I like the Idea of God...

The odds of any one of the three ancient Arab stories from earth that are driving our modern religion being the last Word on THE GOD of The UNIVERSE are slim, eh?

I mean, on the Universal Scale, earth may be Mom to us, but she's a pretty common form of wet rock hanging on a sun-beam in space.
Can any of the 3 ancient Arab stories that so dominate and drive the human industry of 'Modern Religion' really be the last word on THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE?
Which one do you think that you like? I mean some think money is god and others think they are god. Just curious what's your preference?
The odds of any one of the three ancient Arab stories from earth that are driving our modern religion being the last Word on THE GOD of The UNIVERSE are slim, eh?

given that GOD represents infinite things beyond the scope of man,
nobody's depiction is going to capture ALL of GOD literally > that's impossible.
The most we can do is SYMBOLIZE the RELATIONSHIPS.

We can't capture infinity in numbers even if we counted forever.
We can use SYMBOLS
1 + 1 + 1 .....

That's the most we can, label things so we at least AGREE
what we MEAN.

The laws and languages you list above are for people of
THOSE GROUPS to communicate with each other and
AGREE on points and principles so they operate in unison.

Guess what secular people use? SCIENCE.
we use MATH AND SCIENCE as a common language

So that's all these religions are used to do.
They are relative like French, Spanish, etc. and speak to certain
audiences who share a certain cultural heritage in common.

You are like asking what are the chances of French being a true language or Chinese? None of these languages agree with each other! So what are the chances that they are correct?

Well they all work to speak to a particular audience that
understands and responds to THAT LANGUAGE.

So ALL OF THEM can be used correctly to convey TRUTH
and reach AGREEMENT. They re TOOLS for communicating.

Does that make sense AVG-JOE
Do you like that explanation or do you seek a different one?
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Here's my take- God is most often characterized as a "spirit" or non-physical entity. A seemingly known yet unknown "thing" in our realm of knowledge. So for the sake of my illustration let's assume that "God" is pure spirit. Pure thought and knowledge and all-encompassing. The creator of all of the physical.

This "God" was a singularity by nature. Existing in a non-physical formless spiritual state.

At some point "God" realized, or through an act of its spirit, became cognizant of an "other". That "other" was Eve. God is Adam. Not-God is Eve. And for an infinitesimal moment in non-time they existed in the same juncture. This was the Garden of Eden. That "same moment" of existence coalesced God and Not-God which begat the physical universe.

It took most of my 62 years to formulate this and I will take it to my death bed.

But in the end, remind yourselves- don't sweat the small shit. Do not lament your past for you can not change it. Better your future by not repeating your bad past.

The whiskey swiller has spoken.
Which one do you think that you like? I mean some think money is god and others think they are god. Just curious what's your preference?

I kind of prefer no God to anyone described by the human condition thus far...
Here's my take- God is most often characterized as a "spirit" or non-physical entity. A seemingly known yet unknown "thing" in our realm of knowledge. So for the sake of my illustration let's assume that "God" is pure spirit. Pure thought and knowledge and all-encompassing. The creator of all of the physical.

This "God" was a singularity by nature. Existing in a non-physical formless spiritual state.

At some point "God" realized, or through an act of its spirit, became cognizant of an "other". That "other" was Eve. God is Adam. Not-God is Eve. And for an infinitesimal moment in non-time they existed in the same juncture. This was the Garden of Eden. That "same moment" of existence coalesced God and Not-God which begat the physical universe.

It took most of my 62 years to formulate this and I will take it to my death bed.

But in the end, remind yourselves- don't sweat the small shit. Do not lament your past for you can not change it. Better your future by not repeating your bad past.

The whiskey swiller has spoken.
Good going Mr. H.

God is definitely a living spirit. Eve is a portion inside Adam= a human (more specifically talking about a red earth human). Adam can also be referring to humankind later in Genesis. Eve is that portion within that is conscience. The Bible scholars merely put 'life' in that description. Fully it is that portion in us that teaches us about how to breath life 'spirit'. The Bible also has rib written in it but the actual original word and spelling is riyb which is totally different than a bone from a human as so many have mistakenly taught over the generations.
Which one do you think that you like? I mean some think money is god and others think they are god. Just curious what's your preference?
I think being kind and telling the truth is God.
God is the spirit of purest form of love. A pure energy beyond what we can imagine. All have a piece in them but it does manage to get lost when we turn our backs the other way. Kindness is a portion of that but corrections which are also parts that cause strife and tribulations are what we see as humans when we are not going in the right direction.

Some of the trials, tribulation and strife are merely another step in the process of growing too!
But even Ass-U-Me-ing God...
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in his Harvard Address, "If, as claimed by humanism, man were born only to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to death, his task on earth evidently must be more spiritual: not a total engrossment in everyday life, not the search for the best ways to obtain material goods and then their carefree consumption. It has to be the fulfillment of a permanent, earnest duty so that one's life journey may become above all an experience of moral growth: to leave life a better human being than one started it."

Do you think you know more than he does?
I mean, on the Universal Scale, earth may be Mom to us, but she's a pretty common form of wet rock hanging on a sun-beam in space.
Gia The Earth Arch-Goddess is the foundation of all ancient Greek mythology.

She was the first and she existed forever. She supplies the anti-contradiction which in Modern Philosophy is filled by the Philosophy God, who is deist and indifferent to humankind.

Gia gave birth to her brother the Heavens.

Together they then gave birth to the other gods -- first the Primal elements like Ocean, Mountains, Rivers etc. -- then next the evil anthropomorphic gods the Titans.

The Olympians were the grandchildren of Gai and the children of the Titans, with Zeus and Poseidon and Hades as the 3 brothers who divided the Universe among each other.
The odds of any one of the three ancient Arab stories from earth that are driving our modern religion being the last Word on THE GOD of The UNIVERSE are slim, eh?

given that GOD represents infinite things beyond the scope of man,
nobody's depiction is going to capture ALL of GOD literally > that's impossible.
The most we can do is SYMBOLIZE the RELATIONSHIPS.

We can't capture infinity in numbers even if we counted forever.
We can use SYMBOLS
1 + 1 + 1 .....

That's the most we can, label things so we at least AGREE
what we MEAN.

The laws and languages you list above are for people of
THOSE GROUPS to communicate with each other and
AGREE on points and principles so they operate in unison.

Guess what secular people use? SCIENCE.
we use MATH AND SCIENCE as a common language

So that's all these religions are used to do.
They are relative like French, Spanish, etc. and speak to certain
audiences who share a certain cultural heritage in common.

You are like asking what are the chances of French being a true language or Chinese? None of these languages agree with each other! So what are the chances that they are correct?

Well they all work to speak to a particular audience that
understands and responds to THAT LANGUAGE.

So ALL OF THEM can be used correctly to convey TRUTH
and reach AGREEMENT. They re TOOLS for communicating.

Does that make sense AVG-JOE
Do you like that explanation or do you seek a different one?
Math and Time are inventions of mankind.

Science is a branch of Philosophy. Science is data and observation based and relies on inferences to draw conclusions.

Religion is ancient and wicked, the opiate of the masses, the manipulative tool of kings and queens, and today a major exploiter of people to separate them from their wealth.

Philosophy was the ancient Greeks' attempt to free themselves from superstition and religion.

Philosophy is my rock.

Science is my tool.

Religion is my crutch.
Sorry I could not put this into an ABC-CBA format like Herodotus does, but it would not fit.

ABCD-DBC has to fit.

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