I have proof that the Muller report found no collusion

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

"Joe diGenova says". Oh. Of course this is an "attorney" that couldn't even make the cut as one of Trump's loser attorneys.

The Dossier was only PART of what was used to obtain the Carter Page FISA warrant and who cares anyway? Page was no longer a member of the Trump campaign when it was issued

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

The IG said no such thing. Again...diGenova says?
Yanno, I'll grant you that the former US prosecutor is a bit over-the-top but JFTR, a PMSNBC legal "expert" admitted on air mid-week that their previous "experts" who all made very serious arguments that a sitting POTUS can be indicted misled the lemmings. Fess up Lesh … were you one who bought their LIES or those which CNN/PMSNBC have been shoveling the past 2.5 years?
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
Why? The dimoturds read it over and over and still have nothing, liar. You trolls need a new line, that "go back and read..." bullshit is as tiresome as most of your worn out 60's troll speak.
True but if history has taught us nothing it is that angry, bitter leftards will swallow anything - because they swallow - and will regurgitate and repeat what they've been told to regardless how absurd.

Many bodies - one small, barely functioning mind. They are the BORG … resistance is futile.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice

And it will explain why Pisslosi isn’t interested in impeachment even though it’s chock-full of proof?
i never thought i would see the day when democrats would want to impeach a president because they all assume he is guilty of something with 0 ebidence
what's funny is the GOPers aren't thwarting the dems position at all. So everyone of the elected officials don't care that discussions are occurring about impeaching a sitting president with nothing. Amazing.

If that isn't a great big FK YOU to American Voters.

none of them on either side care about American Voters.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
If public support grows, they will impeach. Theory of the leadership in the House, the body tasked with impeachment proceedings, is that the Senate would acquit and do several negative things for Democrats. Hence, the game plan is to methodically put forth damaging information on Trump and build support for impeachment to a point where Republicans in the Senate will be seriously damaged if they acquit when overwhelming evidence proves Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
... and still no Russian connection
i never thought i would see the day when democrats would want to impeach a president because they all assume he is guilty of something with 0 evidence
With 8 years of Obama under their belts and 8 years of Shrillary all but guaranteed, they convinced themselves they were the team of destiny. The 2016 defeat at the hands of a political novice set them on the path to TDS insanity which, sadly, has become the true face of the "new & improved" Democrat Socialist Party.
Whoopi G: why are we so willing to accept fake news?
Joy Behar: because we are desperate to get rid of Trump.
what's funny is the GOPers aren't thwarting the dems position at all. So everyone of the elected officials don't care that discussions are occurring about impeaching a sitting president with nothing. Amazing.
How does one thwart a political circus? The Hysterical House Dems will say and do what they will and the Senate will then laugh the Articles of Impeachment off the Senate floor amid anguished Dem cries of "treason" and "cover-up."

And when that is finished we regular people in the cheap seats will spank the Dems in 2020 for being such whiny, sniveling crybabies.

Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be leftards.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
If public support grows, they will impeach. Theory of the leadership in the House, the body tasked with impeachment proceedings, is that the Senate would acquit and do several negative things for Democrats. Hence, the game plan is to methodically put forth damaging information on Trump and build support for impeachment to a point where Republicans in the Senate will be seriously damaged if they acquit when overwhelming evidence proves Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
... and still no Russian connection
Nonsense, lots of Russian connections. No prosecutorial criminal conspiracy in Mueller's opinion, but that is not the same as "no connection".
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
If public support grows, they will impeach. Theory of the leadership in the House, the body tasked with impeachment proceedings, is that the Senate would acquit and do several negative things for Democrats. Hence, the game plan is to methodically put forth damaging information on Trump and build support for impeachment to a point where Republicans in the Senate will be seriously damaged if they acquit when overwhelming evidence proves Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
... and still no Russian connection
Nonsense, lots of Russian connections. No prosecutorial criminal conspiracy in Mueller's opinion, but that is not the same as "no connection".
so what's your point? that was the point of the investigation, and there wasn't anything as you just posted. So what?
What's the point of getting in a car and pretending you are going to drive it somewhere all the while KNOWING the fucking car doesn't have a engine?
Exact same with impeachment.
The REP Senate isn't going to vote to impeach.
The LIB MSM and the DEM in Congress are circle-jerking just to pretend they are going to drive the Dodge 'Impeach' somewhere.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
If public support grows, they will impeach. Theory of the leadership in the House, the body tasked with impeachment proceedings, is that the Senate would acquit and do several negative things for Democrats. Hence, the game plan is to methodically put forth damaging information on Trump and build support for impeachment to a point where Republicans in the Senate will be seriously damaged if they acquit when overwhelming evidence proves Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
... and still no Russian connection
Nonsense, lots of Russian connections. No prosecutorial criminal conspiracy in Mueller's opinion, but that is not the same as "no connection".
so what's your point? that was the point of the investigation, and there wasn't anything as you just posted. So what?
Point of the investigation was to investigate Russian interference. He found that. Also was told to investigate crimes he found while making his investigation. He did that. He also found many connections between Trump associates and Russia. Claiming no connection is a partisan and false claim. A lie. A talking point lie.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
If public support grows, they will impeach. Theory of the leadership in the House, the body tasked with impeachment proceedings, is that the Senate would acquit and do several negative things for Democrats. Hence, the game plan is to methodically put forth damaging information on Trump and build support for impeachment to a point where Republicans in the Senate will be seriously damaged if they acquit when overwhelming evidence proves Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
... and still no Russian connection
Nonsense, lots of Russian connections. No prosecutorial criminal conspiracy in Mueller's opinion, but that is not the same as "no connection".
so what's your point? that was the point of the investigation, and there wasn't anything as you just posted. So what?
Point of the investigation was to investigate Russian interference. He found that. Also was told to investigate crimes he found while making his investigation. He did that. He also found many connections between Trump associates and Russia. Claiming no connection is a partisan and false claim. A lie. A talking point lie.
...And still Trump had nothing to do with the Russians. Fact
Have you read it?
Yes, I have....and it has numerous holes in it. Hell, you may as well ask me if I read the absurd Steele Dossier. Lol

Everyone knows it has many holes in the report. It even looks like freakin' swiss cheese.

OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.

I don't have to prove anything to you....you read the report. You should know. I already stated there was holes in the report. You don't want to believe it...not going to waste my time with your nonsense.
Have you read it?
Yes, I have....and it has numerous holes in it. Hell, you may as well ask me if I read the absurd Steele Dossier. Lol

Everyone knows it has many holes in the report. It even looks like freakin' swiss cheese.

OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
The Mueller report is an opinion, Mueller is not without fault.
Barr is/was muellers superior, Disagrees with Mueller’s opinion. Live with it bedwetter
Have you read it?
Yes, I have....and it has numerous holes in it. Hell, you may as well ask me if I read the absurd Steele Dossier. Lol

Everyone knows it has many holes in the report. It even looks like freakin' swiss cheese.

OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
a link to much of anything at all as a reference point would be nice. otherwise you're just being antagonistic cause that's your goal.
You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.

I don't have to prove anything to you....you read the report. You should know. I already stated there was holes in the report. You don't want to believe it...not going to waste my time with your nonsense.

You made a claim that you can't back up. Nobody is surprised. That about sums it up.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice

Really? There was collusion with the Russians when Mueller said there wasn’t?

Page 33 and 34 of the report show no collusion. The most active contacts were people asking for signs at rallies. Or Trump folks retweeting posts which said Hillary was a crook, which she was and is. That of course is why I didn’t vote for her.

So the Democratic Party is left with Obstruction of an investigation illegally started and conducted, into a crime that never happened, as proof of Trump being worthy of impeachment.
Have you read it?
Yes, I have....and it has numerous holes in it. Hell, you may as well ask me if I read the absurd Steele Dossier. Lol

Everyone knows it has many holes in the report. It even looks like freakin' swiss cheese.

OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
a link to much of anything at all as a reference point would be nice. otherwise you're just being antagonistic cause that's your goal.

It would be nice so when c h i g o provides that to demonstrate what he is talking about we will have that reference point.
Have you read it?
Yes, I have....and it has numerous holes in it. Hell, you may as well ask me if I read the absurd Steele Dossier. Lol

Everyone knows it has many holes in the report. It even looks like freakin' swiss cheese.

OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
The Mueller report is an opinion, Mueller is not without fault.
Barr is/was muellers superior, Disagrees with Mueller’s opinion. Live with it bedwetter

Completely out of left field.
You made a claim that you can't back up. Nobody is surprised. That about sums it up.
You read the report...you can read for yourself.
I can link you the report.

All you folks on the left state that it was "obstruction of justice"...that is one hole.

You can find the rest. :D

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