I like how CNN implies Trump voters are stupid

I thought this piece insightful.

“Resentment is a much-understudied but critical factor in much right wing populism. The idea is that ‘they’ have taken away something that is rightfully ours. They have stolen ‘our’ America,” he says. “Trump binds people together around this core perception. He makes himself emblematic of this resentful America and promises to put people in a position where the tables will be turned and they will get their own back on the carpet-baggers.”

Inside the Trump machine: the bizarre psychology of America’s newest political movement
According to CNN people won't vote for Trump because people in Wisconsin have lots of cheese. First they hang up a board saying people in Wisconsin are more educated than everywhere else (which seems true by the stats provided) but we know that was not what they were trying to convey. They then showed how Wisconsin produces more cheese than anyone else. That is why they won't vote for Trump! They have more cheese than anyone. Isn't that clever?

Yo, FOX NEWS said the same thing about Obama? See what we have? A Half-Ass!!!

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It has been shown that trump supporters are uneducated rubes
Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

From the link: "Trump “runs significantly stronger among less-educated, less-affluent voters, and performs particularly well among voters in the 50-64 age range.”
I think the other term for these folks is "stupid racist rednecks".

Yo, can you look at Hillary and Bernie Group? Good Luck with that Puppet!

The establishment attacks on Trump have not worked so now they are attacking Trump voters. Rush spoke to this recently warning it was a big mistake.
The funny thing (if it happens) will be watching the media—that Trump “hates”—his words—and his supporters don’t trust try to explain the rules of the GOP convention to them. It would be like Carl Sagan explaining space flight to Fred Flintstone.

They’ll think the media is lying to them and there will probably be whole lot of violence as a result.
The Republican party in congress has been dishonest and craven. People are rightfully disgusted. People are furious, and Trump as their weapon against the powers that be. People don't care anymore about policy. They have been sold down the river to care anymore about that. They just want to demolish everything in an orgy of destruction
For historical reasons for which they were not to blame...Blacks in the South are by far the poorest educated sector of our society...them and Blacks in the rotting cities of the North.

They came came out and voted for Hillary Clinton by massive margins--90% type stuff.

They are almost the sole reason she has the most pledged delegates--all over Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, South Crtrolina--votes which won't do her any good at all in the General Election.

What do you dumb-ass pinheads in New England think about Hillary's base being the poorest educated of any voting block?

Look at those hands. Are they small hands? He referred to my hands, if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee.
Elmo is a sex offender.
According to CNN people won't vote for Trump because people in Wisconsin have lots of cheese. First they hang up a board saying people in Wisconsin are more educated than everywhere else (which seems true by the stats provided) but we know that was not what they were trying to convey. They then showed how Wisconsin produces more cheese than anyone else. That is why they won't vote for Trump! They have more cheese than anyone. Isn't that clever?

I’m aghast too…

As a news organization….they should tell us something we don’t know.

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