I legitimately feel sorry for today’s leftists

ptbw forever

Gold Member
May 9, 2015
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
They're pests. I don't feel sorry for them at all.

They're just common assholes, the same variety that has always caused problems for civilization throughout all of history.
I think they stopped claiming to be "intellectuals" as soon as they started posting online. Maybe as a joke, but letting them speak ended their imaginary superiority
Liberals were similarly attacked in the early Bush years for opposition to the Iraq War and the Patriot Act etc. and oh look.

History has shown us to be correct
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They're pests. I don't feel sorry for them at all.

They're just common assholes, the same variety that has always caused problems for civilization throughout all of history.
They honestly believe that they are going to win though. It is so sad.


They think the demographics and the gender politics and the effeminization of Western males are insurmountable when all they have done is destroy any chance that remaining ideological leftists have of stopping us. They don’t know that millennials and Gen Zers regularly talk shit about Hillary with each other across the political spectrum and likewise talk shit about SJWs(i.e the leftist boomers and their teacher’s pets)without even yelling at each other. They don’t know that games are bringing men and women together permanently and that this is destroying feminism.

They have no clue how few they will be in the future. We will literally takeover Berkeley California without firing a shot. We will own the universities and the media in the future too.

Right now millennials and Gen Zers only vote for Democrats because they think Republicans are lame or because they have more left wing personal beliefs, but once they don’t have their parents’ protecting them anymore and once they become parents themselves they will realize that Democrats are far more about treating white people and Christians like shit than actually trying to help poor people, and at that moment the support for Democrats will drop to nothing.
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Liberals were similarly attacked in the early Bush years for opposition to the Iraq War and the Patriot Act etc. and oh look.

History has shown us to be correct
You have no idea how many people who hated Bush and the Republicans in 2000 through 2008 but now are against the Democrats.

History will not be kind to you anti-white pieces of shit.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
You have no idea how many people who hated Bush and the Republicans in 2000 through 2008 but now are against the Democrats.

What a crock. They now CLAIM they were against Iraq...but guess what?

I hear the same rhetoric from Trumpers now that I heard from Bushies then...including the anti-immigrant garbage and including the rhetoric in the OP
Kinda like everyone now lionizes MLK...when the fact is that most of the right wingers who speak well of him now would be attacking him were he actually alive...like right wingers did then.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
All you liars never admit people pay for their social security.
You have no idea how many people who hated Bush and the Republicans in 2000 through 2008 but now are against the Democrats.

What a crock. They now CLAIM they were against Iraq...but guess what?

I hear the same rhetoric from Trumpers now that I heard from Bushies then...including the anti-immigrant garbage and including the rhetoric in the OP

No. There were a hella lot of Republicans---the people---that were not happy about Iraq. Even Fox news was like.........what the hell are you doing? towards the end.

Further, the Democratic Party was concerned about illegal immigration until they did a full embrace of the free market.
Kinda like everyone now lionizes MLK...when the fact is that most of the right wingers who speak well of him now would be attacking him were he actually alive...like right wingers did then.

Or, it's possible that---the people----actually liked MLK,
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
EVERYONE pays into social security you little shit. We don’t get a choice, and not using that money later on would be just letting the government steal our money.

My “kind” will dominate this country completely once you old fucks die off.
You have no idea how many people who hated Bush and the Republicans in 2000 through 2008 but now are against the Democrats.

What a crock. They now CLAIM they were against Iraq...but guess what?

I hear the same rhetoric from Trumpers now that I heard from Bushies then...including the anti-immigrant garbage and including the rhetoric in the OP
Bushies are Neo Con cucks. They were and are very much pro-immigration.

They are nothing like the Trump Republicans or the alt-right.
Kinda like everyone now lionizes MLK...when the fact is that most of the right wingers who speak well of him now would be attacking him were he actually alive...like right wingers did then.
It will be no different for today’s pro-white activists.

People like Jared Taylor will be considered saints in the future.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
EVERYONE pays into social security you little shit. We don’t get a choice, and not using that money later on would be just letting the government steal our money.

My “kind” will dominate this country completely once you old fucks die off.
Sorry but there just aren't enough of you Proud Boys alt right types to do much of anything . When those old farts sitting in their Lazy Boys watching Fox News die off...you'll be alone in the Wilderness
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic
Not for much longer.

I hate to tell you, but the animosity or fear that young people have of a Trump will not be there once the right is dominated by the youth.

And again, the true goals of Democrats will destroy the brand with younger people. The millennial dominated GOP won’t be afraid to demand that Democrats get rid of their racist rhetoric towards white people, and once that happens you will either die out from irrelevance because that was your main appeal, or you will be destroyed.

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