I have the best words!

A worst case New Yorker I agree Nasty, bullying ,mean, no compassion , the king of lies ,and kiss his ass or he'll stomp on you
I think you're talking about Maxine Watters
Maxine is a New Yorker She takes no bullshit Trump is 99.9% BS

Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.
No, he talks like a normal person, we dont want Masterpiece theater, fuck those pretentious pieces of shit and you can stick the brie and caviar up your asses too.

normal people do not talk like that, unless you mean normal 2nd graders
Sure they do, and if you've ever been in a hood....you would think that was Chaucer...

While I now work mostly with people with who have advanced degrees now I also deal with farmers daily and spent 20 years as an enlisted guy in the Marines. and nobody talks the way Trump talks.
Maybe they should. It’s all the dudes with the Hugh faultin law degrees who have fucked this country up!
Their Education Produces Shallow GreedHeads Out to Make Up for 7 Years of Work Without Pay

"The only solution was to curb the power of a legal profession whose whole purpose was to render the laws dark and ambiguous, in order to secure to themselves the privilege of twisting and turning them into ten thousand forms and meanings, at the expense of the ignorant....to pay judges to tell what the law means, then an individual has to pay a lawyer to tell what a judge means."—Anti-Federalist pamphlet.
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.

And yet he's kicking your collective asses.
A strong statement about how stupid and uneducated most conservatives are.
College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up. So Is Liberalism.

You Diploma Dumbos don't believe in The Bell Curve, which presents data that are so obviously true that there must be something seriously wrong with us that the book caused any controversy.
I think you're talking about Maxine Watters
Maxine is a New Yorker She takes no bullshit Trump is 99.9% BS

Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Maxine is a New Yorker She takes no bullshit Trump is 99.9% BS

Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Apparently the left likes the rich, snarky bully types......
Maxine is a New Yorker She takes no bullshit Trump is 99.9% BS

Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
We get it, he dodged the draft......when did you guys not admire that?
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.

And yet he's kicking your collective asses.
A strong statement about how stupid and uneducated most conservatives are.
I would crush in just about an academic subjectt
Intellectuals Have As Little to Do With Being Intelligent As Sportswriters Have to Do With Being Athletic

I would crush every professor in his own subject. For example, in etymology linguistics, it's pretty obvious that dog originally meant "pointer," but the escapist nerds are too shallow and dependent on paradigms (also related to dog, as is digit) to figure that out.
Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Apparently the left likes the rich, snarky bully types......
We did NOT vote for Trump
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
We get it, he dodged the draft......when did you guys not admire that?
he got some doc to make up bullshit Clinton was against war Went to Oxford a Rhodes scholar 10 x smarter than this AH whose daddy bought him in to a good school
Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Apparently the left likes the rich, snarky bully types......
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Countess

If we were only told how many of their leaders are HeirHeads, who'd be nobodies without Daddy's money or connections.
His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
We get it, he dodged the draft......when did you guys not admire that?
he got some doc to make up bullshit Clinton was against war Went to Oxford a Rhodes scholar 10 x smarter than this AH whose daddy bought him in to a good school
Clinton was smarter? Based on what? Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and she's a moron.....#TrumpTaxReturns, #RussiaHoax
No, he talks like a normal person, we dont want Masterpiece theater, fuck those pretentious pieces of shit and you can stick the brie and caviar up your asses too.

normal people do not talk like that, unless you mean normal 2nd graders
Sure they do, and if you've ever been in a hood....you would think that was Chaucer...

While I now work mostly with people with who have advanced degrees now I also deal with farmers daily and spent 20 years as an enlisted guy in the Marines. and nobody talks the way Trump talks.
Trump talks as a New Yorker.
A worst case New Yorker I agree Nasty, bullying ,mean, no compassion , the king of lies ,and kiss his ass or he'll stomp on you

Worst? Don’t ewe mean worse? You probably should not criticize the Pres.
Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
The Chickenhawk Class Owes Us 60,000 Lives

Having gone to school with draft-dodging but pro-war sons of powerful Hawks, Trump had
inside information that the purpose of the Vietnam War was to kill off or take the fight out of the bravest of those born in the working class. That mission was accomplished. Trump, like Clinton, was never a Hawk and his father wasn't one of our foreign policy dealmakers.
Last edited:
Just because the pregnancy test {barr report} comes back negative doesn't mean trump is a virgin There IS collusion not enough to hang the repub pos yet perhaps
normal people do not talk like that, unless you mean normal 2nd graders
Sure they do, and if you've ever been in a hood....you would think that was Chaucer...

While I now work mostly with people with who have advanced degrees now I also deal with farmers daily and spent 20 years as an enlisted guy in the Marines. and nobody talks the way Trump talks.
Trump talks as a New Yorker.
A worst case New Yorker I agree Nasty, bullying ,mean, no compassion , the king of lies ,and kiss his ass or he'll stomp on you

Worst? Don’t ewe mean worse? You probably should not criticize the Pres.
Willow You like most anti Dems are far from as smart as you think you are
Worst case." This phrase is often misspoken with the word "worse," but the correct way to say it is with "worst." The intention is you are planning for theworst possible outcome. You often hear the phrase "worst-case scenario" describing the most negativepossible outcome that might occur in a givensituation.Jan 8, 2019
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
We get it, he dodged the draft......when did you guys not admire that?
he got some doc to make up bullshit Clinton was against war Went to Oxford a Rhodes scholar 10 x smarter than this AH whose daddy bought him in to a good school
Clinton was smarter? Based on what? Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and she's a moron.....#TrumpTaxReturns, #RussiaHoax
Have Quack, Will Yack

The Rhodes Scholarship has become an Ugly Dykeling award.
Sure they do, and if you've ever been in a hood....you would think that was Chaucer...

While I now work mostly with people with who have advanced degrees now I also deal with farmers daily and spent 20 years as an enlisted guy in the Marines. and nobody talks the way Trump talks.
Trump talks as a New Yorker.
A worst case New Yorker I agree Nasty, bullying ,mean, no compassion , the king of lies ,and kiss his ass or he'll stomp on you

Worst? Don’t ewe mean worse? You probably should not criticize the Pres.
Willow You like most anti Dems are far from as smart as you think you are
Worst case." This phrase is often misspoken with the word "worse," but the correct way to say it is with "worst." The intention is you are planning for theworst possible outcome. You often hear the phrase "worst-case scenario" describing the most negativepossible outcome that might occur in a givensituation.Jan 8, 2019
Now you can apologize and we can be friends OR be like Trump and never apologize or admit you were wrong
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
We get it, he dodged the draft......when did you guys not admire that?
he got some doc to make up bullshit Clinton was against war Went to Oxford a Rhodes scholar 10 x smarter than this AH whose daddy bought him in to a good school
Clinton was smarter? Based on what? Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and she's a moron.....#TrumpTaxReturns, #RussiaHoax
Have Quack, Will Yack

The Rhodes Scholarship has become an Ugly Dykeling award.
Little bit above your pay grade?? lol
Just because the pregnancy test {barr report} comes back negative doesn't mean trump is a virgin There IS collusion not enough to hang the repub pos yet perhaps
Ok you can spell you condition D E L U S I O N...…….
A pregnancy tests if you are pregnant......Trump was tested for collusion, it came back negative....now go and try to abort someone else's baby

PS.... where is the proof of collusion

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