I have proof that the Muller report found no collusion

OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching

That's simply not true. There are multiple instances of obstruction documented in the Mueller report. Whether the Democrats choose to impeach or not does not change that fact.

Just curious, do you think Obama committed any crimes?
OK, list all the holes then.
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching
Democrats are being wise and strategic. Contempt citations will continue and won in the courts the way they have been winning. The public will become more and more informed, and shocked about Trump's criminal behavior in both obstruction and his coverup. He will continue to get caught lying and saying stupid or misinformed things as he makes his temper tantrums public, almost daily lately.
NEW RULE: If you're cool with Russia interfering in America's election just because your candidate won... You don't get to call yourself a 'patriot.'
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
Please answer this simple question:
Have you actually read the report?

If all your information comes spinning like cotton candy from biased news sources, how can you be so certain?
I have lawyers working for me who read the report. The retarded Democrats read the report also and as a result are NOT taking an impeachment vote. Whether or not I read the report is of no consequence.

Quack quack the dems are scared ducks who will never impeach the greatest president of all time
Try again but this time without the tequila shots.
Actually you try again as you are as a group too dumb to impeach
Too stupid? Impeachment inquiries are coming.

Let's see who's too stupid then.
Dude this is the third year of babies shitting.

You keep playing with your TV remote, let me know when you actually find an impeachment

You may use as much vaseline as u need
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching

That's simply not true. There are multiple instances of obstruction documented in the Mueller report. Whether the Democrats choose to impeach or not does not change that fact.

Just curious, do you think Obama committed any crimes?
Then shut your mouth and impeach, or fire all your gutless Congress imbeciles and hire someone with balls
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching
Democrats are being wise and strategic. Contempt citations will continue and won in the courts the way they have been winning. The public will become more and more informed, and shocked about Trump's criminal behavior in both obstruction and his coverup. He will continue to get caught lying and saying stupid or misinformed things as he makes his temper tantrums public, almost daily lately.
So your claim is that the demokraps want Trumps poll numbers to rise like they are

Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap

Thanks for sharing your opinion. And thanks for waiting until I had finished drinking my coffee, had a read your post while drinking my coffee, I laughed out loud it would have clouded my screen.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
VOX??? heh, ok. but lets go with it.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report contains 10 instances where President Donald Trump potentially committed obstruction of justice. Now that the report has been released, we know what they are.


at this point you either know or don't. any "potential" is simply wishing.

Same report explains exactly why it has to use the word "potentially". DID YOU READ IT?

Mueller believed he COULD NOT use the word ACTUALLY because that would accuse the President without an indictment he COULD NOT bring.

According to the report it is up to Congress to consider the evidence investigation gathered and make the official charge of ACTUAL guilt.
I had my hottie Nancy Pelosi read it 4 me, she there are no crimes found and she will not impeach

Did unread it?

If you did you wasted your time

Stop lying, Pelosi's refusal to bring indictment process (impeachment) is based on the electoral POLITICS, not merrit of the case.
look at you acting all stupid.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap
Please answer this simple question:
Have you actually read the report?

If all your information comes spinning like cotton candy from biased news sources, how can you be so certain?
I have lawyers working for me who read the report. The retarded Democrats read the report also and as a result are NOT taking an impeachment vote. Whether or not I read the report is of no consequence.

Quack quack the dems are scared ducks who will never impeach the greatest president of all time
Try again but this time without the tequila shots.
Actually you try again as you are as a group too dumb to impeach
Too stupid? Impeachment inquiries are coming.

Let's see who's too stupid then.
Will these new enquiries take the full 6 remaining years of Trumps term
:auiqs.jpg:yeah, how? he never fking looked at any device of the DNC. no one has. That's all fking show! tell me which federal agency has? it's all fairy dust....FAIRY DUST!!!!

I'm much smarter than you obviously, cause in order to make a claim, one would have to actually physically look into the claim. none of which ever fking happened.
You claimed "no connection", a factually incorrect statement.
on interference that's correct. I'm not even sure that russia actually did anything, since no one actually subpoena'd the DNC server. And, no one has presented on voter that changed their vote based on russia. you're free to accommodate that request anytime you feel like it. but we know you won't. :auiqs.jpg:
The private company who operated and maintained the servers provided all data relating to the servers. Mueller had full access to the data contained on the servers. Dara provided were the basis for indicting Russian military and intelligence officers.
see I'm an american, and I expect my government to do their job of investigating election crime, no Crowd Strike. they were hired by The DNC. nope, that's someone investigating themselves, and that isn't allowed in our country. so, no one has, even in mueller's report he states that.
Crowd Strike did not investigate themselves. They provided all the images, data, from the servers and allowed examination of the servers. Physically disconnecting the servers would have risked losing data. Do you have a link that challenges the Crowd Strike and FBI experts assessment data could be lost if the servers were disconnected?
I didn't say they did. I said the DNC did. they hired crowd strike according to the report. that isn't a secure company that has access to the governments business, need security clearances. no way an out of country group could evah get that. sorry charlie, no one looked at anything from our government. you lose.
Please answer this simple question:
Have you actually read the report?

If all your information comes spinning like cotton candy from biased news sources, how can you be so certain?
I have lawyers working for me who read the report. The retarded Democrats read the report also and as a result are NOT taking an impeachment vote. Whether or not I read the report is of no consequence.

Quack quack the dems are scared ducks who will never impeach the greatest president of all time
Try again but this time without the tequila shots.
Actually you try again as you are as a group too dumb to impeach
Too stupid? Impeachment inquiries are coming.

Let's see who's too stupid then.
Dude this is the third year of babies shitting.

You keep playing with your TV remote, let me know when you actually find an impeachment

You may use as much vaseline as u need
Do you understand the meaning of impeachment? What happens during an impeachment? Who conducts it?
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching

That's simply not true. There are multiple instances of obstruction documented in the Mueller report. Whether the Democrats choose to impeach or not does not change that fact.

Just curious, do you think Obama committed any crimes?
no there isn't. otherwise he would have said he was guilty of obstruction. he didn't. he said he didn't have any evidence, you're parroting nicely the left. no impeachment is coming. If it isn't done today, it ain't ever gonna happen. so let's move on.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap

Thanks for sharing your opinion. And thanks for waiting until I had finished drinking my coffee, had a read your post while drinking my coffee, I laughed out loud it would have clouded my screen.
Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
VOX??? heh, ok. but lets go with it.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report contains 10 instances where President Donald Trump potentially committed obstruction of justice. Now that the report has been released, we know what they are.


at this point you either know or don't. any "potential" is simply wishing.

Same report explains exactly why it has to use the word "potentially". DID YOU READ IT?

Mueller believed he COULD NOT use the word ACTUALLY because that would accuse the President without an indictment he COULD NOT bring.

According to the report it is up to Congress to consider the evidence investigation gathered and make the official charge of ACTUAL guilt.
I had my hottie Nancy Pelosi read it 4 me, she there are no crimes found and she will not impeach

Did unread it?

If you did you wasted your time

Stop lying, Pelosi's refusal to bring indictment process (impeachment) is based on the electoral POLITICS, not merrit of the case.
look at you acting all stupid.
Popeye if you run out of spinach I have a stash, it's in a Chinese warehouse in Brooklyn but I have it mislabeled as squid ink concentrate, this way bluto wont find it.

Let me know if you run low
why? so you can go NU UHN!!! w/o providing any links yourself? left's been doing that a lot lately. bitching at my links and calling them "right wing bullshit" yet, they provide nothing. how odd.

anyway -

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective
The dossier is actually a series of reports—16 in all—that total 35 pages. Written in 2016, the dossier is a collection of raw intelligence. Steele neither evaluated nor synthesized the intelligence. He neither made nor rendered bottom-line judgments. The dossier is, quite simply and by design, raw reporting, not a finished intelligence product.

In that sense, the dossier is similar to an FBI 302 form or a DEA 6 form. Both of those forms are used by special agents of the FBI and DEA, respectively, to record what they are told by witnesses during investigations. The substance of these memoranda can be true or false, but the recording of information is (or should be) accurate. In that sense, notes taken by a special agent have much in common with the notes that a journalist might take while covering a story—the substance of those notes could be true or false, depending on what the source tells the journalist, but the transcription should be accurate.
so this is simply "Raw Data" and a collection of shit people said. NONE OF IT VERIFIED.

now, i showed my work, you show me where the info was verified before being taken to FISA for a warrant.

well you won't do this either so let me -
DOJ inspector general found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained, Joe diGenova says

The Justice Department inspector general has determined the three Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant extensions against onetime Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained, attorney Joe diGenova said on Thursday.

so this "information" was NOT verified, yet said it was in order to obtain the warrants. is this ok? use unverified info to obtain warrants to "monitor" people? if so great. then the (R)'s next time around can use unverified info and get warrants also. you can't do this just ONE way.

now - for shits n grins:

Trump Intelligence Allegations

have you ever actually read the report? first few pages interesting, highlighted parts. how can this be so wrong? if ANY of this were true mueller would have found it, right? i mean lord knows he was looking.

your turn. provide links, not just snark, to prove your mindset.

You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching
Democrats are being wise and strategic. Contempt citations will continue and won in the courts the way they have been winning. The public will become more and more informed, and shocked about Trump's criminal behavior in both obstruction and his coverup. He will continue to get caught lying and saying stupid or misinformed things as he makes his temper tantrums public, almost daily lately.
there is no impeachment
You want me to provide a link that proves a negative? The guy said there were holes in the Mueller report, I asked him to prove it, he can't.
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching
Democrats are being wise and strategic. Contempt citations will continue and won in the courts the way they have been winning. The public will become more and more informed, and shocked about Trump's criminal behavior in both obstructionum and his coverup. He will continue to get caught lying and saying stupid or misinformed things as he makes his temper tantrums public, almost daily lately.
So your claim is that the demokraps want Trumps poll numbers to rise like they are

Trump's poll numbers are not rising. He has never reached a 50% average approval rating. His average poll numbers remain the same, somewhere around the low to mid 40% approval and always over 50% disapproval.
Or obstruction

The proof is that the demp are not impeaching

It's that simple.

Talk is cheap

Thanks for sharing your opinion. And thanks for waiting until I had finished drinking my coffee, had a read your post while drinking my coffee, I laughed out loud it would have clouded my screen.
VOX??? heh, ok. but lets go with it.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report contains 10 instances where President Donald Trump potentially committed obstruction of justice. Now that the report has been released, we know what they are.


at this point you either know or don't. any "potential" is simply wishing.

Same report explains exactly why it has to use the word "potentially". DID YOU READ IT?

Mueller believed he COULD NOT use the word ACTUALLY because that would accuse the President without an indictment he COULD NOT bring.

According to the report it is up to Congress to consider the evidence investigation gathered and make the official charge of ACTUAL guilt.
I had my hottie Nancy Pelosi read it 4 me, she there are no crimes found and she will not impeach

Did unread it?

If you did you wasted your time

Stop lying, Pelosi's refusal to bring indictment process (impeachment) is based on the electoral POLITICS, not merrit of the case.
look at you acting all stupid.
Popeye if you run out of spinach I have a stash, it's in a Chinese warehouse in Brooklyn but I have it mislabeled as squid ink concentrate, this way bluto wont find it.

Let me know if you run low
I did a last time buy to last me my lifetime.
"The House needs the Mueller report, Trump’s tax returns and McGahn’s testimony now — to make legislative decisions and to reach conclusions relevant to its oversight responsibilities"
Please answer this simple question:
Have you actually read the report?

If all your information comes spinning like cotton candy from biased news sources, how can you be so certain?
I have lawyers working for me who read the report. The retarded Democrats read the report also and as a result are NOT taking an impeachment vote. Whether or not I read the report is of no consequence.

Quack quack the dems are scared ducks who will never impeach the greatest president of all time
Try again but this time without the tequila shots.
Actually you try again as you are as a group too dumb to impeach
Too stupid? Impeachment inquiries are coming.

Let's see who's too stupid then.
Will these new enquiries take the full 6 remaining years of Trumps term
Could you define what impeachment means? I'm curious. How thorough are the civics classes taught on Conservative media. It's painfully apparent that your whole notion of government has been taught to you by biased media, and not a formal education.
I have lawyers working for me who read the report. The retarded Democrats read the report also and as a result are NOT taking an impeachment vote. Whether or not I read the report is of no consequence.

Quack quack the dems are scared ducks who will never impeach the greatest president of all time
Try again but this time without the tequila shots.
Actually you try again as you are as a group too dumb to impeach
Too stupid? Impeachment inquiries are coming.

Let's see who's too stupid then.
Dude this is the third year of babies shitting.

You keep playing with your TV remote, let me know when you actually find an impeachment

You may use as much vaseline as u need
Do you understand the meaning of impeachment? What happens during an impeachment? Who conducts it?
I understand that trump will not be impeached by the Senate that ratified Kavanaugh

So you impooch all you want girly boy
no, we want the link that shows trump's guilt. we've been waiting three years now.

Neat, I'm waiting for the guy who made a claim to back it up.

You can read about the 10 examples of possible obstruction here:

These are the 10 episodes Mueller investigated for obstruction of justice
There is no obstruction or the dopes would be impeaching
Democrats are being wise and strategic. Contempt citations will continue and won in the courts the way they have been winning. The public will become more and more informed, and shocked about Trump's criminal behavior in both obstructionum and his coverup. He will continue to get caught lying and saying stupid or misinformed things as he makes his temper tantrums public, almost daily lately.
So your claim is that the demokraps want Trumps poll numbers to rise like they are

Trump's poll numbers are not rising. He has never reached a 50% average approval rating. His average poll numbers remain the same, somewhere around the low to mid 40% approval and always over 50% disapproval.
polls are stupid and absolutely useless. so, dude, if it gets you through your day good for fking you. I pay attention to no poll. either side.

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