I Have To See The Doctor Soon

I hope he can get me in soon as well since it's not like a regular checkup, as I've been having dizziness, balance, and nausea (which probably goes hand in hand since I have motion sickness as well) issues lately, but I have a feeling it might be closer to summertime when I finally get in.

I have several friends with vertigo problems. I don't know why it seems to plague women more than men, but it does at least anecdotally. I hope you can hang in there--nausea is the pits and can be incapacitating.
This right here, there is more than one way to skin a cat, use the system to your advantage.
The thing is, if your doctor is only used to seeing you a couple times a year or whatever, you're not much of a concern. It's the sick patients that require the most attention. If they find out that you were in the ER with those kind of symptoms, that makes you a much higher priority.

Diagnosing and treating serious illnesses as early as possible is very important and can increase your quality and quantity of life.
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If you have been around anyone vaccinated you might be getting side effects from shedding.
Yeah, have your doctor check your blood sugar. You have diabetes.

First of all you don't have the power nor ability to diagnosis me, second of all I never said whether they did or didn't I just said that I don't go around answering personal questions, third of all I'm pretty sure that diabetes doesn't cause swaying and bobbing motions. Finally, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 2:00 and I'm just waiting to hear what they say.
Keep us informed, and let us know how things go at the doc's tomorrow.

Thanks, I'm actually seeing the nurse practitioner if you want to get technical because my regular doctor wasn't available, but I had to take it because today it got worse after I took a shower. The bobbing sensation got so bad that I threw up. I'm doing better now as it was basically like when I get car sick as I'm usually alright afterwards.
Thanks, I'm actually seeing the nurse practitioner if you want to get technical because my regular doctor wasn't available, but I had to take it because today it got worse after I took a shower. The bobbing sensation got so bad that I threw up. I'm doing better now as it was basically like when I get car sick as I'm usually alright afterwards.

Have you had the runs? Add those in and you have all the symptoms of me when I was diagnosed with Crohn's. Basically me bowels didn't want anything in them so it was coming out in both directions and I dehydrated even though I was drinking as many fluids as I could.
Have you had the runs? Add those in and you have all the symptoms of me when I was diagnosed with Crohn's. Basically me bowels didn't want anything in them so it was coming out in both directions and I dehydrated even though I was drinking as many fluids as I could.

Its so different for everyone. I have it too; so does my mom. I'm in full remission even off meds. But my case was not so bad. I got more sick feeling like fevers and swollen joints plus the GI stuff. I hope you're in remission too.
Its so different for everyone. I have it too; so does my mom. I'm in full remission even off meds. But my case was not so bad. I got more sick feeling like fevers and swollen joints plus the GI stuff. I hope you're in remission too.

It comes and goes. I mainly manage it with diet and OTC stuff. I can tell when it is coming on though through a combination of change in BM's and a creepy sensation I get in my lower right side. I haven't had to resort to the $5K-$10K a month shots yet though it took some prescription meds and IV's to get me sorted the first time.
Have you had the runs?

No, but I just came back from the doctor a little while ago and they suspect that it's a sinus infection that I had that progressed so far that I'm starting to have vertigo issues. I'm going to be doing some exercises and put on some different antibiotics because I was told that Sudafed isn't good to be on. Hopefully that helps and makes it go away and I'm scheduled to see the ENT in May as a follow-up to see if I'm still experiencing any symptoms or if I have any new allergies and I might have to get a MRI or cat scan as well to see if there are more issues.
Btw, I also don't have much an appetite right now, but I used this sinus squeeze bottle and the sinuses in my head feels a little bit better. :)
No, but I just came back from the doctor a little while ago and they suspect that it's a sinus infection that I had that progressed so far that I'm starting to have vertigo issues. I'm going to be doing some exercises and put on some different antibiotics because I was told that Sudafed isn't good to be on. Hopefully that helps and makes it go away and I'm scheduled to see the ENT in May as a follow-up to see if I'm still experiencing any symptoms or if I have any new allergies and I might have to get a MRI or cat scan as well to see if there are more issues.

I will provisionally say that well I am glad it is nothing more serious (conditioned on you not croaking from sinuses LOL. I have heard sinus infections can lead to pneumonia although I don't recall ever meeting anyone who actually let it go that far).
I will provisionally say that well I am glad it is nothing more serious (conditioned on you not croaking from sinuses LOL. I have heard sinus infections can lead to pneumonia although I don't recall ever meeting anyone who actually let it go that far).

Well, that's what she thinks anyways since sinus infections are pretty hard to detect. Hopefully it is so it'll go away, but you're such a sweetheart for your concern and thanks for that, I appreciate it. :)

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