I may be leaving soon........


Jan 29, 2011
On a vacation. Perhaps permanently. Perhaps temporary. I won't know until later. But if I am absent, I just wanted to say I did very much enjoy meeting y'all. Well...most of ya. :tongue:
I dunno. Wherever I can find that's rowdy and fun but not too nasty.
Um. No. I said I enjoyed SOME of the folks here. Have you not ever gone on vacation or left a job you liked and said goodbye to those you had fun with?
I see you now have a goodbye party AND a pity party started by yourself. Good luck with that. Try and get out more often. Life beyond the board. Huh, what a concept.
I see you now have a goodbye party AND a pity party started by yourself. Good luck with that. Try and get out more often. Life beyond the board. Huh, what a concept.

You can't read very well, can you?
And you might try to practice what you are preaching. You know, like telling me to get out more and there is a life beyond the board? Um. Why are you here? In this thread? waggling your wrinkly stubby finger?

I thought so. :cuckoo:
USMB is like a drug. You can get addicted to it at times, just look at the posters who seem to live here every minute of every day. You can go away for awhile but it may draw you back.
Door, ass, bye!

Fuck, you, Tard.

You're the one throwing your own goodbye party, how fucking lame is that.

Well, let's review.

We had Fail&Won'tGo who announced that he was leaving... I believe he cited his last day as being Nov 14, 2010. He's still here.... adding absolutely nothing to the forum other than his ridiculous (and embarrassingly pathetic) allegiance to the HuffPuff.

Then we had USCitizen, who announced that he was leaving for a better forum. Came back with his little tail between his legs.

Then we had Sidewhiner who threw a total hissy fit.... in his typical sad ass loser of the left style.... He changed his username and snuck back in and pretended to be someone else.

All brave liberals.... all did a dramatic exit... but never left.

Seems the score is

Whining lefties who can't leave 3
Right wingers 0
I see you now have a goodbye party AND a pity party started by yourself. Good luck with that. Try and get out more often. Life beyond the board. Huh, what a concept.

You can't read very well, can you?
And you might try to practice what you are preaching. You know, like telling me to get out more and there is a life beyond the board? Um. Why are you here? In this thread? waggling your wrinkly stubby finger?

I thought so. :cuckoo:

Look at your number of posts. I'm not addicted to the board like you. i'm not an attention hound. Two thread by you, two 'look at me!"'s. I can read and comprehend just fine. I know your type. Seek some therapy, or are you?
Fuck, you, Tard.

You're the one throwing your own goodbye party, how fucking lame is that.

Well, let's review.

We had Fail&Won'tGo who announced that he was leaving... I believe he cited his last day as being Nov 14, 2010. He's still here.... adding absolutely nothing to the forum other than his ridiculous (and embarrassingly pathetic) allegiance to the HuffPuff.

Then we had USCitizen, who announced that he was leaving for a better forum. Came back with his little tail between his legs.

Then we had Sidewhiner who threw a total hissy fit.... in his typical sad ass loser of the left style.... He changed his username and snuck back in and pretended to be someone else.

All brave liberals.... all did a dramatic exit... but never left.

Seems the score is

Whining lefties who can't leave 3
Right wingers 0

It's not about left and right. you'd be a dumb bitch no matter what side you fell on.
On a vacation. Perhaps permanently. Perhaps temporary. I won't know until later. But if I am absent, I just wanted to say I did very much enjoy meeting y'all. Well...most of ya. :tongue:

Well, I hate this! :( Hope it's temporary! Whatever you do, wherever you go...happy trails to you!
You're the one throwing your own goodbye party, how fucking lame is that.

Well, let's review.

We had Fail&Won'tGo who announced that he was leaving... I believe he cited his last day as being Nov 14, 2010. He's still here.... adding absolutely nothing to the forum other than his ridiculous (and embarrassingly pathetic) allegiance to the HuffPuff.

Then we had USCitizen, who announced that he was leaving for a better forum. Came back with his little tail between his legs.

Then we had Sidewhiner who threw a total hissy fit.... in his typical sad ass loser of the left style.... He changed his username and snuck back in and pretended to be someone else.

All brave liberals.... all did a dramatic exit... but never left.

Seems the score is

Whining lefties who can't leave 3
Right wingers 0

It's not about left and right. you'd be a dumb bitch no matter what side you fell on.

I'm pointing out that 'lame' is a matter of perspective. Now, maybe you weren't around for the above three failures and their 'drama queen' moments.... but, if you had, you'd know that Grace doesn't come close to those three fucking morons.

Hey, Grace, don't they have Internet where you're going? You can move somewhere else and still stay on the board, you know!!

I hope you do...stay on the board.

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