I have the best words!

What I attack Obama on is "You can keep your doctor"
Of a video caused Benghazi (yeah it just happened to be on 911 when they saw this video)
Yeah, we already knew you attack the truth. Tell us something new.
You're the one that blames an terrorist attack on an emabass on 911...….on a YouTube video.....not me......You might as well join the Hoax party..oh wait you did, the democrat party is the same.
you are the idiot who STILL thinks Mexico will pay for the wall. Your opinion of me is less than worthless.
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.

And yet he's kicking your collective asses.

How is he kicking anything? He can't get legislation passed, all he can do is sign EO's to do end runs around Congress.

And, sorry..............but appointing a couple of SCOTUS judges isn't an accomplishment. He happened to be there when vacancies opened up.

You'll find out a few years from now, cupcake. :itsok:

What I attack Obama on is "You can keep your doctor"
Of a video caused Benghazi (yeah it just happened to be on 911 when they saw this video)
Yeah, we already knew you attack the truth. Tell us something new.
You're the one that blames an terrorist attack on an emabass on 911...….on a YouTube video.....not me......You might as well join the Hoax party..oh wait you did, the democrat party is the same.
you are the idiot who STILL thinks Mexico will pay for the wall. Your opinion of me is less than worthless.

They may just be begging to cough up 2 billion next week, boy!

Trump ain't no pussy. I like that!
What I attack Obama on is "You can keep your doctor"
Of a video caused Benghazi (yeah it just happened to be on 911 when they saw this video)
Yeah, we already knew you attack the truth. Tell us something new.
You're the one that blames an terrorist attack on an emabass on 911...….on a YouTube video.....not me......You might as well join the Hoax party..oh wait you did, the democrat party is the same.
you are the idiot who STILL thinks Mexico will pay for the wall. Your opinion of me is less than worthless.

They may just be begging to cough up 2 billion next week, boy!

Trump ain't no pussy. I like that!
No he just grabs them.
And Mexico will not cough up one peso next week, girlie!
And nobody knows that more than you.
What I attack Obama on is "You can keep your doctor"
Of a video caused Benghazi (yeah it just happened to be on 911 when they saw this video)
Yeah, we already knew you attack the truth. Tell us something new.
You're the one that blames an terrorist attack on an emabass on 911...….on a YouTube video.....not me......You might as well join the Hoax party..oh wait you did, the democrat party is the same.
you are the idiot who STILL thinks Mexico will pay for the wall. Your opinion of me is less than worthless.

They may just be begging to cough up 2 billion next week, boy!

Trump ain't no pussy. I like that!
No he just grabs them.
And Mexico will not cough up one peso next week, and nobody knows that more than you.

Doesn't matter! Billions are available to build a wall with.
Yeah, we already knew you attack the truth. Tell us something new.
You're the one that blames an terrorist attack on an emabass on 911...….on a YouTube video.....not me......You might as well join the Hoax party..oh wait you did, the democrat party is the same.
you are the idiot who STILL thinks Mexico will pay for the wall. Your opinion of me is less than worthless.

They may just be begging to cough up 2 billion next week, boy!

Trump ain't no pussy. I like that!
No he just grabs them.
And Mexico will not cough up one peso next week, and nobody knows that more than you.

Doesn't matter! Billions are available to build a wall with.
Just not Mexico's billions.
College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up. So Is Liberalism.
Congratulations on making the stupidest post of the day.

The competition was fierce, but you pulled it off.

Well done.
He's not wrong...…...I have an IT degree.....it's way to hard for most of the college students.....they couldn't get past arythmatic, let alone abstract algebra and combinatorics. 95% of them have never seen an epsilon symbol in a math problem.
Lol, math isn't the only thing they teach.
No it's not, but smart people work in math and science(real science the ones that require math) and not humanities. I would crush these people in humanities as well. I have a minor in 19th Century Central European History. Along with all my American History, World History, Philosophy (still a big fan of Descartes and dualism) and DesCartes also happens to be a mathematician…(the Cartesian Coordinate system is named after him). I could go on, but it's boring and unless you take real math and real science you aren't really educated
What is it about uneducated people that makes them think they are smarter than the folks who went to school?
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.

And yet he's kicking your collective asses.
A strong statement about how stupid and uneducated most conservatives are.

And how do the two connect ?

They don't.....you stupid shit.

Here is what does connect....

In 2016, the stupid and uneducated conservatives KICKED YOUR ASS. Instead of Galand, you've got Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Yes, they stupid and uneducated triumphed that day, and we will all day for it for decades.

Including your stupid and uneducated self.
What I attack Obama on is "You can keep your doctor"
Of a video caused Benghazi (yeah it just happened to be on 911 when they saw this video)
Yeah, we already knew you attack the truth. Tell us something new.
You're the one that blames an terrorist attack on an emabass on 911...….on a YouTube video.....not me......You might as well join the Hoax party..oh wait you did, the democrat party is the same.
you are the idiot who STILL thinks Mexico will pay for the wall. Your opinion of me is less than worthless.
Dude, it's not hard to get that cash...….you're the idiot...….
In the Mexico-US relationship....we're the hot chick.....if we say we want the money (and we have a justifiable reason) then what are they going to do? Refuse us? if trade stops, who's gonna hurt more? Mexico or the US?
Waters is a partisan nut, she could only get elected in extreme left wing districts, she is smart enough to realize it.
Yes Agree But what do you call Trump? He's smart enough to keep his base by spewing the BS they love

His support comes from Americans that Clinton, Bush and Obama ignored. The working class. All three went out of their way to coddle to the rich. Clinton loosened up regulations, Bush maintained little restrictions and Obama ignored punishing banks and made the taxpayers bail them out.

By that time I was done with the Democrats and Republicans. I’m a fiscal conservative, banks and their CEO’s COO’s, CFO’s, Presidents should all have been fined and punished. What happened? Not a damn thing, make the working class pay, while the banks continued to foreclose on the taxpayers that gave them a second chance.

Trump’s campaign tapped into their frustration and bitterness. The Republicans and the Democrats don’t really understand the 2016 election and are bound to repeat it.

In 2016 I was ready to vote for Sanders because the GOP and Democrats had sold us out long ago. Thank the establishment Democrats and the establishment Republicans for Donald Trump, we deserved him.
BINGO, that's how I knew I loved him, when the establishment Republicans started to bash the shit out of him...

Thank you Bill Kirstol, John Weaver, Nicole Wallce, Rick Wilson and the rest of the douche brigade
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

Trump got kicked out of prep school for beating up spoiled and nasty snobs like the still secretly anti-Trump GOP clique. Every real American boy should envy him that.
Apparently the left likes the rich, snarky bully types......
Thurston Howell III

How many are aware that Howard Dean, snooty cult leader who almost got the 2004 nomination, is an heir to the Dean, Witter, Reynolds stockjobber billions? Giving the Plutocrats the right to buy success for their children is as bad as giving them the right to sex-on-demand from their employees.
Your lol tough guy had bs bone spurs keeping him from Nam A punk A bully a cheat a liar You're know by your friends sage
We get it, he dodged the draft......when did you guys not admire that?
he got some doc to make up bullshit Clinton was against war Went to Oxford a Rhodes scholar 10 x smarter than this AH whose daddy bought him in to a good school
Clinton was smarter? Based on what? Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar and she's a moron.....#TrumpTaxReturns, #RussiaHoax
Have Quack, Will Yack

The Rhodes Scholarship has become an Ugly Dykeling award.
Little bit above your pay grade?? lol
Less Bean for the Money

Why would anybody but another dyke pay a dyke for sex?
Just because the pregnancy test {barr report} comes back negative doesn't mean trump is a virgin There IS collusion not enough to hang the repub pos yet perhaps
Ok you can spell you condition D E L U S I O N...…….
A pregnancy tests if you are pregnant......Trump was tested for collusion, it came back negative....now go and try to abort someone else's baby

PS.... where is the proof of collusion
Not enough evidence to hang him perhaps ,,,Not yet But you gotta know he's guilty and gonna get what he deserves
No I dont know.....so where is your evidence?
and he did get what he deserved the Presidency
One of the greatest mistakes America has ever made ,along side of having 1000's of our guys killed invading Iraq over repub bs
And again, no evidence......I notice you always avoid that...any reason why?
Ferris Mueller's Day Off

Because they don't want to get caught Jussiefying evidence. Innuendos, sneers, smirks, screeches, slick fallacies, and Godwinisms suffice to convince the slushy brains.of their drifting Snowflakes.
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.

And yet he's kicking your collective asses.
A strong statement about how stupid and uneducated most conservatives are.
College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up. So Is Liberalism.

You Diploma Dumbos don't believe in The Bell Curve, which presents data that are so obviously true that there must be something seriously wrong with us that the book caused any controversy.

So...you think doctors and engineers and physicists who go to university are all 'teenagers who were afraid to grow up'?

Would you rather have a doctor operate on you with no post-secondary education? How about driving over a bridge designed by an engineer with no college? Would you care to live next to a nuclear power plant that was designed and engineered by people with nothing more then GED's?
If We Don't Pay Students, We Get What We Pay For

Only a Diploma Dumbo would come to your conclusion. If someone said we need to recruit better policemen with better incentives for enrolling at the police academy, would that mean he wants to fire all the cops we have now and let criminals run wild? You can't think logically, you lazily jump to the most self-satisfying interpretation. Better incentives would enlarge the talent pool; you wouldn't make the cut—that's why you make such a wild and intellectually immature reply.
It Was College Graduates Who Changed Germany's Wise Conservatism Into 20th Century Authoritarian Irrationalism

Bismarck said about college students that one-third ruin themselves by escapist adolescent partying, one-third become silly and useless nerds, and the last third become men of thought and action. And those were people who actually got paid to go to college, not because they belonged there, but only because their Daddies had most of Germany's wealth.
At yesterday's hate rally Tramp proved he has the best words.

TRUMP: "I support the Great Lakes. Always have. They are beautiful. They are big. Very deep. Record deepness, right?"

Video here:
Trump says Great Lakes have 'record deepness'

Obama claimed the Great Lakes were drying up.....the past 5 years of rainfall have made them deeper than ever.....FAIL

He's right the left says too hot, too cold. too wet, too dry....so basically everything proves climate change......why? becaue the climate changes ALL the time.....always has, always will
Lake Superior Drying Up Due to Climate Change! No, Wait…
Trump has to say crap like that because he's incapable of critical thought.

And yet he's kicking your collective asses.
A strong statement about how stupid and uneducated most conservatives are.
A great display of how you feel superior to half the country.

Do you really still wonder why so many refuse to listen to anything that you may have to say regardless of how reasonable it may be? No one listens to those that treat them with disgust.
Don't act disgusting and you won't be treated as such.
yeah,really did a number in the last election He's a nitwit and a republican ,but I repeat myself
What was he running for?
Trump Says A Vote For GOP Midterm Candidates Is A Vote For Him

DONALD TRUMP: A vote for Marsha is really a vote for me and everything that we stand for. A vote for Marcy (ph) is a vote for me. And a vote for Cindy is a vote for me. And a vote for Steve is a vote for me. Remember this. A vote for David is a vote for me and our agenda to make America great again.

You seem to obsess over nothing, we’re you this amped when Obama went to 57 states?

Of course not, you are a hypocrite.

Are you an original corpse man?

Hate to tell you dude, but there are a lot of civilians that mispronounce that word as well. It's not just Obama.
What was he running for?
Trump Says A Vote For GOP Midterm Candidates Is A Vote For Him

DONALD TRUMP: A vote for Marsha is really a vote for me and everything that we stand for. A vote for Marcy (ph) is a vote for me. And a vote for Cindy is a vote for me. And a vote for Steve is a vote for me. Remember this. A vote for David is a vote for me and our agenda to make America great again.

You seem to obsess over nothing, we’re you this amped when Obama went to 57 states?

Of course not, you are a hypocrite.

Are you an original corpse man?

Hate to tell you dude, but there are a lot of civilians that mispronounce that word as well. It's not just Obama.

Obama is the first person I ever heard mispronounce corpsman, and the last save for those making fun of him.

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