I have NEVER seen a TV network promote a presidential candidate like Fox does Trump.

If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.
What's your point? Clinton is an ex-POTUS. And how does the fact that they have made a lot of money excuse McConnell and Boehner and Perry and Christie?

If your point is "they all do it", then why are you singling out the Clintons?

I predict you won't have a rational response.

Nobody has reached the greed of Ronald Reagan and you insinuate I'm irrational. dayum.
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.

Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

There is only one thing that has really changed over the last several months, when CNN began closing the gap: the type of coverage that Donald Trump gets. Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives. But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Donald Trump received unprecedented news coverage throughout the primary process, and to-date he has received over 3 BILLION in free news coverage, mainly coming from FOX News.

Donald Trump has gotten the equivalent of nearly $3 billion in free advertising since last May, according to the latest statistics from the firm mediaQuant, blowing away rivals in both parties. Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Even Donald Trump has stated he has had so much mme
WRONG, SO WRONG! Fox did not want the big orange clown. Did you watch the debate that Megan Kelly moderated for Fox? She wanted to bury Trump and open the door for anybody else to be the GOP nominee. He got the nomination because the clueless RNC leadership was so out of touch with conservatives, and the whole thing got away from them. But I give you an A+ for revisionist history.

that is false. roger ailes wanted donald to be president. you really don't know what you're talking about. fox was the one who decided to use national polls to determine who was allowed in the debates at a time when national polls should have been irrelevant. then they proceeded to put donald center stage.

as for megyn kelly, she asked a reasonable question about donald's treatment of women. donald melted down. the only revisionist history is yours..

but then again, i'd expect nothing less from trumpsters.

The result of unprecedented News coverage of Donald Trump from FOX News is he is the nominee today, regardless if some wanted him or not.

Right now Sean Hannity is the Trump Campaign. Trump has no paid for T.V. Advertisements, as he himself has received 3 BILLION dollars in free news coverage, and admitted he really doesn't need that much campaign cash because FOX is doing it all for him.

As a result FOX News ratings have fallen off a cliff over the Trump affect. CNN is now number one.

"There is only one thing that has really changed over the last several months, when CNN began closing the gap: the type of coverage that Donald Trump gets. Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives who turned into them to see news.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely."
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Sean Hannity is now the Trump campaign.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState


FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Really, who is blaming Fox and right wing talk show host for Trump? I am a conservative and I don't blame them. I guess republicans who are more concerned about the Republican brand than being conservative could be blaming them, but those people are the problem the way I see it. People like Jeb, Marco, Teddy, Bonner, McConnell, McCain, Romney and other failed Republican leaders might be mad. True conservatives understand why we have The big orange clown, I have no idea what Republicans think anymore.

Well, you're going to be blaming them--here in November. The biggest reason for FOX News drop off in ratings is the Donald Trump affect. He actually has received an unprecedented 3 billion dollars in free news coverage, mainly coming from FOX News. If you look at these numbers, it's ridiculous in comparison to what other GOP candidates received including Hillary Clinton. There is a break down list on the link.
Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Rush Limbaugh and others have continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment--thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." For the last 6 years they have continually attacked "Establishment Republicans"-aka the Majority of party aka moderate Republicans. Basically they have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. Now you have about half of the Republican party that will not cast a vote for Donald Trump. They don't believe him to be a conservative. Frankly, Trump is the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate this nation has ever witnessed. They aren't going to vote for him.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

While Trump likes to tout he received the most votes ever which is correct, he also received the most votes ever cast against him. 54% of the Republican party did not vote for Trump in the primary, and therein lies the problem. They never really wanted Trump.
Donald Trump received the most GOP primary votes ever

This is why I say Donald Trump is the accidental nominee. I explain very clearly in the below link as to how he became the accidential nominee.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

Nobody is denying Trump got a bunch of free press, how you directly relate his free press to the demise of Fox is bizarre. He has gotten free press from CNN as well. Perhaps the reason Fox has fallen in ratings is because they are shilling for the party and not conservatism. I mean if Hanity's ratings are up, and he is a Trumpateer, but overall Fox is down, it could be that if the other host like Megan "me" Kelly were more supportive of Trump they would be up too. No, conservatives like me see people like Kelly shilling for the party no matter what. Fox has lost credibility from conservatives like me for shilling for the party, not for supporting Trump.

How is their current shilling for the party any different from the shilling for the party they have continuously done since their first broadcast?
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.

Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

There is only one thing that has really changed over the last several months, when CNN began closing the gap: the type of coverage that Donald Trump gets. Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives. But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Donald Trump received unprecedented news coverage throughout the primary process, and to-date he has received over 3 BILLION in free news coverage, mainly coming from FOX News.

Donald Trump has gotten the equivalent of nearly $3 billion in free advertising since last May, according to the latest statistics from the firm mediaQuant, blowing away rivals in both parties. Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Even Donald Trump has stated he has had so much mme
that is false. roger ailes wanted donald to be president. you really don't know what you're talking about. fox was the one who decided to use national polls to determine who was allowed in the debates at a time when national polls should have been irrelevant. then they proceeded to put donald center stage.

as for megyn kelly, she asked a reasonable question about donald's treatment of women. donald melted down. the only revisionist history is yours..

but then again, i'd expect nothing less from trumpsters.

The result of unprecedented News coverage of Donald Trump from FOX News is he is the nominee today, regardless if some wanted him or not.

Right now Sean Hannity is the Trump Campaign. Trump has no paid for T.V. Advertisements, as he himself has received 3 BILLION dollars in free news coverage, and admitted he really doesn't need that much campaign cash because FOX is doing it all for him.

As a result FOX News ratings have fallen off a cliff over the Trump affect. CNN is now number one.

"There is only one thing that has really changed over the last several months, when CNN began closing the gap: the type of coverage that Donald Trump gets. Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives who turned into them to see news.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely."
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Sean Hannity is now the Trump campaign.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState


FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Really, who is blaming Fox and right wing talk show host for Trump? I am a conservative and I don't blame them. I guess republicans who are more concerned about the Republican brand than being conservative could be blaming them, but those people are the problem the way I see it. People like Jeb, Marco, Teddy, Bonner, McConnell, McCain, Romney and other failed Republican leaders might be mad. True conservatives understand why we have The big orange clown, I have no idea what Republicans think anymore.

Well, you're going to be blaming them--here in November. The biggest reason for FOX News drop off in ratings is the Donald Trump affect. He actually has received an unprecedented 3 billion dollars in free news coverage, mainly coming from FOX News. If you look at these numbers, it's ridiculous in comparison to what other GOP candidates received including Hillary Clinton. There is a break down list on the link.
Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Rush Limbaugh and others have continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment--thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." For the last 6 years they have continually attacked "Establishment Republicans"-aka the Majority of party aka moderate Republicans. Basically they have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. Now you have about half of the Republican party that will not cast a vote for Donald Trump. They don't believe him to be a conservative. Frankly, Trump is the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate this nation has ever witnessed. They aren't going to vote for him.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

While Trump likes to tout he received the most votes ever which is correct, he also received the most votes ever cast against him. 54% of the Republican party did not vote for Trump in the primary, and therein lies the problem. They never really wanted Trump.
Donald Trump received the most GOP primary votes ever

This is why I say Donald Trump is the accidental nominee. I explain very clearly in the below link as to how he became the accidential nominee.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

Nobody is denying Trump got a bunch of free press, how you directly relate his free press to the demise of Fox is bizarre. He has gotten free press from CNN as well. Perhaps the reason Fox has fallen in ratings is because they are shilling for the party and not conservatism. I mean if Hanity's ratings are up, and he is a Trumpateer, but overall Fox is down, it could be that if the other host like Megan "me" Kelly were more supportive of Trump they would be up too. No, conservatives like me see people like Kelly shilling for the party no matter what. Fox has lost credibility from conservatives like me for shilling for the party, not for supporting Trump.

How is their current shilling for the party any different from the shilling for the party they have continuously done since their first broadcast?
It really it is not any different, what is different is the GOP. They have lost right to be the party of the conservative movement, and Fox has not called them on it, but rather carried their water. Fox now shills for GOP, not conservatism.
Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

Donald Trump received unprecedented news coverage throughout the primary process, and to-date he has received over 3 BILLION in free news coverage, mainly coming from FOX News.

Even Donald Trump has stated he has had so much mme
The result of unprecedented News coverage of Donald Trump from FOX News is he is the nominee today, regardless if some wanted him or not.

Right now Sean Hannity is the Trump Campaign. Trump has no paid for T.V. Advertisements, as he himself has received 3 BILLION dollars in free news coverage, and admitted he really doesn't need that much campaign cash because FOX is doing it all for him.

As a result FOX News ratings have fallen off a cliff over the Trump affect. CNN is now number one.

"There is only one thing that has really changed over the last several months, when CNN began closing the gap: the type of coverage that Donald Trump gets. Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives who turned into them to see news.

Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely."
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Sean Hannity is now the Trump campaign.
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState


FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee
Really, who is blaming Fox and right wing talk show host for Trump? I am a conservative and I don't blame them. I guess republicans who are more concerned about the Republican brand than being conservative could be blaming them, but those people are the problem the way I see it. People like Jeb, Marco, Teddy, Bonner, McConnell, McCain, Romney and other failed Republican leaders might be mad. True conservatives understand why we have The big orange clown, I have no idea what Republicans think anymore.

Well, you're going to be blaming them--here in November. The biggest reason for FOX News drop off in ratings is the Donald Trump affect. He actually has received an unprecedented 3 billion dollars in free news coverage, mainly coming from FOX News. If you look at these numbers, it's ridiculous in comparison to what other GOP candidates received including Hillary Clinton. There is a break down list on the link.
Trump has gotten nearly $3 billion in ‘free’ advertising

Rush Limbaugh and others have continually violated Reagan's 11th commandment--thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican." For the last 6 years they have continually attacked "Establishment Republicans"-aka the Majority of party aka moderate Republicans. Basically they have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces. Now you have about half of the Republican party that will not cast a vote for Donald Trump. They don't believe him to be a conservative. Frankly, Trump is the most incompetent, unqualified, dangerous candidate this nation has ever witnessed. They aren't going to vote for him.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
Trump sends unprecedented numbers of GOP fleeing to Clinton
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates

While Trump likes to tout he received the most votes ever which is correct, he also received the most votes ever cast against him. 54% of the Republican party did not vote for Trump in the primary, and therein lies the problem. They never really wanted Trump.
Donald Trump received the most GOP primary votes ever

This is why I say Donald Trump is the accidental nominee. I explain very clearly in the below link as to how he became the accidential nominee.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

Nobody is denying Trump got a bunch of free press, how you directly relate his free press to the demise of Fox is bizarre. He has gotten free press from CNN as well. Perhaps the reason Fox has fallen in ratings is because they are shilling for the party and not conservatism. I mean if Hanity's ratings are up, and he is a Trumpateer, but overall Fox is down, it could be that if the other host like Megan "me" Kelly were more supportive of Trump they would be up too. No, conservatives like me see people like Kelly shilling for the party no matter what. Fox has lost credibility from conservatives like me for shilling for the party, not for supporting Trump.

How is their current shilling for the party any different from the shilling for the party they have continuously done since their first broadcast?
It really it is not any different, what is different is the GOP. They have lost right to be the party of the conservative movement, and Fox has not called them on it, but rather carried their water. Fox now shills for GOP, not conservatism.

Does conservatism even exist any more? They need to change their name to The Teabag Nation. They've certainly dropped the integrity that conservatism once had.
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.

Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

August 25, 2016, 09:59 am
'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall
By Joe Concha

Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime
Brian Flood | August 23, 2016 @ 9:38 AM
Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime

cable news ratings | Search Results | TV By The Numbers by zap2it.com

It's probably best that you read your links before you post them, because be assured someone else will.

According to your first link:'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall

According to Nielsen Research, 2.7 million viewers tuned into Tuesday night's town hall. The event attracted 589,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic that advertisers covet, placing the cable news program first in both categories.

The 2.7 million viewers more than tripled "CNN Tonight," which attracted 866,000 viewers, and topped MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell," which had 1.55 million views.

Host Sean Hannity has been criticized in some media circles lately for also acting as an unofficial adviser to Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. Hannity, however, has been unapologetic, repeating that he's not a journalist, that he is a longtime friend of Trump's, and that he's going to be candid with the GOP nominee regarding his campaign.

"I can't not speak my mind" when it comes to Trump, Hannity told The New York Times.

Tuesday night marked the fourth time this August that "Hannity" has been No. 1 in cable news.

This was a Trump townhall hosted by Sean Hannity. And let's face it, if only 2.8 million people in this country are interested in watching Trump open and close mouth you and Sean Hannity, along with FOX news are in deep kimchee.

A FOX News debate Of Course is going to be heavily watched, just like CNN and other networks get more than usual when their putting on debates, so there is no reason to tout a debate as a sign of support.

The point is FOX News viewership and regular average daily watchers are turning them off, and turning on CNN because of the Trump affect.
Fox News Takes A HUGE HIT In The Ratings - No Longer First, Here's WHY!
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Last edited:
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.

Harry Reid is an interesting case.

I've been a Realtor here in Tallahassee, Florida for over 40 years. Harry Reid is the one person I've ever known who MADE MONEY from a piece of property he had SOLD over two years previously.
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.

Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

August 25, 2016, 09:59 am
'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall
By Joe Concha
'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall

Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime
Brian Flood | August 23, 2016 @ 9:38 AM
Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime

cable news ratings | Search Results | TV By The Numbers by zap2it.com

It's probably best that you read your links before you post them, because be assured someone else will.

According to your first link:'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall

According to Nielsen Research, 2.7 million viewers tuned into Tuesday night's town hall. The event attracted 589,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic that advertisers covet, placing the cable news program first in both categories.

The 2.7 million viewers more than tripled "CNN Tonight," which attracted 866,000 viewers, and topped MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell," which had 1.55 million views.

Host Sean Hannity has been criticized in some media circles lately for also acting as an unofficial adviser to Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. Hannity, however, has been unapologetic, repeating that he's not a journalist, that he is a longtime friend of Trump's, and that he's going to be candid with the GOP nominee regarding his campaign.

"I can't not speak my mind" when it comes to Trump, Hannity told The New York Times.

Tuesday night marked the fourth time this August that "Hannity" has been No. 1 in cable news.

This was a Trump townhall hosted by Sean Hannity. And let's face it, if only 2.8 million people in this country are interested in watching Trump open and close mouth you and Sean Hannity, along with FOX news are in deep kimchee.

A FOX News debate Of Course is going to be heavily watched, just like CNN and other networks get more than usual when their putting on debates, so there is no reason to tout a debate as a sign of support.

The point is FOX News viewership and regular average watchers are turning them off, and turning on CNN because of the Trump affect.
Fox News Takes A HUGE HIT In The Ratings - No Longer First, Here's WHY!
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Democrats have routinely gone thru news outlets and back to dem party positions. Then back to their new outfits.
Steffanaupolis is the prime example
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.

Harry Reid is an interesting case.

I've been a Realtor here in Tallahassee, Florida for over 40 years. Harry Reid is the one person I've ever known who MADE MONEY from a piece of property he had SOLD over two years previously.
Doesn't surprise me.
After Harry spoke at BYU, BYU banned all political activity on the campus.
Despite this Harry seems to have a pretty good private life.
The Clintons are still trash. And some people don't like me saying that.
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.
What's your point? Clinton is an ex-POTUS. And how does the fact that they have made a lot of money excuse McConnell and Boehner and Perry and Christie?

If your point is "they all do it", then why are you singling out the Clintons?

I predict you won't have a rational response.

February 06, 2016, 09:37 am
Clintons made $153 million off speeches: report
By Harper Neidig
Clintons made $153 million off speeches: report

If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.
What's your point? Clinton is an ex-POTUS. And how does the fact that they have made a lot of money excuse McConnell and Boehner and Perry and Christie?

If your point is "they all do it", then why are you singling out the Clintons?

I predict you won't have a rational response.

Nobody has reached the greed of Ronald Reagan and you insinuate I'm irrational. dayum.

Please show us all how accepting what someone offers you for 10 days work is greed?

How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.
What's your point? Clinton is an ex-POTUS. And how does the fact that they have made a lot of money excuse McConnell and Boehner and Perry and Christie?

If your point is "they all do it", then why are you singling out the Clintons?

I predict you won't have a rational response.

Nobody has reached the greed of Ronald Reagan and you insinuate I'm irrational. dayum.

Please show us all how accepting what someone offers you for 10 days work is greed?

Kasich maybe because he would appeal to independents and dems that don't like Hillary.

But if that field was so strong then how did Trump squash them so easily?

Yeah, we all know how successful the Republicans have been running RINOs.

Trump is a celebrity and that gave him ten extra points from the start.
10 points because he was a celebrity? What does that say about republican primary voters? And how is Trump not a Rhino?
How much has Socialist Bernie Sanders made since running for President? The last reporting period before running for President, his net worth was $300,000. Now he has a $160,000 car


Bernie Sanders ---- n a "$160,000 car" huh. :lmao:

(gasps for breath)

Whelp -- I think we all know what's coming next....


Sooooooooooooooooooo........................................ nothing.


Can't do it.




Goose egg.

If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest

In your desperation, you seem to have forgotten that Bill and Hillary Clinton are making money, billions, off the influence they have with their current and, they hope, future positions of power.

Show where they made billions. You're a liar - she released their tax returns. When will accused rapist Donald Trump release his?

How much has Socialist Bernie Sanders made since running for President? The last reporting period before running for President, his net worth was $300,000. Now he has a $160,000 car and bought his THIRD house, a vacation villa for over $600,000.

It means he has a mortgage. And what $160,000 car?

Please explain how President Reagan was "EXTORTING" $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese?
He must have. Why else would the Japanese pay that much?

(watch out for the trap!
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.

Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

August 25, 2016, 09:59 am
'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall
By Joe Concha

Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime
Brian Flood | August 23, 2016 @ 9:38 AM
Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime

cable news ratings | Search Results | TV By The Numbers by zap2it.com
So we won't have to listen to any more nonsense about the Liberal Media in the bag for Clinton, right? Because nobody is watching those stations, so they have very little influence.
If hillary gets elected because of this bias, using your office to enrich yourself will become stylish.
And the left will cover for her just like they did for obama. Better resign yourself to that fact.
How did John Boehner amass a net worth over $5 Million on a Congressman's salary?

How about Rick Perry's $3 Million?

How about Paul Ryan's $7.8 Million?

What about Chris Christie's $4 Million?

How about Mitch McConnell's $9.8 Million?

How about John McCain's $21 Million?

So, please spare us the indignation over the Clintons making money off of their prior public service. No one has yet reached the greed of Ronald Reagan extorting $1 Million for one speech to the Japanese.

Richest Republicans - TheRichest
Still waiting for anyone to answer this.
If you add all those gop numbers together they don't even come close to what the Clintons have made
A lot of dems have made the same amount of money those same republicans that you puked up there.
Harry Reid for one.
GOOD QUESTION: How Did Harry Reid Get So Incredibly Rich As A Public Official? - [READ]
But we don't give a crap about Harry
Our axe is with the clintons
Go to the golf course dude and get that handicap down to where you can come back and play with the big boys.
What's your point? Clinton is an ex-POTUS. And how does the fact that they have made a lot of money excuse McConnell and Boehner and Perry and Christie?

If your point is "they all do it", then why are you singling out the Clintons?

I predict you won't have a rational response.

Nobody has reached the greed of Ronald Reagan and you insinuate I'm irrational. dayum.
I'm using the arguments made about Hillary accepting $200,000 for one speech.

Why is that greedy and inappropriate and Reagan's $1 Million isn't?
Fox has promoted every presidential candidate the same way they are promoting Trump. Have you been in a coma for the last few decades? The right is only slightly more disgusting and vile than they have always been, but there is no drastic change. Odd that you would just now recognize that.

Oh give me a break--I had to turn off FOX news several months ago--because the only mug they were showing on that station was the Chimpanzee nominee. That's all they talked about for months. That's why they're ratings have dropped off a cliff, and they are no longer number one. CNN is kicking their ass--they are number one now.

FOX News is going to pay heavily for their mistake when Trump gets wiped out on election night. There are millions of Republicans blaming FOX News and other Reich wing talk show hosts for this disaster called Donald Trump.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

August 25, 2016, 09:59 am
'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall
By Joe Concha
'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall

Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime
Brian Flood | August 23, 2016 @ 9:38 AM
Cable Ratings: Fox News Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Primetime

cable news ratings | Search Results | TV By The Numbers by zap2it.com

It's probably best that you read your links before you post them, because be assured someone else will.

According to your first link:'Hannity' tops cable news ratings with Trump town hall

According to Nielsen Research, 2.7 million viewers tuned into Tuesday night's town hall. The event attracted 589,000 viewers in the 25-54 age demographic that advertisers covet, placing the cable news program first in both categories.

The 2.7 million viewers more than tripled "CNN Tonight," which attracted 866,000 viewers, and topped MSNBC's "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell," which had 1.55 million views.

Host Sean Hannity has been criticized in some media circles lately for also acting as an unofficial adviser to Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. Hannity, however, has been unapologetic, repeating that he's not a journalist, that he is a longtime friend of Trump's, and that he's going to be candid with the GOP nominee regarding his campaign.

"I can't not speak my mind" when it comes to Trump, Hannity told The New York Times.

Tuesday night marked the fourth time this August that "Hannity" has been No. 1 in cable news.

This was a Trump townhall hosted by Sean Hannity. And let's face it, if only 2.8 million people in this country are interested in watching Trump open and close mouth you and Sean Hannity, along with FOX news are in deep kimchee.

A FOX News debate Of Course is going to be heavily watched, just like CNN and other networks get more than usual when their putting on debates, so there is no reason to tout a debate as a sign of support.

The point is FOX News viewership and regular average watchers are turning them off, and turning on CNN because of the Trump affect.
Fox News Takes A HUGE HIT In The Ratings - No Longer First, Here's WHY!
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Democrats have routinely gone thru news outlets and back to dem party positions. Then back to their new outfits.
Steffanaupolis is the prime example
When did George Stephanopoulos leave ABC to go back to politics?
10 points because he was a celebrity? What does that say about republican primary voters? And how is Trump not a Rhino?

About Republican voters? You guys voted in the most inexperienced representative out of a dozen candidates when DumBama first ran only because he was black. People in glass houses.........

Trump is not a conservative and he's not establishment. That's why so much friction from the GOP. Neither side cares for him.
Clintons made $153 million off speeches: report
By Harper Neidig
Clintons made $153 million off speeches: report
What's your point? Do you hate Capitalism?

And, FYI, the SoS does not approve weapons sales. That would be the POTUS and the SoD.

And maybe you also pretend that Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas, etc. have no influence in the Republican-controlled Congress to sell their weapons.

Please continue your wingnut fantasies. They are quite amusing.

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