I have mixed feelings about supporting Ukraine, seeking more information

Today's Word of the Day: Defenestration.

Russians Keep Mysteriously Falling from Windows to Their Deaths

So there you are, resting in your hospital bed, and as you reach for the nurse call button...AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH SPLAT!!!!

Ravil Maganov, the chairman of an oil company that criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine, reportedly died on Thursday after falling from a hospital window.

Although the cause of his death has not yet been confirmed, he is the latest in a series of prominent Russians who have died in seemingly similar circumstances.


In December 2021, Yegor Prosvirnin—the founder of nationalist website Sputnik and Pogrom—died after falling out of a window of a residential building in the center of Moscow.

He allegedly threw a knife and gas canister out of the window before the fall, BBC News reported.


On October 19, 2021 a Russian diplomat was found dead after a fall from a window of the Russian embassy in Berlin, Der Spiegel reported.

The man was a second secretary at the embassy, but German intelligence sources told the newspaper they suspected he was an undercover officer with Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).

Navalny, suspected of being poisoned Thursday during a flight to Moscow from Siberia, is expected to be transported Saturday to a hospital in Germany, a move which Russian doctors originally denied, claiming his condition was “too unstable,” but reversed after a German medical team arrived at the hospital and were permitted to examine Navalny.

Pyotr Verzilov, a Russian opposition activist, said he went through the same symptoms in 2018, including being put on a ventilator and eventually being flown to a German hospital for treatment, according to the New York Times.

Anna Politkovskaya, an investigative journalist and fierce critic of the Russian government, became seriously ill after a suspected poisoning in 2004 during a domestic Russian flight, and was gunned down two years later.

The same week Politkovskaya was poisoned, Roman Tsepov, who was a bodyguard for President Vladimir Putin in the 1990s before he came to power, became violently ill and died a few days after having a cup of tea at a local Russian security service office—his autopsy revealed radioactive material in his body.

Aleksandr V. Litvinenko, a rogue Russian intelligence officer, died after drinking tea laced with a lethal radioactive isotope, polonium 210, just a month after Politkovskaya’s murder—a 2016 British investigation concluded his death could have been approved by Putin himself.

Opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza was poisoned in 2015, one month after calling for the U.S. to impose harsher sanctions on Russia during a series of public meetings on Capitol Hill—Kara-Murza said he was poisoned again in 2017 as he toured Russia showcasing a documentary about murdered Putin critic Boris Nemtsov.

Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in 2018 and his daughter were poisoned by two Russian intelligence operatives with a toxic nerve agent applied to their door handle in Salisbury, England—they recovered but the attack led the U.K. and its allies to expel 150 Russian diplomats and impose crushing sanctions on the Kremlin.
A one-time backer of President Vladimir Putin and CEO of what was once Russia's largest investor, William Browder told CNN that Putin was one of the world's richest men thanks to hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen wealth.

In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria aired Sunday, the CEO of Hermitage Capital Management said Putin had amassed great riches since he was named president in 2000.

"Some people, including myself, believe that he's the richest man in the world, or one of the richest men in the world, with hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth that was stolen from Russia," said Browder, whose company was once Russia's largest foreign investor.

In all, Putin — who officially earns about $145,000 a year — has about $200 billion stashed away in Swiss bank accounts, shares and hedge funds, according to Browder, who in the late 1990s was a shareholder at Gazprom, Surgutneftegas and other state-run enterprises.
Saying Putin is corrupt does not begin to express the depth and breadth of what he has done. He has rigged the Russian economy to the point it cannot function without him. He holds everyone's paycheck hostage from the richest oligarch to the poorest laborer in the most remote part of Siberia. He makes certain every Russian knows this.
If Vladimir Putin is the North of your moral compass, you are literally mentally ill.

When the New Right Nazi-adjacent retards start looking for their cues on morality from a mass murdering thug whose troops are raping children, you know it won't be long before they are saluting the swastika.
How many sources of Putin's war crimes do you need, you fucking willfully blind monkey?

I can give you as many as you need, dipshit.

It is simply stunning you are actually ignorant of what is happening. Can you really be this fucking willfully blind?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal who bears responsibility for some of the world's most "horrific atrocities," Fox News host Mark Levin said Sunday.


"Who is the aggressor? It is Vladimir Putin. He is slaughtering innocent civilians, he is blowing up cities," the host said. "One town on the Black Sea is 90% leveled. Wherever Putin goes, this is what he does, he has destroyed Syria with his favorite genocidal maniac there, he destroyed the Chechnya area….that’s what he does. He is a man who killed his way to the top. A man who assassinates in order to hold onto power…that is what we’re up against."

Dismissing President Biden's concerns of "escalating tensions," Levin warned that Putin will continue with his deadly invasion if the U.S. and the West don't take decisive actions to back up the Zelenskyy administration's efforts to defend Ukraine.

Go ahead. Call Mark Levin a liberal. :rofl::

Bombing a maternity hospital, shelling residential buildings, firing on fleeing refugees, and destroying any infrastructure that supports the lives of innocent civilians … are all war crimes under international law.

Whoever is involved in the chain of command that gave the orders – all the way up to the head of state – can and should be charged. This means Russian President Vladimir Putin must be indicted for war crimes.
Look at religion and the State like a wife and a mistress.....Never should the two meet. ;)

I don't trust anyone who don't believe in God, period.

There are no morals or laws outside of God, as we are seeing in the world today.

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