I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Republicans had a chance to humiliate the President and they took it. The American people saw the impeachment for what it was.......a political ploy They will have the same reaction to any attempt to impeach Obama

Somehow, I don't think that we will see a visceral reaction against the impeachment of Obama, after the new Congress is sworn in, assuming that he is also convicted in the Senate and removed from office.

In truth, it seems like that it will the cause of a National Day of Celebration, given that the long national nightmare will have ended 1-1/2 to 2 years earlier than scheduled.

Once the new Congress is sworn-in, Impeachment in the House will be relatively easy. Conviction in the Senate will require some wheeling and dealing. However, it seems entirely possible that the Pubs could pull that off, given a little imagination and a little razzle-dazzle in the back rooms.

It seems fairly clear that the country has already had enough of Obama, and want him to go home.

An ill-considered ill-timed EO on Immigration could very well prove to be the flashpoint - with the reaction being delayed until after the first of the New Year.

The impeachment of Clinton was distasteful but at least there was some evidence of wrongdoing.....even if it wasn't criminal

Any impeachment of Obama would be seen for what it is.......political Butthurt because the president is acting like a president

Yeah - just like Daniel Ortega or Fidel Castro. What a deal!!
Indeed. Read the Constitution Article 1 Section 8. The CONGRESS makes immigration law - NOT the president. When he does this - there WILL be repercussions.
Yes, just like when the congress impeached Reagan for his EOs vis a vis immigration reform after November 1986. Oh wait, they didn't...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Another fucking idiot. You'd do well to go back and see what actually happened in 1986 you fool. Again. Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution - CONGRESS MAKES IMMIGRATION LAWS. NOT THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE.

Funny - Obarry admitted himself (on numerous occasions) that he didn't have authority to act. Now - he is sure he does. So much for the "constitutional professor" angle.
Ahhh, but Reagans OEs are part of the congressional record. Now, thump your chest really hard and let out yet another primal scream. Thank you.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Doesn't matter a damn what he did BEFORE stupid - He went through Congress (and specifically Mazzoli) to bring the LAW to the floor for a vote where it passed. THAT my boy is called DEMOCRACY. I realize that it is completely foreign to you Nazis - but you sure as hell can't re-write history to suit your bullshit needs.
And yet, you cannot address the EOs that Reagan issued AFTER the law and therefore had nothing to do with the Congress.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Jesus Christ you are a fucking idiot. I'm done here. You're too damned stupid to argue with.
Republicans had a chance to humiliate the President and they took it. The American people saw the impeachment for what it was.......a political ploy They will have the same reaction to any attempt to impeach Obama

Somehow, I don't think that we will see a visceral reaction against the impeachment of Obama, after the new Congress is sworn in, assuming that he is also convicted in the Senate and removed from office.

In truth, it seems like that it will the cause of a National Day of Celebration, given that the long national nightmare will have ended 1-1/2 to 2 years earlier than scheduled.

Once the new Congress is sworn-in, Impeachment in the House will be relatively easy. Conviction in the Senate will require some wheeling and dealing. However, it seems entirely possible that the Pubs could pull that off, given a little imagination and a little razzle-dazzle in the back rooms.

It seems fairly clear that the country has already had enough of Obama, and want him to go home.

An ill-considered ill-timed EO on Immigration could very well prove to be the flashpoint - with the reaction being delayed until after the first of the New Year.

The impeachment of Clinton was distasteful but at least there was some evidence of wrongdoing.....even if it wasn't criminal

Any impeachment of Obama would be seen for what it is.......political Butthurt because the president is acting like a president

Lying to a federal grand jury certainly is a criminal offense, but carry on.
Republicans had a chance to humiliate the President and they took it. The American people saw the impeachment for what it was.......a political ploy They will have the same reaction to any attempt to impeach Obama

Somehow, I don't think that we will see a visceral reaction against the impeachment of Obama, after the new Congress is sworn in, assuming that he is also convicted in the Senate and removed from office.

In truth, it seems like that it will the cause of a National Day of Celebration, given that the long national nightmare will have ended 1-1/2 to 2 years earlier than scheduled.

Once the new Congress is sworn-in, Impeachment in the House will be relatively easy. Conviction in the Senate will require some wheeling and dealing. However, it seems entirely possible that the Pubs could pull that off, given a little imagination and a little razzle-dazzle in the back rooms.

It seems fairly clear that the country has already had enough of Obama, and want him to go home.

An ill-considered ill-timed EO on Immigration could very well prove to be the flashpoint - with the reaction being delayed until after the first of the New Year.

The impeachment of Clinton was distasteful but at least there was some evidence of wrongdoing.....even if it wasn't criminal

Any impeachment of Obama would be seen for what it is.......political Butthurt because the president is acting like a president

Yeah - just like Daniel Ortega or Fidel Castro. What a deal!!

You left off Mao and Hitler
Republicans had a chance to humiliate the President and they took it. The American people saw the impeachment for what it was.......a political ploy They will have the same reaction to any attempt to impeach Obama

Somehow, I don't think that we will see a visceral reaction against the impeachment of Obama, after the new Congress is sworn in, assuming that he is also convicted in the Senate and removed from office.

In truth, it seems like that it will the cause of a National Day of Celebration, given that the long national nightmare will have ended 1-1/2 to 2 years earlier than scheduled.

Once the new Congress is sworn-in, Impeachment in the House will be relatively easy. Conviction in the Senate will require some wheeling and dealing. However, it seems entirely possible that the Pubs could pull that off, given a little imagination and a little razzle-dazzle in the back rooms.

It seems fairly clear that the country has already had enough of Obama, and want him to go home.

An ill-considered ill-timed EO on Immigration could very well prove to be the flashpoint - with the reaction being delayed until after the first of the New Year.

The impeachment of Clinton was distasteful but at least there was some evidence of wrongdoing.....even if it wasn't criminal

Any impeachment of Obama would be seen for what it is.......political Butthurt because the president is acting like a president

Lying to a federal grand jury certainly is a criminal offense, but carry on.

Lying about an act between consenting adults that is no criminal act.
Far from a high crime and misdemeanor

Now with Obama, all you have is a president using the powers of his office just like the 43 before him did
Republicans had a chance to humiliate the President and they took it. The American people saw the impeachment for what it was.......a political ploy They will have the same reaction to any attempt to impeach Obama

Somehow, I don't think that we will see a visceral reaction against the impeachment of Obama, after the new Congress is sworn in, assuming that he is also convicted in the Senate and removed from office.

In truth, it seems like that it will the cause of a National Day of Celebration, given that the long national nightmare will have ended 1-1/2 to 2 years earlier than scheduled.

Once the new Congress is sworn-in, Impeachment in the House will be relatively easy. Conviction in the Senate will require some wheeling and dealing. However, it seems entirely possible that the Pubs could pull that off, given a little imagination and a little razzle-dazzle in the back rooms.

It seems fairly clear that the country has already had enough of Obama, and want him to go home.

An ill-considered ill-timed EO on Immigration could very well prove to be the flashpoint - with the reaction being delayed until after the first of the New Year.

The impeachment of Clinton was distasteful but at least there was some evidence of wrongdoing.....even if it wasn't criminal

Any impeachment of Obama would be seen for what it is.......political Butthurt because the president is acting like a president

Yeah - just like Daniel Ortega or Fidel Castro. What a deal!!

You left off Mao and Hitler

More hero's of the far left like yourself?
OK...let me help the stupid nazi left on this one......

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat.3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law.

Jesus Christ these liberals are a stupid bunch.
And Reagan issued a number of EOs after the fact to tweak that law. You do realize this, right?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Obama is about to break the law idiot. "Tweak" LOL :cuckoo:
I do wish you would grow a brain.

The graphs from Mother Jones you provided don't add any context to the arguments against approval. To say that one party or the other protests more does nothing to justify or debunk the worthiness of the protest.

If you are simply making a point about compromise ... You would need to include graphs and data on measures compromised not protested.

To spell it out for you:

McConnell, as Minority Leader, filibustered everything Reid brought to the floor since 2009. Now it's Reid's turn to do likewise, come January when he becomes Minority Leader.

Got it?
So by your post, I take it you don't understand what "motion filed to end a filibuster" means.
Yes - it's an attempt by Democrats to end a McConnell filibuster.

McConnell has abused the filibuster.

My how times have changed for the far left, I doubt they would have said anything like this during the years of 2000 - 2009..
Democrats didn't abuse the filibuster from 2000-2009.
To spell it out for you:

McConnell, as Minority Leader, filibustered everything Reid brought to the floor since 2009. Now it's Reid's turn to do likewise, come January when he becomes Minority Leader.

Got it?

To spell it out for you ...

If President Obama wanted to nominate Donald Duck for Supreme Court Justice ... Whether or not anyone Democrat or Republican filibustered ... It would still be a stupid pick. Filibusters don't do anything but oppose legislation ... They don't speak to compromise because neither party attempted to compromise.

I hope Senator Reid does what he thinks best towards representing his constituents in Nevada ... And if he thinks filibuster is the best method, then he should filibuster.

You're analysis is completely wrong, hello Keystone pipeline ring a bell are you even aware of current events?

McConnell isn't Majority Leader yet. Harry Reid is allowing Mary Landrieu to bring this to the Senate floor.

Try to pay attention.

^^^ that's what happens when you guzzle a 2 liter of liberal Kool-Aid. Have fun being a fraction of a minority in congress. lol
McConnell isn't Majority Leader yet. Harry Reid is allowing Mary Landrieu to bring this to the Senate floor.

Try to pay attention.

That is why they are calling attempts to pass the Keystone Pipeline to help Senator Landrieu the "Fail Mary" (football euphemism for last ditch effort to score a touchdown with little chance of success).

Senator and Majority Leader Reid is allowing Senator Landrieu to use the pipeline bill as a simple attempt to buy her votes. The bill has been there and Senate Majority Leader Reid kept the bill from coming to a vote until it was about nothing mores than votes. They weren't concerned about the project, legislation or environmental impact ... It is about the power and who they are trying to keep in office.

No worries ... Voters in Louisiana remember how Senator Landrieu screwed the people with the Louisiana Purchase back when negotiating the ACA legislation passing the Senate. Democrats promised her $300 million in additional Medicare funding in return for her vote in favor of the ACA. In the long run ... She was screwed by her own Democrats ... And didn't even get the $300 million in funding.

I would say Louisiana voters are going to send her packing ... But she hasn't lived here for years ... Probably won't move out of Washington where her husband is a lobbyist either.

McConnell isn't Majority Leader yet. Harry Reid is allowing Mary Landrieu to bring this to the Senate floor.

Try to pay attention.

That is why they are calling attempts to pass the Keystone Pipeline to help Senator Landrieu the "Fail Mary" (football euphemism for last ditch effort to score a touchdown with little chance of success).

Senator and Majority Leader Reid is allowing Senator Landrieu to use the pipeline bill as a simple attempt to buy her votes. The bill has been there and Senate Majority Leader Reid kept the bill from coming to a vote until it was about nothing mores than votes. They weren't concerned about the project, legislation or environmental impact ... It is about the power and who they are trying to keep in office.

No worries ... Voters in Louisiana remember how Senator Landrieu screwed the people with the Louisiana Purchase back when negotiating the ACA legislation passing the Senate. Democrats promised her $300 million in additional Medicare funding in return for her vote in favor of the ACA. In the long run ... She was screwed by her own Democrats ... And didn't even get the $300 million in funding.

I would say Louisiana voters are going to send her packing ... But she hasn't lived here for years ... Probably won't move out of Washington where her husband is a lobbyist either.


Louisiana did not get the federal funding because Republican Governor Bobby Jindal refused to participate in the exchanges and get expanded Medicaid
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Louisiana did not get the federal funding because Republican Bobby Jindal refused to participate in the exchanges and get expanded Medicaid

Yeah ... He refused to participate in the fraud ... That is why he is still in office and she is headed out the door. The Democrats promised her something they couldn't actually provide in the long run.

Louisiana did not get the federal funding because Republican Bobby Jindal refused to participate in the exchanges and get expanded Medicaid

Yeah ... He refused to participate in the fraud ... That is why he is still in office and she is headed out the door. The Democrats promised her something they couldn't actually provide in the long run.


No fraud...it is the law

The money for better healthcare for the people of Louisiana was there. Jindal refused it and the people in his state missed out
No fraud...it is the law

The money for better healthcare for the people of Louisiana was there. Jindal refused it and the people in his state missed out

Obviously the voters in Louisiana disagreed with your assessment.

It looks like Senator Landrieu will be the 29th Democrat Senator who voted for the ACA that will no longer be in the Senate ... That is more than half of the Senators that voted in favor.


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