" I have a right not to be infected "..... Um...no... you don't actually have that right....it does not exist.

I'm the boss where I work. I will absolutely send someone home if they are sick. Can't have the whole crew out sick at once. That's just how it is.
Right up until you start losing money with that kind of policy and then suddenly, a common cold won't look all that bad, and that 'reasonable' expectations will be out the window.
Set an example for your students.

I am and have. For example, I cited data. The shots are still doing a decent job of protecting against severe illness and death, but even that is waning, and we don't fully know all the ramifications of the shots because all govts are covering THAT up.

I deeply value truth and honesty. I don't spin. My students know this sometimes to their remorse, because I tell them when they do wonderfully and give them sincere praise, and I tell them when they have stunk up the room with low effort and horrid results. Empty praise is an insult to children.
In fact, you do not have a reasonable expectation that our fellow citizens are taking reasonable precautions. The very moment you say to anyone that "I can't miss work just because I have a cold" you give up that right.

The very fact that you don't shut everything down, and I mean everything, where the military patrol the streets and force everyone into their homes at gun point, you give up any expectation of precaution.
Right up until you start losing money with that kind of policy and then suddenly, a common cold won't look all that bad, and that 'reasonable' expectations will be out the window.
We're down a man right now, it sucks balls but no one with a persistent cough is going to be anywhere around me and the rest of the crew. We have a house to complete and a soft deadline I intend to meet. I went to check on him Friday. He's not looking too good.
I had a pretty idyllic childhood and although my parents were strict I had lots of freedom..
Oh, I had freedom. My parents were not 'helicopter' parents. But the conditions would kill many of the younger generation today.

We played on farm equipment, drank water from hoses or out of streams, ate berries that were not FDA approved, killed and clean our own fish as well as ate them. We were pretty much 'free range' kids. Told to get home when the street lights came on.

Today, most people would freak out at that kind of freedom.

We also were responsible for a lot of the modern conveniences that people take for granted today.

That statement that 'boomers' had the easiest life is ludicrious.
We're down a man right now, it sucks balls but no one with a persistent cough is going to be anywhere around me and the rest of the crew. We have a house to complete and a soft deadline I intend to meet. I went to check on him Friday. He's not looking too good.
Your 'crew' should isolate you in bubble wrap and make you give directions from 30 feet away. This way, you can be sure to not give anyone anything.
Oh, I had freedom. My parents were not 'helicopter' parents. But the conditions would kill many of the younger generation today.

We played on farm equipment, drank water from hoses or out of streams, ate berries that were not FDA approved, killed and clean our own fish as well as ate them. We were pretty much 'free range' kids. Told to get home when the street lights came on.

Today, most people would freak out at that kind of freedom.

We also were responsible for a lot of the modern conveniences that people take for granted today.

That statement that 'boomers' had the easiest life is ludicrous.

Me too.. We were lucky.. The world is a different place now.
So am I. What I lived through as a child and young adult would kill most of the latter generations.
Everyone thinks they had it rougher than their children. That's not so. We keep inventing new difficulties to replace the old difficulties. I grew up dirt poor in Alabama the child of people who had grown up cotton sharecroppers. I lived through it. Would I trade growing up now for the ragged childhood I had? Not on your life.
Yep....so start shooting your unvaccinated co workers ...you should be good.
Actually, we are not "back in the day", and today we just should send 'em off into the wild blue yonder so they can bask in their "right" to not be vaccinated and infect others.
Oh, I had freedom. My parents were not 'helicopter' parents. But the conditions would kill many of the younger generation today.

We played on farm equipment, drank water from hoses or out of streams, ate berries that were not FDA approved, killed and clean our own fish as well as ate them. We were pretty much 'free range' kids. Told to get home when the street lights came on.

Today, most people would freak out at that kind of freedom.

We also were responsible for a lot of the modern conveniences that people take for granted today.

That statement that 'boomers' had the easiest life is ludicrious.
I never had my own room and shared one with two brothers. We had one bathroom for the whole family.
We had one B&W TV for the whole family.
The idea that a kid could have his own phone was inconceivable
The non existent claim of “ right not to be infected “ simply does not exist. I mention this because it has been

Championed by the collectivist society as the spear head of their reasoning to remove everyone else’s choice in the matter. So let’s examine this position offered out by the totalitarian left.

First let me say that I have some sympathy for the position….and I understand the fears and compulsions that lead to that position. However life is not simply a chain of actions and reactions governed by our fears and compulsions…if it was non of us would live past our first few decades and we certainly would have no form of functioning society.

To illustrate let’s take a common activity….. Driving for instance. We all have a right to be safe on the road but non of us ever truly are. There is always a common risk when you get behind the wheel and drive someplace. The common risk is accepted as the necessary entropy so to speak required to allow the activity to exist which everyone does agree is an important function. Continuous and progressive applications of risk aversion elements in this particular life function would quickly and permanently eliminate the possibility of driving anywhere at any time for anything using any kind of vehicle. You can see immediately where the problem lies here. So the right to be safe on the road does not translate into the absolute value of the function (in this case driving) to the point where it eliminates the function altogether and in a sense that right is only an inferred right. It does not actually exist.

Let’s repeat that once more for emphasis…. It does not actually exist ….. you more or less give it up when you agree to get a driver’s license and purchase vehicle insurance for your car. You are paying to be involved in that risk so that you can benefit from the transportation that you would suffer without otherwise. It’s an unavoidable trade off.

Similarly with human society….we are agreeing to the risks of living in an organized culture so that we can benefit from the group effort that builds cities, highways, food stores, pharmacies, police and fire systems and so forth. As with any activity, driving included…..there are common risks that cannot be eliminated without eliminating the entire system. Contagion is one of them. “The right not to be infected “ is an impossible right to enforce on any reasonable level. It’s a reverse right, a misnomer…..and is in fact not a right at all. It does not exist.

If that were the case we would have to make the common cold illegal. While nothing prevents our adventurous legislators from trying that….they might as well legislate against the next eclipse for all the good such a law would do them. The perception that another person who is unvaccinated is violating our rights is a dead end. It has no measureable parameters and is inseparably integrated into the set of rules that we agree to vicariously when we consciously decide to be a member of society rather than to live on the outskirts of civilization in a cave someplace chasing down small rodents for protein.

This happened during a heated discussion with some fellow employees …. Spontaneously….. “ I have a right not to be infected “….was the statement made to me….. My response was: “ There is no such right because it’s not actually a right“….. end of story.


Not even a link?

It's just you saying this?
Masks do work.. That's why they wear them in hospitals and wash their hands all the time.

Stupidity and risky behaviors also present a risk...
Then if you are worried about unvaccinated people you can choose to wear a mask....you cannot choose it for them however. But you are free to make that choice for yourself. If you choose not to that is also your choice.
If masks work then why do you need everyone around you to be vaccinated? The mask works right?
You are so wrong and in such a prime position to endanger others with your antivax bullshit that I can hardly believe you're not making it up to screw with me.
The tag names really don't work very well.
Anti vax bullshit is very easy to transform into Pro vax bullshit..... it's ususally not a good idea even to start that empty exercise.
I had a pretty idyllic childhood and although my parents were strict I had lots of freedom..

I believe I could write a book about the combination that is strict parenting/lots of freedom that results in well-balanced, confident children. We lost that in the 90s with the advent of the "self esteem" movement and the helicopter parents and you see the anxious young adults we have now. I started teaching in the mid-90s so feel I had a front row seat for this crapshow

But that's another topic altogether

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