I LOVE THIS, LOLOL~Annoy Liberals By Refusing To Care About Their Stupid Fake Outrages

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
They have nearly one faux outrage a day...remember how they belabored the fact that Ford needed compassion and to be "heard" when they needed a victim...now, nothing at all about her, why would this woman's problems suddenly disappear from public discourse if they are real?...
It's been like this for decades, but trump is exposing it and that's his real genius.
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They have nearly one faux outrage a day...remember how they belabored the fact that Ford needed compassion and to be "heard" when they needed a victim...now, nothing at all about her, why would this woman's problems suddenly disappear from public discourse it they are real...
It's been like this for decades, but trump is exposing it and that's his real genius.

Left loon "causes" and outrage changes by the week....depending on whatever their masters demand of them
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
I don’t care
Who said "fake outrage" was confined to liberals? James Woods tweeted this picture as being called "offensive" despite the fact that it's been posted many times without Twitter doing a thing about it. As a matter of fact, the only legitimate outrage I know of came from the photographer, Marine Sgt. Carter-Valrie, who complained that the pic had been photoshopped to make the flag appear at half-staff.

The story behind the photo: A U.S. Marine salutes the flag in Iraq

So true. Literally every time I say, "Did you hear?" to my husband after work he asks what ridiculous shit the lunatic left is crying about now.

My latest "favorite" reaction from him was about Milk being racist. He deadpanned for a moment then said, "Guess we might as well join the ANP, huh?" Doubly ironic as we drink a shit ton of milk around here, and both of our families came to America specifically fleeing Nazi Germany.
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.
McCain!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhh wahhhh
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.

ROTFLMAO!! It's not the lamestream media that is being demonized, videos de-monitized, shadow banned or outright deleted on social media for not falling for their propaganda. YOU are one of the sheeple.
I've heard /way/ /way/ more lefties calling the other side 'monsters' 'nazi's' 'white supremacists' and encouraging violence against them than I have the proud boy types spouting off for violence (and my husband imagines himself a proud boy type, he says he can't wait until some political nitwit tries something physical with him because he's not going to hold back.)
The best way to deal with the SJW-NPC-Snowflake Mob is to laugh at them while refusing to be censored, shouted down, intimidated in restaurants, etc.
Their tricks are exhausted and their ugly overplay of Kavanaugh turned a lot of fence sitters into Republicans.
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.

laughing-my-ass-off-smiley-emoticon.gif Thus sayeth a true LWNJ.
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.
McCain!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhh wahhhh
Try to make an intelligent reply next time.
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.

ROTFLMAO!! It's not the lamestream media that is being demonized, videos de-monitized, shadow banned or outright deleted on social media for not falling for their propaganda. YOU are one of the sheeple.
Wrong, and you prove it in your statement. "Lame stream media". You are the sheep, and your RWNJ gods are preparing to fleece you.
Great response. You can’t have a rational discussion with an irrational person. However, you can mess with their heads, it is so easy, just look at our ABNORMSLS here, naryba Anne one in the bunch!

Townhall.com ^


This may shock you, but I care less that a bunch of foreign barbarians killed a foreign barbarian supporter in a foreign country than I do about illegal alien foreign barbarians here in America killing Americans. A lot less.

This is yet another example of my – and perhaps your – shameless wrongthinking. I reject the elite’s fussy paradigm of Things That We Must Pretend Matter. I will stubbornly exercise my right not to get exercised over yet another outrage ginned up by people who are determined to manipulate me. It just ain’t happening.

As I explain in my hilarious and obnoxious new book, Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy, the elite thinks it has some sort of Gaia-given right to demand we join in its endless series of two-minute hates about the outrage du jour. But we’re woke, and it’s just not happening. We don’t care about the climate scam, or illegal aliens being sad about having to leave, or their cheesy charges against conservative jurists. It’s all a lie and scam. Notice how believing all women sure stopped being a thing the second Kegmaster Kavanaugh got confirmed? Right, Sherrod “Pimp Hand” Brown?

In the current convulsion, our moral and intellectual betters who make up our glorious elite are in a fake frenzy because Third World thugs are acting like Third World thugs. That Khashoggi guy was a journalist, damnit! Journalists are special! He wrote for the Washington Post, so he matters…not like that Kate Steinle girl, who was just some American who got in the way of a bullet fired by an illegal alien who the elite ensured was not deported. Everyone get mad, and then let’s cut loose our ally Saudi Arabia, which happens to be the long-term policy goal of the same liberal elite pushing this crisis. Weird how that works.

Oh, and how dare you mention that Khashoggi cavorted with Hamas and al-Qaeda types and generally loved radical Islam and hated America.

I’m not pro-chopping up political opponents, which I only feel the need to state because some willfully obtuse lib jerk is going to claim my refusal to freak out over bad people acting exactly like bad people act means I support chopping up political opponents. Chopping up political opponents is generally a bad thing, though I will not hold my breath waiting for the libs to, for example, cancel their holidays in Havana because the Castro clan has butchered tens of thousands of people for preferring freedom to tyranny.

I don’t care. And if you think that makes me a bad person, good. Then you won’t try to hang around me.

See, I reserve the right to decide what I care about. My caring, my choice. And I think I’ll care about things that matter to me, not things that liberal snobs care about.

I care about the interests of the United States of America more than the interests of foreign countries.

I care about Americans not being murdered here more than foreigners being murdered somewhere else.

I don’t care about the media’s peeves and whining. It brought all its misfortune upon itself with its bias, incompetence, and general scuzziness.

I don’t care about global warming. I’ll drive a gas guzzler if I feel like it.

I don’t care about someone’s preferred pronouns. He or she – pick one.

I don’t care about illegal aliens’ sob stories. Go home.

I don’t care about people who feel unsafe, unhappy, or unloved because of what I think, do, and say. Too bad. I will think, do and say what I please.

I don’t care, because I don’t feel like caring about your pet outrages, and you can’t make me.
You realize this is all part of the desensitization process the RWNJs are putting you tRumpkins through right now, don't you? They are removing your desire for freedom, starting with freedom of the press, so they can control you better.

If you kids don't wake up you're gonna end up virtually enslaved. Fortunately for you you will not even notice.

ROTFLMAO!! It's not the lamestream media that is being demonized, videos de-monitized, shadow banned or outright deleted on social media for not falling for their propaganda. YOU are one of the sheeple.
Wrong, and you prove it in your statement. "Lame stream media". You are the sheep, and your RWNJ gods are preparing to fleece you.

Dang s0n.....you are always in such a state of perpetual misery. Do you live in a ghetto s0n? Buckle up your chinstrap, stop wasting time blogging and get the fuck out! I mean c'mon now!!

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