I have proof that the Muller report found no collusion

Sucks for you that your team is constantly getting out smarted by a fucking idiot.
Pro Tip: Learn to lose like an adult and you will lose less often.
No actually he out-idioted us and took a near monopoly on the poorly-informed vote (along with all the deplorables). As far as him outsmarting someone in office? Nope, he has been pretty bad at that, especially if it involved making a deal.
LOL. Yeah ... it's fucking awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES like you and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The unemployment rate has been going down since before Trump was in office and it dropped more under Obama. I think many if not most Americans kind of get that.
Or obstruction. The proof is that the dems are not impeaching. It's that simple.
Talk is cheap
Indeed it is but they will impeach when they find it to be politically expedient and not a moment before.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
I did and you know what I found to be exonerating?

"...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." - R. Mueller III

In any Hysterical House Dem impeachment hearings there will be no way around that. Case closed. :D

That sentence simply means the Mueller team did not make a conclusion and you also didn't not quote the full sentence, how come? Because it specifically states that the report did not exonerate the president.
And you just applied your self-serving translation to what was an unambiguous statement of fact in the Mueller Report. I'll take Mueller at his word if it's OK with you ... or if it isn't.

There is nothing that in the Mueller Report that is as clear and it wasn't their job to exonerate anyone. It was for the AG to read and deduce.

...because Job Growth never happened before Trump got to the WH?

Sucks for you that your team is constantly getting out smarted by a fucking idiot.
Pro Tip: Learn to lose like an adult and you will lose less often.
No actually he out-idioted us and took a near monopoly on the poorly-informed vote (along with all the deplorables). As far as him outsmarting someone in office? Nope, he has been pretty bad at that, especially if it involved making a deal.
LOL. Yeah ... it's fucking awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES like you and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The unemployment rate has been going down since before Trump was in office and it dropped more under Obama. I think many if not most Americans kind of get that.
I think many if not most Americans understand Trump has not "been pretty bad" at all and many if not most understand your need to demean this POTUS.
Or obstruction. The proof is that the dems are not impeaching. It's that simple.
Talk is cheap
Indeed it is but they will impeach when they find it to be politically expedient and not a moment before.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
I did and you know what I found to be exonerating?

"...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." - R. Mueller III

In any Hysterical House Dem impeachment hearings there will be no way around that. Case closed. :D

That sentence simply means the Mueller team did not make a conclusion and you also didn't not quote the full sentence, how come? Because it specifically states that the report did not exonerate the president.
And you just applied your self-serving translation to what was an unambiguous statement of fact in the Mueller Report. I'll take Mueller at his word if it's OK with you ... or if it isn't.

There is nothing that in the Mueller Report that is as clear and it wasn't their job to exonerate anyone. It was for the AG to read and deduce.

Self serving is when you don't complete the quote. The Mueller report specifically did not exonerate and would have if they were confident he did not commit a crime.

You haven't read the Mueller report, why do you keep pretending you are an expert on it?
Sucks for you that your team is constantly getting out smarted by a fucking idiot.
Pro Tip: Learn to lose like an adult and you will lose less often.
No actually he out-idioted us and took a near monopoly on the poorly-informed vote (along with all the deplorables). As far as him outsmarting someone in office? Nope, he has been pretty bad at that, especially if it involved making a deal.
LOL. Yeah ... it's fucking awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES like you and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The unemployment rate has been going down since before Trump was in office and it dropped more under Obama. I think many if not most Americans kind of get that.
I think many if not most Americans understand Trump has not "been pretty bad" at all and many if not most understand your need to demean this POTUS.

It's clear Trump is underwater in his favorable ratings. I'm not predicting he will lose reelection, but there is a good chance of it.
Or obstruction. The proof is that the dems are not impeaching. It's that simple.
Talk is cheap
Indeed it is but they will impeach when they find it to be politically expedient and not a moment before.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
I did and you know what I found to be exonerating?

"...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." - R. Mueller III

In any Hysterical House Dem impeachment hearings there will be no way around that. Case closed. :D

That sentence simply means the Mueller team did not make a conclusion and you also didn't not quote the full sentence, how come? Because it specifically states that the report did not exonerate the president.
And you just applied your self-serving translation to what was an unambiguous statement of fact in the Mueller Report. I'll take Mueller at his word if it's OK with you ... or if it isn't.

There is nothing that in the Mueller Report that is as clear and it wasn't their job to exonerate anyone. It was for the AG to read and deduce.

Self serving is when you don't complete the quote. The Mueller report specifically did not exonerate and would have if they were confident he did not commit a crime.

You haven't read the Mueller report, why do you keep pretending you are an expert on it?
Once he stated that "...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." the rest became legalese and politics. If you take that conclusion into any US court a judge would quickly dismiss.

We do not prosecute or convict - nor should congress persecute - any American found to not be guilty of a crime.
Or obstruction. The proof is that the dems are not impeaching. It's that simple.
Talk is cheap
Indeed it is but they will impeach when they find it to be politically expedient and not a moment before.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
I did and you know what I found to be exonerating?

"...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." - R. Mueller III

In any Hysterical House Dem impeachment hearings there will be no way around that. Case closed. :D

That sentence simply means the Mueller team did not make a conclusion and you also didn't not quote the full sentence, how come? Because it specifically states that the report did not exonerate the president.
And you just applied your self-serving translation to what was an unambiguous statement of fact in the Mueller Report. I'll take Mueller at his word if it's OK with you ... or if it isn't.

There is nothing that in the Mueller Report that is as clear and it wasn't their job to exonerate anyone. It was for the AG to read and deduce.

Self serving is when you don't complete the quote. The Mueller report specifically did not exonerate and would have if they were confident he did not commit a crime.

You haven't read the Mueller report, why do you keep pretending you are an expert on it?
Once he stated that "...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." the rest became legalese and politics. If you take that conclusion into any US court a judge would quickly dismiss.

We do not prosecute or convict - nor should congress persecute - any American found to not be guilty of a crime.

Why can't you complete the quote, are you stupid?
Sucks for you that your team is constantly getting out smarted by a fucking idiot.
Pro Tip: Learn to lose like an adult and you will lose less often.
No actually he out-idioted us and took a near monopoly on the poorly-informed vote (along with all the deplorables). As far as him outsmarting someone in office? Nope, he has been pretty bad at that, especially if it involved making a deal.
LOL. Yeah ... it's fucking awful ... for bitter leftarded BITCHES like you and any Dem who must run against this:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The unemployment rate has been going down since before Trump was in office and it dropped more under Obama. I think many if not most Americans kind of get that.
I think many if not most Americans understand Trump has not "been pretty bad" at all and many if not most understand your need to demean this POTUS.

It's clear Trump is underwater in his favorable ratings. I'm not predicting he will lose reelection, but there is a good chance of it.
Wishful thinking. Thanks in large part to their own words and actions, the Democrat Socialist Party is creating a red tsunami and what's more, some of 'em know it but just can't stop themselves. :D
Indeed it is but they will impeach when they find it to be politically expedient and not a moment before.I did and you know what I found to be exonerating?

"...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." - R. Mueller III

In any Hysterical House Dem impeachment hearings there will be no way around that. Case closed. :D

That sentence simply means the Mueller team did not make a conclusion and you also didn't not quote the full sentence, how come? Because it specifically states that the report did not exonerate the president.
And you just applied your self-serving translation to what was an unambiguous statement of fact in the Mueller Report. I'll take Mueller at his word if it's OK with you ... or if it isn't.

There is nothing that in the Mueller Report that is as clear and it wasn't their job to exonerate anyone. It was for the AG to read and deduce.

Self serving is when you don't complete the quote. The Mueller report specifically did not exonerate and would have if they were confident he did not commit a crime.

You haven't read the Mueller report, why do you keep pretending you are an expert on it?
Once he stated that "...this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime..." the rest became legalese and politics. If you take that conclusion into any US court a judge would quickly dismiss.

We do not prosecute or convict - nor should congress persecute - any American found to not be guilty of a crime.

Why can't you complete the quote, are you stupid?
Is there something about that Mueller quote you don't understand?
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
So tell me, Lakhota, what SPECIFICALLY would you say is an Impeachable offense committed by President Trump? Here is a hint: Obstruction is not specific.

Thank you MarathonMike

Dear Lakhota
the problem with arguing about
* conflicts of interest and emoluments
* collusion and obstruction of justice
What we normally understand as common sense ETHICS that these terms SHOULD MEAN
is NOT the SAME as the LEGAL DEFINITIONS that require burden of proof to be met.

That's how politicians and lawyers wheedle around these "gray areas" by playing within the "letter of the law" and totally violating the SPIRIT of the laws.

The Legal System and burden of proof in pursuing FORMAL process is based on the LETTER (while people use the Media to argue against abuses by the SPIRIT of the laws)

What to you is "common sense" "obstruction of justice" is not necessarily
the actionable legal definition that constitutes a LITERAL violation.

Lakhota I'm as sorry as anyone outraged on BOTH sides
to see these abuses go unchecked because the legal system is so easily abused.

The best way I know to address this is NOT WAIT until after it becomes a legal issue, because the system is so monopolized by "legalese" and "legal interests"
that it does not work the way we want it to.

But to AGREE to work on PREVENTING ABUSES in the first place.

If we wait until "after the fact" then everyone makes a political battle out of it
and we will go in circles getting nowhere.

If we focus on prevention and correction, ON ALL SIDES,
not just for political convenience of one over the other,
then only the TRULY ETHICAL LEADERS will have any such
interest in cleaning up ALL CAMPS. Those will respond to our demands
to clean up corruption, if they are serious. We must agree to get politics
out of the process, if we want SINCERE people to help who aren't in it for politics.
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
So tell me, Lakhota, what SPECIFICALLY would you say is an Impeachable offense committed by President Trump? Here is a hint: Obstruction is not specific.

Thank you MarathonMike

Dear Lakhota
the problem with arguing about
* conflicts of interest and emoluments
* collusion and obstruction of justice
What we normally understand as common sense ETHICS that these terms SHOULD MEAN
is NOT the SAME as the LEGAL DEFINITIONS that require burden of proof to be met.

That's how politicians and lawyers wheedle around these "gray areas" by playing within the "letter of the law" and totally violating the SPIRIT of the laws.

The Legal System and burden of proof in pursuing FORMAL process is based on the LETTER (while people use the Media to argue against abuses by the SPIRIT of the laws)

What to you is "common sense" "obstruction of justice" is not necessarily
the actionable legal definition that constitutes a LITERAL violation.

Lakhota I'm as sorry as anyone outraged on BOTH sides
to see these abuses go unchecked because the legal system is so easily abused.

The best way I know to address this is NOT WAIT until after it becomes a legal issue, because the system is so monopolized by "legalese" and "legal interests"
that it does not work the way we want it to.

But to AGREE to work on PREVENTING ABUSES in the first place.

If we wait until "after the fact" then everyone makes a political battle out of it
and we will go in circles getting nowhere.

If we focus on prevention and correction, ON ALL SIDES,
not just for political convenience of one over the other,
then only the TRULY ETHICAL LEADERS will have any such
interest in cleaning up ALL CAMPS. Those will respond to our demands
to clean up corruption, if they are serious. We must agree to get politics
out of the process, if we want SINCERE people to help who aren't in it for politics.

President pressures FBI leadership to drop investigation into a guilty cabinet member.

In what world is that not an Obstruction of Justice by both letter and spirit of the law?
Try reading the Mueller report. You'll sound less stupid.

Mueller report - Department of Justice
So tell me, Lakhota, what SPECIFICALLY would you say is an Impeachable offense committed by President Trump? Here is a hint: Obstruction is not specific.

Thank you MarathonMike

Dear Lakhota
the problem with arguing about
* conflicts of interest and emoluments
* collusion and obstruction of justice
What we normally understand as common sense ETHICS that these terms SHOULD MEAN
is NOT the SAME as the LEGAL DEFINITIONS that require burden of proof to be met.

That's how politicians and lawyers wheedle around these "gray areas" by playing within the "letter of the law" and totally violating the SPIRIT of the laws.

The Legal System and burden of proof in pursuing FORMAL process is based on the LETTER (while people use the Media to argue against abuses by the SPIRIT of the laws)

What to you is "common sense" "obstruction of justice" is not necessarily
the actionable legal definition that constitutes a LITERAL violation.

Lakhota I'm as sorry as anyone outraged on BOTH sides
to see these abuses go unchecked because the legal system is so easily abused.

The best way I know to address this is NOT WAIT until after it becomes a legal issue, because the system is so monopolized by "legalese" and "legal interests"
that it does not work the way we want it to.

But to AGREE to work on PREVENTING ABUSES in the first place.

If we wait until "after the fact" then everyone makes a political battle out of it
and we will go in circles getting nowhere.

If we focus on prevention and correction, ON ALL SIDES,
not just for political convenience of one over the other,
then only the TRULY ETHICAL LEADERS will have any such
interest in cleaning up ALL CAMPS. Those will respond to our demands
to clean up corruption, if they are serious. We must agree to get politics
out of the process, if we want SINCERE people to help who aren't in it for politics.

President pressures FBI leadership to drop investigation into a guilty cabinet member.

In what world is that not an Obstruction of Justice by both letter and spirit of the law?

Dear antonio cc Lakhota
There has to be actions that are clearly OUTSIDE
normal executive authority to hire and fire at discretion.

Again, it's not about our common sense perception of this,
but what can be established and proven legally (including INTENT
which is hard to prove).

Another problem with Trump is that he mouths off all the time PERSONALLY.
Similar to when Madonna mouthed off about "thinking of blowing up the White House". She was found not to be a viable threat of actually doing that.
(Likewise with the PEOPLE pushed to resign or get fired, because of their
conflicted backgrounds; the history or APPEARANCE of political
conflicting and biased interests merely fueled the arguments
that the President had reason to remove them. That didn't help either.)

If there is room for doubt, the benefit goes in favor of the person
not the accuser that still retains burden of proof.

NOTE: If you ask me, where I also draw lines where others do not
1. I heard on the radio someone saying the President could instruct
lawyers to lie to the public through media if that serves the best interest of the country "as long as it's not under oath"
2. I disagree. I would AGREE that the President and these lawyers have free speech and can chose to omit and NOT share information. But if they are PRESENTING INFORMATION Publicly, I DO NOT AGREE they have any right to "lie" (omissions are allowed as long as there is not MISREPRESENTATION, FRAUD, or "LIES" going on).
Last edited:
Right, so you can't prove your point, got it. Neither of us is surprised.
Please...don't flatter yourself too much...it never gets you anywhere... Lol :D

Lol. All your responses basically translate to 'No U'. What a basic bitch you are. :21: A political cheerleader. The worst scourge on the planet. Might want to check with TheFakewayPundit for a proper response.
No actually he out-idioted us and took a near monopoly on the poorly-informed vote (along with all the deplorables).

As far as him outsmarting someone in office? Nope, he has been pretty bad at that, especially if it involved making a deal.
That's pretty dumb.

The only voters that didn't want higher wages, higher employment, manufacturing jobs, a better economy, and wiping out the Caliphate voted for Hillary.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
Please answer this simple question:
Have you actually read the report?

If all your information comes spinning like cotton candy from biased news sources, how can you be so certain?
I have lawyers working for me who read the report. The retarded Democrats read the report also and as a result are NOT taking an impeachment vote. Whether or not I read the report is of no consequence.

Quack quack the dems are scared ducks who will never impeach the greatest president of all time

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