"I Have Black/White/Hispanic/Asian Friends"

No, liberals sully their own bed. Lately, with Identity Politics. They soil their beds so fouly that they then must change names and, when they run out of arguments--which happens a lot--they cry about the new name you're not using. Like "progressive".

Here's a hat tip: stop soiling your own bed. If you cannot, you have the wrong worldview, so get out, like I did. It's not that difficult, really. Twenty years for me and counting.
Where are you from? Your sentence structure is odd.

This is how you know they're losing.

They talk about your sentence structure.
I was asking a polite question because I am curious. You don't write as if English is your first language.

What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not american.

You are decidedly wrong.

"Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
Her diction and syntax are not vernacular American at all. Read her posts out loud, and you will hear the swing of the words; they are just a bit off balance now and then.


Please provide your degree in linguistics, won't you? Oh wait, was the comma at the end followed by "won't you" an odd little swing? Off balance?

Does my strong writer's voice offend you? Who else is offended? Line up. It will give you something to do while you're catching hot tears in your tissue.

(Hat tip: "hot tears in your tissue" is a strong image. That's good strong writing and is your free lesson for the day. You're welcome.)
Where are you from? Your sentence structure is odd.

This is how you know they're losing.

They talk about your sentence structure.
I was asking a polite question because I am curious. You don't write as if English is your first language.

What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not American.

Very American idiomatic/as it is spoken/written. Informal as one would expect on a Message Board. She shows a deep understanding of America's version of English.


Thank you, good Sir.

I do so love words.

(Wait a minute: Does the pairing of "do" and "so" indicate that "odd little swing"? Did you take my meaning. LOL)
Her diction and syntax are not vernacular American at all. Read her posts out loud, and you will hear the swing of the words; they are just a bit off balance now and then.


Please provide your degree in linguistics, won't you? Oh wait, was the comma at the end followed by "won't you" an odd little swing? Off balance?

Does my strong writer's voice offend you? Who else is offended? Line up. It will give you something to do while you're catching hot tears in your tissue.

(Hat tip: "hot tears in your tissue" is a strong image. That's good strong writing and is your free lesson for the day. You're welcome.)

"Oh wait, was the comma at the end followed by "won't you" an odd little swing?"

American Englsh tends to use more commas; just sayin'. Englsh would tend to use voice at the end to indicate a question......without a comma. Americans tend to overuse commas.

This is how you know they're losing.

They talk about your sentence structure.
I was asking a polite question because I am curious. You don't write as if English is your first language.

What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not American.

Very American idiomatic/as it is spoken/written. Informal as one would expect on a Message Board. She shows a deep understanding of America's version of English.


Thank you, good Sir.

I do so love words.

(Wait a minute: Does the pairing of "do" and "so" indicate that "odd little swing"? Did you take my meaning. LOL)

It indicates broad reading of literature; well written by the likes of Thackeray and Trollope. You read "older" English literature a good deal is my first thought. De La Roche tends in that manner also from memory, a Canadian but we tend to put them together with those from the US; really gets them hopping. lol

It is said this is not a defense against racism.

I reject that. In most cases, if you have true friends of other races, you're not racist. And don't let anyone tell you differently.

For a certain set, there IS no defense against racism. You are racist. You are racist even if you don't THINK you're racist. You are racist even if you are white and married a black man and freely chose to make your children with this man. For that set, you are white and racist and there is no escaping it.

Reject this garbage.

If you TRULY have friendships with people of different races and beliefs, than what better evidence is there for you being what Leftists used to value: tolerant, diverse and loving? If you share their struggles and listen to their stories and invite them into your homes and share their lives and seek to understand them, as friends do, and you love and value them as complete individuals, including their race, how can you possibly be racist?

But of course that's not good enough now. If you have friendships with people of different values and beliefs, you must also be Down For Their Struggle. And maybe not just THEIR struggle, meaning them as individuals, but every race struggle the Powers That Be want to impose on them. IOW, you are not just you and your friend is not just your friend. But you are White and your friend is Black and that must be overlaid with all the meaning THEY want to lay on it.

Check your heart. And if it doesn't describe you, reject it. Then maybe we can finally move forward.

Most people live their lives as individuals not races.

That said, tensions do exist between cultures--tensions which can muddy otherwise common, daily, expected and healthy social relationships with professional, random and/or close to home interracial interactions.

Funny thing, my neighborhood--less than one mile off a major military installation--is majority black. Not long after moving in I came home early from work one day, parked and went inside our house. Moments later a knock. I opened the door to three black children aged ten or so. They had seen me pull up and wanted help collecting an early 2000's 52" television from the dumpster down the street so they could use the monster to build a robot.

After a moment of hesitation I followed them in my truck, loaded up the TV and drove it and them back to their place. Their Grandma held the door as I carried the thing inside, like a mostly white guy lugging a massive TV set into her home midday was nothing out of the ordinary. Afterward she thanked me for accommodating the boys' imagination. We sat down to a glass of sun brewed iced tea.

Next time I got off work early that summer the boys were waiting around our front porch. They wanted me to take them to the community pool, even offered me few bucks to do it. But my fiancé and their grandmother later agreed that was going to far . . . I wouldn't have stood a chance. We've been friends with the grandmother ever since. Sure, there are tensions but people have names and faces and even personalities. Why see each other as groups of weirdos?

Of course, now when I get home early during the summer I drive up to the corner before our street and peek around it to see who is waiting for me and whether or not I need to stealth in through neighbors' backyards. The pool is open for another couple of weeks.
Where are you from? Your sentence structure is odd.

This is how you know they're losing.

They talk about your sentence structure.
I was asking a polite question because I am curious. You don't write as if English is your first language.

What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not american.
You are decidedly wrong. "Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
You can deny, but that does not change that you were not born here speaking the language.
Her diction and syntax are not vernacular American at all. Read her posts out loud, and you will hear the swing of the words; they are just a bit off balance now and then.


Please provide your degree in linguistics, won't you? Oh wait, was the comma at the end followed by "won't you" an odd little swing? Off balance?

Does my strong writer's voice offend you? Who else is offended? Line up. It will give you something to do while you're catching hot tears in your tissue.

(Hat tip: "hot tears in your tissue" is a strong image. That's good strong writing and is your free lesson for the day. You're welcome.)
Thank you for the implied admission that I am correct in my assessment.
The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia, etc are white people.
Is Boko Haram white? In blackface committing all that genocide? Raping all those innocent little Black girls after capturing them because they do not look like Islamic Black men.
Boko Haram
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Boko Haram

Group of the People of Sunnah for Preaching and Jihad
Participant in the Boko Haram insurgency

Area of operations Northeast Nigeria, Northern Cameroon, Niger, Chad

Battles and wars
Boko Haram insurgency

Islamic State in West Africa (abbreviated as ISWA[13][14] or ISWAP),[15][16][14] formerly known as Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād "Group of the People of Sunnah for Preaching and Jihad") and commonly known as Boko Haram[17] until March 2015,[18][19] is a jihadist militant organization based in northeastern Nigeria, active there and in Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon.[8]

Founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2002, the group has been led by Abubakar Shekau since 2009. When Boko Haram first formed, their actions were nonviolent. Their main goal was to “purify Islam in northern Nigeria” (Iyekekpolo 2016:2218). From March 2015 to August 2016, the group was aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[20][21] Since the current insurgency started in 2009, Boko Haram has killed tens of thousands and displaced 2.3 million from their homes[22] and was ranked as the world's deadliest terror group by the Global Terrorism Index in 2015.[23][24]
I guess Boko Harem are the new Al-Queida

They play both sides.

The put up some people to do a kidnapping and then they put up some people to say “Let’s go get em !!”

This is to cause confusion but it’s only black people who are gonna get hurt, on both sides. They give Boko all the arms and money and ability that it takes to disappear with the whole world looking for them now ? And they can not find them ? Now that should cause suspicion, right there

This is a white man who can locate freaking star 25 million light years away

But they can’t find these fellas and these black Africans are meant to be backward and stupid according to white supremacist logic. Right ?

Get out my face.

But these bogey men have appeared from no-where with their AK-47s, armoured vehicles, which need all kinds of maintenance, shiny boots and they have just vanished into thin air ?

So then the white men says “Let’s saddle up and go get these guys” because they love the chase, now they could find the girls dead but that’s just to incite more anger, then the white people say “OK, well we gotta stay in this area now because we got wipe these evil Boko Haram people out, we gotta hang around”
some of my best friends are sweet sue 92s
So you know a lot of hags?

You are also rejected. Move along and get over it.
Are you rejecting me because I'm white?

Nah; seems that your character is a tad...well..blighted. The barber shop needs a new door stop; you should apply.

Let me get in my time machine and go find a barber shop. :biggrin:
This is how you know they're losing.

They talk about your sentence structure.
I was asking a polite question because I am curious. You don't write as if English is your first language.

What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not american.
You are decidedly wrong. "Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
You can deny, but that does not change that you were not born here speaking the language.

You can assert lies, but asserting them because you say so does not make them true.
Her diction and syntax are not vernacular American at all. Read her posts out loud, and you will hear the swing of the words; they are just a bit off balance now and then.


Please provide your degree in linguistics, won't you? Oh wait, was the comma at the end followed by "won't you" an odd little swing? Off balance?

Does my strong writer's voice offend you? Who else is offended? Line up. It will give you something to do while you're catching hot tears in your tissue.

(Hat tip: "hot tears in your tissue" is a strong image. That's good strong writing and is your free lesson for the day. You're welcome.)
Thank you for the implied admission that I am correct in my assessment.

You are dead wrong. Born in the Midwest, lived here my entire life.

Dead wrong. sorrynotsorry
It is said this is not a defense against racism.

I reject that. In most cases, if you have true friends of other races, you're not racist. And don't let anyone tell you differently.

For a certain set, there IS no defense against racism. You are racist. You are racist even if you don't THINK you're racist. You are racist even if you are white and married a black man and freely chose to make your children with this man. For that set, you are white and racist and there is no escaping it.

Reject this garbage.

If you TRULY have friendships with people of different races and beliefs, than what better evidence is there for you being what Leftists used to value: tolerant, diverse and loving? If you share their struggles and listen to their stories and invite them into your homes and share their lives and seek to understand them, as friends do, and you love and value them as complete individuals, including their race, how can you possibly be racist?

But of course that's not good enough now. If you have friendships with people of different values and beliefs, you must also be Down For Their Struggle. And maybe not just THEIR struggle, meaning them as individuals, but every race struggle the Powers That Be want to impose on them. IOW, you are not just you and your friend is not just your friend. But you are White and your friend is Black and that must be overlaid with all the meaning THEY want to lay on it.

Check your heart. And if it doesn't describe you, reject it. Then maybe we can finally move forward.

Most people live their lives as individuals not races.

That said, tensions do exist between cultures--tensions which can muddy otherwise common, daily, expected and healthy social relationships with professional, random and/or close to home interracial interactions.

Funny thing, my neighborhood--less than one mile off a major military installation--is majority black. Not long after moving in I came home early from work one day, parked and went inside our house. Moments later a knock. I opened the door to three black children aged ten or so. They had seen me pull up and wanted help collecting an early 2000's 52" television from the dumpster down the street so they could use the monster to build a robot.

After a moment of hesitation I followed them in my truck, loaded up the TV and drove it and them back to their place. Their Grandma held the door as I carried the thing inside, like a mostly white guy lugging a massive TV set into her home midday was nothing out of the ordinary. Afterward she thanked me for accommodating the boys' imagination. We sat down to a glass of sun brewed iced tea.

Next time I got off work early that summer the boys were waiting around our front porch. They wanted me to take them to the community pool, even offered me few bucks to do it. But my fiancé and their grandmother later agreed that was going to far . . . I wouldn't have stood a chance. We've been friends with the grandmother ever since. Sure, there are tensions but people have names and faces and even personalities. Why see each other as groups of weirdos?

Of course, now when I get home early during the summer I drive up to the corner before our street and peek around it to see who is waiting for me and whether or not I need to stealth in through neighbors' backyards. The pool is open for another couple of weeks.

Ah, enterprising young men putting those old dinosaurs to use! I'm glad to hear it. Even if they didn't ultimately build a robot, I bet they learned something along the way! Fantastic.

I think it's always better to see people as individuals rather than "races". Race and culture is part of who you are. It's not the sum total of who are you. We've lost our way in that direction IMO.
I was asking a polite question because I am curious. You don't write as if English is your first language.

What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not american.
You are decidedly wrong. "Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
You can deny, but that does not change that you were not born here speaking the language.

You can assert lies, but asserting them because you say so does not make them true.
Your assertions are only that and do not prove that you are a native born American. I commend you on your studies, particularly your reading lists. You are almost flawless, but the syntax and diction give you away.
What does one expect; she's an American. Crikey; looks like you're one of them too!!! Only Sue's language structure is just peachy.

Her syntax is decidedly not american.
You are decidedly wrong. "Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
You can deny, but that does not change that you were not born here speaking the language.

You can assert lies, but asserting them because you say so does not make them true.
Your assertions are only that and do not prove that you are a native born American. I commend you on your studies, particularly your reading lists. You are almost flawless, but the syntax and diction give you away.

I'm glad you're fascinated by my posts, syntax, sentence structure and language use. You go right ahead padre, must be you have not much else to do. Toodles.

However, ETA: I would love to point out that whatever you think you detect in my syntax and diction is also a huge fail. If you have some kind of degree in linguistics or English you might want to reassess. Not to brag, but my vocabulary is much too rich and my grasp of idiom, slang and etc is much too valid for me to be a non-native speaker, and this should be obvious to everyone.

I do have an exceedingly strong writer's voice. And a strong sense of rhythm, because I am a musician.

Now, that's all the time I have for you and much more than your posts deserved. Good day! (Hat tip, Paul Harvey.)
Last edited:
As I said. If you have true friends of other races, you wouldn't want this done to them, and so you wouldn't do this to others. I'm not talking about just "being nice", am I? I'm talking about friendships.

I reject racism and I reject the broadening of the term as well. So, no. Rejected.
All your black friend means is that you like THAT INDIVIDUAL BLACK PERSON, that does not mean anything as to what you think of black people AS A GROUP.

Richard Spencer is a self-proclaimed leader of "Alt-Right" he was in a stream a few months bk and suddenly a black woman (hidden) combed in his room.



She's so far in a sunken place that she's swimming in a quagmire.

When whites were spitting on us, chasing us with German shepherds, and literally holding picnics at or lynchings, they were still setting us up in their home to cook their food, fold their laundry, allowing us to entertain them as musicians while the same musician couldn't come through the front door.

White supremacist Milo Yannapolis married a black man.


Strom Thurmond?

He was a senator from South Carolina who was a staunch segregationist and opponent of the Civil Rights Act and giving blacks the right to vote. Shortly after he died it was revealed that he was the father of this woman.


A biracial daughter he had with his black maid when he was young. Though he never acknowledged her during his life he did provide financial support for her. The entire time he was spewing hate and trying to keep black people down he knew he had a half-black daughter.
As I said. If you have true friends of other races, you wouldn't want this done to them, and so you wouldn't do this to others. I'm not talking about just "being nice", am I? I'm talking about friendships.

I reject racism and I reject the broadening of the term as well. So, no. Rejected.
All your black friend means is that you like THAT INDIVIDUAL BLACK PERSON, that does not mean anything as to what you think of black people AS A GROUP.

Richard Spencer is a self-proclaimed leader of "Alt-Right" he was in a stream a few months bk and suddenly a black woman (hidden) combed in his room.



She's so far in a sunken place that she's swimming in a quagmire.

When whites were spitting on us, chasing us with German shepherds, and literally holding picnics at or lynchings, they were still setting us up in their home to cook their food, fold their laundry, allowing us to entertain them as musicians while the same musician couldn't come through the front door.

White supremacist Milo Yannapolis married a black man.


Strom Thurmond?

He was a senator from South Carolina who was a staunch segregationist and opponent of the Civil Rights Act and giving blacks the right to vote. Shortly after he died it was revealed that he was the father of this woman.


A biracial daughter he had with his black maid when he was young. Though he never acknowledged her during his life he did provide financial support for her. The entire time he was spewing hate and trying to keep black people down he knew he had a half-black daughter.

Oh, you lost me at "as a group". Am I supposed to think about black people "as a group"? You do, am I right? You think about white people "as a group".

Well, I don't. So don't foist your thinking off on me.
As I said. If you have true friends of other races, you wouldn't want this done to them, and so you wouldn't do this to others. I'm not talking about just "being nice", am I? I'm talking about friendships.

I reject racism and I reject the broadening of the term as well. So, no. Rejected.
All your black friend means is that you like THAT INDIVIDUAL BLACK PERSON, that does not mean anything as to what you think of black people AS A GROUP.

Richard Spencer is a self-proclaimed leader of "Alt-Right" he was in a stream a few months bk and suddenly a black woman (hidden) combed in his room.



She's so far in a sunken place that she's swimming in a quagmire.

When whites were spitting on us, chasing us with German shepherds, and literally holding picnics at or lynchings, they were still setting us up in their home to cook their food, fold their laundry, allowing us to entertain them as musicians while the same musician couldn't come through the front door.

White supremacist Milo Yannapolis married a black man.


Strom Thurmond?

He was a senator from South Carolina who was a staunch segregationist and opponent of the Civil Rights Act and giving blacks the right to vote. Shortly after he died it was revealed that he was the father of this woman.


A biracial daughter he had with his black maid when he was young. Though he never acknowledged her during his life he did provide financial support for her. The entire time he was spewing hate and trying to keep black people down he knew he had a half-black daughter.

Also I have my issues with Milo Y but can you prove that he is a white supremacist? Or do you say so because he is just offensive to Leftists? Because as far as I know he has always been very open about loving black men. I don't know how those two correlate and I'm being serious.

Bring your best evidence that he is, in fact, a white supremacist. Hat Tip: writing for Breitbart does NOT qualify. Unless writing for Vox also makes you a Communist.
Her syntax is decidedly not american.
You are decidedly wrong. "Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
You can deny, but that does not change that you were not born here speaking the language.

You can assert lies, but asserting them because you say so does not make them true.
Your assertions are only that and do not prove that you are a native born American. I commend you on your studies, particularly your reading lists. You are almost flawless, but the syntax and diction give you away.
I'm glad you're fascinated by my posts, syntax, sentence structure and language use. You go right ahead padre, must be you have not much else to do. Toodles.
That you are not native born does not make your comments, ipso facto, as incorrect or wrong.
You are decidedly wrong. "Her syntax is decidedly not American." What are you a doctorate in linguistics? LOL
You can deny, but that does not change that you were not born here speaking the language.

You can assert lies, but asserting them because you say so does not make them true.
Your assertions are only that and do not prove that you are a native born American. I commend you on your studies, particularly your reading lists. You are almost flawless, but the syntax and diction give you away.
I'm glad you're fascinated by my posts, syntax, sentence structure and language use. You go right ahead padre, must be you have not much else to do. Toodles.
That you are not native born does not make your comments, ipso facto, as incorrect or wrong.

See my edit, butthurt Jakey

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