I Have To See The Doctor Soon

Well, that's what she thinks anyways since sinus infections are pretty hard to detect. Hopefully it is so it'll go away, but you're such a sweetheart for your concern and thanks for that, I appreciate it. :)

Sinus infections can go on and on in hiding, esp if you normally have allergies, and can manifest in sneaky ways. They can plug up your entire face/head, including ears, which can make you feel dizzy with vertigo and can make you sick to your stomach. Infections are just weird period! I had strep a few years ago and barely had a sore throat but felt sicker than I have with flu or even Covid. Everyone is different. Hoping this will be the end of it for you!
Sinus infections can go on and on in hiding, esp if you normally have allergies, and can manifest in sneaky ways. They can plug up your entire face/head, including ears, which can make you feel dizzy with vertigo and can make you sick to your stomach. Infections are just weird period! I had strep a few years ago and barely had a sore throat but felt sicker than I have with flu or even Covid. Everyone is different. Hoping this will be the end of it for you!

Thank you and yes hopefully I will be all better soon. :)
I hope he can get me in soon as well since it's not like a regular checkup, as I've been having dizziness, balance, and nausea (which probably goes hand in hand since I have motion sickness as well) issues lately, but I have a feeling it might be closer to summertime when I finally get in.
you might have menier's disease where water get trapped in the part of your ear called the cochlear. i have it, & i take an OTC clariton everyday, 7/365 & it works.
I forgot to mention yesterday that I'm only really feeling slightly unbalanced anymore and having ear pain but today is a whole LOT better than yesterday even. :D

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