I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Just as I thought - Bullshit coward. ANSWER THE QUESTION.


Tell me - why is it that it is only republicans that have to "compromise"?

They don't

That is why they don't get anything in the end

Well then dumbass - let's see what happens come January. YOUR boys will HAVE to vote - they will be on the record. Your half-breed little King can then use his Veto pen to obstruct the will of the people.

2016 - The republicans win the presidency. Game. Set. Match.

Granted - at my age, I don't usually have a lot to smile about - but you just made my day. :)

Care to make a friendly wager on that?

You know what? I am so convinced that you liberal Nazis will play right into the hands of the republicans that yes - I WILL make a friendly wager. That bitch Hillary (I'm still not convinced she will run - she's smarter than that) wins and I leave this place forever. She (or any other democrat candidate) loses - you are gone.

Fair enough wager?

Before you agree - remember what I said...you liberal nazis will be running on YOUR records in the coming year. They will actually HAVE to vote this time around. They won't have that gutter trash Harry Reid obstructing the Senate at every turn. There WILL be a record of the votes. :)

Still brave?
I find that "gone forever" bets never work....way too much welching, socks, etc. I was thinking more along the line of a more friendly, easily monitored wager. You were in the Air Force, or was it Army? Whoever loses, has to put the other's military logo as their avatar for a month...a year? Whichever. If I win (Democrats get Presidency again) you have to have a Navy avatar. Republicans win, I put up a military avatar of your choice. Much easier to monitor and more friendly. Deal?

Here's the problem I have with your "Branch" avatars....I have a Daughter serving Now. I have a Son who retired. Both in/from the Navy. It would be a pleasure to fly that avatar. I served in the Army. My Dad served in the Army and later the Air Force. My Brother served in the Marines. I like "sticking" it to you guys in better ways than that - but if you insist....

Tell me - why is it that it is only republicans that have to "compromise"?

They don't

That is why they don't get anything in the end

Well then dumbass - let's see what happens come January. YOUR boys will HAVE to vote - they will be on the record. Your half-breed little King can then use his Veto pen to obstruct the will of the people.

2016 - The republicans win the presidency. Game. Set. Match.

Granted - at my age, I don't usually have a lot to smile about - but you just made my day. :)

Care to make a friendly wager on that?

You could bet him that he has to leave USMess but don't bother.

RWs always welch on their bets.

You, too, ass wipe. Name ONE TIME that I haven't lived up to a bet. JUST ONE. That's what I thought you coward.
Not you personally. Don't be so touchy.

Rash generalizations tend to lead to rash generalizations. Has nothing to do with being "touchy".
What did you find when you looked up the word compromise?

I give you something, you give me something

Easy isn't it?

Just as I thought - Bullshit coward. ANSWER THE QUESTION.


Tell me - why is it that it is only republicans that have to "compromise"?

They don't

That is why they don't get anything in the end

Well then dumbass - let's see what happens come January. YOUR boys will HAVE to vote - they will be on the record. Your half-breed little King can then use his Veto pen to obstruct the will of the people.

2016 - The republicans win the presidency. Game. Set. Match.

Granted - at my age, I don't usually have a lot to smile about - but you just made my day. :)

You have been in a cave the last six years haven't you?

No, you don't get to "vote" in the Senate unless you have 60 votes to end filibuster/cloture. Republicans have 54 seats, leaves them six short. How do they get the remaining six?

<Hint: compromise>

No Sonny. You don't get to vote in the Senate because the Ex-majority Leader REFUSED to bring bills to the floor for a vote. Hint: That's why he's now the "Ex-Majority" leader and the future "Minority leader" (or, as they call it - Cloak Room Monitor)

Get this through your thick skull Sonny. YOUR party is OUT. And in 16 - Your Party will be OUT again. But don't be angry - YOUR party did this to themselves. :)

You really need to spend more time out of your cave

To get a bill to the Senate floor you need 60 votes. Not 53, not 54, not 58....60 votes
Didn't used to be that way, but Republicans insisted it apply to all non-trivial legislation. Guess what? It is Republicans who have to deal with 60 votes now....what are you going to do about it?
Just as I thought - Bullshit coward. ANSWER THE QUESTION.


Tell me - why is it that it is only republicans that have to "compromise"?

They don't

That is why they don't get anything in the end

Well then dumbass - let's see what happens come January. YOUR boys will HAVE to vote - they will be on the record. Your half-breed little King can then use his Veto pen to obstruct the will of the people.

2016 - The republicans win the presidency. Game. Set. Match.

Granted - at my age, I don't usually have a lot to smile about - but you just made my day. :)

You have been in a cave the last six years haven't you?

No, you don't get to "vote" in the Senate unless you have 60 votes to end filibuster/cloture. Republicans have 54 seats, leaves them six short. How do they get the remaining six?

<Hint: compromise>

No Sonny. You don't get to vote in the Senate because the Ex-majority Leader REFUSED to bring bills to the floor for a vote. Hint: That's why he's now the "Ex-Majority" leader and the future "Minority leader" (or, as they call it - Cloak Room Monitor)

Get this through your thick skull Sonny. YOUR party is OUT. And in 16 - Your Party will be OUT again. But don't be angry - YOUR party did this to themselves. :)

You really need to spend more time out of your cave

To get a bill to the Senate floor you need 60 votes. Not 53, not 54, not 58....60 votes
Didn't used to be that way, but Republicans insisted it apply to all non-trivial legislation. Guess what? It is Republicans who have to deal with 60 votes now....what are you going to do about it?
Defund the operations of the US Government?

Tell me - why is it that it is only republicans that have to "compromise"?

They don't

That is why they don't get anything in the end

Well then dumbass - let's see what happens come January. YOUR boys will HAVE to vote - they will be on the record. Your half-breed little King can then use his Veto pen to obstruct the will of the people.

2016 - The republicans win the presidency. Game. Set. Match.

Granted - at my age, I don't usually have a lot to smile about - but you just made my day. :)

You have been in a cave the last six years haven't you?

No, you don't get to "vote" in the Senate unless you have 60 votes to end filibuster/cloture. Republicans have 54 seats, leaves them six short. How do they get the remaining six?

<Hint: compromise>

No Sonny. You don't get to vote in the Senate because the Ex-majority Leader REFUSED to bring bills to the floor for a vote. Hint: That's why he's now the "Ex-Majority" leader and the future "Minority leader" (or, as they call it - Cloak Room Monitor)

Get this through your thick skull Sonny. YOUR party is OUT. And in 16 - Your Party will be OUT again. But don't be angry - YOUR party did this to themselves. :)

You really need to spend more time out of your cave

To get a bill to the Senate floor you need 60 votes. Not 53, not 54, not 58....60 votes
Didn't used to be that way, but Republicans insisted it apply to all non-trivial legislation. Guess what? It is Republicans who have to deal with 60 votes now....what are you going to do about it?
Defund the operations of the US Government?

I don't know about "defunding" necessarily - but I believe that they should start a systematic effort to cut about 60% of this government away. DHS is a bullshit bureaucracy that has done nothing more than "muddle up the entire works" of enforcement agencies. Next - a flat tax needs to be instituted and the IRS shut down. 90% of that agency is "ass-sitters" who do nothing more than collect a paycheck. The Education department needs to go bye-bye. Our schools have been all but destroyed since it's inception. Now - here is the Best part - ALL FEDERAL PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS should be abolished and gotten rid of. The VA should be run by private enterprise and NOT this government. It is completely bogged down by federal bureaucracy. The EPA should be abolished.

ANY regulation passed by the Obama administration (all 192,000) of them should be immediately ruled null and void. Finally, we do NOT need 121 "alphabet agencies" to conduct clandestine operations around the world - and NO ONE should be allowed (with the exception of the FBI) to conduct operations on American soil against Americans. NO ONE. It is estimated that right now, there are between 47,000 and 90,000 covert agents working around the world. That is a 500% growth in these agencies since Barry took office. What the hell do we have to show for it? Our own citizens being spied on. Dump them.
Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.

Those of us who've shed blood for this Nation have a more vested interest in Her future than you little mama's boys who never risked anything for Her. All you've accomplished is having a smart mouth around those of us who know the consequences of a crook in the WH. You better hope there's still enough of us around to defend Her for you in the future because you've already ignored your own Call to Duty.
my wife says there are two kinds of vets. those that served their country, and your kind.
^ that
It was worth winning just to tell Harry Reid to shut his lying snake mouth and flip Obama the finger.

So all those "issues" are just a side-show, eh?

Nice, this is why Republicans don't stay in power long.

AHAHAHAHAHA that took some stones after the lying liberals held the House for only 2 years before being bitch slapped in an historic ass kicking in 2010, having only scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2012, then got bitch slapped again in 2014 AND lost the senate. :laugh: :Boom2:

I stand by what I said - every time Republicans own power, they shoot themselves in the foot and lose it back.

Are you saying that this doesn't happen? Of course it does.

Can't wait to see what the Right cooks up.

1 Impeach Obama

2 Repeal Obamacare ... again.

3 look out the window.

Some Americans. In some Red states, who didn't vote for Obama in the first place. These people have always been against him.

They are just as irrelevant to his agenda now as they were before the election.

Irrelevant enough to take away the Democrat majority in the Senate ... I will settle for that.

For two years. In which, nothing will get done without compromising with Obama.

It was worth winning just to tell Harry Reid to shut his lying snake mouth and flip Obama the finger.
Harry is just going to follow McConnell's lead and not let the Senate vote on anything.
Some Americans. In some Red states, who didn't vote for Obama in the first place. These people have always been against him.

They are just as irrelevant to his agenda now as they were before the election.

Irrelevant enough to take away the Democrat majority in the Senate ... I will settle for that.

For two years. In which, nothing will get done without compromising with Obama.

It was worth winning just to tell Harry Reid to shut his lying snake mouth and flip Obama the finger.
Harry is just going to follow McConnell's lead and not let the Senate vote on anything.
Huh? Harry was in charge of the Senate. He's the one that did not let the Senate vote on any bills sent it's way from the House. Duh...
For two years. In which, nothing will get done without compromising with Obama.

Review the campaign platforms of the candidates that beat Democrats during the last election ... The people didn't vote for those candidates so they would go to Washington and help President Obama pass his agenda.

If they do ... They won't get re-elected and your "two-year" control scenario might come true.

They're not up for re-election for 6 years.
Can't wait to see the democrats try to filibuster the budget omnibus bill because it defunds ACA. ROFL.
It was worth winning just to tell Harry Reid to shut his lying snake mouth and flip Obama the finger.

So all those "issues" are just a side-show, eh?

Nice, this is why Republicans don't stay in power long.

AHAHAHAHAHA that took some stones after the lying liberals held the House for only 2 years before being bitch slapped in an historic ass kicking in 2010, having only scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2012, then got bitch slapped again in 2014 AND lost the senate. :laugh: :Boom2:

I stand by what I said - every time Republicans own power, they shoot themselves in the foot and lose it back.

Are you saying that this doesn't happen? Of course it does.

Can't wait to see what the Right cooks up.

1 Impeach Obama

2 Repeal Obamacare ... again.

3 look out the window.


LOL look the country needed a reminder of who liberals really are vs Republicans and look what happened, the lying liberals and by that I mean Democrats in congress got obliterated in 2010 and 2014. Obama had to lie his ass off to fight to a draw in 2012 but then wise to his lies the country bitch slapped Dem's and Obama in 2014. The Democratic party is in shambles, that's hardly a time for you people to be talking smack.:laugh:
Huh? Harry was in charge of the Senate. He's the one that did not let the Senate vote on any bills sent it's way from the House. Duh...

I do wish you would grow a brain.



It was worth winning just to tell Harry Reid to shut his lying snake mouth and flip Obama the finger.

So all those "issues" are just a side-show, eh?

Nice, this is why Republicans don't stay in power long.

AHAHAHAHAHA that took some stones after the lying liberals held the House for only 2 years before being bitch slapped in an historic ass kicking in 2010, having only scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2012, then got bitch slapped again in 2014 AND lost the senate. :laugh: :Boom2:

I stand by what I said - every time Republicans own power, they shoot themselves in the foot and lose it back.

Are you saying that this doesn't happen? Of course it does.

Can't wait to see what the Right cooks up.

1 Impeach Obama

2 Repeal Obamacare ... again.

3 look out the window.


LOL look the country needed a reminder of who liberals really are vs Republicans and look what happened, the lying liberals and by that I mean Democrats in congress got obliterated in 2010 and 2014. Obama had to lie his ass off to fight to a draw in 2012 but then wise to his lies the country bitch slapped Dem's and Obama in 2014. The Democratic party is in shambles, that's hardly a time for you people to be talking smack.:laugh:

I voted Republic, but thanks for the bitch-slap.

It has a somewhat unintentional comedic value, now!
Some Americans. In some Red states, who didn't vote for Obama in the first place. These people have always been against him.

They are just as irrelevant to his agenda now as they were before the election.

Irrelevant enough to take away the Democrat majority in the Senate ... I will settle for that.

For two years. In which, nothing will get done without compromising with Obama.

It was worth winning just to tell Harry Reid to shut his lying snake mouth and flip Obama the finger.
Harry is just going to follow McConnell's lead and not let the Senate vote on anything.

You're analysis is completely wrong, hello Keystone pipeline ring a bell are you even aware of current events?
I do wish you would grow a brain.

The graphs from Mother Jones you provided don't add any context to the arguments against approval. To say that one party or the other protests more does nothing to justify or debunk the worthiness of the protest.

If you are simply making a point about compromise ... You would need to include graphs and data on measures compromised not protested.

Care to discuss legal grounds for impeaching?

Sure, but you're not equipped to handle what you'll learn about it....First off, are there illegal grounds for impeachment?:confused-84: Nah, you'll keep repeating defeated phrases or run away claiming your dog is on fire. Simple really...."high crimes and misdemeanors"....archaic language from the late 1700's meaning the president has either broken or failed to enforce laws in force. There can be a multitude of levels.....each one easily exceeded by this president's treachery. The House impeaches....the Senate convicts.....step one is a forgone conclusion if he tries to back-door in the illegals.

Your turn. :doubt:
Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Actually, they impeached him for not telling the truth in a deposition. But, you are free to fixate on blowjobs. Obviously, you haven't been allowed to enjoy one.
...Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President

Especially if that 'acting as President' involves granting Shamnesty to millions of Illegal Aliens by Imperial Decree.

It is within his presidential powers. Prove otherwise

And, it's within Congress's powers to defund his activities in regard to immigration.

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