 10 year plan was said to be a farce
So, he never said that he wasn't going to pay for it. That's all I need know.
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.
He is both qualified and has an electoral mandate from the people.

Since he couldn't even beat Hillary Clinton, no, the PEOPLE did not give Trump a mandate. Also, 'mandate' is just a nonsensical word people throw around to no good purpose.

The Democrats in the Senate will shove any semblance of a mandate right up Trump's butt.
Earth to Carby.....He was just elected President. If you don't understand how the game is played before you start, then stay out of the game. You are not permitted to change the rules when you don't like the outcome. He did NOT lose to Clinton.

The popular vote is not part of the rules and is in fact, a baseless metric used by idiots, losers, and whiny-assed children.
What the hell are you blubbering about lib? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe a multi billionaire is a failure? Good God stop huffing glue.

Do you honestly believe that the greatest nation on earth, ran by all them despicable politicians since it's inception, is a failure?

Look dummy, $20 trillion dollars in debt, that's what failure looks like. A raided social security trust fund, $100 trillion in unfunded promised benefits. Crumbling infrastructure. Pollution spewing inner city cesspools, that's what failure looks like. Unsecured borders, thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted by illegals each year that's what failure looks like.

Apparently you wanted me to smack you silly, enjoy.


You first shoot your foot off and then think you can stand on something when it comes to fiscal issues?


That red stuff is what YOU voted for. That blue stuff is what I voted for.

Do you even realize that the chart you posted has no information detailing what it is supposed to represent? Strikes Me as fantasy.

It is DEBT growth estimate as a percent of our GDP.

In case you don't understand - more % on the Y-axis of this graph means more debt.

In case you don't understand that either - Trump's policies add up to huge additional debt over current law and what Clinton was proposing.
Oh good. An estimate....why don't you go grab the whole chart, with labels and everything so that we don't have to take your word for it.
Do you honestly believe that the greatest nation on earth, ran by all them despicable politicians since it's inception, is a failure?

Look dummy, $20 trillion dollars in debt, that's what failure looks like. A raided social security trust fund, $100 trillion in unfunded promised benefits. Crumbling infrastructure. Pollution spewing inner city cesspools, that's what failure looks like. Unsecured borders, thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted by illegals each year that's what failure looks like.

Apparently you wanted me to smack you silly, enjoy.


You first shoot your foot off and then think you can stand on something when it comes to fiscal issues?


That red stuff is what YOU voted for. That blue stuff is what I voted for.

Do you even realize that the chart you posted has no information detailing what it is supposed to represent? Strikes Me as fantasy.

It is DEBT growth estimate as a percent of our GDP.

In case you don't understand - more % on the Y-axis of this graph means more debt.

In case you don't understand that either - Trump's policies add up to huge additional debt over current law and what Clinton was proposing.
Oh good. An estimate....why don't you go grab the whole chart, with labels and everything so that we don't have to take your word for it.

Oh for christ sakes


Adding Up Donald Trump's Campaign Proposals So Far
There isn't even a mental test to be president. Therefore, I suppose retards are eligible.

Certainly explains why the shrilary wasn't prevented from running.
Look dummy, $20 trillion dollars in debt, that's what failure looks like. A raided social security trust fund, $100 trillion in unfunded promised benefits. Crumbling infrastructure. Pollution spewing inner city cesspools, that's what failure looks like. Unsecured borders, thousands of American citizens killed, raped, assaulted by illegals each year that's what failure looks like.

Apparently you wanted me to smack you silly, enjoy.


You first shoot your foot off and then think you can stand on something when it comes to fiscal issues?


That red stuff is what YOU voted for. That blue stuff is what I voted for.

Do you even realize that the chart you posted has no information detailing what it is supposed to represent? Strikes Me as fantasy.

It is DEBT growth estimate as a percent of our GDP.

In case you don't understand - more % on the Y-axis of this graph means more debt.

In case you don't understand that either - Trump's policies add up to huge additional debt over current law and what Clinton was proposing.
Oh good. An estimate....why don't you go grab the whole chart, with labels and everything so that we don't have to take your word for it.

Oh for christ sakes


Adding Up Donald Trump's Campaign Proposals So Far
Honesty, not so hard a thing to do, is it?

Now we know that this is based upon speculation.

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